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<br /> ' .,�;,,��t n�rnr,�•��1]r' c� the itts�a�ncle atmlt 6e ctio�o by Bonotiver subject to Y.ender�a ;
<br /> _-- -- ' -
<br /> T.— -- . . . �ai wAich sMll ant. --- y vr � - �. � _ - - . .: _ , -- - __ _
<br /> l�eedess aptiocy o6t�n covet�,ge to ptatect Leoder's rights in the�'rnpnty in acroc�nce with pusgr+pli 7.
<br /> .A1!n►smanoe Pplicies aod_aeewats sT�li be acc�plabk to Lender and shal!include asnad�nd matgaSc cia�se.`I.rnder .
<br /> s�U lnve the rig6taed�vral not�lcc�. la the�of bss.Bo mw stiaq give p�ompt�o�ticet to the insur�xr curier� :
<br /> of paid paniums �� . � ,
<br /> Lendes Lender ma3►miJCe Poof of loss if�i��Y�!►
<br /> t,Tnksslsnder and 8o�mwtr d�wise a$tee,in wnung,ins�uance pcoceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair af
<br /> - - �f the iesta�atian or teput is eoonomicaUy fe3si'6k and Lend�'s sec�ity is tx�E tesset�ed. tf thc
<br /> ���Y!�8�• woWd be les.se�xd,the irsur�nce Pro�s shall be
<br /> resWiYiod or te�sir is not onxamicaAy frasibk ot Lende�s security
<br /> ` ` applied w tBe smns securcd by ttw Securiiy lactrument,whGher or t�ot-thrn dae.wittt aey excess paid to Bottower. lf
<br /> Ba��avYa abandoas the PropertY•vr daes not a�iswer withie 30 days a notice from Lsnder that the insuiance catrier has�
<br /> o8ared oo seule�ctaim.dun Lader may colkct the iawtanoe pcocoeds. 1-ender maY ase the p�ncenls m iet�ir or restae
<br /> t6e ptopetty or w pay sums sxurod by this SecwitY In.stnone°t,�"fietiw or not ttrcn dtte 'Ihe 30day penod will 6egin'vrhen
<br /> t8enntioeisgivea. - �y�� � � liration of ta i 1 s�all swt�extend or
<br /> — Unlas Lender u�d Borrowa od�etwise sg�s' S• Y PP� P�� P�Pa —�
<br /> postQone tbe due date of tUe mornhlY PaYmer�ts r�ferRd to in paragrraphs 13nd 2 or cdange the amount of tt�e payments. If -
<br /> - — wder pa�apb Zl the Pmpecty is ac9�ired by Lendet Bortovr`er's ngM to any insnrance policies and pmceeds resutting
<br /> fmm data�ge to thc P�ape�tp pnor to the accNumou s�il pus�°1�to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> - - , tnstttnt�enc�atetY Prior co�the ac�1°isitian.� .
<br /> -_ , � p�g, Pteservstioe, Maiate�aace �d Pratectios af t6e Property, BaceoR'er's i.a�s Appi'�wtiam,
<br /> as�B�i�awec's residence within siaty days after
<br /> --- -- _ I;�p�pld�. Basii�x+e�,sha[Laocupy.establish.and.useti�eP[operty P��P� . _
<br /> - tfie:executiat oY ttns Security��'�st�all contiaue to axupy it�e Pmperty as Bomnweis principal iesidepce fa at
<br /> , �t �e year after the date of axup�ncy,_unless 1.endec otherwise a�s in writing,.which cauem stiall not be
<br /> - ` . �easonably wilhheld.ot ualess eutrnuanng curusna�tances exist which are beyond Bcxmwer's contro� Bortower shall not ' -
<br /> -_ � � desproY,datnage or irapair the PrapertY•allow the Praperiy to deteriorate.or commit waste on the.Pto�rty. Bormwet shait
<br /> be tn.default if aAy torfeihue actian or proceediag,afiether civil oc criminal.is 6egun that in Lende.�s�ood faitA judgment .
