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<br /> _ �_� ..___ --_-______._________. -_-.---_ ` .__ -- �2,.=tt� _3� __
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<br /> f.NAYMEKi aF�lNIC�AL AIO M/T�1E3T.TrusUO�stnN R�aA►D�Y wt�dus tM�+ncipal nt and Inta�3t on th�ind.ht�drktt widme�d bY,
<br /> N�e!loM.and dl atlnr chxp�s ar�d tees as V���Yn the Nots.and tfis principa�oi and interest on anY Fuh+r�AQrance�a�curld GII tMs Tnnt OiW.
<br /> ` 2.NAIMIAMTY OF TII'tE.Y�sstar is tawh+ull s�it�Q and pessessed of good anA indet�asible tiUe and estate to th�Propsrtfl Mr�bY�wf►b�
<br /> � f�s�ht�it 1Qyr+rt�f c�+Mf►th�Piops<<l►���h�s�s�na ctat oe su Iia�s aaQ encnmbrar�ps�ac�M_�na nar of r�cord:and Ttu�ta wiu
<br /> w�tant arld dINnO!!�tidi�to ths PiroparlY ag�inst aY elaims and demands. - _
<br /> 3 MA�iTENAMCE�MOW11PttANCEYrITltlA1M5.TrustarshaNkMPihsProperty+n9oo0r�p�r�dcon0itionandstiatl�olaommitw�ap�rtnit
<br /> impMtm�t ot O�ndontioe�M the Praperry and sMN oomPA►witlt Ifts P�of any teats i1 this Tnut Dead is on a teaaehold.No improvsment now,
<br /> ar INrNh1t erMiad upont�e PropertY ahall bs aRered.remowed a d�molisned rvithoutthe Pria writtert tartsent at BeneficiarY.7tusto[a1�Y comDly�ith
<br /> al lu�a.adhl�s.n�utahoes.ccvanartts.conditidns and reatr'ktions attectieg the Property and nat eommit,sNfer a petmk auy act b be dQne in ot
<br /> . upOn f1M ProP�Y Q1 vj011Nion o1 anH� on ttle PropdrtY+�hiCh mall���d ot dsslroYed and pay,whan due.all ctel�m.lt t0r t�ar peAormsdalnd tnua��b
<br /> wallat4lnlios m�x!!f�li.��
<br /> , TymillNd tfietefor�ncf fat arry aitetat{or�tt�areoL ,
<br /> . s.��.Tt�,atits expenss.wilt meintaln with insurars aPP��bll��ar1/.insurance wtth respect to ths improvemena anC persala�
<br /> P�F�1Y•��4���H,��bY���9•fornaQO.and Wl�er Penls anC hazYas tovered h1►sfand�rdextendsdw�raga indorsemerrt.
<br />_= n an arnou+t�Quat to at teatt ane hundrod Pereent(t�46}of ths tuA replaee�ttent value thereat aM insuranca agalnst such oUter hazards and tn sueh - —
<br />- �punts as is customarihl enied by owners u�d operators of simitar Oraperties or as BenefieiarY'maY mWire tor Ns P���•frustar wilf compfy witA —
<br />-- suchotMrt�QuKemsntaas'8enefiaaryimayframtlmetotirtre�ea:estlatMpratectionbl►F�anceatiheint�estsofthsrespeetiNeparties-Altinwrance --_--
<br /> _ ppYcl�t t�airhair�t Purauant to tf�is Trust tkad Shalt na�t�eT�usGirand Beaeficiary as insurcd.ast�ir�pearve in[eres[s may appsa►.and Providt that =--_-_
<br /> __ — 1hw�hrnOCancelWiOnOrrta�ionwitAoutatbastfSdaYSP�orw�ttennaifiCatiaatoTrusteeaasel8lneTiG�Y�Yp�QEUeNinsua�eeina000�►d��cs� ---
<br /> - 'wAh tln P��a Pu�J�6 t�ereDt.T�tar st�atl deliv��$eneficlarlt�e o�iginal pdicbs nf inwrdtpx aeed tenewals ttroreoi or menw capNs at =___-
<br /> -- — �!j ppMpi�s an�Fen�wats 6�e�eot.faiture to fumisfi such"s�svrancs bfl Trustor.or renewrats as�N�etl heresa+der shall.at t�ne.optian of B�neficiary. . __
<br /> � . �sa�uN. : �'' ` -- -
<br /> � '� � �S.YA�.115�.RSi�/1iS ANO Cf1AAQES.Ttustor sttall payall taxes.asses.sme�ts and alAesC.rarges.irrludin4.wiUaut Gir,ftato�s.finesand impaei8or�s ;:�z-��
<br /> atEriputable.3��e�Property and basehatd paYmeMS ar graund rents.it any.before the sama become QNinquent Tnuta shall prainpdy fumish to�ensficlory . ��-a,�.a'
<br /> alFnodeKOt.a�ouMSd►�undKthispuaggraph.andint4eeventTruStorshaltmakepayment4irectly.TrustashallaanpUyturnishtoBeeeliciaryreceipts •�'o-,�
<br /> �=����
<br /> � ' evid�nqnp su„Hi payments.Trusta shaJt pay aIl taxes and assessments which may be levie�upan BarteBClary's interest he�ein or upon this Trust Oead °�,�
<br /> t of ihe whote or an ttiereof upon the Seneficiufl• '"•'�`�±
<br /> - without csparA to any law that may be enacted imposing paymen Y P� �,,.�_.
