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<br /> � -_ . . _ � , . . . . _ . � - - ° `� - .- - - �
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<br /> __ �.�en'or dtjcr pf m of the .oc fac canveyance in lteu of co�emestion.a�e hei+eby assi8n�d a�d
<br /> - ` -.�..._.__� _ _----=-t�Ein$.. Y W�._.=�y �, : - � - — - --
<br /> - stvU be paid to Lender. • shall be a t�ed ta the sums seco�by this Securicy .
<br /> In the eveat of a total taicing uf t�e PtopertY•�P�O�� �
<br /> � In,muu�n�whether or aat then due.with any eacess'paid co Borrower. 1n the event af a partia{taking of the Pinpeny in
<br /> which the fair marlcet va[ne of the Property immediately 6efae t!u t�CinS is e4ua1 to ar grcatcr thamthe 3mo�ult of the sums�
<br /> secunod by'this SGcuritY Insawnent immediatety 6ofair the talcing.unless Boc[nwer and Lender utGerwise agee irt IYnElqg, �
<br /> the sums secuted.6y this Security Inswment shatl be reduceci by the amount of the procoeds muit�plied by the foUuwing
<br /> � ftaction: (a)tEae cntal amount of the sagns secu�+ed immediatety 6efote the taking.divided 6y Ib)the f�r marlcel vaIue of the
<br /> ptaperty imcnedi�tety before t�e talring. MY b�1a�e,shail be paid�to Borrowsr. fn the gveat o€a.�t talctng •
<br /> pmperty in which`the fair maricqt vatue af the H�perty immediate{y before the taking is less tlsan the amo�mt of the sums
<br /> secuced immediately befote tt�e tak�t� unless 8ortuwer and Lender nthen��e ab'�1°�'�g°r uatess applicabte law
<br /> �������������ia���s secu�d by this Security Insuument wkether or not the sums are
<br /> , t6en due.
<br /> �f tbe Aropemr�S a6andoned tsy.8omower,or i�:after noeice by l.ender ta Borrower tt�at the conde�nnor offers to m�ke
<br /> an award ar settle a claim for damages.BoROwer fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aRer the date tt�z natice is given.
<br /> � i,�dcr is�uthoriud to colkrt aad apply the proceeds.at iu option.eiti�er tn restoration or repair of the Prapeny or to the
<br /> -= - sums secut�eed by tiiis Securiry Insirament,wiiether or not then due. - --------- - -- --- - - -
<br /> Unkss Lender and Barowe�'°�������t��'�y appUc�ion of ptnceeds to principal sha!!uot eatend or
<br /> = postpone the due date of the mo�nhtS'PaY�nts refe�.m m paragtapNs!and 2 or change the amount aE such�Kments. .
<br /> ll. Barmwec Nac.Rdeaxd; F�eoe $Y ua�r � s Watver. Extension of ihe:tiine €"�r.�;a,:.�+men[ or
<br /> =- modification of amonizatian of the sums secured by this Security ia.�urt�ent granted by I:ender Y�s aay sucressor 9n intetest
<br /> - of Bortower shalt noropetate ta releasc the liability of the brig�;i&�rrowcr or Bortower's su�ors in interest.l-ender.
<br /> -- . shaU s�ot be reqnired m cammence proceedings a�aaY s�t.'�'�n m�e�es�°i�fu�s°�-''`�il Gme for payment or _
<br /> _ - �r�se mudify amortization of tf�e sums secared by.t�:5e�'�:?st�men!by mason of any d�nd made by the origin�l �„�,,.
<br /> - Bo�suwer ar Barower s successors in inte�s� Any�.�.'����L.�der is�e�eecrising any r-.�St 4F remedy shall not be.a • °__ _--
<br /> waiver oi or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy..'.' •'=��• ' �• � ` The covei:a�".s and agreements af tiiis . . �� _
<br /> 1Z.�Suooes�as aa�Assi�s Baand:Joint aed Seve;all�;Co�s�gners. � -
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and 6enefit the successors and a'ssigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the provisicros af ---
<br /> paragraph 17.Barrower's fovenanu and agreements shall be joint and several.My Borrawer who casigns th�s Security �"�-"�r
<br />_ - Insuume�bat does nat eaecate the 1�tae: ta)is co-signins this SecuritY tnsuument only t�mortgage.P,rant and convey that 'r;-{_.,�•°` �
<br /> � �'� Borrower's interest in the Pruperty under the temu of this Security Dnsaumeai: tb)is not petsonaUy obiigated to pay ihe sums -, �:. _
<br /> ,�.<,;
<br /> secuied 4sy this Security Instrumen�and(c)agees that Lender and any other Borrower may agme to extend,mod�fy,forbear ..� ._.,�_:
<br /> �?�, ar nyake any accommodations with regard to thc terms af this Security Instrument or.the N�'�:without that Borrower's . , : :���_;__-
<br /> �=�-� �consent. ''_�;-
<br /> . .13, ��C�rg�. If the Ioan secured by this 5ecurity Inserument i.S subject to a la.� �:isi�sets maximum laag� __ _ _
<br /> :aitarges,and that law is fu�aUy interpreted so that ti�e interest or other loan charges collected or tcSbe collected in cortnection _�_
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted limit��,then: ta)any sucb loan charge shall be reduced by the ar�oant necessary to reduce =_��,s!-
<br /> = - • the charge to the pertnitted limit:and(b�a►y sums atmady collected from Boirawer which exce�:�permitted limi�s will be � £
<br /> -°'- � nfunded ta Borcawer. [.ender may chaas�ru make this refund by crducing the principal owed u,-�:��he Note or by making a `,�;��:
<br /> �;r"°,, s„�', p�'I'ia�PrePaYttt Y .
