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<br /> - _ _ __ —--�_----�,.._.,�;._....:_.�—_- - �;,� - __ sh,uhr _8a,r�w�sub,acioL�d�s_ -_
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<br /> ` aippiovd wHid�aldll noc 6e�Y witdheld. if Barivw+ar fi�s to main�ain ca'veage ve.Ler�ec rosy.�a .
<br /> l,eadar's oQtion.obt�in coyerage to potect Lm�er3 rights in tAe Prapeity in accotdu�ce with Qangtaph 7. ,
<br /> � , . AlI msurance polic�ss ud teaeovats s6aU b�acoeptabk te i�ender and sfiatl iaclade a stmdatid�nn�tgag�ctause. Lendec -
<br /> , :� sta116ave t1x rig6t m hold tM policies and�+ais. If i.ender requues.Bam�wer shall prnmptly Slvr co l.ende�afl reaip�s
<br /> .af gvd p�enilums and m�wal notias. tn tde event of loss.Barrower sbaU give pmmpt notice to the insurat�oe cairiec aad
<br /> Lmder. I.eader maq malce pOof of loss if not made p[antptl�by Bormwea. . �
<br /> - - Unkss L�ender aad Boimwa�risc a8ns in writing,insucance prnceeds shall be�pptied'to restoration or cepair of . .
<br /> the Pm�peitY dama8ed.if the resta�tion or npair�s eca�omicaily feasibte aad Lei�der's socurity is na lessened. If t6e ,
<br /> • resiot�tion or tepair is not economtcallY fea5bk or Lenders secarity would be lessened.the insurdnce pnoceedc sE�II 6e
<br /> appiiod to the smns seciu�ed by this Seauity Iasuument,wlxther or not then dat,with any exc�s paid to Bamwer. If
<br /> Bor�owa abndons the P►upec[y.ar does not aoswer wlthin 30 drys a e�otice from l.er�der that t!u�in5urance carrier i�as
<br /> offercd to satle a claan.t6eu Lender may collxe the iasurance peoceeds. I.ender may use the proceeds to re�ir or restae
<br /> . �p�y a�p�y�ms secored by this Securiry Luuumau,whetliec or mt then due. Tbe 34Aay period w�l begin when �
<br /> tha no6ce is giveD. - ..
<br /> -. ilnks.c L.ender swd Bormwtt otherwise agroe in wtitmg,�Y aPP�!on of procactg ta principal sball aot extmd or
<br /> postpqnc the due date of tLe monthiy payments cefetred io in paiagraphs 1 aad 2 or change the azr�t af the paymeats.�If - ----
<br /> ' urtdet�h 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.Barmwer's tight to aay insurance po6cies and p�ocads nsWtiag -•:.
<br /> -- , fcam damage tn tht Propaty psior m the acquisitiott sba4 pass to Lender w the axtrnt of the sums secuned tag dtis SeFurity - - - __
<br /> ` lnstrnment imttxdiately priosw the acquisition. • � - . _—
<br /> f. Oaapasc'. Pepesvadae+ Mai�teapace sisd Prottction ot tAe PiopertS, Borci��'s �.o� �pPi�tio°+ . ___
<br /> _.-w I.e�etiolds. Ba�toti�shati�acupy.e:.tabtish.�d vse the Property as Bortawa's principa!ceside�ce within s'szt�/days after' , i_a
<br /> _ the excccrtia�cbf tfiis Sea�`�lastrumenc ar�d shal!:�ntinue to oecupy the Pmpetry as Boirovre��grincipat`�e"sidence for at _---
<br />- least one ydc.aft� �;c?ate of oeeugancy, �mless.Lenckr otlierwise agcres in wriring. whieh eanse�.shall not be _—
<br /> ' ua�asambi�Az4�e;�;��ntess extrnuating cirnumstance�exis�w�hich are 6eyoad Barrower's contml. Barrower shall not _—
<br /> dest�+oy�d��.oi nnpait thE Aropercv.allow the Pivpeety tp deuriorate,or commit waste on the Pro�perty. fi+oROwer shail . ��-
<br /> _- -- �.be in defa���ig fArfeidme action ar�r�oeding,whether civil«criminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith.NdB� —�____.
<br /> could resui�;�fc�feiture oP the P t�e.�ur o t he�w4se mate c i a S�y ampair t h e lie n c re a t e d b y t�h i s Seciui t y lnstroment�r ��"
<br /> Li''� Lender's seanily intemst Bortnwer maycm�e snch a default and reuzsiate,as provided in paragrapit 18.by causinS ihe actian y `.
<br />��' - or procading to be d'�sed�vith a�`ttrat.in�3er�s goodr faRh dttermimaaon,prrcludes farfeicure of�Sarower's ���':-
<br /> � x"�::-..
