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<br /> - - -------'-��oecioa=u�t l�d�a�7�e i�uc�ecess��ihe a�r�oe sh.0 6e�noeen.t�lociov►rer s�,e;«K [.c�r1s �_
<br /> appro�val wfiicb efWl aot��atonsb�►w�S.I� aH`aovrer fa7is�o nia-� a cavzn�e descn a e. msy:�
<br /> LenderS�optja4 abnin coverags to protect LendergrIght�in tlreptope y in xcordance wilf�p�ngrapl�7. .
<br /> Ai!i�sm�nct pdici�s a�d cs�ats slvU be accep[abk to[.en�er aM stiat!inciude a standaN mdctgage c1ws�. Leede� ,
<br /> ,sh�it hsve ttu ri�iM ta hoid the poticies�d m�ewais. If Laader t+e�uices,Bonower shaU p�ptly Sive to L.ei�dcc aU receip�s
<br /> ot p�id prcmiwns md�wal.nakos.,Ia the event a�1oss.&xrower shall give pomp not�ce ta the insur.uica carricr and
<br /> , [sender,•(,endnr ma�r m�ke proof of loss if not ina�3c.PromP��Y bY Batower:
<br /> - - �idessltendaaud9anower af�wiseag�oe in�riting,i�•�procceds sltal)be applied to resta�ation nr rep�ir of
<br /> , �C pin,perty c�ma�l.if tl�e teuar�tion ar iepeir is econdmicalty feasiMt and Lenders secudty is not tessened. If tLc
<br /> restoration a tepair is not ecanomically fe�'Dle or I.ei�der's serurity'woutd be lessened.the insUrancc �oaeds shalt be -
<br /> applied to the som�seturod by t6is Security Instrument,wlKther or not then due.aith any cxcess paid to Eacrowa. !f
<br /> Bamv►rer.almdont tLe Ptoperty.or does na answer within 30 daps a notice fmm I.ender that the insurmnee cazrier has
<br /> offeRd to s�eale s cl�n.then I.eader may calkct the inw�ance pmceeds. lander may use the proceeds co trp�ir ar iestarc ,
<br /> � tbe Aopncy or to p�y s�uns socured by tlris Sow:icy instcumen�whetlxr a not theai duc.�.Tbe 30�day period wilt begin whea
<br /> tLe�atice is giveo. .
<br /> Unkss Lender m�d Barawes otircrwrise agroe in wriang,any applicatian of procad�[o p�incipal sha11 aot eaund or
<br /> p�qe tbe due due of tbe cpoatblY paymrnts�efemed to in paragraphs/ and 2 or rhange the mnwnt of tite payma�ts. If
<br /> w�der`Parapaph 21 ii�e Pmpeity.is acquimed by Lendcr,Bartower's right to any insar,mce policies and proceeds resultmg
<br /> ho�n damaa„e.to the Prnpeity prior to tha x�nnqon shall pass to Lerxkr to ihe exunt of tGc swns savted by this Security - - `
<br /> Lutinnunt immodiuety pnor to the acquisidon. - � ` � -
<br /> �, pae�p�eg pre�rv�tioe, Maieten�ce sod Protection at the Froperty; Borrovrer's t.oAn Appikatioa;
<br /> � g�R��ail occupy,tstablish,and use the Property�Borrower's principa4 residence within siaty days after
<br /> the�an o�tbis Sa��uity Iastrument and shal!r.ontiaue ta occupy the Property As Bomower's principal rasWence for at
<br /> � least u�e Year a�the date of occupancy. untess Lender otherwise agrees irt writing, which cauent st�a11 not be
<br /> uacsason�bly witUheki.or untess extrnaating ci�cumstances exist which�te beyond Borrawa's convol. Boirower shatl noC
<br /> desuny,damage a udpair the Ptnpercy,allow the E�ivperty to deteriorate.or cammit waste on the Property. Bormwer shatl
<br /> _ � be in default if aay forfeittme actioo ur proc�erding,whedxr cirn'I or criminal.is 6egun tdat irt Lender's good faith judgment
<br />- coutd nst�lt in forfeuure af the P►+nperty or otherwise maurially impair the lien created by this Security Insavment or
<br />= Lender's security intecest. Borrower.may cure such a defauit and ninstate;as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action
<br /> _ `` ar proceeding tu be dismisseA with a iuliag thaX a[tender's good fsuth detem�madon.precludes fafeiture of the Borrowe�� . �
<br /> _ intenst in tl�Property or ather materiai impainnent of the Gen creaced by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry , �
<br /> ' intenest. Bortower shall atso be in default if Borrower, durin� the loan application process, gavc materially false or
<br /> - inaccurate infom�adoa or statements to Lender�s fat'led to pmvide l.ender with any material infoQnanan)m com�eeticx�with
<br /> � the loan evidenced 6y the Note. including.bat not limiced to. representations conceming Borrawer�s accupancy di the'
<br />'r�:. Pmperty as a principal residenee. If this Security insttument is on a leasehold,Bortower shalt comply with all�he provisions
<br />=_ �of the'�tease. If Bortower acquires fee 6Qe to the PropeRy,the teasehold and the fee title shaU not merge untess i.ende�agcees
<br />'-.� ` ro the merger in writing. : �. •
<br />- 7. Protection ot l,pnder's'6tghts io t6e Propetty. If Borrower fails to perfotm the cavenants and agreements
<br /> cantained 'm this Secudty Instrument,or there is a tegal proceeding that may signiftcantly affect Lenders rights in the
<br /> - Ytope�ty tsuch as a proceeding in bankruptcy,prut►ate,for rnndemnalion or tarfeiture ar to ertforcc laws or regulatinns),then
<br /> .' ` Lender may do and pay for whatever is neaess�y to protect the value of the Property and L�nder?s rights in the Property.