<br /> ;�;, ,di r e c t p a y ment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be aeated�.s a ent without an ,. .�. ..
<br /> � '��� prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> :.=��::�.� -;;
<br /> . -" i;,;i� 14. Notices. Any nottce to Barrower pravided for in this Security Intitrument shall be give�by deliverins it or by , : _
<br /> , `•,=°.:�. � mailin g it b y fir�t class mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad.The natice shall Ge directed ro the Properly _
<br /> �', ,:'�: Address or any other addre�s Borrowcr designates by na tice to L e n d e r. A n y n o t i c c t o L c n d e r s h a l l b e g i v e n b y f i rs t clacs ._
<br /> mail to I.ender's address stated herein ar any ather addrezti Lender designates by notice to Borraner. Any natice provided for
<br /> ; in this Security in�tcument tihaA be deemed to have been given ta Borrower or L.ender when given �s provided in this ,.
<br /> �:� P�S�Ph' � _"
<br /> 15.Goveraing Laa;Severability. This Securiry lnstrumcnt shall be govemed by federal law And the taw af the _
<br /> - _;:k, jurisdiction in which the Property is tarated. In the event that any provisicm or.duuse of this Secu�ity Instnsment or the l�Iute � ��,:�
<br /> - - ��•% eonflicts�rs�*.appiieabfe la+v,such co�f�ca zhall nat affect ather praL:..:on.c of this Security In�t��ient or the Note whieh can :,.� �. ; ;�
<br /> .;_,. • .
<br /> ' '�''.� be given efS'ect without the conilictin��.acision. 7b thiti end ti�e�--�vi�iam of this Secnr:^ti_Inytrumem and the Note�re _
<br /> ' I...i:'� —
<br /> ''''" declared to be severable. • 4 °
<br /> �;:; " ; . -
<br /> 16. Boerower's Copti. Borrowcr shall be given a^�conformed copy oi thc Note und af thiz Security Inslrument. . . ::� _
<br /> � �''�% 17. 7iranster ot the Property oe a Bcneflcial i��est in 8orrawer. lf all or any pan of the Propeny oc any interest in ' ,,. . ;_
<br /> �� it is soid ar transferrcd(ar if a bencfieial interest in Barrower is sald or transferred aad Barrowcr is not a natural person) -, .._;o.._. _°.
<br /> rf .
<br /> '• without Lca�3rri:prior written consen4 L.endcr may.s�t its aptian.reqairc immediAtc paymert.t^full nf�Il sums secured by '
<br />°',,' ' thi�SecwS:y�SSirumcnt. Nowever.this apiion sh��li nrn be exercised hy Lcndcr if exercixe s��ci�ibitcd by federal law�s of �'' • . � ��
<br /> • � �.,;� . ` , .
<br /> . . �?: the date of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> lf Lender exercises this optian.Lender�hall gire Borrower natice af uccete~:,-��a. 7'!�e n�tice tihall pravide a perial of
<br /> " ` t. �.., not lesw thun 30 days from the date Ihe n�tice is dclivcred or maitect within whic�Bo:rnwer rapst p:+Y:dl�ums�ecured by thiti ,_
<br /> ,;;; ,,. �:�, Security lnstrument. !f Borrowcr Pailti tu pay thetic sum�prior to�hc cxpiration af�biv pe.^:ad.l.cnder may invc�ke any
<br /> ` ::;': '��:"'•1'�•�;:, remedies permitted by fiis Security instrumcm withuut fu�ther notice o*dem:tnd on Borrow•er. ,`•'r
<br /> �'"�• ��"��'��: 18. Borrower'q Right to Reinstate. If H��rrower mcets cr::::n c�rndition+. Burrau�=�'.�U have thc right to have . ;:,`<
<br /> ,�;�.
<br /> _#�;, enforrement of this 5ecurity lnstrume�c diticontinucJ at s�ny time pri��r ta�hc rarl;�r of: (a���ay+lur�uch othrr peri�xi a� ,
<br /> ' ` � , Singic F:imily--Vunnir�t�elpteAdle Hac I;�IPI)N!111�tiTRf tli�'i••t'n;forn�C�+vcn�m, 4,'�lll ipr�,r��,f�,puic.�
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