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<br /> � � 4.Fiee,I+1..i,�i oHer�ea�nt+d Irwrs�ee:Borm�er s6.u;c�aue�ll improvat�ts on ttK rioQa�t,i,t.�ao�v ie ��'
<br /> -- ` —__....,�� ..,�--,.,...x.....- . �M . . �. . � _ - — — -
<br /> -_ -- z.a;�.-��-��...�.....�,
<br /> insuraocc.7�s msur�tce sl�il 6c matKained in the amounts and for[he periods tl�t Lender requires. 8orrowe� shall at�u _
<br /> : -. i�uce al�impcuve�a�s on dx.Piopeity;wMhGr now in cxisterke br subsecji�ently eiected:a8ain5tYos"s by Raods to the extt� .
<br /> roquind by tlle Soc�etatl'=All iasuur�nce shail be curied with oon�nies oppraved by Lender.'IUe iasurazsyce policies and at►y. .
<br /> . ,�.n�ewals shatl 6e 6eid by LGndcr�sd shali�inc[ude loss p►yablt claiues in favorof.and in a fortq accxptabtc to.Leodes. .
<br /> Ia the eae�of loss.Bortuwer st�ll give L�oder immodiase notioe by mail.Lader iaay maice proof of ioss if no��made _
<br /> P���Y bY Botmwer. F.�ch inwr�noe�compaaY conamed is Itereby authar'vsd and di�to make paXcnrnt for such losc
<br /> di�ecxly to 1,ender,instead of to Bormwer aid to Lender jai�uly.AU or any part of the insuranoe proceeds�Y be aPPtied by � •
<br /> � Lsader,at its option.eitlKr(a)to tbe redwxion ot t6e indeMed�ss under tbe Note and this Security[ncuument,first to any
<br /> deli��eat.amnu�s?QPteed"sn the o�der in paragr�li 3.and then w prepaymmt of principat.or(b)to tbe re;coration or npair
<br /> of th�dam�gat prapenY= a►Y aPPliption of tT�e prucads w tiie principal sl�il uot extead�or postpone tT�e due date af t6r •
<br /> tponthly poymmts which ue nferrad ta inrQarrgraph 2,ar ch�ag�e the�noant of sucti palm�ents.Any exoess inw�P�a�
<br /> over an amounc raluired to•pay all ot�tandinS indebtedness under the Note�d dris Seeuriry Insuvment sLall 6c paid ta the
<br /> entity legally eatided tlxceto. : .
<br /> - • � in th�event of foreciosure of ttis Security Instrument or otHer transfer of tide Eo th� Pruperty that extingni�es ihe
<br /> = indebtedness,all rigtit,tille a�interat of Bocrawer in a�d fo inwranee policies in force shall pass to the punhaser� .
<br /> S. Ooc�p�ncy; Pl�s'alsa!4� Maintmaaoe aod Pmteotiou o[ the Property, Boce+uwer's Loan Applip�tioa:
<br /> l.mel�old4. Horrower shall�;`atablisb,ard�.se t6e.Prope�cy as.Borrower's principal residence witLin sixt}r days after _
<br /> t6e eaa�ution of this Savdty[ns�ument aid sUali oontinue ta occupy the Fr,operry as Borrower's principal resi�ence for at least
<br /> _ aae year after tl�e date of occupaincy,unless the Secretary ddermir�es ttds ie+��rement w�1 cause undue ha�dship for Borrowsr,
<br />=r; . or aiiless extrnuating eircumstac�es eaist a�iph are beyond Borns���'f .�ontrol. Bocrower sha11 natify l.enders of any
<br /> ti.,
<br /> - -esse��oating circurtutances.Borra��shal.!mt commit,wasQia,�z.�'v�`.�a8e or sabstantially change the Property or allow
<br /> r:,' the pcoperty to deteriorate, reasa�e wrar and tear excepied. L.eQder may it�.cpect ti�e Property iF the Property;s vaeant or
<br /> abandonod or the loan is in defa�Ft: Lender.may tahe reasonable aetion.ta protoct ancl preserve such vacant ot abaMoned
<br /> � Property.Borrower shall also be ia defauh if Harmwer.during the toaa�application process.gave materially false or�naccurnte
<br /> � infom�tion or statements to Lendsr toi failed to provide ixader a+ith any materiat information)in connection with the loan
<br />" evidenced by the Note. inetudi�::�ut not timited to. representations cunceming Barrawer's accupancy af the Property as a �
<br /> = ' . prirtcipal nsidence.If this Sa�-it��hutrument is on a teasehold,Borrower shalT comp�jr�with the provisions of tbe lease. If
<br /> � Bortt�a�er acquires fee title to the Propecty.tfie teasehold and fee title shal!not be me�'ged onless�Lender agrees to the merger in
<br />-`;�, writing. . .
<br /> .<< . . ,.
<br />�:,:��•-� 6.Charges to Rorrovrer and ProtectWn ot I.ender's Rlghts in ihe Propaty.Eorrower shal!pay all gavemmental or
<br />;;+;�` municipal charges. fines and impositions that are nat�ncluded in paragraph 2. Barrowe�shal!pay these obligauo�.s on time
<br /> - directly to the entity whicb is owed the paymen�. If failure to pav would advecsely at�0ar ll....ender's interest in the PropeRy.upon
<br /> ,,•�,.'�,;. � Lender's request Borrower shall prompdy fumish to lxnder receipts evidencing these paymenu.
<br /> .�'�•;,;
<br /> r..1:�.
<br /> Jf Borrower fa;:s ro make these paymenu or the payments required by paragraph 2,or fails to perform any other covenants
<br /> and agreemenu contained in tbss Security Instrument,or therc Is a legal prdceeding that may signifrcantly affect Lender's rights
<br /> ��, in the Property(sucis as a prooc�ding in bankruptcy. for condemnadan or ta enforce laws or regufations), then l.encter may do
<br /> . and pay whatever us:�ecessary to pratect the��a!ue af the Praperty and Lendcr's rights in the Praperty.inciuding paymenc of _:
<br /> � taxes.hazatd inswr.::;.:;and other items mentior:�in paragraph 2.
<br />' . Any amounts disbursed Isy l.ender under this paragraph shall bccame an additional debt of Borrower pnd t►:�sred by -
<br /> • this Security lnsuument.'i'hese amaunts shall bear intcrest frnm the date af disbursement.at thc Nate rate.arrd at tF�_aation of -
<br /> • l.ender.shall be immediately due and payable.
<br /> ' 7. Candemnntion. The proceeds of any award ar rlaim for damages. direct or rnn�equential. in connection with anp _
<br />.. � con�temnation ar othet taking of any pan of ihe Property.or fnr wnveyance in placc of condemnation,are he[eby assigned arid
<br /> shall be paid to Lendcr to the cxtent of the full amount of thc indebtedness that remains unpaid under the Note and this Security , _
<br /> � h. . - Instrument. l.ender shall apply vuch puxeeds to thc redaction of the indebtedne.�.c under the Nate and this Securiry lnstrument.
<br /> ;:,;' , first to any delinqueat amnunts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3. iutd thcn to prepayment of principal. Any
<br /> � a licacion of the proceeds to the ptincipal shall nc�t extcnd or postpone the due date nf the manthly payments. which ate
<br />� '�� �41I(NE) vege 3 0�a
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