; , .—�. r 4' . _ ~�__ _ � _ '_ ''_ __, a-. ' ' --_..
<br /> ' " ' .. i � . S: � • t , . � � � -�.
<br /> .' . - :u - J r•� t _.L.�...— — — —
<br /> = - � :� � -. -- --- .. --- , , -- -- - - - - � . ---_-- ,9�_/�,��?3,� � _-
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<br /> — ---- . � � � .,.,�e�.,�„_,oa au_�s.�� _ ...
<br /> ' ` � �oid fixm�ss no�a t��rea�t�er a p.rt of the p�aQerty: Au tepiac�s and adaicions suatt also be unveeect by_t�as��y., ::--�-- _ _ _
<br /> � insfiwnaK. Alt of the foe�ejan8 is�tfmtd m ial6is Sec�mry lasdurt�t as tAe"Ptopeny" , •
<br /> � � 80RROWE$C70YENANTS t1�t Botrower is tawfuitq se�sed of the estate hereby convcyed and h�s tAe'tight to gnnt,;
<br /> . aed ccnvey the FropeRy atd dwt the Pmperty Lc iu�encumbered.except for ei�cumbranc�s of cecad Barowa warnts and ,
<br /> - wiU defend gene�aih!the titte to trie Aopetty agunst all ctaims and dtmands.suhjoct to any ennm�6r�oces of rxord. -
<br /> 'lHIS SECiJRI'TY�tAiS1RUMENT aamh�ttes smifam coyenanu fa n�tiox�ai ust and non-a�nform cavmants with
<br /> , . limited variatlans by jusi.�ict�aR to canstitute a unifam seciuity ias�ument eovering reat pYoperty � .
<br /> Ui�iippRM Cp1�JANTS. Barowa and Lccder covenant�d agrce u follaws:
<br /> � 1. pa��nt o�Pri�eipd�d Lterr�t;i�tepsY�t aad Late Ciuraes. Bamwer shall P�PaY PaY wha�due the .
<br /> : pciocipai of aad inte�st on the debt evidaued by the Not�aqd anY PnPaYmen[and tate charges due und�the Nae.� •
<br /> L FiNds fa►Tues s�t Ln�ra�c+a Su6joct to applieable!aw ar to a written w�iver by Lender;Bortower sinli Qay w
<br /> ' I.arder on the day mo�t6lY W9��?�due wjder tMe Nate.urrtil the Nate is paid in full.a sum("Fi�s")fa:(a)yearlY
<br /> tues aad assrsvne�s whieh may attaun piiacity over tl►is Sxuriry Ins�mneat as a lien on tUe Propetty;(b)Year1}�leacedoid -
<br /> paynkt�s=or gtowjd renu ao t6e Pro�pertY• �.�Y: t�) Y�Y ��°1 ProP�Y ins�uat�oe P'[emi� (d)Y�Y �� �
<br /> iasu�ace pnmiums•1f�ny;(�)yeariy mort$�Bo ins�uanix p�emiums.if any; �d (fl�Y S�PaYabte by Barower to
<br />= Ieoder,in s�oocdance wbh tbe pmvinans of paragranh 8.m lieu of tl�e payment of mottgage msurarx;e p�rm�ums. 71�ese
<br />- items m qlled"Eserow Itetns." Lender ma�►,at any time.coIlecE amd hold Funds ut an amount not W e�cceed Ihe muimam
<br />- amwnt a tes�de;far a federalty relateEl mortB�Se Io�n may tequse fos Barrowtr's escrau�account�uider the federal Real,
<br /> ,_ Fstate Settleinent Pmcedures Act,of 1974�s amet�ded from time to tirne.l2 U.S.C.$2601 a s�q.("RFSPA").ualess another =
<br /> 1aw that appiies to the Funds sets a tesser amoua� If so,lxnder may,at�►y time.collect and hald Funds ia an ainn�wt not to __
<br /> . exixed tfie tesser an►ount. `l.ender may esdmate thc amount o€Fands due ao the basis of cument data�and�uonabfe
<br /> estimatrs of e:itpen�iuues e€futore Esetnw Items ar atheswise in accad�ce'wi8i ap�icabk faw. . _-
<br /> - Tbe Fmds shall 6e held in an institudon whose deposits a�e•ias�ned by a federal agencY.incwmentatiry.or ertdty
<br /> ` (taclpding[xader.if I.ender is such aa institurion)or.in any E�deral Ektroe Laan Bank. l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay , - -----
<br /> the Fscrow ir�n.c. Lender may nnt charge Borrawer fot holding a�appiying the Cw�ds.annuallY anatYzinS the escrow _—
<br />?:=;,:�. acoount,or verifying the Escrow Items.�ntess Lender pays Bonuat��c interest on the I�nds and applicabte Iaw permits �,�_,..�
<br />- ` Lender to malce sucb a charge. Howevec,Leader may nquire Bor'tower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real _ ___-_
<br />-.= estate ta�repocting service used by I.ender in coanection�th tlus Wa�,�mtess appl�eaMe law provides al�ecwise. Unless an �„���
<br /> .ag�+eemenE is made or applicabte law requ'ues interest to be paid.Lender shaQ not be'cequiced to pay Borrower any interest or • �X
<br /> e
<br /> � ` eaminga on ihe Funds. Borrawer and Lender roay agree in wr�ting.however.that inte�shall be paid o�the Funds. Lender ��}�-
<br /> ._-�_-
