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<br /> — °-_ � ZLO�C�Ii�G-I��Ia`..4�.�OCd.1��-.�C�Si�0�5 DYC[7�;�Y1�tOqWtOd tP Q��_ `
<br /> - . "aunt�odinE�deDtedness under-!de Note aed t6is Socucity Imnnmeqt sbttl be p�id to the emty y � �-- --
<br /> f Fa�7s�r�may oollxt fas�d d�tges autl�oiizod by the�eeretary. . .. � .
<br /> ` !.G�ca�ds[or Actderatian d De6t. . ' - �
<br /> ` `ts�ad�it•l.eader may.exoept�s ti�ioed by tegulaaoos issued Dy the Sare[ary,ia`tlie case of paymajt.def�its, .
<br /> nquire i�amcdiue paytneot ia fuU of a11 sums savned by this Savrity.Instrameat if:
<br /> � (i)Borrower defanits by f�iling w pay in full arry manthl9 PaY�!u�4�bY tliis Sacurity Inst�ument prior[o a'
<br /> . . on tl�e dve date of tha next mo�uhly payment.ur �
<br /> - , Cri)Borcorrer defaiIts 6y fa�ing, for a period of thirty days,to,perfomt aay ather obGgatians oo�ained ia this
<br /> Securiry�. , �
<br /> . (b).Sale Vi►ittiopt C�e�it App�+uval.Le�der sl�all, if pemutted by appii�abte law and witU the priar approv�i of the .
<br /> . . Soc�uy,roquii�c immodiate payment in full of all susns secured by t6is SecuriiY Instmment if:
<br /> . �All oi part of ti�e Pc+uperty. or a beaeficial iaterest in a tnut owning all or part of the Property, is sold or ,
<br />- • ottierwise bansferred(other tl�an by devise or descent)by the Bomower.aid
<br />'� (�'7 The' Pnopeity ig mt accugiod by tbe:purcfiaser or grantee as his or her principal resideaoe, or the
<br />-__ ... purcfiaser or g�antet does so oocupy the Prapaty b�u his or her ciedit Uas not 6een appravad in aooutdance wtth the .
<br /> -� . ceq�tit�rknts of the Socretary. . . . :
<br /> -= (c)No Waiver.If cirptmstas�ces accur tl�at wouffipetmit I.ender to require immodiate payment in ftdl.but Ltnder does
<br />;-�, not requiie snd�payments.I.ender does not waive its righu with ns�pe�x to subsequent events.
<br /> •(ij Re6Witioas of HUD Sec�ry.-In mauy circuautances�egplarions issued 6y the 5ecretaty_wip limit Lender's �� -
<br /> 'rig�ts in the case of paymene defaults to require immadiate payment in fulJ and foreclose if noc paid. This Secarity ,�,,,�
<br /> � �ment does not authorizeaccetaation or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations of ehe Secretary. .r.$e.��'
<br /> „ �_- -
<br />;�� ,, .
<br /> • �.*�;�.
<br /> te3 MartgAge Not Ins�a�ed.Borrower agees that shwld this Security Instrument and the Note secured therehy not be ��Y:._;
<br /> , : ei�ible for insurance under the National Housing Act within 60 days from the date.hereof.Letder may.at its option ��•.:.i��_
<br /> _ , a�f natwithstanding anything in paragraph 9. require i�iediatc payment in ful!of all sums secured by this Sacurity -
<br /> � Tnsuvment. A written statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated s�Bsequent to 60 days from([u.date ��LL'
<br /> _.�`� � • heieaf.declining to insure this Secuiity Instmment and the Note securod ihereby,shall be deemod eonclusive pi+aof of �"!'°-_
<br /> such ineligibilit�r.Notwithstanding the foregoing. this oppon may nat be exercised by Lender when the unavaitabitity �.•
<br /> . � af tnsurance is solely due to LenCer's failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium ta the Serretary. -� :-�
<br /> , �;
<br /> ' � -._4 i.` ' ' ;.,:�� .. �.
<br /> la Reinststemeot.Barrower has a right to be seinstated if Lendec has required immed4ate paymem in fuq because of ..:��_,_ . :
<br /> Borrower s faiiure ta pay an amount`due under the Note ar this Security Jnstrument. 'f'his right applies even after foreclosure y"� � --
<br /> . , procecdings are instituted.To reia�tate the Security lnstrument. Bonowet shall tender in a lump sum alt amaunts required to . �LW . ,.��_
<br /> bring Bo�tower's account cunent including. t�the extent they are obligations af 8arrower ander this Secarity Instrument. _���;�_=
<br /> fareclas�'costs and reasanabte and customary attomeys fees and expenses propedy associated with the f�rectosure _
<br /> s ' proceeding.Upon reinstatement by Borrower.this Security Insts�Eri�t and the abligations that it secures shali remasn in effect - . , _
<br />" ` •�''�r-`'� as if Lender had not required immediate paym�nt in full.However.l.ender is not rcquired t�permit reinstatement if:(i)Lender ; . •
<br /> ,;��:r�-. �
<br /> ' ' R. Ye�,�-�^ •has accepted reinstatennent after the commencement of foreclosure proceedin�s wltbin two years imrned'iately preceding the *_• . __
<br /> !�' •,` '' coiarnencement of a current foreclosure praceeding. (ii)reinstatement wili preclude forectosure on diiferent grounds in the �'' '
<br /> '`� �' '` �` I� future.or(iii)reinstatentent will adversely affect the priority of thr.tien crcatcd by this Security Instrument. �
<br /> '�rs• . L .. :Y.�:_sti'__�—
<br /> '� 11.Borrawe�Not Released;Forbearance By l.endee Nat��4aiver.Extension af the time of payment or modificution af ,..�i�'�;-:�_
<br /> amartiTation of the sums secured by this Security Inscrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shal! ��: °-
<br /> , not operate to release the IiAbility of�he origin•rl Ber�enuer or Borrawer's success�r in interest. Lender shall not be required to :
<br /> commence procecdings against any success�tt in iater�t ar refuse to extend time for payment nr atherwise madify amo�iTation
<br /> � ��,: of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument by rcacort of any demand made by thc ariginal Bmrowcr or &�rrower's � � .
<br /> ' . .; t:=>� � surcessors in interest.Any forbearance hy Lender in exercising any right or remedy shaU nat be s��vaiver of ot prectude the f :
<br /> ,:i•"�',��;; exercisc of any right or remcdy. . �
<br /> . I .
<br /> � '�,, �-4RtNE! Ce�o 0 0�tl � . .
<br /> , -.' ���•_° - �, .
<br /> ��� ••--' �
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