<br /> 8.AOOITIqNAI UEt�AND PROTECTtOH OF BEME�K�RY'S SECURfT1t.Trustor sha11 make en payments ot Interest and principa�and payments �=,;-��
<br /> •� �•: Y pf any otfyr ctarges,fees and axpens�s conuactad to be paiG to any axtsting a su6sequent IienAOtder or beneficlary►.under any exlsting a su6sequent � L�y„�:-�_
<br /> � _t morty�s er�Edeed betore the Qate they a-e 3a�nquert ar�n detault,and�omptty pay and discharge arry ar�d all other liens,daims or ctfara�es whlch ��L _-
<br /> • E
<br /> may j�op�.."�e dewriry granted herein.i��eu�for fails to inal:g a�sucte�zm�ent a fa09 to parfartn arn+ag'�e cove�a�ts end aqreem°�S c��ained ___--
<br /> � in thls Trwt L9ee'�;ot the Note referred to heYe�s:a►in any piwt ar s�s¢:xe't trust deecf.o►if any aetion orpra,zeding is commenced wfo:.'�^•,:.atsriathl
<br /> e — =--
<br /> ` a{NCn B�rNt'�C:aiy's interest in the Property.including,6uE nor tfm,ur W..�.emirient Eanain praceeQinps.Oroeeed"mgs involWng a QeceCenL:�atce of sata _________
<br /> � . ;+ :�: 6yT�.nasssofdefaultbyTrustee.mortgagetorecbsure�a�in?n,aRTrus!afalstopayTrusta'sdebtageneralryastheYbecamedue.their.$sneliclary. ����� .
<br /> a18MfNiqxy`soptlon and wilhout notice to a demand upan Trustor andwithaui releasingTrusta from any obligatlon hareunder.may make such appearances. �,;;:
<br /> �as wcf;suma and take such actian as is�ecessary to protect Benefrciary's interest,tncluding,but not limited to.Oisbursemant of reasartatteauameY'g �v,�,�,�:�::
<br /> fMS,payment,yurcha�e,conteat or compromise of any encumbrance,charge a Iien,entry upon the Property to make repatra.a dsclaraUOn a1 d�faun ==�=���.
<br /> und�r thla Trusf Oeed.M the event that Trustar shatl fail to procure insurance or to pay taxes,assessments,ar any olher charges a to make any payme�+ts '���,:,,,F.,
<br /> . - to amt suisting a subsequent lienhofders or existing or subsequent bes�e8ciaries,Beneficiary may procure such Insurante artC make such payment,but ��.,�•��.'..:;-_
<br /> � shall not be obligated to Qoso.Any amounts disbursed by 8eneticiary pursuant to this Paragraph 8 shall become additional inCebtedness oiTrustor securQd ':�:_
<br /> � `�" by this Trust Osed:8uch amounts sha11 be paqable upon not�ce hom 8eneficiary to Trostor requesting payment thereol,and shall bqar interest irom the :•�. .-;
<br /> ' Q�teaf dllbursement atthe�ate payable trom Gme to time on outstanding principal unAer t�+e Note untess payment o}interest at such ratewoutd beconbarll � �-* -s�,�T
<br /> " tcapplicabte�aw.Inwhlcheventsuchamau�tsshattbearinterestatthehighest�atepermissibteunQerapplicat'talaw•NothingCOntalnedinthisParagfaph = r�;,.�_
<br /> � ' 8 sh�ll�puire Beneficiary to mcur any exper�sa or take any action hereunder. . . �" `
<br /> �" .s.:��.
