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<br /> — _---�._.•��,,,r..,�.�,�ec;�far•M:•+�____�,_i t�ae eaiE d tbe ptopeKy p��o�ny_poaier cf s�k cawiaed in iis _ ' i
<br /> Savity Im�:or(b)ent�y°f a�neet — '
<br /> . �ys L�der all aa�vr�icb then wauW b�e due un�er thia Sav�iry�L�swmeet aad the Note.as if ao aaeientiqn`6�d . � t
<br /> � oonrref$(b3 cam�x d d a W t d*ny o�h e c c o v e e�t s o E a g r e e m e�s:(c)p s Ys sit es p a�s e s incuRed inaifo�u�E this SecuritY ,
<br /> L�t,ieciYdinB,but npt Woited to.ceawoabk W�meYs�fe�s;and(�tates auch action av Lender mry ieasw�biY
<br /> � ; requiae to ass�e d�t the lien d tbis Sxuriry L�t.Lead�li n,ghts in tbe Propert}ao0 Baaowetl�ubUption w p�y!be .
<br /> susns.secu�ed bY this Securi�Y t�t sh�U�continu� �achauged.• Uport mest�tement bY Bamwer. this Secunty
<br /> � .ir�suua�aod t6�obiig�ns sec�d i�e6Y shali nenisin fiili�effective ac if tio�hsQ nc�� HQw�ves,this_ :_
<br /> ' � ,.ria6t�o r�e6a11 not�pply in the case af xceleradan iuider p�'agraph 17. .
<br /> _� S�le at 1�olr'(-'i�e b[l�S�'icer. 'tUe Nate a a pmRial interest in tbe No1e(tqSethet.witb ttus Secueity -
<br /> Insu�unEnt)may 6e aold ak a mae dmes without prior naioe to Bamwe� A:sak rna�y result in a change in tt�e aatity.
<br /> (inio�n as the"Lwa Seivicer")that colkcts monthlY Wyments due under the Note�nd this Socucity IawutneM. 11�ere also �
<br /> pnY be aee a mo�changes of tbe Laaa Service�w�+eluod to a sak of tde Nae. If thene is a thange�tbo Laro Servicer.
<br /> Boaowa will 6e given written notice of tbe et�snge ia a�ordaace with p�ragr�ph 14 above and applieable law. T�e rwoce
<br /> ` . w�l st�te d�aar�aad address of the new Lwn Savioa md the address�to which pa�rmarts should 6e madG 'il�e naice will
<br /> aiso cant�in.�uy ather irf�fuaaarioa requirod by�lica6k law. ` . .
<br /> 4
<br /> �1�,'BsW�s S�i�tawoe� 13orrower shaq uot cwse ar pe�mit tbe p�eseace.ase.disposai,stn�a8e,or reiea�of u�Y ,
<br /> tiva�dou�Substmces oa ar in_d�e Ptopeny. Baaower si�tt not do;noc allow aoyane etse ta do.aaydeing�'aKing ti� ,
<br /> pmpecty tl�is in vidation of any Eaviioomeotal I�w. The preco�in8 two senterces shail not apply m the pcesence,us�or
<br /> storage on tbe PmQeccy of small qua�Rities of Hvallous Substances that are generatly�cogniud to 6e approQriaic ta rwrtnal , .
<br /> nsidential uses anc�to nninteau�cc of the Ptoperty.. �
<br /> Banawa sUali P�P�Y S�'e I.ender writte�s notice of any jnvesugation.ctaim.dem�ad,lawsuit a od�er action by any
<br /> , �govenunental a re8ulata7'�8�5+a Pm'�l�S'involving 1he P►nperty and any Hazacdous.Substanee oc E�vironiaenml
<br /> Law of which Barower Iws actaA!fawwtedgc. Tf Barmwer leams.or is natified bY�Y Sovemmeptal �ngulatocy
<br /> auUariry;th�t any renwv�l or ottfrer remaiiatior►of aay Huu+dous 3ubstance affecting the Pmpe�ty is necessary.BQrinwer
<br /> ,. �P�PaY qke aU�cessac�r ctmodial act►ons in xcadance with Enviro�mental Law_
<br /> As usod in this paragapb 20."�i�us Snbstances"ane those substances defined as toxic or hazaedous subsrances by
<br /> Enviroamental Law and t�c faltawing su�s: Sasoline,lcerosehe.other flamrnable or to�iic petroleum product4.tosic
<br /> — . �cides apQ f�bicides,vo�e solvents..m3terials containin�asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and t�dioactive materials. As .
