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<br /> - - F - � _ . --'- '._. . .....__. � � -� .-. -
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<br /> � . . _. 'F_. __ ` . ' - _ � __. _.__ ._.. _ _ .. � ._. .- " '___ . . . . . .._ ' . � . _. ' i.
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<br /> _ _ - ��_�.;,,,,.,;,,,.�_e�w..s..t��..s....f�_g�y or fas ca�nveSance in tieu of co�r�demnation.ar�he�ebY assignod�aad . -
<br /> �all be paid eo i endec. � . ` ` shalt be a Ge�•to the sums secu�d by this Secucit�r � <
<br /> IEe tl�e evp�t af a�ntat taicing,of the PtapettY.the ��IS Dp
<br /> ` lnsm�meo�.wixthec or not ttrcti�ue.witb any exc�ess paid to Borrower. W the event af a partiaC tatcing of the!'rqxcty in
<br /> ttrc i
<br /> � ' � wAich t1�e fair market va�ue of the Ptope�ty,immediate[y befoie the t3tcing is equal tcr or greater than tbe 3mouht of the sums . �
<br /> ,r�y���SCCIItttSi I[LSIN1i1CIIE imrrrAi�teiy befooe the taking.unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing.
<br /> � the�sums secuted by this Security lnsm�ment sl�ali.be.�uced by tHe amount of�pnoceeds muitiplied by tht foltowing.:
<br /> ' fa}tl�twat s�of t�e s�sms sa�en�immediateiy hefore the takiog. Y��the fair market value of tIx .
<br /> , �'imroediately�efor�the talring, My batance shall be Faid to Borrawer. In the evedt of a partiat taking of tfr �
<br /> Ptopeetg in which the fair marlcet value of the Praperty immediatel�'before tbe taking is Iess thars the amomtt of the sums
<br /> sesuced immediately befocr the taking,uniess.Borrower and Lender att�envise agme in writing or unless applicabte !aw -
<br /> qkrw,ise pro�rides,the pmceeQs shall be applied to the sums secuted by ttris Securiry Insirument Nrhether or not the sums are
<br /> th�due. -
<br /> ��proqerty is abauWoned tiy Bormwer.or if,after naticr tiy L.ender to Boctnwer thac the candemnor offecs to make
<br /> tir award a seule a claim for damages.Borrpwer fails to respond to 3x.nder withio 30 days after the datb the antise is gnren.
<br /> -- Lrnder is authixized te►c4lkct aad applY the.Pmceeds,at its optton.either to�storation or e+epdir of the I�tppetty,or'to the , --- ---
<br /> - surtts secured liy ti�is�ecurieY[nsmirt�e[t�whed�er or not thea due. • -
<br /> Unkss Lcnde�`and Borrower atbeiwise agree in writinS•�Y aPPlication of proceeds tv ptinci�al sf�aft not excend�i�::"c.
<br />__ postpooe dirdcfe ctate of the�montWY paYtnenis iefemed to in pva�raphs 1 a�2 qr change the a�ieoant of such paymenu. �_
<br /> -� 11: Borro�r� Not Rekased: Focb�nue B� l.ted�� Not a Watver.�.fixtension of�the.time.for PaYment or
<br /> i;; modifiption of artxistization of the sums secured by thi$Secqrity Insuument grritt�l by Lender to'any successor in iaterest
<br /> � of Bor�uwer s1�a11 not operate to tetease ttie tiabiliry of the original Barrower ot Sorrower's successors in inoerest.lxnder __.
<br /> - sha1l�t be�quind to commenee proceed'►nSs aSainst any siucessor in'interest or refuse to extend ame`fbr payment ar- _�
<br /> o�rwise modity aawRi�ation of tbe siuns sefured 6y�his Security Insnument hy ceason of any demand made by ihe angina! —
<br /> - Borrowet a Borrawa's�ccessois in interest Any forbearance by l.ender ut exercising any right or remedy shall not be a _- --
<br /> -- � waiver of or p�eciude thc ex+�ise of any rigTu ar remedy. of Uus '--
<br /> 1L Suooes�o�s aW�.��+Joiot 9nd Sere�!Liability;Casig�tes. 77ie covenants`and agreeric�is ` :��'
<br /> Securiry[nsuuu'�ent shall bind and benefii the successors and assigns of Lender and Bomnwer,subject to the�nc►visions of '�-"�.`-,�Y
<br /> paragraph 17,_Borrower's covenants'and ageements shall be joint and several.Any Bortower who ca-signs this Secutitg. ;,;,i�';��:
<br /> t andtonv tEsat. �=;�...._ .,
<br /> - Inst�art�ent but does not execute the Nute: (a)is co-signing this Security Inmument anly to,mortL�ge Sran �` _. . _ti,=
<br /> Bormwer's intelest.in the Ptoperty under the terms of this Security Tnswmenx (b)is'ndt personaily obligaced to pay che iur�� y;��,.°:� ;--
<br /> i�- �
<br />' • secured by this Sccurity Mstrume�and(c)a�ces that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.rni�d"sfy,forbear __�J�_ :,_
<br /> or matce any accommadations with regazd to the tenns of this Security Instcument or�he Note,without that Brnrower's ;.;.,,�_ _,
<br /> . ,�
<br /> - cansent. . . . � - =''�_
<br />- 13, Loa�Ch�, [f ti�,�:fnan �'ecu�d by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximutn'[a� :••:: -.
