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<br /> _ _ _._ ... _._.__' 19 � ` Y�i�� �!t��� ■I�G��1�iuu ��;{[If1 .
<br /> ----- '�r�wns_lw�d.Asi�i_n_�oid: --•-—- --- -. .
<br /> Secvrity L�nmeat s6aU bind aed beoefit tbe succestots an�d-a�`8as - - E—, --
<br /> o� s�e -�td Forrower. ��•�•+�•a•� ---
<br /> . � paRgrap6 9.l�. Borrower's wvenants aad aaree�ents shall 6e joirn �d sever�l.:My Bomuwer who oo-sigas thls Savdty
<br /> Iasuvment 6ut do�a oot ea�aarte thc Noce: (a)is co-signing this Sxurity�nunun�nt oniy to mortgagc,g r a n[and convey tb�t
<br /> . Honnw•x's ineRSt ia tl�Pioperty under tlse te�ms of this Securiry Insuuma�t:(b)is not personally cibTigated to pay tffe sums .
<br /> socurai by tbi�Savricy fcsuumau:and t�1 a�that i�ender�rd a►ry other Bomawer may`agcee to e�tend.modiiY.,forbear or
<br /> �a�t any aapwnodatia�s widt nsand ta the tetms of this Security lnsuument or the Nate without that Borrower s oon�ak- , _
<br /> � : 13..Notiaa.My aotice to Bocro�ra pmvided for in this Security Ia�umau shall 6e givtn by detiveriag it or tsy muling
<br /> - .it by first class ma�'1 unless applicable taw roquites ose of anothcr metiwd.Tlre aotice si�all 6e direaod to the Ftoperty Address
<br /> or any dher addnss Bormwer design�us by notice w l+eoder. llny notice to Lender s[�U be given by first ct�fis mail to
<br /> Lender's addr�cs statod decria or any address LeMer design�tes by notia w Borrower.My naicx pr+nvided for in this Sxuriry
<br /> It�stnunent shall be damed w have beea givm to Borrnwer or l.a�dei when g'tven as pmvidod in this paragt-ap6.
<br /> - l4..Guvecaioa La�v; Sevaability. Tdis Security Insuument shatE be gavemed by federal law and the law of the .
<br />-- jorisdictian in which the Property is iocatod..IQ the eveat`that arry provision ar clause o€this Securiry Insuumenc or tAe Note . .
<br /> - �ontticts with applicable law.such vo�tli�s1�aU ant at�ect other pcorisions of this Securitq Insuu�rt ar the Note wlueb can be
<br />___ given effect withaut the oonflicting grovision:To t6is end the provisions of this Secarity Insanment anA the Note a�dectazed
<br />�=:��-, to be sevuable. ._ . - . —
<br /> = 15.Borro�s�'s Copy.Horrower shal!6e givea oae oonfora�ed eopy of ttis Security Instcument • _ . _-__
<br /> s_-—
<br />--,' - lf. Aasi�naM of Reats.Borrower uuconditionally assigns and uansfers to Lender all the rents�nd t�evenues•oF:tiie =--_
<br />-- A'ope�tY.Borrower antliorizes Lendec or Lender's agems to coitect the rrnts and revenues and hereby directs eadi tenant of t6e -- --
<br /> P�uperty to pay the�rants to Lender or Leade�s agents.However.prior to L�nder's notice w Borcower of Bomowec's bmach of , �
<br />- an cavemnt or agceeraent in the S�curity-Instntment,Borrower sh�tl ec�llect and rereive aIl renu and revenues of the Property }^'-��` :
<br /> y.
<br /> as trustee for the benefit af Lender and Borrower. This assignment of rents canstitutes an absotate assignment and uat an �-�.`::>i�,. -
<br /> � asdgnment for additional security only. ���'��
<br /> :i � _ - �,, ._, -
<br /> .. � � -
<br /> If I.ender gives notice of breach to Borrower:�a)a►�t.rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrawer as austee fos `�:�-.. �,-�•_�
<br />. +a i��-.,->Y4�l
<br /> �-.s:�• i •.__�i-
<br /> benefit of I.4nder only,to be applied to the stuns secu�lry the Security Inswment:(b)Lender shal!be entitled�to coltect and . h:_r.
