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201Q07404 <br />9. Prtytecdon of Le�der's Interest in the Property and Ri�tts Under this Sec�u�ity Iustrument. If <br />(a) Borrower fails ta perform the covenants and agr�ts contained in tt►is Securih' Instrumsnt, (b) th�re <br />is a legal proceediu�g that might significantly afFect L,ender's interest in the Properiy and✓or rights under <br />this 5e,curity Instrument (sucli as a proce�iug in bankruptcy, Probate, for cond�tu�ation or forfeiture, for <br />enforccment of a lien which may attain priority over thi�s Scaxrity Instnunent or w enfarce laws or <br />regulations), or (c) Borrawer bas abandoned the property, then Lende�r nnay dn an�d pay for whatever is <br />reasonable �r a�ropriate to protect I.ender's intarest in the Properry and rights under this Security <br />Instnux�nt, includin$ protec� and/or assessing thc value nf the Propezty, and securing and✓or ;repairing <br />the Property. I.ender's actions can includc, but are not limited to: (a) PaYix►8 any surns secure� by a lien <br />wluch has priority over this Security Insirunnent; (b) aPPcarin8 in court; and (c) �aying reasonable <br />attorneys' fees to proteat its interest in the Prnperty and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including <br />its se�ured position. ua a baakruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but ia tmt lirnited ta, <br />entering the Property to malne rcpairs, cl�ange locks, replace or board up_doars and windows, drain water <br />from pi�s, eliminate building or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and har+e utilities turned <br />on or off. Alt�ough L�e�nder may take action under this Se�tion 9, Lsnder does not have to do so and is not <br />uader any duty or obtigation to do so. It i� agreed that Lender incurs no liability fox not talring any oz all <br />actions authorize�i under this Section 9. <br />Any amounts disbursed by L�der under this Section 9 shall beoome �ditional debt of Borrower <br />secured by this SeCUrity Inswment. Theee �nounta shall be�x intcrest az the Notc rate from the datc of <br />disburseme�t a�d shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from L.ender to Bpa�xower r�questing <br />� thx's Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the pravisions of the <br />lease. If Horrower acquires fee ritle w the ProPertY� the leasehold and the fee Citle shatl not merge unless <br />I.ender agrees to the �cnerger in writing. <br />].0. Mortgage In�urance. If Lendar rcqu�ired Mortgaga Insuraace as a condition af maldng the Loan, <br />Borrower slaall pay the prenmiums required to maintain the MoRgage Insurance in effe�t. If, for any �ason, <br />the Mortgage Insurance coverage required by i.endcr c�ases to be available from the mortgage insurer that <br />previously provided such insurance and Barrowcr was re�uired ta m�ake separately designated payments <br />toward trie premiwms for Martggge �nsurnnce, Horrowec shall pay the pnamiuma required to obtain <br />coverage subatmntially equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a�st substantially <br />equivalent to the cost w Bornvwer of the Mortga$� Insurance previously in effect, fiom an alternate <br />mortgage iinsurer select�d by L�ender. If substantially equivalent Mortgage Inauranc� coverage is not <br />available, Borrower shall oot�tinue ta pay to L�ndcr the arnou� of tbe s�parately designated payinents that <br />werc due whe�► the insuranc:e coverage ceased to be in effe�ct. Len.der will accept. use and retain thasc <br />paymients as a non-refundable loss re�erve in lieu of Mortgage Insuranc�. Stu� loss reserve sha11 be <br />non-refundable, notwithstanding the faet that the Loan is ulrimately paid in ft►�1, and Lender shall nat be <br />required to pay Borrower any interest or carnings on such lo�s reaerve. Lcnder can no longer rcquire losa <br />reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amount and for the per�od that I,ender �quares) <br />provided by an insurer selected by Lender again becot� available, is obtained, and I.ender requires <br />separatBly designatsd payments toward the premiuma for Mortgage Insurance. If I.ender required Mortgage <br />Insuranco as a�ndidoa of �naking the Loan and Barrowar was required to maks aeparately designated <br />payments torward thc pz�niums for Martgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br />maintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundable loss resen►e� until Lender's <br />requirement for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreennent between Borrower and <br />Lender providing for att�h termination or until termination is raquired by Applicable Law. Nothing in this <br />Section lU affects Hcrrrow�r's obligataon to pxy intareat at ihn rata pravided in the Note. <br />Mortgag� Insux�nce reimbur�es Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it <br />may incur if Borrower doea �t t�pay the Loan as agreed, Borrower is nnt a party to the Mortgage <br />Insur�nr.c. <br />Mortgage inaurers evaluate t�eir total risk on all such insurancc in fnrae firom tune to rime, and may <br />enter into agreements with other partie� chat share or modify the�ir risk, or reduce lnsses. agreernents <br />are on terms and �nditions ttaat are satisfactory to the �urtgage insiuer and the other PartY (or parties) to <br />the�se �ts. These �gre�naents may requirc the �nrtgage imsurer to make paym�nts using any scawrcc <br />of fuads that the mortgage inst�rer may have available (whitch may include fundg obtained from Mortgage <br />Insurance premiums). <br />NEBRpBKA - Stnale �amily - Femnie MaU1=r�ddN Mac UNIFORM INiSTRUM�M�' <br />�-B�NE) 1os� � 1 rao. e m� s in�ura: Form 30x8 1/01 <br />