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201007404 <br />work has been completad to Lender's satisf�ction, provided that such insp�tion shall be undsrtalcen <br />pmmptly. Lender may disburse pmcee�s for the �pairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series <br />of pmgress paya�nts as the work is completed, Ur�esa an agrcement is made ia wriCing or Applicable Law <br />requires interest to be paid on such inst�rance procee�s, �.ender shall not be require� to pay Borraw�r any <br />interest or earnings on suc�h proceeds. Fees for public �usters, ar athe�r third parties, retained by <br />Borrower shall not be paid out of thc insuraracc proceads and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower. If <br />the reaCoraci�on or repair is not econornically feaaible or I,ender's security would be l�ed� the in�surance <br />prviceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secwrity Instrument, whether or nat the�a due, with <br />the cxeess, if any, paid to Borcawer. Such insurance'proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in <br />S�cCion 2. <br />If Borr�wer abandons the Property, Lender may �itc, negotiate and setklo any availablc insurance <br />claim and related matters. Tf Borrow�r dces x►ot re�ond within 30 dxys to a notice from L,ender that the <br />insurance cazrier has offered to settle a claim, th�a I.ender may negotiat� and settle the claim. The 30-day <br />period wi�ll begin when the notice is given. In either event,, or if Leader acquires the Property under <br />SecCian 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns W Lender (a) Borrower"s right� to any insurance <br />procceds in an auwunt not to exceed the amounts unpaid uader" the Nvte or this Se,curity Insbnunent, and <br />(b) any other of Borrower's rights (othcr thaa the right to any refund of unoann�ed premiums paid by <br />Borrower) under all insurance policies cavering the ProperCy, insofar as suGh rights are applicable to the <br />coverage of the Property. Lender may use the insw,�ance procxeds either to rapair or restore the Property or <br />to pay a�wunts w� under the Note or thia Security Instrument, whexh�r or not then d�. <br />6. Occnpancy. Borrower shall accupy, establish, atul use the Ptnperty as Borrnv�+er's principal <br />reside�n�ce within 60 days after the e�ution of this Sacttritty Instniment a� shall continue to occupy the <br />Property aa Borrowcr's pri�ipal residence for at leaat one year after thc date of oaupamcy, uNess L.ender <br />othervvise agre�s iu writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withb�eld, or unless extenuating <br />circumstances exiat whic�h ans b�yond Horrower's control. <br />7. Pre�ervatlo�n, Maintenance and Protectioa of the Prop�ty; Inspections. Horrower shall not <br />destroy. damage or iu�air t� Property, allow the Prvperty to deteriorate or commit wast� on the <br />Property. Whether or not Borrnwer is residing in the Pxoperty, Borrower shall maintaia the Property in <br />order to prevent the Paroperiy from deteriorating or decreasing in, value due to its candition. UNess it is <br />detennine� pursuant to Section S that repair or restoration is not economically feasibl�, Bprrower shall <br />P�P�Y �sir the Pmperty if daxnaged to avoid further dsteripration or damage. If in�,l,��,rp or <br />cond�nation procaeeds are paid in connection with dam�age to, or the taking of� the Property Borrower <br />. <br />shall be responsible for repairing ar r�storing the Property only if T.ender has released proceads for such <br />pur�wses. L,ender mey disburse praceeds for ths repairs and restorati�an iup� a�ingle payment or in a series af <br />progress payments as the work is completed. If the insurance or condemnation proc�eds are n�t sufficient <br />to repair or restare the Praperty, Honrower is �t relieved af Borrower's obligation for the cqmpl�ion of <br />such xepai�r or restoration. <br />Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inapections of the Pmperty. If it has <br />reasot�ble cause, L.ender may inspect the inte�rior of the improvemcnts on the Property. Lender sh�ll give <br />Borrower nodce at the time of or prior to s�ch aa interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause, <br />S. Borrow�'s Loan Application. Borrower shal] be in default if, during the L.oan application <br />proceaa, Bornower or any persons or e�ntities a�ting at the direct�ion of Bornower or with Horrovvet�'s <br />laiowle�ge or consent gave matcxially false, misleading, or inaccurate information or stat�ts W L�nder <br />(or failed to provide I,endcr r�vith material infor�aaation) in conne�tian with the Loan. Material <br />repre�ntations include. bnt are rtat lirnited to, represer�tations con�cerning Horrower's occupancy of the <br />Praperty as Borrowe�r's principal res,ideaacc. <br />N�BHASKA - Single Femily - F�nnio Mae/Fnddis Mna UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-BINE) loet�l �ape�ot�s inni■i■: „/� Fotrn 3028 1/01 <br />