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<br /> ' ' P�YS �r aU s�s whicb tbrn wonid be due under this Secnrity Lutrument aad�Ne Note ac if no xrelpatiat had
<br /> � o�cuRed;t tb)cuces a�y defauh af any dher covenant4 or�groanents:Rc)Pays ai1�xpenses incumed in mfacing this Security
<br /> ` � I�ota�ai�iocluding.lwt aot tiuu�ted t0.r�asona6le atta�neYs'fets:and(�takes such�ction as I�etr�er a�aY reason�btg_ .
<br /> t�equQe.to assu�e tbat the lien of ti�is Seciuiry Insbumen�i.ender's rights it�t6e Ptapetty aud Boctower s obli�cion tQ pay tix
<br /> i � � by � �CU�ity 1nsh�u�nt sh�lt rnntinue unchu�gM. Upon reiastatement by Barower. dtis S�tuitY
<br /> `� ` �ap�t aad tbe obl'sguioas.sewrcd trenebY stw11 nm�i�t fully effective as if no accelaauon 6ad occurre�. However.this
<br /> � right to teia�le shall not appty in ch�case of accekcatioo under puagrapl�i?. _ . with this.Securit� .
<br /> I! Sste at Note,Chs�e d l.ai S�wioe� The Note ot a ptitiot intecesC in tAe Note tto8�
<br /> � Insu�ent)mag 6e sold aoe ar more times without ptiar notiee to Borrower. A sale may resait in a ch3nge Ia tt�eotity
<br /> (knorvn�s the"l..mn Setvicer")that cdlects monthiY Palm!erus due widenhe Note and this Sec�m'ty(nstrtiment. There atso
<br /> may be one or tnae changes of the Lo�Secvicer unnlatcd[o a sale of the Note. if thece is a change of the Loart Servicer.
<br /> Bom�wec w�!be givea writtm notice of the ch�ngc in accordu�c�with�aph 14 above and appticabte taw. Tbe aotice
<br /> wii!state We mnoe atd addcess af the new Lwn Servieer and the address to which payments stwuW At inade. The naice will
<br /> : -- "�isaooatain sny other infomsatiarrequired by npplicabie law. � ----- - ---- - ---
<br /> - 20 Hassrda�s Sabsfa�tes. Barnwer sball not cause ar permit the presence.�se.disposai storage.or celease oFany
<br />- , Hazardous Substa�es on or in the Propecty. Barrower sdall aot da.oa allow anyane eise to do.anyihing affecting the
<br /> property th�t is ia vidation of any Fatvimnmenta!l.avir. The precedieS two senu�nces sl�ll nat appig to the prcsence.us�.or _-
<br /> � ' stocage on the Properiy of smaU quandties ot H�zardoug Substancas that are generally recogni�d to be aPProP�ate to r�o�mal --_--
<br />�9; ; tesidential uses and to maittteaance of the Ptnperty , !-
<br /> _ , 4 Bormwa stiaU pmmptlY Bn'e L.ender written notice of any investigatiot�.claim.demand.lawsuit ar other action by anY
<br /> � go�rammentai or teguia[ory ageacyr or private party invotving the Prope�ty and a��rdaus Substancs or Envirann�ental �'�.
<br /> - La� of whieh Banowa has actua! fmowledge. If Bocrower learps, a rs ceotifcea tiy any govemmental or regW�tmY ��Y.
<br /> - autl�otiry.dnt aay removal a other remediation of any Hazardous Subsvnoe affe�c�g the ArOPertY is necessary.Bormwer � �'���
<br />=_�,_ , �P�P�9 take aU necessary n�rrxdial actiot►s in acco�lance with Envim�iiirental Lav�. . - _
<br />:. As used in this paragzaph 20."H�zardous Substances"are tlase subuar�ces defined as toxic ar ha�ardous su6smnces by �`�".�i
<br /> :�M.'�'
<br /> � Farvironmental Law and the fa(lowirtg substances: gasoline.kemsene, aher flammabte or toxic petroleum products:toxic . .�1,�s� :
<br /> pesticides anci herbicides,�olatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive mate�ials. As _ ,?�?;�"u�_
<br /> ... � 'used in th'ss patagrapb 20,"Eavimnmenta}f.aw"means federa!laws�and laws oi ti�e jurisdi�cdon where tbe Prape�ty.is tocated _ - �>£`•:;:.°�;�_�
<br /> . � ..:
<br /> ' that reiata ta health.safery or environmentalprotection. . '��:::. •• � •.=--
<br /> NON-U M F O R M C O V E N A M'S. Bo r r ow er and Lender fuN�r covenant and agree as foltows: � " �:y:'�r�-;_-
<br /> 21. Aoeeleratioa:Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Barroxe�prior to acceleratton followia��RorroWes's z;',;;�;:,`�`".:—
<br /> v . .
