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<br /> �4au ee�.ia t�[.ender.. � � shau t+c appl'Ka to the sums sauaa rYy tteis $ec�ricy
<br /> � � In lbe evau of a total uJcins of t(te`Property. P�� ,
<br /> . 6�m�._wbdhe�or nut tlirn due.with m►y exass ppi�to Barawer. In the event af a partial qkiii�of tbe PsvQercy in__ �
<br /> which t6e f�ur�titu valuo io�ihe Qtopetty immsdiatdy befoc�the t�lcing is equai w or g�eater tl�an ihe�nount of the sum� ..
<br /> : securod by tlus Sacuricy��-•^�^�^•�ately 6efae tbe taicing.unless Borrower and Lendcr otbeTw�se agree irt writing. .
<br /> .. the sums seruird by this Security ta�rurt�ent shall be reducod by the amaunt o�the�s multiplied by the fdlowing .
<br /> � fr�ction: (a)We ratal amamt of We sutng socuial immediately befon dte tahing,d�vided by(b)the faic maricet v�lue of tIx
<br /> - ` ptoperty immediate[y beface tAe talring. Atty Uaf�nce sl�all�be paiJ to Bo�vver. tn dte evert nf a paniai tsling o€ttie -
<br /> prapetty in which the fair matket value of the PmQe�ty onlned'raielY`befae the taking is tess thu�the amount of ti�e swns
<br /> � secu�d immediatcty 6efarc the taking,unkss Bormwer and t.eader.otherwise ag�ee ia writing or unk.�s appiicabk taw _
<br /> ' othetwise.Qrovides.the proceeds st�all be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whedber or not the sums a�e
<br /> then due. '
<br /> If the Prnpe�ty is abanda�ed bY BoROwer.or if.after notice by Lender to Barower that the condrnu�or offers m.m�ce
<br /> an aw�d ar settk a ctaim for damages.Bormwu faiIs to�espoad ta Lender witfiin 3b days after the date the nwice is given,
<br /> ' L�rnder is authorized to coUect aod apply tbe proceeds.at its option,either to cesta�ation or repair of the Propezty or to the
<br /> sants secn�od by this Secutity lnstrunten4 whetha or aot then due: shalt n�e�t extend or ,
<br /> � Qnkss i.ender an�l Barnwer otherwise a8ree in wriw�,anY�P�i and 2 orcP�t�he��t of�such `• . .
<br /> pnstpone the due datt of the montlilY P�yments Isfemd to in parag�aphc P�3'��-�- �••�.. '
<br /> tl: Bo�►�1Va�Rdd6ed: Focbearstace By�Les�et ltiat s.Wattre�-E.xtensian of the__time,fgt R?Yrnent a�..`;;`:_`- , -
<br />- modification of acra�ti�tion of the sums sa�med by tbis Seeoriry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in uiterest�`t'
<br /> ' • ._ of Homnwer shatl nat oper�te ta rekase the liability of tbe.otiginal Borrower or Barowe�s successors in itrterrst Lende`r �,
<br /> sl�it.nat be rnqui�d to cosnmence pR+acadings a�ainst any successor in inter�r�'ce,f�e rQ eatend time�or payment or
<br /> - �. odntw�se modi{y amoRirrtion of the sucns secured by this Secariry Instrumeat by.o�v::J of z.zv demand made by tl�e onginai � .
<br /> Bo�mtiver q Borrower's succ'e.ssors�in ia�. Any forbearance by L,ender in exer:G�ig a�►Y iFght or remedy shail not be a ,
<br /> � watver of or pnclude tbe ea�ise af any right or remedy. ' `:;:;�.
<br /> . � ��p�g��1�����,i�Aility;Co��The covettat►ts and agrcements of this
<br />� Secmriry Instrument shall bind and 6enefit the saccessars and assigns of Lender�d Borrnwer.subject to[he provisions of
<br /> _ paragraph 17. BomYwer's cove�nis a�3 agreements shall 6e joint and several.Any Borrower who co-sipfs this Security
<br />-- ` ; InsuansFat 6at�6Oes not exccute the�:`.{a3 is co-signing this Secdr:r�3����"t aaly to moicgage,grars�and convey ttr�:�.,
<br />__ Botrower's�nten�st in the Property aadt✓sr�e terms of this Se.curity Ins�rs.� (b)�s not personalty obligated to pay thc s:�s�:°
<br />`"-__' secured by this Securiry Ins�nunent;a.�ic)agrees that Lender and a¢iy other Boriower may agcee ta extend.modify.fosirear.:'.
