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<br /> �c�aaation a od�er t�Yl�af an�r�of dr4 P►vpeRY.cx far caweyance ia tieu of condanaiion.ace linebY issip�ad+n� _ - -
<br /> _._ . —..._�-------_.
<br /> _ T -` - _ - — �1W1 be� cvent of a tatJ taldng of tl�e`Pmperly.the pcocoeds sha116e applied m tiie sums aecured f►y this 5ecurity " � `1
<br /> - ��a not�hen du�witb aury excess p�id ta Bamwer. !n ahe eveat of a partixl;ptking of the Propetty�n
<br /> - whicA the fair m�et value of tht Ptope�ty ima�adiatsty 6efa�the t�ng is equal to ot g�atee�han Elie amount of the si�ms :
<br /> ` sec�a+cd by this Securiry ts�strument immediately befoae�he nking.uakss Bormwer and Lender otherwisa agree in wridng.
<br /> .� � the sams savKd by this Secariry.tnsuumrnt si�ll b�e reduced by the amoutn of thc proaedc multiglied by thc following
<br /> f�action: (a)tLe tatal aa�ount of tGe sdms secuc�d immediuety befae tlte[aking.divided tsy(b)t1x ftir marictt vaiuc of the
<br /> ptnpertY'smmediaeely befae cfie taking. My bai�nce shatl'�e paid to Ba�rov�ar in th�event of a psrtia}f�lcing�o€thc -
<br /> plroperty ie vphicB tbt fair mart�et vatue af the ProPectY immodi�tely befae t1�e taking is less than�he.aawunt af the snass -
<br /> setwed immodiauly befae t�e taking, uakss Hfltmwer attd i.ender at6erwise a�e in wnting or uatess applicabk law
<br /> odierwise puvides.tt�e pro�xeds siuili be appGed to the sums"secured by this Security Inswment alxther or noE the sums are
<br /> tliat due. .
<br /> If�e PFaperty is abandoned by 13artuvaer,or if,after n�tice by L'nder z�Bocrower that tAe condemnor offers ta make
<br /> an awud or senie a claim for damages.Barmwer f�ils to respond to Lender urithin 30 days after the date ttie nocice is givrn.
<br /> �nder is authorized to colkct at�d apply-d�_p�eeds�at its option,eitber tfl.restaratioa ot riepair of 1be Y�ape�cy or to the �
<br /> - _ sums secuted by this Serurity In�urt�ent,wlietl�er ar not tl�en due. --
<br /> U�s I,�nde�and gcxrower ot}�wise ag�ec in writing,any application of praceea�to principat shall not eaund or �
<br /> postpooc the due dste of the monthlY payments t�eferied ta ia paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> �y Eorrara Not Rekssrd; Forbesr�u�oe sy l�ender NM_� Wsiver. Extensioq of:thc time for payment or
<br /> modific�on of a�n��rrtia�of tbe sums sa.`ured by this Secwiry Instiumeoe granted by Lec�er to any sucezssor in interetit
<br />_ �of Bannv�er sba11"not c�pera�te u�nlease the liabilnY of the original Botrower or Borrower's s�Gecessors in inter�est.Lender
<br /> = shall nat�be�uQed ta commer�ee pmceed'a�&s against any socces.wr in inte�est or refiue to eatend time for payment or
<br /> oti�rwise modify anw�.ation of d�e sums secuned by lhis Securiry instrument by reason nf any dema�xl made by the uriginal
<br /> , g��,a a g�w�?����s��nte�st, pny for6ear�ce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a
<br /> waiver of or proclode tbe exentise of any dght o�mnedy. ,•� � �
<br /> 12, Saocemors a�d A�Boa�rd:Jd4►t an�i Several Li�billtp;Co-sgaers. 77�e caveru���d agrcements of this
<br /> _ Securiey Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors�nd�signs of Leader and Barrower,subject to the.provisions af
<br />=- pa�agragh 17.Bomower's covenanu and agc�eraents shafl be joint artd several.Any Bortower wha co-signs this Security ___
<br /> �but does rtoe eaecute tbe Note: f a)�S co-signin8 this SecuritY�umet�t ont y to martgage,pant and convey that �L
<br />. BomaauPs interest in the Property under the terms of this 5ecurity instrumen� (b)is na[personalty obligated to pay the sums �=_-
<br /> secured by this Securiry lnstrument:and(c1 ag►�es that l.ender a�any other Borrower mAy agree to extend.modify.forbear �:=-_-
<br /> o=malce any accommodations with cegacd to the tertns of this Secarity Insuument or the Note�withoat that Bomov�er's =`-�
<br /> - consen� , _ ��
<br /> l3, Loan Cbar�es. If the loan secured by this Security In.mUment is saisject to a law which sets maximum loan _
<br />`-}�° charges,and that law is finaAy intergreted so that the interest or ot1�laan ciearg�.'s collected or to be col2ected in connection
<br /> with tiie toan eaceed the pem�itted tiinits.then: (a)any such loan charge shalt be reduced by�am�wrtt necessary to mduce
<br /> - the charfiz w the permitted limi�ae:-��4�it any sums already coqected fram Borrower which e�.�eded pern►Iaed limits will de
<br /> al
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may cn�ose to malce this refund by reducing the principal owed under tfile Note ar by making u
<br /> dircet payment to Borrower. lf a refuad reduces principal,the reduction will be ueated as a partial prepayment�ithout any
<br /> ,� : prepayrrlent charge under the Note.
