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<br /> � . i� -. _ , . . �. � . � � � . � . � . , . . _- . . • . . -
<br /> -- ='-����='�.�y��.l�fC QIS�CE S�I�1t C�LOS�If�BOf[OWCf 51lb�i0 Ld11�Ct�S_______. . ,.
<br /> ' '_ $� appmv�l�dt sballmt De imi+e�scnabty w�h�eib..i�Bq�rawer f�iis ta m�inMia roven�ge�esan'6e3 a�ove—,��y,'�-�__-�_''
<br /> Lsddet's opteon.obtaia oaverage ta_p�ntoct i.erder�s sights in the Ptupeny in accordance with paragrapt►7. `
<br /> A11 iat�uance policies ancl,naewals shait be accepaMe ta i�r ana st�t!incladc a st�nQaM tanrtgage c'Iwse. l.ender ,
<br /> - . sb�li 6sve t6e riglu to'hold ihe policies�sd ie�ewals. tf Lender�quires,Borrower shal!P�P�Y S�ve to l.cnder ali fix,�ipts
<br /> of paid�niums and m�wal nouces. In tl�e av�t of Ios.s.Barower shall give prompt noticx to the insurance carsicr aad •
<br /> � I.eader. Lendor�may mabe pmof oF Inss if aot ma�e P�P�Y.bY B�wer. . -
<br /> •-. Un1es's l.eadez and BoQUVVec.o�l�wise agr�ir►writing,eas�n�oce Pcncads�shall`be applied ta restoration a repair of
<br /> the Pmperty d�naged,if the restoration ar tepair is ceoaamical[y feasible and Lender's security is na�Iess�iecl. tf�fie �
<br /> rato�ation ar iepair is aot ecdamicalty feasi'6k or Leixkr's sacunty would 6e lesset�ed,tbe insurance ptoceeds shati be •
<br /> applieA to the sams senu�by tlus Securicy Instrumen�whether or na then dut,with�y exce'ss�aid to Borrovircr. If ' .
<br /> .— Barower abaodo�tlie Pcaperty:or does not aaswer within 30 days a naice fram Lender that the insucance carrier has
<br /> offered to satk�'ela�.then l.ender may collect the h�uance proceeds. Ixnder may use the proceeds to repair or testorc �
<br /> the Ptopeity ar LQ pay sums sa�ured by this Socurity Insaim�en4 whedxr or no!tixn due.The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> the naitiCt is givea ,, `
<br /> _ _.. . . .----- Unless Lender and Borrower utlierwise ag�_�wiiting,any.applicaaon of proceeds w principat shalt not extend or
<br /> - - --- postpo�re the3ue�e o��he monehly payrnerits rcfer�ed-to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt oP the payments:�€ - - -
<br />- nnder pa�rag�ple 21 the Pmperty is acqu�l by Lende�Bonlower's right to any insuranec policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> . fmm d�mage to the Prnpe�ty prior ta�he acquisi�on�all pass ta l.ender to the eaun[of the sums securcd iry this Security
<br /> Iratrutnentimmediately prior w the aa�uisition. '
<br /> ' f. Ocny�cy. Preservstic�. 1�ainteosnce �nd Protectbn oi t6e Propaty: Borrorrer's LoAn Appljcation:
<br /> � Lpnel�s.,:$airower shail occupy,.establish,and use the Plropeny as Borrower's principai residence within sixty days after
<br /> the exx�i of��s Secursty Tnsu�unent aad shal!continue w accupy Ux Prope�ty as Borrower's prinipaL residence for at
<br /> 3a►st cnc�S�ear aftier:t�ie.date of occupancy, untess Len�kr othenvise agcces in writing, which c��i"shall na be
<br /> u�on�d�uisT��iieWR�pntess extenuating ciu�nut�stances exist which are beyond Borrowers cm}me�,Socr.*awer shali not
<br /> ° . desuuy,.�e+Dr iz�ipair tbt Propercy.allow tbe PtopeRy to deteriorate.a commit w�aste on the.Pv��'�3or�wer shalt -
<br /> - be in deEak'':;��forfeiture�action orp�acading, whed�er cival or criminab is begua that in�'s good faith NdBmen� _
<br /> coutd res.:3 w fxE�re of the Ptapeny ar othenxise materFalty impair the lien cre�ated by this Sec�it�•Instiument or
<br />'���` Lenders sec7iiity�U�r. Bomnwer may cure s�rc6�defauJt and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.by c.�;'sing the action _
<br /> or'procceding to t�e�:yr;issed wit6 a mting th�in.�ndec's good faith dctrnnutation,Prcctudes forfeitureo€iS�e Borrowec� —_-
<br /> e
<br /> f=% imerest in the Propercy br other material impaur��t of the lien created by this 5ecurity Instrument or Lender's security ��=_
<br />'%�'`• intetesk Butrawer shall atso be in.def�u3t iY Horrpwer. during the loan application process. gave,macerially false ar -__�_—_�'-"� .