<br /> _= ����s p�gr.�ph Zp,^Eaviroa�ental i,aw"�s federal laws and laws of the jwi�ction where t�e Ptoperty is tacated
<br /> - tdat relate to Ueaith.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> = NON-U1�i�ORM COVIIYAN75. Borrower and l.ender further covenant smd agree as foltows:
<br /> - 21. Accelaatlon:Ranalies. Lender shaU give notice to Borro�ves Prbr to acoekrstioe fdbwieg Borrawer's
<br /> _- M�ach o�an�env�nt or�g�reement in ttiis Security lnshument(Iwt not prWr to accekratioo nader paragrsPh t7
<br /> =- o�spptiabk tsw provldes ot6erwLqe};T6e notice si�ll specHy: (z1 We defsait,(b)tk actios required to care t6e
<br /> —" defsNt;(c)s d�te,iat tes�ttias 30 dsy�fran the dste the aotice is�cas to BorroRer,by wAic6 tMe defsalt must be
<br />'-�w� cured;puid(d)trat faitarc to cure the dd�lt oa or betore the dAte sp�ficd in t6e notice may result in Accekr�tios o�
<br />--- lire s�ias secuetid 6y this Soc��ity l�runsest�ed s�le of t6e Propert�s 7'6e eotia s�aA ta�tUer iefor�a Baro�er o( .
<br /> ���.; tlit r�ht to reias�te after a�aeke�tios and the right to 6ring a caurt action to nssert the non�exktence o�a defa�i!oe
<br /> -• auy qhe�de{ense ot gorrasves to xcekration and sale. U the defautt�not cnred ou ar betore the date specitkd in
<br /> ���L;;' the nd�ce,Lender at its optioe may requ�s'�onmediate payment in fuii ot ail sums secured by this Secarity Inst�ument
<br />-. �ritdout furtMer denwnd aad awy invoke tbe po�rer of sale and aaf other remedks permittM by Appticabk!aw
<br />- Leudcr slinll be entitled ta sdiect all e�cpegses iacarred in pursuiag the remedies provide0 in this paragrapb Zl.
<br /> n
<br /> � , indMdlag,bnt aot limited to.reasonstDle attorneys'fees and costs of titk evWence.
<br /> �+•=:�. � If the power ot sWe i�iavolced.Trustee shAll record a notice ot detault ln each county in which any part ot the
<br /> � :�,'. propeAy is locyted and s6�U pu�il copies p�s�cb notice in tlie manner prescribed by�ppikabk tAV�to Borrawer aad ta
<br /> . '�r e Trustee shall glve pnbiic
<br />�:'`:;4 s the olher persons presc�i6ed by Applicabk t�w Atter the time recryired by appliqbk tsw.
<br />�"�':�': notice d ssk to fhe persons and in the man.er prescribed by.applicable taw Trustee.wltUout denwnd on Borrower,
<br />-� " s1�a0 sell the Property at pu6lic auction to tfie high�i bidder at the time and piace and under the terms desig�wted in
<br /> � tlie notice ot sak in one or more parcets a�d in any oNer 7lrustce determines. 'Itustee may posipone sak ot a11 c,r any
<br /> �, parcel ot the Property by pubiic abnouncement at the time and place ot any pre�iausiy schedukd sAle. l.endec ar its
<br /> des�e�e nwY PurcS�ase the Property at any sak.
<br /> Upan nceipt of payment u€the psict bid.7irustee shall deliver to the purc�f�aser 7lrustee's deed conveying the
<br /> _'-�" property. 77�e reciWis in the Tn�stee's deed shall be prima facie evidence ot the tratb otthe statcauats made therein.
<br /> `:''•? 'ilrustee s6a11 appty the p�oceeds o�tlse sale 9n the tollowing order. Ia)to all costs and eacpenses oPexercising tNe power
<br />'.�K ,
<br /> Form302l1 9l90 �p�r.er S��/h puLr.�l
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