<br /> ...ti; r• . .4J..;
<br />:�..i.,. � ;•':. .�oeceive all of tbe rents of the Properry:and[e)each'tenanc of the Property shatl pay a11 rents due and unpaid to Lender or ��_=.
<br /> . ' Lender's agent oa[,ender's written demand m the tenant. �
<br /> ;. - . �`'�a
<br /> •i.. Borrower has not executed any prior assignmenc of the ients and hac,not and will not perfarm any act that would prevent ,,.,,�. ��• ''�
<br /> , -{. . � ,.::. :.
<br /> � - Ix;ader from exercising its rights under this paragraph 16. �` �=•"
<br /> A
<br />.. . �,i`.`i!�•` _T'::r���'--
<br /> _ k.; -
<br /> , �-_ Ixnder shal!not be required to enter upan,take control of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice of breach _
<br /> '�:�:•'�, to Borrower. However. Lender or a jadicially appointeQ rcceiver may do so at any time there is a breach. Any applicalian of ;��•.L . •
<br /> �,�. rents shall nat cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right ar remedy of lxnder. This assignn�ent af ren�a of the �,,
<br /> Property shall t�enninate when tfte debt secured by the Security lnstrument is paid in full. ' � �- _
<br />�'`�:'-`��� x I�iON-UNIFORM COVEPIANTS.Borrower and Lender further cnvetku►E and a�rec as follows: , ' � _ -
<br /> �:�,� n • -
<br /> �•�� - � r� � 17.For�ec�Josure Proeedure.li t.eader requise!►immc�diute payment in tWl under paragraph 9,l.endee may invoke the � .
<br />;.�,�." .
<br />��,;� . ;.� = power oi sate pnd any ot6cr remedies permiited by applicahle law. I.ender shail he entitled to wited all expenses
<br /> ';'�;;.;: � � s , inourred in pursuing the remedies under this paragrapfi.l7,including,6ut nM limited ta,reasonabte attora�ys'tees and ' . �
<br /> <<r- � ^��''` � costs of Ntle evidence. �
<br /> ��:,:;�` << -
<br /> ' � If the power of sate is invoked.'i'�ustee•5ha11 record a notice ai defaWt in each county in which any p�ii ot the '"'�"
<br /> i�,. ;
<br />:, Pcoperty is lacated and shall mail copicg ot�uch nolicr in the manner presrribed by appiicable Iaw to Borrower and to
<br /> � . ., _ , tl�e other pe�sons pre.scrlbed by appUca6fe taw.A7ter the time required by appikable law,Trustee shall pive puMk nWke ;
<br /> �;� ; ot sale to the peison4 and in the manncr prescrllxd by applicabfe law.Trustce.��Ithout demand an Borrower,shall scll i" � ;
<br /> � the Yrvperty at pub8c auction to tfie higi�bidder at Ihe time;�ord ptace and under the terms desig,rt�ted in the noUce ml � ,
<br /> ii f.w.. .i 'i.t J '�� •
<br /> `:',: ':� �:=`.::r_ . sale im m�e ar more parcetss and in any ordee Trustce ds�in�.TruStee may postpone sale ot all or any parcel of the �.. �
<br /> � '�• ' � peoyeatg 4sy public announcement at thp time and�9a�sr•of aa� preriausly sch�tated cute. l.cmder oe its d�i�nee may r't� ,
<br /> �,:. :�•.. . 'u
<br /> , . ; • ': �rnchase the Yroperty at any sale. �js�
<br /> � �`i.Ya,
<br /> • • L i�� . ��4R(NEI vageSotG
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