<br /> -- or make any accommad�ns wit�i cegard to the terms of this Seeurity instc�eat ur the Note without tii�Bamiweis-
<br /> . consent. , ,- � '.
<br /> _ � 13. l.oan Chae�ea �:f the ta�:secured by this Security Instrument is su�3�:t to�ta�v which sets maxiinwr�loan
<br />=� ' . charges.and that law is fcnally inter�'.ei so•that the interest or other toan eharges,cotlected�:�:��e'callecKed i»connection
<br /> wizh tfie toan eaceed ihe pemritted isz��.tl�en: (a)any such loan charge ahail be reduced by�re amaunt necessary to reduc� :
<br />--- !he charge to the perinii3::d tisni�aad t31 anY sums already collected from Borrower which eace�eded permitted limiu will E�.
<br /> nfwxied to BotraweF �.e:r�er may choose to make this refund by reducing the pr�eipal owed under the Note or 6y makS�g� '
<br /> _ direct payment to Borraaer. lf a refund reduces princiPal.the reduction will be uzated as a partial prepayme�ss without a�� -
<br /> prepayment charge under the Nate. � � __
<br /> 14. Notiees. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivesing it or by _
<br /> , 'A mailing it by fint class mail unless applicable law requires use of anbsher methad.The notice shall be directed to the Propeiay -_
<br /> Address or any ather address$orrawer designates by notice to L.eader. Any notice to L.ender shall be given by first class -
<br /> mail to l.ender's addmss stated herein ar any other addre�s L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for �-
<br /> in this Security Instrument sha116e deemcd to have been given to Borrower or l,ender when�iven as provided in this. _
<br /> . � P�s�Ph• , _
<br /> � 15. Governing l.stw;Severability. This 5ecurity Instrumcnt shall be gavemed by federal law and the law of the �_
<br />. r jurisdictian in which the Praperty is tacated. In the event that any provirion or clausc of this Security Instrument or the Note -
<br /> ;;�: canitictg with applicabie law.such confl+ct shall not affect other prov►siaac of this Secu�ty Instnrment or the Note which can �'
<br /> - be given effect withour r��e conflicting pravision. To this end the pravisions of this Security Instrument an�!the Note are _
<br /> declared to be severabi�: ' '
<br /> 16. Borrnwer'sC�py Borcower shali be given one conformed copy of t x ti��e and of this Security l:ss�ent. _
<br />-y==-� � 17. 1�er olthe Prope�ly o�a Beneficial lnterest in Barrower. iF��oz any p.ut ot a�ra Property ar any interest cn _
<br /> - it is sold or ir�ansferred(or if s►beneficial intere.rt in Harrawer i�Fo'.d ar trdr.s`erred and Borr,�wer i.c'not a natural perr+o�t. _
<br />':�`=r 1.• without Lerider�prior�x�riuen concent.Lendcr may.�t its aption,requirc imme�i�te payment in tult af all sums cecured hy
<br /> this Security lastrumeb:. �#owever.this aption shall r.ot!�exercised by l.endee���'+c:rcc�e iw prohibited by fedemi law as af ,--
<br /> '_ t;;' the date of this Securiry C^�trument. f=
<br /> if l.ender exercises this option.l.ender shall give Borruwer nntice af accei�.r:;ar�. The notice rhall provide a perlad of =
<br /> � • nat lesw than 30 days fram the dAte ihe noticc is drlivered ar mailcd within whicti�atrower mL.4:pay al!sums sccured by thiw
<br /> � . .�,. Security lnstrument. If Barcower faits to p�y these sums prior_ta the expiratinn of this prri�d. Lcnder may invake any �.
<br /> ' ' � ti: : remrdiew pertnitted by this 5ecurity inst�ument without funhcr naticc ar demand on Barrowcr.
<br /> � �� 18. Borrower's RBg,�t to Relnstate. !t'$orrowcr mccts ccn�in cc���;ia-�. 8orruwcr sh.ill have the right to have „
<br />,. . enforcement of this Se.�;:rty Instrument discontinued su any time pri�u to t`ir�a':er of: (al 5 days(or�ueh ocher period as __
<br /> . •� � Singtc P:unily•-tanek:�taelpreddit Nac Uti1t11RH t��TRI ltF.�'f•-l.nifnrm t'avcn:mt. 4A10 �pdge 4 i,jb�xr,Crv �
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