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<br /> __ "" .�'..�'�.� � •( 11.�__ . ` : __ _ _ _ "" - _ -..—_
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<br /> _ � ' � _} . ' t ,___ . . ' . . � . . - .. yti..�_� ..��1 . ....�_.
<br /> - �-�' {-,�-�-+s • � •• . � ( _. " t• . t `. . ._ . _ .
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<br /> _ - —�_.��'1�QGEII�ER WiPE�aU tbe unprn+►e�aents no+�a-ee�aTiet-ene�iedva It�ProPectY;�auwsa�sm:�`�- ;.-=—- __
<br /> ` aod tutui+es eow a��erat�aer a.prt of the p�oQe�ty All�aCanh�ts aod additi6as sinII aiso be cavaed_by this SecuMF
<br /> • ia�t�ent..Ail af Il�e Eor�oit��s=efe[ted w itl tbns Sec�mty inmu�nt�the"R°'P�Y"
<br /> BURROWER C�OVENANTS that BoROa�is iswfaltY seised aE the esnte heteby oomreyed and has tlr righc w gcant .
<br /> � aad cmvcy tAe P►oQertY�nd d�t the..pmpectY is wneoc�mtieoed.e�uxpt for�of mcacd..Barowa wa�i�s and —
<br /> , � � will defend ttnet�llY tHe atte�o the PmpertY agwnst ati ciaims aed dem�nds.sabja�c w a�►Y eac��as°f roc°b'
<br /> . = 3'�IIS SECURITY II�iSTR�T�� mifa�m coven�ats`for nauaoal� and ` , , _ _
<br /> CUR Y �ois-unifomi rnveouus vin
<br /> �TILfCd VSIi11�1 bY�tt113�ICh��O CORStIt11iC�OIIIf011II S�CfI[IIyI 111SW1�� � P�y; ;
<br /> II�M QOY�AN�I�S. BOROYYEi.'iJ�I.C�C[C�YlO�[�0$RE LS fOIIONtS:
<br /> �. pi���(��Ya��lflbs�J����l•�k�' BOITOMftt S��IOIl�Q�Y Nf�CII dOC 1�lC
<br /> .principRt of and io�ecest an the debt tvideaced bY tbe Note aod anY PnFaY�t and lata chuges due under che NotG
<br /> 2, �is toc'li�xRS aM 1wes� Si�blect to a��law or tn a writtea waiver by Lrnder,Bacowec shatl�y to
<br /> . l,ender oa 8�e d�y�Y�PRY�?�dae aader dK Naoe,until the Note is paid in full.a sum("F�txls'7�y(a)� .
<br /> a e,
<br /> • taxes aod��h�P��R�tY over this S�curiry Insuu¢knt as a lien aa tbe Ytope�ty:(b)Y
<br /> p�y�e�s a pouod t�eots oa We Pta�pettY. if a�, t�)Y�*1Y��Pro4�Y � F�"ums'(d)YearlY Rood
<br /> �p[eatiums,if my:t�):Y�Y�B��P'����•��and(�any'��e�B«�ower to -
<br /> ��m������s of p�rdgr�ph 8.in liui of the PaY�nt inoct8a8 ums. These
<br /> - - itans a�called"Escrow Ytems." l.endor n{ay.at auY time collect and hold Fimds iu an amnunt not m excxcd tho maximum
<br /> amauic a kndet for a fedenUY r�latr�matBaSe toan may�N�c for Bcx=awer's escrow account under th�federat Real . , --
<br /> �.$�kment pmced�a�es Act of 1974 u amended from time to ti�e.12 U.S.C.$2601 u seq.("RFSPA"f,unless another
<br /> � tavv tl�tapplies ta the Funds sets a ksseramoun� If so.I.ender may,at anY time,coUect and Iwld F1�ads ut att amount not w ,
<br /> � exce�9be kssar amowa. Lender iasy e.gaaiau the amount of Tvnds dae an the basis of coment data aad ieasombie
<br /> � estimsus of eapendipues of futuc�e Ecc�w Iums or athe�wise in�with applicable Taw. uisumnentatlry.,or euMY
<br /> The�t�)s�hall be.held in aa institutian wtase cleposits are Insucal by a federal ageaey.
<br /> s
<br /> ('socluding l.e�der,if l.ender is such an ins6tution)or in anY Tederal Homs L.oan Baalc. I.eoder shall apply the Fiu�ds w PaY.
<br /> the Escmw Items. Lender maY not char8e Borrower fa Rotding and applying tde Funds.a�muatly aaalyzin$the esc�ow
<br /> - � s�xouet,or verifjring the Escmw Items,anless 1.ender PaYs Borrower interest on the Funds and aPPlicable law peraliis
<br /> , •i�ender to make sucb a charge. Howevu.Lender may require Bortower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real ____—
<br /> i � estate tax reporrtin8 service used by Lender in connecaon with tlus ioa�unkss applicabk Taw pcovides a�eawisa. Untess an -
<br /> ' repo
<br /> f:= � ag�roement is�ade or applicable iaw requires interest to be paid.Lender shalt not be cequired to pay Borrawer any interes[or .