<br /> � . !4: Notkes. Any notice to Barrower provided for in this Security instrument shall be given by delivering it or by �_,
<br /> mailing r by first cla�.s mail unless applicable taw requires use of another method.7'he notice shall be directed to the Property ��___
<br /> � Addmss a�any other address Borcower designates by natice cc�3�nder. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class ��:
<br /> fi5
<br /> mail to L.ender's add.*�ss stated herein or any ather address l.ertdrr designates by natice to 8orrower. Any nosice provideA for �.�-
<br /> in this Securiry lns�'.�;ent shall be deemed to 6aEe been given ta Borrower or l.ender when giverr ac provided in this �_,
<br />_ ��-
<br /> . paragraph. • -
<br /> 13, Governing Law;Severab'�F+t}: 'C�iis Se�uriry Instrument shall be govemed b� _°,ederal law and thc luw of the �'�;s,:.
<br /> iurisdre�:c:s in whlch the Property is��.:�ted. in the event that a..��sovision or clause of th'sY S�curity Instrument or the Ntote _
<br /> canfl;c".:r�ith applicable law.such conflict�hal!not affect o�heF�3visianc af this Securit}G��:sment or the Nate which can �.',�,,
<br /> � _ , be given effect without the canflicting provician. To ihis end i:*r:pravisions of this Seci:r`:��n�trument and the Notc are �; ;.,;
<br /> �, declared to be severablc. � � '� ::-
<br /> ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Barrower shaU be given ane conformed cnpy of[!:c Note and of�his Securicy Cr�'.rument. .,,�
<br /> 1Z '7'ransfer of the Property or a Beneticial lnterest in 8orrower. If aU or any part of the Pra�•�any interest in ,;�;-<
<br /> it is smld ce.transferted(or if a benefirial intere+t in Bortaa�er s�;spld or transferred and Be��ow�er is c��:�natural person> _ .,
<br /> � withoct L�.�der's prior written consen4 Lender mAy.at its aptn..rt:.require immediute paym•�rt::.'fut!af a't��umc�+ecured by ;. _�;_-
<br /> thls 5eeutity Insnv�s.'c't. However,tbis aptian shall nnt be exe.�ired by l.ender if exercise:+t.c�hibi:e�4 C�v,::deral law aw oi . _ _
<br /> - the date of this 5vcurit'y/nstrument. • ¢.��� �
<br /> if l.ender exe:=�ses this option,lander shall give Barrnwer natice of ttrceleratiun. 7'he natice sha:.p�'avide a petiad of (�,1,,.
<br /> ' not tesx than 3U days from the d•rte the notice ic delivcrcd or maifcA within�vhicb Borrower rtc>r pay all�um.secured by this
<br /> ,--- 5ecurity Instrument. If Borrower fails ta pay theye�umz prior to thc expira�i��n of thiy perivd.Lender may invake any `
<br /> r • re�ediey permitted by this Security Imtrument without funher r.atice or demand on liorm�ver. ��' '��,,
<br /> �t 18. Horrower's Right to Reinstata If &�sr'owee meets certain conditiuns.Burrower�haq have the rigM to have
<br /> • enParcement of this Secunty Instrument discontinu�at any time prior to the carlier vf: IiU S duy�(ar surh nther period ati ��•1 .��
<br /> '44.
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