<br /> -s,- ' cauld �esutt in forfeiture of the Property or oti�erwise materialty impair the lien creaced by this,S�ity Insumr�ent ex ' _--
<br /> ' Lenders socurity interes� Bonuwer may cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paraSraPh li��5y�causinS the a�on -- -
<br /> ;l., or proeetdtng to be dismisse��vith a ruting tha�in Lender s good faith detemrinatioa.preciudes forfeituc�e of the Bar�nwer's �;.�,s,"
<br /> yy;. interiest in the Pbperey�or ather materiaf.impaim�ent of the lien cneated by this Security Instnm�etu or Lender's secvriry �;-�
<br /> =� interest. 8ocrower shall also be in default if Borrower.during the laen,�pplicarion process,gave materially false or �=-�--=
<br /> �'j� inacewate infazmation or statements to Lender Eor fa�ed to provide�L.ender rv�th any matenal mformanonl in cacsnection with —_____
<br /> . the ioan evi��2d by the 1Vote:includtng,but noc limiied to, represeutatians wnceming Borrawes's occupancy of the ���_-
<br /> _ as a�scipal residence. If this Secunry Insuumc.�2 is an a teasehold.Borrow•er�hall compty with all the pmvisions __ _
<br /> 5
<br /> . ���t'.'�.3�easz if�orrower uccluires fee dtle to the Propeity.�e_teaschold and the fee titi�drol�not merge unless Leq�c�rees _
<br />` io�i9�e merger in+�Yiting. . . .� . --—
<br /> te �.�
<br /> If Botrower fails to orm the�o�'eaan�s and agceements
<br />= 7. Pe+nr�ciion of 1.ender's Ris6ts is t1Ye�y. p?T� • —_ —
<br /> � cantainecl in this Security I�stnunent,or:��is`a."�al praceedit�tfiat may sigmficantly affecr Lender's rights in the _
<br /> � property(such as a praceeding in 6ankrup[c5;°prbbat'e-'P�'i condemnation ar forfeiture or tu�nfaree Lias or regWarioos).then ��Y-
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary ta p:otect the value of the Property�ad..�en�`er�iights in tfie Property. �-
<br /> Lender's actions may incfude paying any sums secured 6y a lien wbich has priority over tYus Security Iavtrumen�appeanng � ��.4_
<br /> ' in coun,paying masonable attomey.s fees and entering on the Praperty ta make repai�s.Although Lender may take action �. ._{_
<br /> . : unAer this paragraph 7.Lender dae�not have to do so. - _
<br /> Any amounts disburSed by l.ender undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Burrawer secured by this -
<br /> � `" Security lnstrumem. Untess Borrower and Lcnder agree ta uther terms af paymen�these amounts slr�bear interest from the -`.�'�,..
<br /> '+� dace of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.�vith intereyt.upon natice fmm Lendec to Borrower reque+ting �.;; �_
<br /> 'h��. :`-
<br /> •; . pa};.,em. �='�-..°,�.
<br />' . �~- S. Mortgage InsurAt�ce. If Lender requit+ed mortgage iarurance as a ccmdition vf mal:ing the toan serured by this .�;.
<br /> :;v Securtty ln.strurent.Barrower shall pay the premiums required ta maintain th.mortgag�in.urance,in effect. If. for any . ,�_;-��~-
<br /> :�1 reasan. the mott�age insurance coverage n�aired by l.endcr!ap`cy nr cca+eti co 1�e in effe�ti. 3+trrower shall pay thc �-.~^�-;
<br /> , ' premiums reyuired to obtaia coverage sy!x�:r:ntialiy equivalent tu the mongage in�ur�nc�pce+�ivu�iy in effect. at a cost - ,.
<br /> � �'� substantially eqoivalent to tt°,�cv>t to Bo;�+:Her af the mangagc insurance pnviau�ly i�e�fect.from an altemate murtgage �:,�._:_
<br /> � ' ` inyurer appcoved by Lender. tftvb.rtantialty cquivafent mortgage inwrancc coverage i.nut avaitahie.Barrowcr shall pay to ~:s�;'�=�j;
<br /> � " l.ender tach month a�um eyual ta ane-twelfth of Ihe yearly mortbagc in�urance premium t+cing paid by Bortower when the — _
<br /> , • ;" insurance cover.�ge lapsed ar ccascd 1a 6c in cffcct: l.ender will accept.usc and retain thcsc payment�As a lo�c rescr+e in lieu �'� _�...
<br /> �': of martgage insurance. Lo�ti�esevve payments may nn longer t+c rcquirrJ,at thc up�ion of Lender,if mortgage in�urance �_�_,�_
<br /> caverage lin thc amaunt and f�r the periad that Lender reyuirc�r pa�vidcd by an in�urer approvcd by Lender ugain becomes .
<br /> �' av°�ilablv and is nbtained.Borrawer�hall pay the premiun�4 required to maintain m�mgage in�urance in effect.or w�nrovide a .
<br /> - irn:s re.ycrve.until the requir�-Qr�ent for mortg:►ge in�urana:cnds in ttccc�rclancc«�ith any tivrittca agrecmem bct�vecrc Hnrrower
<br /> ' • �d Lender or applicable law. � �
<br /> - - 9. lnspection. l.ender t�r it.r;�gent r.t:�y tnakr rrau�nabl�cnt�ie.upe�n:utd in�{+ec�inn.ai'the Prnpeny. Lender�haU ,
<br /> . give Bonower notice s�t�he time af ar pric�r Eo an in�pecticm�pecifyins�rea��m:ible r.iu+r fur ihe in�pe.:�ion.
<br /> - 10 Cundemnatiun. The procced�c>fiany a�v;�rd ut claim for damagc�.dirnct ur c�+nticyucntial.�n a�nnectinn«'ith:my
<br /> �,t'� .
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