<br /> •`' euctir:gs ae the Funds. Bortower and Lender may agree In writing,however.that interest sball be paid aa the Funds. i.ender .
<br /> shaEE�!e ta Harower,without�a.rrSe.an amual accounting of the Funds,showing cnedits and debits to tlre Funds and the —_
<br /> purpose far which e�ch debit ta�:.�unds'was made. T6e Funds are pledgeA as additional sea�riry for alT sums securea by
<br /> �s��ty�'��' •.� .-. tted to be tteld b licable law,Leader sball acr�.:.�tu •
<br /> ' - • � .If the Funds he3d by Lendei ex�eed t�aF-r�unts pemti Y aPP .
<br /> :° � Bc�cswes for the.excess Funclss in accordance.c���.�ce r�:semenu of applicable law. If the arrwunt of the Fun�is I�eSd by . —
<br /> .'�� I ` ��a�ry time is not sut�icienE.to gay tha Fsamw�Ite�-s afien due.Lender may so notify Somaa�+r a.i arriting.a?3.in
<br />--;:� su�:�z Barrower shail pay to dxnder the amount necess�ta matce up the deficiency. BouaKe�s�all�ma�e�the -
<br />: :� defi��ex�in no more than twelre rnbnthly payments,at l.en�'s sole discretion. r�-r�..d to Bdcrous�r aay `..�°-`
<br /> ;: � uP�PaY�s��n fuU of a1t swns secured by this Security Instrumen�Lender shall P�PUY_ • ----�
<br /> �umLs held by Le�� If.under paragraph 21.l.ender sh�ll acquire or sell the Property,Lender,Pna:�a the acyuisition or �frs#vq��
<br /> ,; � sale of the praperty.shall apply aay Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums . �� _
<br /> r' I sectuedby this Security Insuumen� c� '�
<br /> :�:., '�` ! 3 Applia►tioa o�Pj►YmeaL4. Unless applicable law provides othenvise.ail pay-menu received by Lender under �-
<br /> s 1 and 2 shall be app;ie3:1"ust,to any prepayment ci�a�es due unAer the Note;second,to amounu paya6le under �-��-'�
<br /> -_ I Pa*�SraPh --=:�
<br /> puagraph Z;third.to interest d�re;fourth,to prin�ipal due;and iast,to any Iate eharges due under the Mate• . y r,
<br />_ �', 4. CI�r6es;Lien.�. Boaower shall p�y all taxes. assessmenu.ct�arSes.fines and imposifions amibutable to the -
<br />' Ptoperty which may attain priarity over this Seci,zity Inswrae��and leasehotd payments or ground rents,if any. Bonower _ _
<br /> - stsa;!�say these obligations in the e�anner provided in parag��2.or if not paid in that m.anner.Boaower shall pay them an
<br /> ' � tiane"w-rectly to the person owed��mert. Borrower s h a l l p s o,�t l y f u m i s h t o l.e n d e r a 1 I��ces of amotatts to be p a id under _
<br />'�� :��~ � this pazagraph• If 8orrower maRc�s these payments direcUy.Borrower shalt prompAy fcrr,ish to Lender receipts evidencing .`v=
<br /> . '��� thepayrnents. ' ..-:;i°-='
<br /> . 'F. go�rower sha11 promptly dischurge�ny�ien which has priority over tSti4 5�nriry lnstrument unless Botrower:(a)agrees ::_� _
<br /> in writtng ro the payment of the obligauon secared bY the lien in a manner�6z..-�table to Lcmder.(b�contests in good faith the
<br /> �� r�••�_.
<br /> ' lien by.or defends against enfor�inent of the lien in,tegal procecdings whitb in the Lcnder s opinion operate[o prevent the :_�,Y��
<br /> enfoccement of the lien;or(c)s�:i'es from the hotder of the f�en an agre.er�+ent satisFaa�sy to Lendec subordinating the lien <:•-3:=:V
<br /> ' to this Securiry Instrument. it L:ender detem:ines that any pan of the Piroaerty is subjece to a lien which may attain priority �� -
<br /> e
<br /> over this Security lnstntmeat.l,ender may g�e�orrower a noticc identifyi^�the lien. Borrower sha11 satlsfy the lien or take �
<br /> � +- � one or moce of the actions set fanh above wit�;n 10 days of the giving of norree. ,
<br /> � " � � 3. 11�rA or property Insuranc� Borrower shall keep�he�mpravements now exisiing or hereafter erected on the .
<br /> �• ` �`• pruperty insurcd against lass by fire.hazards included within the tctm"extended coverage"and any other hazards.ezw:��ing
<br /> " floods or ttooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall bc maintained in the amounts an�for tl�e
<br /> � J. .
<br /> Fonn 3018 !HS Ipr�Be 2 nj6 pagt�l
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