<br /> __.•�.M.:':•_ .
<br /> -�rr���.,
<br /> _ � , 7,Agg((iMM1ENT pF FiEK1'S.Beneficiary shall have the r:3ht.power and authonry during the continuartce cf thlsTrust Oeed toCOlfec!the rer'�.issues � ,�,�r f.
<br /> � • end pfofits ot the PropeRy a-��a�eny perSG�at properry tocaTe,�!thereon vnth or without tak:^g��ssession ot the properly attected hereby,a?S Trustot , �
<br /> . r_ •:.
<br /> " hersby absdutery and uncar:�itiarrallY ass'3-�s�t1 sucn rec�,issues and prohts to 8eneficia:� 3e%ieticiary.howeve� herehy tonsenis to tne Tastor's r
<br /> � .k'; aoINCtlon and retentian of SuCA renis,iss��c.�Arofits as they accrue and become payabte sa�3�sg as Tr.�ts:+s not at such time,in defautt wan respact • - . ��".:;
<br /> to payment ol any Indebtedness secured t�,���:c:?r in the performance ol ar.;a3reement he�ec�der.UpCn a^y ss�ch delauB,Benetciary may�any thne, - ;t•.,,
<br /> :': �,•�
<br /> ,• .: . �ill�er in person.by agenG or by a receiver ta be appointed by a court,witho�.:��:��and w�tna�'r�gard to tt+e a�u y ot any securlty tor the inCebteOnese _
<br /> ,Y,� herWy�cured,(a)enter upoz and take possession o1 the Prope►ty or any pa':nereof,ar;4�°�+'s�wn name sua ta ar otherwlse co�tect aucb rents,issuee . ,
<br /> . �anevrora�.lnctudingthosep:.�.�ueandurtpaid,antlapplyth�sama.tesscasisandexpens�:`-apeiationandcollectlon,inctudingreasonabteattaney'a • -
<br /> - ' �iss,upon any inEebledne�:..�1retl here'ry�,and in such or�zr as Bene fivary may d eterm:ne;(b)p edorm such acts of repeir or protaction es msy bs , ��. 'i�.t. _
<br /> '�-- necessary or proper to oanse�ue flre vai;��`the Praperry;(c)lease the sar^e or any pan theieot for such rentaf,Eerm.and upon sueh wnditlon�ea its
<br /> . � ' ,.`•�,r`.
<br /> _ judgmentr►�a�cS�c!ate.ortar��nateoraC;:N-��FatarmsanOCOnd�tionsofex.�.�3teases.UnlessTrusto�and8�eflclarythereofagreeot�erwrseinwdting. .,,1i _�.
<br /> �i eny appBCa:��^�f reNs,iss�a►pro:i�s ss a�/ladebtedness secured her�:;r yhatl nat extBn4 or poslpar.e:�:d duadate ot the instaltmer>��ments as �.°���r��'
<br /> ��;.�.�;,.,,, prOVlded In SaiO prom�ssaryr^:,ta ar che�ge tn9 amount of such installmenis.The enterir,g :r�on and teking poss9ssion ot!'�e Property,!`;e collection
<br /> . ,�,� Y,.,,.¢7 . pl fUCh/81119,issues and p�`ts.and the application thereoi as aforesaid,shall not waive�-c.�°any default a(notlae ot de%�1�hereunder or imalidate
<br /> Y �ry��' � any act done pwsuant to sv.*�notice.Tr;;s'or atso assigns to Benehc�ary.as turther sec;.r^;'sr!he performance of the a�T,�.ons secured hereby,aIl
<br /> ���'^ ' ld rents and all monies which may hxv=Geen or may hereatter be deposited w�th sa�C T!�sior by any IesSeeOf the PrOp�'f.to secur0 Lhe payment ,
<br /> .' w �_�"� �{ of eny rent orCamagee,or upon default�r i���3rformance ot any ot the prov�s�ons hereof.Trusta agrees to Q°=��versuch rents and deposiq�crBeneliciary. .
