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<br /> i � � - � —
<br /> ,_ �s�J_ _ . . . . ... . . . _. . .._ ' . . . __. � __ . _ . _ - `, . .. '._ ..._ .___ ..'
<br /> _�.�'._...��'y�;,�j,c . � ' , ' , . . . ., � ' _ ' ' _ .
<br /> . ` ' ' ' ' -. .'. . . . .. . . `_ � . , ., .. ° .. c. . 'r'� . , ��--�C,��,'�� . . �.
<br /> , �
<br /> �_ -'--=.•�.•.•...,•�.�t•k-�an�.�rt nf tM.Anoe�x.ar far caaveymce in lieuof�.a�a heteby tssipbd�d - -T_ _
<br /> - — - -- . __.`
<br /> si�l!be p�id w Lender. . . . • _ _ - -- --_� _ -
<br /> In the evenE oE a tutai taking of the Ptopeity,.the ptooeeds slui� he epplied io che swns secuced by this Se�uritY
<br /> InsLnmdent.whetlkr oj not the�due,wit6 aay cxcess paid to Bomawer. !n the ermt of a p�ti�f t�lcu�g of the Ptoperty`in ,.
<br /> which ttu fair marl�et vatue of the P�ercy immedimly bcfore tht taking is tquat to or gceater tlgn the arnpurrt of the swrts .
<br /> . securbd by this Securiry G�sautr�ent itturxcliacely 6efoee t6e tatin�.�mkss Barvwe�and l.�nder othercvu�e agm in writing. ,
<br /> • tbe sums kecu�ed by this Security tnsuumeot sl�Il be�educed by ihe amou�t of the Qroceais muitipli�od by thz foitowieg
<br /> fiaeti�-ta}ihe wta!a�u�rt of the sums secutM immedi�tely bcfae ihc talc�n8�diYidat 6g 41s)the fair madctt vaWe�the ,
<br /> _ Fimpetty immeaiatety before the Wcing. Any b�lance sha116e paid to Bomnwer. 1n the event of a partial taking of the •
<br /> Property ia which the fa'u cmctcet vatue of the Raperty inunodiately befae the tairing is less tlian the amount of the sums
<br /> • secured immMiately�l�tfai�e the taTcing,unIess Batower and Lender othenvise agree �n writing or 6nlas appficable law
<br /> qhpcwise povides,the pmceeds shall be appliod w tbe sums secuced by this Security Insuument whether ot not the snms ate �
<br /> lhen due. �
<br /> � , if the�rapaty'ss�d bY Boi�wer.a if.afta notice 6y Lender to Barnwer Wat tl�e condemnor ott'ers to.make
<br /> an aw�d or seule a ciaim.for damages.Harowe�f�dls tn nspond ta Lender within 30 days after the date the.naice is given.
<br /> I.��der is wthoriu3 to coUect and appif the proceeds,at its o�uon,eidser to restoration or cepair of d�e_Property or to t1�e . _
<br /> - su�ns saund by t61s Savrity Insuumen�.whettKr or not.tlkn duc. � , —
<br /> Unkss Lendet and Bo�owe►athawise ag�e in writing.any applicatioa of.pmcoeds to principat.�Esot ectend or
<br /> postpo�e the dne date of 8�e mo�thlY paymrnts nefemed to in paragtaphs!and 2 or change the atnount of sacis�as�nents. � --
<br /> - Il. De�roper�ot�Forbearance By�n3ecNot i+ VYaives Ex[easio�-af t6c-iime far•{�a�m�.mt ar _
<br /> modifi�uiun of anioct"vation of the sums secured Isy this Se�vrity lnsmm�ent granted by Le�xier to any success�r ue uite�+est
<br /> of Bomawer shall nat;operate w rclease tLe liability of the originai Rormwer or BoTrowers successors.ia intecest.Lender ,
<br /> shall nat be iequiral to cmrunence pnnc�oediags against aay successor in interat or tefuse w exuad trme for payment or
<br /> oq�wise nnadify amorti�ation af the sums securcd by this Securityrinshurnent by ieasan of any deinand made by t1�e original
<br /> ' Bamnwer ar Borsawer�s successors in inaast. Any forbr�ance by Lender ia exe�cising aay right or remedy shalt not 6e a �
<br /> waivec of or proclude the eaereise of any right or nKr�edy. , .
<br /> - I2. S000e�o�s�ad�A�Bonnd:.Ioi�t and Secernl Li�bility,Co�ers. 'ilie covenants and agree�nents of this
<br /> — Sauriry Instrument shall bind and benefit the snccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.sa6,�to the provisions oi
<br />� pazagraph 17.Bormwer's cavet�ants artd agteements shall be joint and several.Any Borrower w�ho ca�-signs this Securit}
<br /> ;` - ' Li.wument but does noCexecute the Note: (ay Ls co-signing t6Ls Sccarity Instrmnent oniy m mortgagc,gtane and convey that
<br />�i Born�wer's interes�in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums -
<br /> secured by this Security Insm�ment;and(c}a�es that Lender and any other Borrower may agree ta extend,madify,forhear =
<br /> or maice any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Securicy insuument or the Note without that Borrower's -�
<br /> COI1SCIlt.