<br /> ' intercst in the Yropeny or other materiat.impair�a:`�the lien cieated by this Security Insav�rnt ar L�.'�r's security ,t��:i%�
<br />�:i,4- . �'�. interesz.' Bamnwer si�all also be in d°.��..iiFt if Hoirower, dµring the loari a lication e;ar�.°riall false or _s:���-a�
<br /> `- PP Proces.��+ Y :,:�-�•�
<br /> `' t�� inaccurate u�formation or statements to Cender(or f a l l e d to pmvi de I.e n der wi t f�any ma t e r i a l in F�'r a a}i a a o n n e c t i o n w i t h �,`
<br /> ,::._�;-.�i:�
<br /> � tM loan evidenced by the Note."including, but not limited to, reprieesentations conceming 6m�a�r,r's occapancy of the `�y"�,"�
<br /> � �. Propetry as a principal nesidence. If this Security insuument is on a teasehold.Borrower slwil cor��y:a6txa a1 tiie provssions •.-y:a._---
<br /> : ,-� . of the kase. If Bonower acquires fa tide to the Propeity.the leasedold and the fee title sha11 not merge cr�less Cender agrees __��_
<br /> .'��,, -" to the merger in writing. , • •; - -
<br /> 7. RutecNon d Lendet''s Rig�ts in the Property. If Borrower fails to petfam►thc cos�a,,-u�arrd agreements �'�'"��.�
<br /> '� ', containcd "mi tius Security Instrame�vr there is a legal proce�ing thac may significanQy a.�FPra,sr.e�.sder's rights in LEae .. � .
<br /> } � +�z,. _-
<br /> . .� property(s�as a proceeding in bar�cce►�sy.probate,for condec�.�ion ar forfeiture or to enfo.�:a��s ac regulations),ti�e:� ' �e-+�
<br />:�`f�'`� °� Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the t<-:'�e of the Property and Le��`s sig5ts�the Properny. ���
<br /> ,s A,-s=,.�
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums secur�by a lien w'hich has prioriry over this Sec�ity ins'.n'w:�,�t.appearing� . , �.�
<br /> :�,_ _ in courl.paying reasonable attameys'fees and enter,ng on[he Property to make repairs.Althwg�a Ixnder�a'�take action _ •��.�� ,,�
<br /> . �� under this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. ',"� � �,�_
<br /> 1-� Any amaunts disbursed by Lertder under this paragraph� shaU become additional debt ef'�orsower se.cured by this
<br /> • S e c u r i ry I n s n u m e n t U n l e s s 8 o r ro w e r a n d I.e n d e r a g r e e t o o t h e r t e m s o f p a y m e n t.t h e s e a mour�.�t�all bear interest fmm the `"
<br /> datc of disbursement at the Note rAte und chall be payable.with interes�upon notice fram Le�rder to 8otrowcr rcquesting , _ -__
<br /> �, � `.::'..;_
<br /> �m8 MoetgAge Iasuranca !f Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of maicing the toan secared hy this ;., ,:;�;::_:':�.
<br /> � Securiry Irutrumen�Horrawer shall�*�ay�he premiums reqniced to maintain the mortgage ins�rance in effect. If..for any ��� �t'
<br /> - ' � irason,the mortgage insurance caserr,ts reµuired by Lender lagses or ccaces to be in efE�: Horrower shall pay the ,
<br /> �"`, , . �I,,:.-
<br /> � • ,�. premiums s�quired to obtain covera�;e wzbstuntially equivatent to�he martgage insurance p�:"r�usly in effect. at a cast , `,;,,
<br /> substantialty equivatetrt ta the cost to�arrower of the marigage insurance previously in effect.from an attemate mortgagc �I, �' .. ..:"-' �.�
<br /> i� �... .i. . ....
<br /> �.. , insuter approved by l.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance cover�ge�s not availabte.Borrower shall pay to �-_.�.��--%',r;�
<br /> �' Lcnder each month a sum equal to one-twelfth af tho yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Barrawer when the �".;�s,�
<br /> £� insurance c.iverage lapsed ar ceased ta be in effecl. t,ender wili accep�.use and retain these paymenu�a loss reserve in lieu �:���{_
<br /> :• of mortg:��lasutance. Loss reserve pa`cments may na longer be reciu�red,at the option of'iv�zdcr. if mo»gage iasur,�• y� . -_t._-..,.
<br /> • . �t' coverage fin!he amaunt and for ihc peciad that Lcnder requice�)prov�ded by an intiurer�pprot�by Lender again become�} _ .. • , .
<br /> available and is obtained.Borrower�hall pay the premiums reyuired to maintain mortgage insurance in effec�ar to provide a �Y. • � �
<br /> loss rcserve.until the requlrement for mongage insurance endc in accordance with any writrefl agrecment iretwcen Barrower �'• . :
<br /> •..�":: , and Lendee oe applicable law. !'� , .
<br /> � � �`'``" 9 lnsptetion. Lender or its agent may make rcasnnable e^tries upcm and inspecaio^s of the Praperty. l.ender shall
<br /> �F`��'�'`-��' - give Boaower natice at the time of or prior to an inmpectian tipecif�izD reasanable cause for the�nspection. � • . ,:.
<br /> ' +• -
<br /> '" 10 Condeme�tiurt. The proceeds nf any award or claim far damages.ditecl ur con�ec�uential.ia cunnection with any E .�
<br /> �.. , ,
<br /> `="� ; ` Singte Famity..i'annk�1n��FeeAAir 31ac t'�IF'Ult�1 t�ti'IHl til�ti'f--Unif��rm Cuvcnantv 9;95 Ipu�e f nJn puge.+� ,
<br /> :>��..� �irn tatea 8uslaaa Fateu.tec■ e • _ �
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