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<br /> - a• - -� ��...�,�;T��-�T�t!�!�-�t?rjividina H�e insmnooe shail be chas+rn bY Bonowc_r_bub�to I.er�der�s - --
<br /> - - ����
<br /> s �.,,...._�- _. ..
<br /> = appraval wfikh s1u�U not be�on�biY withheld- If 9om�+�er aits w mau�tau�coverag+e =�r!� �:T -
<br /> I,eaderts optia�.obtsin coverage Ea Pcot�ct�de��tights in thc P�+npe�ty in accoFdance w�th WnS�Ph T• ` , . .
<br /> � AU insuranct policies and rer�ew�ts shs11 bcacctpu�6k to t.ender and.sluU imtud��standatd matgage clause. Lender
<br /> shall Iuve the right Fo hotd t!x paiicies and�enewats. if E.tndor retryises.Bo�uKer shaU promptlg giv�to l.Endu atl seceipts _ • ,.
<br /> � of paid p�enuum4 aed t�enewal naices. In ohe cvmt of Mss.Borrower sha11 give prompt notice to thc insur.u�ce casicr and
<br /> ' � I.a�der. Ixnder may mal�e p�oc>f of tos�if not made P�P�Y hY B�wer. ' : .
<br /> • `U�s f.ader and Boanwer aUx�vvIse agnx in tivriting�+-!±��*�!�+proa;eds shali be apptied m mstorrtion or iep�ir of
<br /> �p�ope�ty dama�ed,if the tes(o�tion or repair is ecanoin�caily feasibk and Lender's secunty-ix nc�t tessered [f the
<br /> ' restotatian a np�ir is not,ecaamirapy feasebk or Lender§security'would f�e�essened.the insar.uue proceeds shall bo
<br /> . appliod w the sums secuttd by this Security Insirument,+uhether or na thea due.with any excess paid to Bwmwer. if
<br /> go�nwa�bondcx►s the ptapeR�r or�oes not answer wiihin 30 days a notice from Lcnder that the insuranee carrier t�as
<br /> offerrd to.settle a claim:then Leoder may colltce thc�sur.once proceods. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or 4esto�
<br /> � the or to pay sums secuned 6ry this Socurity.Insuumem.wlxther or aot ihen due. 'fbe 30-day ptnad wiil begin wlsen
<br /> -- . �he�Sivrn-
<br /> Uakss lrender and Bormwerirtherwis�.agree in writing.any application of pcoceeds co princiQal shaIl not eatend or
<br /> _ — postpone the due date of d�ee uant6lY PaYmenu ref�rted to in pazagraphs!an�2 or ctrrnge tfx amount of she payments. i�- �-____.—
<br />-- - � w�der puagr,�ph 21 the Ptapetcy is acquired Iry I,eisdei.Bomower's rig6t to any insurance poticies and pcoceeds resulting
<br />_- � frat�d�na�s to d�e P�aperty prior ta the acqufsiUon shall pass to Lendrr to ihe excent of the sums secured Ay�his Seeudty
<br /> -_ � Instr�tment nm�r�edimlg prior tn the acqui�ition. --_--
<br /> f.� Uocuparicy, Preserfatio0. Mai�tea�ce and Protectioo ot the Property: Barnvra's Loae Applkatlom, --
<br />- L�.�seboids Sormwer shatl accupy,estabtish..and use thc Property as Borrawei s principTl residence within sixty days after �---
<br />= the executian of this Security Tnsuurnent and shall continue to accupy the Property as Bor►'nwer s principaP residence for at =-__----
<br />-- leasc aoe year after the da�e af accupancy. untes3 I.ender othecwue agt�ees in ariting, which cc�dsent shall stot be �=�
<br /> -- uoieasanaMy�vithbetd,or unkss extenu�ting cmcum�tances eaist which are beyond Barrower's control. Boaower shal!not �c,�.
<br /> - destioy,dan�age or unpair the Ptuperty,apow the Property to deteriorate.or co�nmit wati'te on the Property. Bam4�shaU �==�
<br /> - be.�default if any forfeiture action oc procerding.whether ci4i7 or criminal,is begun that in Lender's gaad faith judgment . ___�- -
<br />- coutd resuit in forfeiture of the Properey or alhenvise materialty im�air the lien created by this Security Instrument or � �. .
<br /> - Leqder's security inteties� BorroRer may cure such a defaait and reinstate.as pravided in paragraph 18,by c�using the action ���_;
<br /> o?�"iioceedin to be dismissed widi a ruling ttr�t.itti Lertder�s goo�!faith determenaeion.precludes fo�fcituce oi the Bomnwer's . �°�=�=�-=
<br /> P 8 �.'
<br /> . inte�est in the PropeRy or other material impaimient of the tien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's s�rurity `�::��F�._:
<br /> � inttrest Borrower shall alsn be in default if'Bomov►er. during the lnan application process. gave materialty fafse or`. ��'�.;xF.• .
<br /> • � inaccurate infom�ation or statements to Lender(or failed to pcmide Lender with su►y materiai information)in wnnectian with �;�:=;;:Y
<br /> 'f�''- the loan evidenced by the Note. incJuding,but not limited to, repc�esentations cortceming Borrower's- occupancy �f�the -• ��•
<br /> 'K•r � `� ;�.w-�;`J
<br /> � p[operty as a principal residenec. If this Security lnstrument is on a leacehold.Borrower shall compiy with all the provis'sons _ - �.y..r.__
<br /> ' of the lease. If Sotrower xquires fee tide to the Property.the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge untess Lender agrees .