<br /> � , Lender's aetions may include paying an}sums secured by a lien whicb hac priarity ovet this Securiry instrumeni.appeanng
<br /> � in couri,payiag reasonabte aaomeys'fees and enterin�an ihe Property to make repairs:Although l.ender may take action =
<br /> ' uader{his patagraph 7.Let�der doe!i not have tu do so. _
<br /> e
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall 6ecome additional debt of Borrower secured by�his _
<br /> - Securiry TnstrumenG Unless Borrower and t.e�der agree to other terms of payment�theso amounts shaQ bear interest from the -
<br />� date of disbursernen�at the Note rate and shalt be payable.with interest,upon notice irom Lender ta Barrawer reguesting _
<br /> pa�8,.�Mortg�se Insaraqca If Lender required mortgage insurance a.v a cqndition af cn�cing thc toan secure�E�g �his
<br /> Securiiy InstrumenG Borrower shall pay the pn�niums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. •If,far any -
<br /> rea.4on. the mortgage insurance coverage reajutted by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effecK. Barna�zer sfrall pay the =
<br /> premiums required to obtAin coveruge substantiapy eyuivalent to the morlgnge insurance previousI�:�effect, at a cost
<br />- sabstantiully equivalent to the cost to Borrawer af the mortgage in�ur:�ncc previou�ly.ia effect,from an altemate martgage
<br /> 'y ir�sarer approved bg Lender. !f substantially equivalcnt mvrtguge in+ur.mcr mvcrage is nat availuble.Barrower shafl pay to --
<br /> � .'. ` f.�nd�r each month a sum equ;►1 to ane•twelith of the yeady mortgage insurancc premium fieing paid by Borrawer when the
<br /> in:;ueance coverago lapud nr ceused to be in effect. l.ender will accept.u�e ancl retain these paymen[.c as u loss re�+erve in lieu
<br /> " of mortga�e insuraace. Lusti rexerve payments may no tonger bc reyaired.a1 the option of Lender,ii martgage in.�urance =
<br /> . � coverage(in the amount and far the period ihat l.cnder rcquirex)prov�ded by an imurcr approvc�by Lender again becomes -
<br /> Avaita3�te and is obtaincd.Barrowcr shalt pay thc prcmium�rcquired t��maintuin mongage intiurance in effect.ar to provide.�
<br /> ' lass reserve,umil the requlrement for martb,ig�insurartre errdE 3n accardnnce with any written ugrcemrm between Bt�cower -
<br /> ' and l.endcr or applicahle luw. `
<br /> � ' 4. Inspectbn. Lender or its agcnt may make rca�onabic cntrie�up��n t�nd intipcctianc of'the Property. Lcnder tihall �"
<br /> give Borrawer�otice at the time��f nr pri�r ta an in.pertion�pecifying reasunahir.es►u.re fo.r the inspecci�:.. �
<br /> : 10. Gondemnation. The praccedv ai'any award or cluim far damagey,direct�x cnnseyuential.:-��rtnection with:+ny E
<br /> . Sin�k Famity..tvnnk 1U�e/Eicddir 11sc��1YORN I�tiT(i11�1F VT-•(- ::^n Curcaant• 9l90 ip,r¢u.�.�//�t,,�q�v i:
<br /> .� ralat In[H Cavinr.a+i'urmS.Int.� !
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