<br /> � .�� °y' '�'"� � pellvery of wtitten notice ol Benehciary's ez�cise ol lhe�ights granfed herem,to any fenaM oCCUpy�ng ad�remises shall be 3uNiC�er'c�reqults aaid
<br /> �r•:y�'��''�'. :� tManf to pay�eM to the Benet�cldrY unt,t'�riher noUCe. " '
<br /> . .'s��-'e�'� ';'"� �� � .
<br /> ' u A,i c " 8.CONOEMNAT�ON.N G:'o to any pafl of tlte�roperty shail hn laken in conAemnat�oti:7":�eedmgs,by ngM ot eminCr:e.3rram or simdar aeUOn,o�
<br /> . � ":" ' `" � shall be sold under threat ot condemnaUOn,al1 iav:+rG9.damages�tnd proc�eds are here5;ass�gned and shall be paid:��neflclary who shalt apply
<br /> _,. +�.�-��'-� �,
<br /> �;ya;. : such awards,damages and praeeods to the��m svr.uwd by th�s Tiust DeeO,wdh tho oxsess.��any,pa�d ta Trustor.N Trustor receives any eoHCe ar
<br /> � other�nformaHon regard�ng such acUuns ar��oce6dinys.Trustor sha0 ywe,:•ompt vmtton nonse thereo}to Benelic�ary.BBnAtiCiary shall Oe entitlld,at �_:
<br /> � � �'�"� .� ` 1tsOption,tOtommenCO.appearinandprosetute�nnsor+nnameanysuchac`.onafproC�eA�rtgsandshatlGe�"`.�tledtomakeettyCOmpromiseOtsAfllement � ..;{_,. �
<br /> �'�:;-�'.':� ' ln connecUon wlth any such acbon or proceedmgs. , I • ,
<br /> ..� ;�� ,.:.
<br /> • 1� '` '; S.FU?URE AOYANCES.Upon request of Trustar.8eneht�ary at 88nohciary's ophon,,�r�;o reeonveyance of tBe Property to T►ustor.may make �
<br /> � ��' future edvances to Trustoc Such luture advances.wlth mtarest thvrean.Shall he secwed by th�s Trust Oaed when evidenCed by O��missary note9 staUng
<br /> �- - -� �� - -- ihet 93id not@S etA SBCtJtCd h9►oby.A�awdBd thif�t no tima Shell the Setuted plinC�pt��and future advances,not includmg sums advanced to p�otect € � _ .
<br />� - ' lhe SeCUnty.@xCeeA tWO hundred pe�Cbnt(?.00�a}ot tho ongmal pnncipat amount9 secured NateDy. � '
<br /> . • 1p,AEMEOIES NOT EXCLUStME.Trusie�ane�enohc�ery.and each of them,shall b�r enbtled to entorce payment anQ peHOrmance of any indebtedness :
<br /> - , or obllgaLans secured hc+�eGy and fo ex�rc�se an r�ghis ar,�poweis unde�tnis t�ust Oaed or under any nther agreement exeeuted�n conneet�on herew�tls �
<br /> - � 0I any�aw9 now ar heroafter�n tolCb.n6twrthstandmg some ar t�ll of tho such indebtednes9 and obligation9 seCUfBA hereby may n0+v Or heraafter 6e
<br /> otherwise secured.wheiher by mortqago.trust daed,ptedqe.��on.�ss�ynment or otha�wi5o.Neithvr the aCeeAl�nt9 ollhis Ytust Oee6�or it9 enfortemant ;
<br /> � ' .� � ' whetherbycaurtacUOnoipursuanttnih�rpow�rotsaivorutnarpuwarshe�e�ncontamad.shallp►e�udiceoi�nanymanne►aftecfTrustee'sor8enetitiary's �
<br /> - . � riyi�t tGreatrz�uponor v�slarza as+y o:�TC:.saceu�tr n4�°`-heRaat�ar h��r�ay 7fusme n�genQHc�arv.d bd�ng�gr¢ed th�t Trustee end B@nehC�ary.and each �
<br /> . � . �
<br /> . _ �
<br /> � ; - ' ;
<br /> ,. .
<br /> -- ...- , -:_ •._ - - -- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
<br /> . �. .: , ; . � .
<br /> . ..
<br /> ' '°' --�-� - _...,. .
<br /> - �. -- - --
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<br />