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<br /> � `: .� BORItOWER tlOVENANTS d�t Bamwer is iawfaUy se�sed of the estate he�eby cameyed aad hu the righc w�ant
<br /> � �od coavry'the�y and d�st the Ptope[ty is�mencumbaed.excxpt fos aicam6ratxes of t�acd. Bomuwer warrants aad
<br /> ' `�rill defaod�eaasliy ihe titTe to the Pmperty sgab�st all ci�and demaods.subject w any encumbhu�ces of iocad - � .
<br /> .. T�IIS SECEJRI7'Y INS1'RIJMPAl'1'caobi�s on�mn covanat�for aatiarol use and aaa-uaiform,covenants with
<br /> -.- - �uaioed vaciat�b�r junsdiction in ca�tituoe a tusifam s�aurity�ent wvteing:eal pca�pect�t ,
<br /> � �UNII�RM GOVENAP(iS. Bo�mwer aod Lendeccova�nt and ag�ee as foltows:
<br /> L h��t�tllrt�etMl a■i t�s�t;Pe�ay�at a�d��,ate�- Bonowa shall prompdY PaY wbea0ue tLe �
<br /> princi�al of aod inraest ua tt�e debt evida�ed b!►tbe Nae aad anY Pie.payment and IAte chuges du�uuder du Nota
<br /> a I+r�s tar 73rses ad L�wr� Si�bject to�plicabte taw acto a aruaen waiva 6y Ir�der,Barowa st�ali pay to
<br /> L4��!��!�Y P�Y�neeta�e dae ander tbe Note.unu'1 thc Nate is paid'm fu4 a s�un("Funds")for:(a)Y�Y
<br /> - 1�xGC arW�ssam�eati wliich msy auwf priociry aver t6is Securiry Inst�umeat u a Iien on the Ptoperty:(b)YeaciY ie�sebotd
<br /> � payma�ts�ata�od rmts on the Property, if�uY: (�) Y�Y��P�'�'P�n7' �awruxe psemiuuns; (dj Yeu1Y tlood
<br /> iasurmce`pnemiums.if any;(e)Y�Y�8a8��P��+if any;and(�anY�P4Y�bY Borrowei�w
<br /> � I,p�der�in socaN�mpe wita the p�ovLsions of puagnph 8.ia lieo of the paymeut of mortgage insucance pemiums. Ttkse" .
<br /> - ` itans a�+e calle�"Fsc�ow ioams." I:eader a�y.at any wne,colkd and laid Twids in an�moimt aot to exeeat the maaimum.
<br /> ��. � --��rtie�ier-€or st f�ily reistecl�mtgage-to�-maY iequit�e for_B�mv�rez�s.es�sv accounc under ttre feder�t,'Be�1._ _.
<br /> l�swe S�tiwoent ptoced�ues Act of 1974 as�ancnded fra»time to time,l2 U.S.C.�2601 ei s[q.("RFSPA'S),unless�ber .
<br /> isw thu�pplies to the�ads sets a lesser aniamt. If so.Lender may,u any tune.coUect and twW Fwds in an amnunt not to
<br /> � exoxd t6e lesaer spttount. 'i.ender may�ate tt�c amoimt of Fands due at tt�e 6asis of tu:rent data aad�ir.isa�able . .:
<br /> � estinnates of expeidiUues of futune Fsc�ow Items or ot6erwise ia accoidaoee with applicabk law.
<br /> - � Tl�e Arnds sh�it be held in an it�itituuon whosa depasits a�e i�d by a federal agency.ir�eptaTiry.a atuitY
<br /> ('meiufina t,todeG if I.tt�dtr is such m�nsEitutioa)or in aay Fedecat Hoate Lou�Bu�C. Lender shaU a�ppiy the I3u�ds to P�Y
<br /> ; the Escea�Items. l.ender may not charge Bosmwer for I�ag and.applying the Funds�,armually analyting the escrow
<br /> �. aaaoun�ar verifyiag the Esccow Items.unkss l,ender pays Barower interest on the Fvnds and applicable law permits .