<br /> ;,.. • � 13. Loan-Cbu�es. If the loa�t secuted by this Security Instre��,is subject to a law which sets maximum foan - -
<br /> - ' charges,and that taw is finaliy�erpreted w that the interest es ott�er.i�eharges cuIlected or to 6e wllected in connection ,
<br /> with the toan exceed the peimiu�timiu.then: (a)any such T�an charge'shall 6e rectuc�d by the amount necessary to�educe
<br /> = the charge to the permitted limis:a,-td{b)anY sums already cajlected from Borrower wfi�dc eaceeded permitted limits will be
<br />-- • refunded to$orrower. Lender may choose to make this r�efund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by maicing a
<br />-::�.� , di�ct payment to Borrower. If a�efund redares priacipal,the reduction witl be treated as a panial przpayment without any ___.______
<br /> - PnePayment charge under th�tia;e. _ -
<br /> � 14. Natkes. Any notic,:�Sotsower provided fot in this Security Instrument sha11 be given by delivering it or by °;'�,�'�`�==
<br /> S:i�,—'___
<br /> ' � mailing it by first class mail anCa..�s applicable law requireg use of anather methad.The notice shall be directed to ihe Property . s�':��II
<br /> Address or any other address Borrower designatet by notice to Lender. Any natice to Lender shall be given by first cisiss �='�'-z:-
<br /> c.�
<br /> _ ._s.,.>�_,.-..
<br /> mail to i.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Barrower. Any noticc provided for . .,:,
<br />"• �.,: .�.-
<br /> � in this Security instrument �hall be deemed to have been given ta Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this ��-.•�__.-�
<br /> ' ParagrnPh. .:':v�.-�v.
<br /> • 15. Governing Law; Se��erability. This Security Instnrment shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the _�`°==�._
<br /> � jurisdiction in whlch the Aroperty is located. In the event thai any provision or clau.se of this Security Instrument or the Note ��n�`-_:��''_
<br />-'�i:; • canflicts with applicabte taw.such canfliet shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note W t^::h can - ���_
<br /> be given e.ffecc.�`.�hout the conflicting provision. Ta this end the provisians of this 5ecuriry lnstrument and the Note are •
<br /> ;r�,j::.,-:.' deciared to be�vxble. � _ � ':: -
<br />_ . 16. Borra��ee's Copy. Borrower sha!t U�given ane conformecf copy of the Note and af this Sea,.�r.`.y Instrument. �; � .=T
<br /> • lZ�'liransfer ot the Praperty oe�Benefldal Interest in Borrower. If all or any part oP thc Property or any interest in ;�"�•~-
<br />•`,",.; i it is sold or transferred(ar if�ixceficia�interest in$orrowcr is sold or trnnsfcrred and Borrawer is not a naturat person) �.,.�-
<br />:�:,;: ` wi[hout Lender's prior writter��;sent.Lender may.at its option,reyuire immediate payment in full oi all sums secured by �'• �.�___
<br />=:�t�,'"9�� this Security lnstrument However,this option xhall not be exercised b}�.ader if exercise is prohil�ir.ai by federal law a�of �--
<br /> t G;v�"_
<br />`.Li." ...-.J,.?1,_.
<br />,;,;���' • the date of this Security In�trumem. __
<br />. . (f Lender exercisea this option.Lender shall give Barrower notice of acceleratiore. The natice shalt provide a periad of --
<br /> rn�¢�ess than 3U days from the date the natice is delivered ar r.:�aited within which Barro��w�°r mu�t pay afl xums secuce�by ihis �
<br /> S:ciiriry Inswment. IF Bonower fails to pay thesr�a~��priar ta the cxplration af'this peri�d. Lender ma} irr:�:ke pny •
<br /> ; , remedies�p�mnitted by this 5ecurity Instrumcnt withoat;�.',.r ne»icr,or demand un Horrowcr.
<br />' „.;;,-,- 18r Bure�u�r�er's RiRht to Retnstate. lf Bnrrou�_�r r.�cets rerwin condition�. Borraw�r�l*�tl Ira�c the ngi�:o have '
<br /> •;.'��.�� enforcemer�t af c�ss Security Instrumcnt discantinued at:..�y time prior ta the earlicr of: (a►S 5::;�tc�r�ucfl othec�ertid as . •
<br /> a.� .� . .
<br /> ',;!��.�, Singtc I�amilY--iannie!ltae/ireQQie�txl�rl`URSI i�tiTR�11F�1'--l n;form Cuvenant. 9190 �pa�;�•1.�e pngeai
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