<br /> . ='' shall give to Borrower.without cfiarge.an am�uai accoun6ng o�the Punds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and the .�,t z=:'��
<br /> ' '1 purpose far which each debit to the Fimds was made. The Funds are pledged as addidonal secueitti for aU snms secured by = r�=_�
<br /> ' .this Savrity Instrument. --
<br /> If the fiundg hetd is�- �.ender exceed the a�nc��s Pem�itted to be held by applicable Iaw,I�ender shaU account to �""
<br /> 9orrower for the excess Funds in aocordance with�:r•�Iuirements of appticable law. If t1�c amaunt of the Funds held by , �i__
<br /> (xnder at any time is nat sufficient to pa}�he Escrow Items when due.Leadec may so notifY Boirawer in writing.and.in � _
<br />_ :�. such case Barrnaer shall pay to l..ender�e amowii neeessary t�maice ap the deficiency. Bom�wer shall.m`ake up the 1 ..—
<br />::���''" deficiency in no more than twe lve mon t h lY PaS'men t s.a e I.e n d e r:s s o��d i s c r e t i o n. .
<br /> .. , ��..
<br /> " Upon payment in fuA of ap sums secured 6y t���is Securiry lnsttumen�l.ender 4ha11 promptly refund tv Borrower a�►y . }''°=-
<br /> � Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,i.en��r.shall acquire or seU the Property.Leader,pnor to the a�uisition ar +',,' -
<br /> sale of the Property,shall ap�1y any Funds hetd by Ixnder at the time af acquisition or saie as a credit against the sums .� ' =�- Y'_
<br /> ' secured by this Security lnstrument. ' '
<br /> � 3. Applkation o!Payments. Un�sss applicabie law provides othenvise.all payments raceived by l.ender unQer , ' '.T.
<br /> _ paragraphs i and 2 shall be applied:firs�t�any preQayment charges due under the Note;secon�ra amoun�s payable under • .�
<br /> ;j�,..
<br /> t:' ; paragraph 2:thirA.to interest due:founh:io prineipal due;and last.to any late charges due under�e Note. j f4�;� '�s;-
<br /> " . ± 4. Char�es: Liens. Borrower shail pay all taxes.assessments.charges,�nes an d ittsa0sipons a tt r ibutabte to the �,� : _
<br /> � Property which may attain pdoriry over this Security lnstrument.and leasehold paymenu ar gres�d renu.it any. Borrawer '���:;�� -
<br /> �� .. _ ';
<br /> shall pay these obligations in the manrte��covided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in ti�at manner.Sorrower shall pay�hem oee ,
<br /> '`' . �� �i time dire.catr°to the persan owed payme:q. 8ortower shAll promptly fG`snish to Lender ali notices of amounts to be pa�d under � •,
<br /> ';' this paragsa�h. Ii Honower makes these payments directly.Hortower shaU promptly fumish ta L.ender receipts evidencing S 4_t . .
<br /> . �� � the payments. ,� . -="��`
<br /> � I a "�,�1��.
<br /> Borrower shaU prompily discharge any lien which has priority aver this Security Instrument unless$orrow�er:(a)agrees • ,
<br /> � in wdting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner arccptable tn Lcnder.(b)rontests in gaod faith the ::'-�:,�.
<br /> � lien by.or defends against enfarceraer.t oi ihc lien i».legal praceedings wh3rh ia the Lender�opinian operate to prevent the :;:__;��
<br /> � enforcement oF Ihe lien:or(c)seeures�-tr.�thc t�older of�hc tien an agreement satisPactory ta i.ender subordinating the licn .. . . .. _
<br /> ` � to ihis Security Insirumeat lf l.ender d�x.�nines 1ha1 any p:ut of the Proptrty is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry ;
<br /> . �- aver this Secudty Instrume�s,i.ender may give Borra�er a aatice identifying ihe t:�n. Horrower shall satisfy t�ae lien ar�ake ;
<br /> . % � one or more of the actions set forth above within 1�e:sss'oi the giving of nntice.
<br /> 5. HA�rd or Property Iesurance. 8orrower s:�ali kcep Ihe improvements now existing or hercafter erected an the i •
<br /> :_;:_� � , Property insured against toss by fire,har,ards inctaded with9n the term"extended cavernge"and any other hazatds,including ,
<br /> .. :.: w.: floods or flooding. Cor which l.ender reyuires insurance. This ir�sUrance ahall he maintained in the amonnts and far the ..
<br /> Form 302t1 9190 rpqre z n)n pugr.0 � ,
<br /> ' n�:: ' : � .
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