<br /> .. to thc mcrgcr in writing. �_"�'�"'��
<br /> • 7� protaetbn of I,eode�r's Rigbts in the Prapect� if Bolrow•er fails to perform the covenants and agreemen�s
<br />' contained in this Security Irrstrument. or�here is a tesal proceeding that may signifccantly affect Lenderti righ�s in the �'s�;
<br /> Property(such as a praceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation or farfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then • `,;~.
<br /> F Lender may da and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue oF the Property and Lenderti righ�ti in the Propc�rt}. �,�,?+�:;
<br /> n; l.ender's xtions muy include paying any sum1 secured by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrumem,appearing •�� �; :
<br /> in cautt.payin rcatonable attome s'fees and enterin on thc Pro rt to make re airs.Althou 6 Lender ma takc actiun �-���`
<br /> . ;. .-:�--
<br /> . g Y S Pe Y P € Y •� •c.;,
<br /> :?;.�.• � under this paragapA 7.L.ender dces not have to do so. ` '•''''
<br /> `+ .(J�' cr ' .
<br /> Any amoun�s disbuned by Lender under thi�paragraph 7 tihall became ad�itional debt of Banawer secured by this
<br />- ' Security instrument. Unless Horrower and Lender af;ree to ather terms nf payment.the+r amounts.rhall bear interest fram the 'r y_�' .
<br />: . ' ';�: date of disbur5ement at the Notc rate and�haU be payabte,with interest.upon noticc from l.ender to Borrower rcqur+ting
<br /> •`; -- PaYmen� - -
<br /> �' ' S. MoMgage Insuraooe. if Lender required mortgage insurance as A condition af making the taan secured by�his . .
<br /> t.;_ _� Secarity tnurument,B�aau�er shAll p�y the premium�required h�maintain the mortgage insurance in effec�. If,for siny '
<br /> :��;`'�` - reason. 1he martJage imurance coverage reyuired by Lender lapses nr ce:�.�e� to be in rffec�, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> �s- . , . , .
<br /> '�`��-:,,� premiums req�s:d to obtain coverage�ub�t:.^tial[y equivalem to Ihe m��ngage in�uraace previously in eifect, at a cotit• , �_.
<br /> substantially equivalent to the c'atit to Borr�.��af th�mortgage intiur:�nce pmvi��u,ly in effect,from an altemate mongage •'' -��
<br /> ` insurer approved by Lcnder. Ii�ubstantially eq�iva'.znt rR�.rtgage intiurancc cavcrage iti nin available.Harruwcr sh�ll pay to i ��
<br /> ..�.:_
<br /> . ' �'� __�'_�.
<br /> � �nder each month A tium cqual tn�mc-twclith of the r��;�.�ly martgage in�urancc prcmiu�n being paid by Barrower when Ihe '_:;�_.:
<br />. ' , s�•:i; . i.�suranee coverage lapsed nr cea�ed t��t+e in effect. Lrnder will accept.ure and retuin the+e paymemr as a Iotiv reserve in lieu
<br /> ��° . of mortgage insurance. .l,otiti re�erve payntenis may n�Ivnger h:,re�Fiire�i.:u�he nption af Lender:if mongaae insurance
<br /> '';. covetage(in���:amount and for the penc�d thal I.cnder rcyuire.r)pravideQ hy un in.rurcr appmved b� Lender again tsecamc�
<br /> ':�••:
<br /> ,,,.,,. available an�iy obtaincd.Borrawcr shall�a,::tc premium+rcquired to maintain manga�e in�urancr in cffec�.�r ta pravidC a
<br /> :�,ti.,.,'. .,.�.'� Gs:s reserve,ur.*:I the reyuire:�ent for mor.�aY�ir..ura2:r end�in acc��rdancc a•ilh any wriu�n agreement hetcveen Borrower : �
<br />' $.,���,:,�: ;. ;;' „�ad Lendetora��:ic:.�:e Saw.
<br />- . `';��<;�i:.'.�.� `� .- 9. Insger�iun. l.ender ar itt agcm may makc rcati�mablc cmri��.upun:+nd i::��:ctiun�ot'thc Proprny. L.cnder.hall
<br /> ' -- :�'y�'MT�t��.;��: give gorroucr notice at the time nf or priar*.cs•a�inspcction.�xcifyin„rc�.nn,tiblc a::_t:1'nr the in�pccti�n. •
<br />� �j,:, 10. ('ouQemnation. Thc prucccd�o;;�;}•award or claim fur 6:una,c�,dirrc�ar con�ec�u�-::_•1�.in c�mncction with any
<br /> cr,�:s•.�'. r. .
<br /> -r, ���- ,'%r tiinglr Ivmity-�}•annle tladFnddie�lac 1"VIFUR�l I�w'fRl'�1F:�'6- t mfnuu Cuticueul. 4;W1 �pa.��t n/I,pu�r.i
<br /> �'''-6.�'�'"� �R�.ttthtr+kuame��fmru �,�.� .
<br /> � � ���-'� -�'� ' 'To IK�ki fall Npllk'�.lft4.t�I1-�}'S'n.rr796113! ' .
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