<br /> ' charges,and that luw is fin3tjy '���'d�so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be co}lected in connec[is� �,�'--
<br /> ' with the loan exreed the perm�ed tiini�s,then: la)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the�nount necessary to redaae ,.:;t.:,�y
<br /> ' " the charge to the permitted limii:and(b>any sums already collected from Borrower whicb exceeded pem�itt�limits witl be �_;;,.;,�,:
<br /> - refw�ded to Borrower. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under ti�e Nae ar by making a __�`�;�
<br /> ��` . dimct payment to Bormwer. If a refund rectuces principal,the reduction will be treated as a partial prepaymeat without a,1y '.�.,�;,��;,.=_
<br /> "'-� - prepayment charge under the Note. • "���Y �� ;-
<br /> ' ��°: 14. Notices. Any noGce to Bomav�er provided far in thiti Security Instrument shail be given by delivering it or is} _
<br /> -y� msuling it by first ct�ss mail unless applicablc law rajuires use of another method.The notice shaU be directed tu ihe Property r < <
<br /> ``� � Address or any other address Borroi�er designase5 by notice to Lender. Any noticc ta Lender tihall he given by fint class , e
<br /> �.` mail to l.ender's address stated hcrein or any other address Lender detiignates by noticc to Borrower. Any notice provided for � �,.
<br /> , • t , in ihis Security instrument ShaH be deemed to have heen given to Borrowcr or Lender�vhen given as provided in this. ;�
<br /> ' ,'•< paragraph, : .. . : �•_��
<br /> • 15. Coveraiag Law: Severabil�ty. This Security ln.rtrumen! tihall be govemed by fedcral law and thc law of the
<br /> _ jurisdiction in which the Prapeny i.r larated. In the event that any provisian or clautie of thi�Security Instrument or the Note -
<br /> , �- " � conflicGti with applicabielaw,such conflict rhall net aftect other provisionc of this Security In�trument or the]�ote which can ;
<br /> .. ,.:�.�; i,.': , _
<br /> � `.;�=r�.,�.r� : . be given effect withou!tH�canflicting provision. Tu thi�end �he pravitiians uf thiti Security In�trumeni and the Nate ate
<br /> .• -�;,-`= '� decl areA w be severabte. . � . _
<br /> � `•�� :��.�: �"' 16. Sorrowee's Copy. Barrower�hall t+e given one conformcd copy c�f t6c Notc und of this Security Instrument. ;;. _
<br /> - 17, 'Ifangfer o/the Property or a Beneflcial Interest in Borcowe� If all or any part of thc PropertX ar any intere�t in ..,�
<br /> ';,::-_
<br />� it is sald or transferred�or if a bene�cia!interrtit in anrrower iz��Id nr trantiferred and Borr�wcr is nat u n:�tural per�on) ,y�
<br /> withaut L.ender's prior u ritten contiem.[.ender may..at itti aption,reyuire immediute paymem in full of a11 sums�ecured by ,�;,;�
<br />= ' this Security lnstrumem..Hc�wcver.this option�hall aot Ue cxerciseJ by I.cndrr if exerc�se iti pmhibited by federa!law ati of =:..._..,�.
<br /> � : the date of this Stcurity tnstrument. � • . - `
<br /> � ,-' lf Lender ezerrises this option.l�:nder tihall givc Borruwcr ne�tice nf arccicr.�tinn. Thc naticc�hap pravide a periai of F `i. •,.
<br /> � •+"•'�;��.:s.�, nat less than 3U days from the date�he notice ir delivercd�r ms�iled within which Hurrua•er mu�t pay.�U�um.zecured by this ; .
<br /> -..i..c.._� -
<br /> ';{.r--,s.� ••r- • Security lnstrument. tf Borrawer fails to pay th��e tiumti prior�o thc c+�pira�inn�+f'thi. periud. Lcnder may invoke any ;..
<br /> • � ;�;:ys:= .;.:.; ;• : remedies permittcd by thik Security Instrument w ithrnn iu�hcr noticc��r de�nand an Borrowcr. �:
<br /> �'•-''�..-� • 3 18. �4rrowee's Right to Rein!►tate. If Bnrraccer mretvi certain cunditinn�. Tiurmwer•hall have the right ta have
<br /> "-��' enforcement�f thit Sccuriry Inti�rumcm di�cominucd at any limc pri�r u+thc rarlicr uf: I;u S day+It�r tiuch u�hcr periad a�
<br /> . � +. �
<br /> ''�, Sm�Ic Fami� Fannle�fae4Yeddie Sf•rc C:�Ii�►R�f l�ti'fRt NK�'[•-1'ndonn Cuticnaua 4;90 rl�u�;i•J„j/,pacr«
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