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201007404 <br />Bonrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pr►o�rity over this Security �nstrument unless <br />Borrower: (a) �ffi in writiung to t]xe payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ac�eptable <br />w Y.ender, but only so long as Borrower is performing such agr�nqent; (b) contests the lien in good faith <br />bq, or defends against enforcement of the lien ia, legal pruceediu�gs which in Lerider's opinipn operate to <br />prevcnt the enforcement of the lien while thase pr�.ings are pcnding, btrt only until su�h procxedings <br />are concluded; or (c) secures from thc holder of the lie� an agreernent satisfactory W L�ender subordinat�ng <br />the licn to this 5ecurity Instnunent. If Lendcr deteYmines that any part of the Prvperiy is subject to a lien <br />wbuch can attain priority av�r ttus Security Inst�ument, Lendcr may give Borrower a notice identifying the <br />lien. Within 10 days of tl�e date on whitch that n�tice is given, Borrower shall sabisty tlae lien or take onc ar <br />more of the actions set forth abave im this Section 4. <br />Lender may require Borrow�r W pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax veri�ication and/or <br />reporting service u�sed by Lender in connection with this Loan. <br />5. Property Insurance. Borrawer shall keep the improv�ts now existing or he�eat�er erected on <br />the Property insured against loss by fire, hazards inclt�ded within the term "exten►ded caverage," and any <br />other hazards including, but nat limited to, earthquakes and flooda� for which L,ender requires insurance. <br />This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts (including deductiblc levels) and �for the periods that <br />� requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding scntences can change during the teim af <br />the Loan. The inswance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Bormwer subjecC w Leiider's <br />right to disapprove Borrower's chaice, which right shall not be exercised unreasoaably. I.ender may <br />require Borrower to pay, in connectian with this Loan, eith�r: (a) a one-time charge for flood zone <br />detemrinazion, certificatian and �ng services; ar (b) a one-Cime charge far flood zone determination <br />and ce�tification servic�s and subsequent charges eauch ti�me remaPPings or aimiilar changes accur which <br />rea�onably rnight affect such determination or certification. Borrawer shall also be r�sponsible fnr the <br />PaYm�t of any faes imposed by the Fe�eral Emergeucy Management Agency in conn�ct�on with the <br />revisw of any flood zone determination resulting frot� an objer,tion by Bor�rower. <br />If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above� Lender may obtain incurancr <br />coveragB, at L,end�r's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligarivn to purcl�ase any <br />particular type or am�ou�nt of coverage. 'Ih�rcfore, such covezage shall cover I.ender, but might or might <br />�t pmtect Borrower� Bornower's equity in the Prnperty, or tho content� of the Prop�rty, agai�,st any risk, <br />hazard or liability and might provide greaCer or lesser cov�rage than �vas prr�viously in cff�ct. Borrower <br />acknawled�es tt�at the coat of the insuranc� coverage ao abtained might signi�icantly cxcecd the cost of <br />insuranoe that Borrower could have obtaiaed. Any amounts disbut�sed by I.ender under this Se�tion 5 shall� <br />beconne addidanal debt of Borrower secured by this Security Insavment. Th�se amounLs shall b�ar int�st <br />at the Note rate from Che date of disburaennent and ah,a11 be payable, with such interest, upon notice from <br />I.,ender to Horrawer requesCing pay'ment. <br />All insurance policies requimd by I�nder and reuewals of such policies shall be subjeat to Lender's <br />right to di�approve such policies, sh,all include a standard �ortgage clavse, and shall name Lcnder as <br />mortgagee ar�/or as an additianal loss pa,ycc. Lsnder shall have the right to hold the polici�,s and renewal <br />certificates. If L,e�der requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Le�nder all re�eipts of paid premiums and <br />rcnewal notic�s I� BQTCOWCI' O�1T18 BIIy �O3Y1] Of IASUlBY�C COVCI$g8, not otherwise required by Lender, <br />far darzrage to, or deswction of, the Prop�ty, suc� policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and <br />shall natn�e Lender as moRgagee and/or as an additional losa payee. <br />In the event of loss, Horrower shall give prampt notice to thB insurance carrier and L.endcr. L�ender <br />may make proof of loss if not made pmrnpCly by Borrower. Unless I.ender and Bt�rmwer otherwise agree <br />in writing. any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insuraince was requic+ed by L�n,der, shall <br />be applied to �restoration or repair of t� Property, if the re�toration or repair i�s economically feasible and <br />T.�cnder's security is not lessened. Duxing such repair aand restoration periad, L,ender shall have the right to <br />hnld such insurance proceeds until Lender bas had an oppar�iu�ity to inapact such Pmperty to ens�u� the <br />NEBRASKA - Single Faroily - F�nnl� MeUFraddi� Mac UNIFpRM INS7'RUMENT <br />�-BIMEIios��� . P�eeaie i�aur: Form3028 1/q1 <br />