<br /> bresch ot an}r rnveoaat oi agreement in Wis Security Instrament(but aot prlor to acceleratbn under paragraph 17 .4,��s, _.:z..
<br /> � '.~ uatas spplic�bk la�v provides othe�tse). T6e notia shall specity: (a)tAe default;(b?the actioa reqaired to cure the .�: r�-_r�
<br /> ; defsall.(c)a da�aot lesa than 30 dAys trom the date tbe noticr is given to Borrawer.Dy wli�c6 t!e defaaft ma5t be =__
<br /> cured;and(d)t�at taiture to cure the defaal!on or beture the date specitied tn t6e eotice may res�it in acakratioa of ` `"�z���
<br /> - tl�e san�secorcd by thi.c Secudty Ipstrataent and sak o�the Propecty. The notice shall Curth�iniorm BarroRer at ��`v���—
<br /> � the right to reinstate aher 9ccek�tion anA the�ight to bring A court actbn to as.Sert the non-eaistenct at a ddAWt ar . ,��=`a.°°_
<br /> ' • �' i any at6er detense o�Borrower to acceleration and sale. If tbe default is not cured on or befare the date spa�fied in "`�,�.;.�.�_�
<br /> t1K notic�l.ender at its optba may reyuire immediate payment In full of all sams secured by ihis Secarity tasirument _��,;�.- -•;_-
<br /> : ��,�_- . Withoot turther demand and may invoke the po�+rer ot sale aed any othe� remedies permitted 6y anppliqbl�1�'' � ;Y:i,
<br /> ;�• Ltnder shall be entitled to cdicci ail expenses incurred in pursuing t6e remeAies pravWed in this aragrap , ,;
<br /> tncluding,but not limited to,reasonabk attorneys•kts and casts of titk evWence. '='��`
<br /> � ��� It the power ot sale is invaked.Trustee shall record a notice ot detauit in each county tn which any part of the ,•, ; ���,
<br /> ' •��" piroperty is Iocated and s6aq mail wpies of sach rtodce in the manne�presc�ibed by applkable law to Borrower and ta _ _'F
<br /> , '?-�. the ot6er personc prescn'bed by applicable law Aftee the time required by applicable faw.Trustee shail give public __
<br /> eMice ot sale�n the persons and in tde manner prescri6ed by applicabte law 71rustee.without demand on Borrower, • ,�_-_
<br /> a-- shsll sell t6e�e.�perty at pubik auctbn to the highest bidder at the time and ptace pnd under the terrt�s designated in , , .�-_
<br /> �;z� ,: t6e notice oi ss�ik in one or more parrels and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone snle ot ail or any
<br /> . •.., _
<br /> � .°��= �^" parcel ot the Pvoperty bc pablk annauncemenl at the ttme And place of any previously scheduled sate. 1.ender or its :;.;;, � ���•-
<br /> ' -`� designee may purchase tf�ePcoperty at any sale. • ';�,`', . , �-r.
<br /> . ',!:�;:,i`;';:: .�_:
<br /> � • ' ��• ` � Upon receipt ot paymeM ot ihe price 6id.7lrustee shail delive�to the purchaser Tcustee s deed comeving the �.,t.1,,;,,:,.�;;�-
<br /> '.�-` F:':� ` ?�= praperty. 'f'6e recitals i�the 7Yvstee's deeA shall be prima tacie e�Ydence ot tde teutb of the stateme�t4 made'therein. •��.'�' ����--'
<br /> �. �:•.>_ __
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