<br /> inaccurat�infoimation or statements to Etimder(or failed to procRd'e Lender with any material informarion)in connectian with --`-�
<br /> ' , the loam evidenced by the Note. including,but aot limited to.representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the �"`-=
<br /> ; �.Pmpeny as a principal residence. If this Security i�.s�'*ument is o�a leasehold.Borrawet shall comply with a!1 the provisions =
<br /> ' . :, af il�e.kase. if Borrower acquiies fee title tu the Fr��er_ry,the ic�sehotd and the fee title shall not merge untess Lender agrees
<br /> � to tC�e�nerger in writing. - . _.-_._.
<br /> _ 7 �s�te�tion ot I,ender•s Riahts in the Proye'Ep. d�`$oirower fail$to perfortn the covenants and agreemecets
<br /> cantained in this Security Mstrument.or there is a tegal pracee�irtg that maq significantly affect Lenders rights in ti�e
<br /> � Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.pro6ate.for condersmation ar forF�itute or ta enforce taws as regulafio�s),�n i�
<br /> . ' Lender may,do and pay for whatever is necessary to pratect the value of the Fr.zpercy and C.'ender's ri�a�in the Property. - _
<br />- . - l.enders actionc may include paying any sums secured by a lien whicb has priority over this Security ins�su�r�ent,appeanng �'�'�_�
<br /> in court,paying reasonabte attomey.s'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lendet ritay take action �'��:
<br /> �_..�_�___
<br /> under this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. �
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragnph 7 shall became adaitional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> '-:�_���;"'
<br /> Seeuriry lastrument. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to olher terms of payment.thcsc amounts shall bear inierest from the �._�,__
<br /> - ' date of disbursement at ihe Note rate and shall be Qayable.witb interest,upan notire f'rom Lender ta Borra�rer requesting :.;,,,___
<br /> = paymenti :.__.
<br /> ��- � S. Mortg,age Insurance. If Lender reyuire�rortgage insurance ati u condition of making the toan�rcumd by this - °
<br />= ' .�; Security Instrument,Boirower shall pay the premiU:�y requirai ro mainiAin the mortgage in�urance in effect. If, for any �" _'
<br /> reawn. the mortgage insuranre coverage required by [.ender i:�5es or ceases m he in effect. Borrower shall Qay the .� :
<br /> ; pre�niums requircd to obtain coverage wubstantiully equivaF��: a�the mortgage in�urance previausly in effec�at a cost ' 's''�:�•
<br />._� �� substanllalty eyuivalent to the cost to Harrower�f th:morcr,�_�i:�surance p:e.zou�ly in effec[,from an alternate martgage � ,�;'.-'-„
<br />_�;�_;: insurer approved by Lender. If substantially cyui�•:::��t m.c�:��aze intiurance vac:::a;c i�n��t s�vailable.Borrower shall puy to ` w...��,
<br /> . , Lender eazh month a sum eyual to ane-twelfth af�:ae yearh�r.�ar.aage insura:sce'prcmium being paid hy Barrower when�he ��t�.�'���'%
<br /> �, insurance coverage iapsed or ceaxed to he in effect. i.endep wili aticpt,use and retnin thcse�y?nents as a loss reserve in liea -�;��
<br /> of mortgagc inxurance. Lass re�+erve payments ma} n�longcn c�rcquireA,at the op�ion of i.cnder,if martgage inyurance ''_�`.F�:x
<br /> ... ,; ..�
<br /> coveragc(in the amount and for the perial that Lc-S:r t�yuire��providcd hy a�insurcr approved by Lendet again becamcs • _
<br /> � available and is obtained.Barrawcr shal!pay thc p�_.^ium�rcquired t�maintae^�Tnngagc insurancc in cffe�,or to provide a ''
<br /> • . loss reserve,until the reyuiremenl far mnrtgage cn�r::ace ends in accord�nce w i;;�any written t�grcemrnt'�:��en Burrawer �� �.� .
<br /> . ' and l.cr►der or applirablc law. '
<br /> . :�3 9, inspectlon. l.cndcr ar its ageat may r.;»:�e reax�m:�b1e eatrir�upon and inrpectianx of ihc Propeny. Lrndcr yhall - .
<br /> F' give Borrower nntice.at the timc of or prios to an ir.�tiectimi ti�:ciC; ar n ati�+nuble rause for�".e:a�pecticm. •
<br /> 10 Condemnation. Thc pnxcrd.of any t.�a;d or claim fur damagey.et:rcct or con.cc;uenti:il.in cvnnrctiun with,�ny , • .
<br /> . tiinglc Fanuly-FaeaklfaeffceAdie�fac l'�IFI)It�1 I�tiTRE 1!ff'�`i•-1'nd��rr.i('�rocnanl. 9140 rp��gr i r j�,�,u;��v �'- - .
<br />.� ' � . �• crart Intry xmin(:ty Y�xlll�.hlt.• ' .-
<br /> . . Is.P�ckr('nil I�fitMt.;36A7.�C:CAt 1:111�7�tt41'�I .
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