<br /> 1.enda to make such a charge. However,Lender may:reqaue SoQUwer to pay a anatime cl�arge for An independent reat
<br /> . �ctue tas reppcting secrice used 6y L,mder in eonaeCtion w�tws toan.ualess�pplicahle,law pcavides otAeneise:.Unless an
<br /> } agKement ia made or applicable law requires inttr+est to be paid,I.ender sf�aU not be nquind to.paY Homnwer any�imerest or
<br /> � _ eamiogs an the Fwjds. Hormwer ard i.ender may agree in wntirWB.however,that intenest shall be paid on the�unds. Lender
<br /> sh�ll give to Barrower,whiaut charge.an anaual xcounpag of the Ti.ar.is,showin�c�iedits and debits to tha Furiii�and the
<br />. _� �upose for which each debit w the Funds was made. The Funds aie p1,�dged as additional security for ail sums secured by
<br /> • this Secudry insuumea� . ' :
<br /> . � If tbe Fuod4 heid by Lender�excaQ the amounu pem�iaed to be held by applicable taw,Lender shalt accaunt to
<br /> Barrorwer fa�the excess Fi�ads.in accordance with tbe�r�neuts of appiicable law. If the amount of tt�Funds held by
<br /> � 1..rnder at any time is not suff"�csent W pay the Escrow Iteans when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in virrit�tg,and.in
<br /> such case Soerower shatl;�y"ta I.ender tlie amow�t neassary to make up[he defictency. Bortnwer st�T c�lce up d�e
<br />- ; deficierKy in naa�thait twelve marthlY PaY��at I.pader�a sole dscretioa.
<br />- ` Upan g�'x�t in fi�il of all sums secuteA by th�s Security Instcwnent,Lender shall pmm�tly refund to Borrnwer an}r
<br /> - ' Fu�s tield 4'ry Lender. lf.under patagraph 21.LenQer shall acquire or sell the Property,L.encler,pnor to the acguisiqoo or
<br /> i sa'k a�t6e property.shall agply any Fands hetd by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crodit against tt�e sums
<br /> � sec�uod by tbis Security Iqsuumen�
<br /> 3. Applicatton at Pl�ymeeis. Untess appticable taw provides othervvise.all payments received by Lender under
<br /> _ . parxgraplu i,and 2 shall bc apptied:f�.*s7.toany prepayment charges due under tde Note:serond,to amounts payable under
<br />_- . paragraph Z;third,to intereSt ci:i;:�o�-�t.e�princtpal due:and last,to 3ny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �� 4. C6ar�es; Lka�.'C�:�:'awer shaTl pay all taxes.assessments, charges.fines and imposidons attri6utable to the
<br /> Property which msy attais�pa:-�=" over this Securiry Insuument,and teasehold pay�ents or ground rents.it any. aorrower
<br /> � � shatl pay thcse obligations in ihe manner provided'm paragraph 2.or if not paid inz'sat maaner.Borrower shall pay them an
<br /> •'�- time directly to the person owed paymenG Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender aU notices of amounts to be paid unQcr
<br /> _ f ,.,.>. �s�tph. If Hortower makea these payments directly.Borrower ahafl promptly fumish to t.ender receipts evidericing
<br />=- � Borrower shall pmmptly discharge any lien whidt has prioriry over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br />-';_� � `in writing to the payment of ihe obligation secured by��lien in a manner acceptabte to l.ender.(b)contests in goad faith the
<br /> 1 Iien by,ot detends against enfacement of the lien in,t-ga1 proceedings which in the Lender�s opinion operate to pr�event the
<br /> - enfoncement of the lien:or(c)secures fc�►the hatder of the lien an ageement sati4factory w I.ender subordinating the lien
<br /> � _ to this Saurity Instrumen� If Lender desermines that any part of the Property is subject tv a Iren�vhich may attain priority _
<br /> over this Seciuity Instcument,l.tnder may give Horrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower s��l satisfy the lien or take
<br /> � - one or more of the xtions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> - . , 5. Hs�ard or Property Insursmce. HoROwer shall keep the improvements rYrar existiag or hereaftcr erected on the
<br /> Property insured against loss by fire.hazaids included within the term"extended ca�ecage'and any other hazards�,including
<br /> � � floods or floodi�rg.for which LenQer requires insurance. '[fiis insurance shall 6e maintained�n the amounts and for the
<br /> � � For�s 3�18 f/!� (WRe 2 oJb pagtsi °
<br /> :.' ( ' . � .
<br />.. �
<br /> -�. �
<br /> . _ � . ........... ..------ --. __ _ -- ; - . - - -t
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