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<br /> `at M�Mn.,in.��.w�tilWO a.ntatie s�xs rn,�t o.w�sna any ath.c taar�h►now a.n.r�atm►h.a o1r e«Nfiet�r ar,Tn,pN wa�ard�i anQ nwwwr
<br /> aatMY ot�MMr d ttirm m�l.in th�atr�oluM�O'�Gon eMwn+in�.Nor�nwdY Mr�in cont�nd upon or nMrv�d to TrwIM a 9�nNidary(a Y��Q�Q
<br /> a a�selwfw of a�Y afhec:Nnsd�r hsr�in a�f►1aw P�ovid�d a�P�•but�aeh sh�R 6sa,�w and ahW!�in a�on to�MY a�►�w►Mbff
<br /> �iwnh��wbKarowarli�pRw�af4wain�q�wya6y�•�YP�a���Ya��w�tlMSTw�tONdbTnatMa�Eir� .
<br /> orto wINcA�i1tW oi1M�n ma!►be alher�i�s rr�titNd.maY b��xRCixd.�Mn►Y a ind�pw�^�!t•ftofn tinN to timf stMiataflM+�maY 6�aMMO
<br /> �sp�e�[bg'ftitat�e at Bet►�!F anQ�itMs ot tt�un rotY Punu��t r�0i�Nothfn�Mnin MWI E!Can�trwd�proAibititg B�MeW!► -
<br /> hon�aMirinO�d�Y l�D�K s0�^��Tnulor to th�e�ctent sucfi action b p�m�d�Y tavr• , , ,
<br /> 11.111A1�Q6 T!�1110ld1'IY:A�i1NlTION•B aN ar any p�rt d ttr Rap�h a iM�rest tMrdn is d0id.tranatert�d a dMrwiw caiwl�0
<br /> Or TnM�x�9�a�Y's D���^oa�nt�txctudin9(a)the ae�Non of a lien a encumh�anee s�ordnat�to this Trust Orsd.(E}a Inndir
<br /> . . .e�.cpKaliw�ot law uPwrfl�0a�d a Tnalar w!a is s joint tanarit a(c�tt��an►o�a�7t k��Matd inqrat W thns t3)Ynrs a Nss which do�s not
<br /> cawairt an a{�aan Oop�t+d+�s eueh�'LtiOn is a btMCb at this egreem�nl:and B�IicisY maY.a!�fnfiCiMy9 aplfon.d�c1n aN th�tu11a a�clr�d�bY
<br /> �is Trwt aNd�b�s i�*�i�d�MYdw snd�syab�e P�arid�4 turther.mis Tn,st Oeed maY.at 8�netict�Y�a aptkn:be d�d�CSd.Ynniadl�lelY duf.irid
<br /> py�6ir,if pjTniaioiii a p�rh�rshiPend�rincete�inniew�►shiaissq+ea as�+ynedbranrr�row�tsoe+�°►.nr(�if ine Tnutor ilaca�rQaflan
<br /> and�d'anster d Ud!ma14ritY stock owner'.,fl�D��in tMmrPaaObc!acc�rs.or tlfs?tc�ar a�paraAbn m�r4�io aoy torm vYith a►�a�ca�poratla►
<br /> ,pr«�1i�y.g�sfC�y,shalt feave wWreQ"stx�option to ao�e(eraie'it prios to the s�Lranstei or carvefrance�8ene�iciarf►and ths OK�W who�s tls�
<br /> '. F�apwty is to bQ sotd�trettsiftte0�eatfi ageemen3 in wriGng tlfat ths Credit o(SaeK Per'.�an is sa�sfactalf��1►and tbat Hts iMerast Wll�
<br /> Or�!Ae sums eecurdd b1t ihts Tt�E Oeed stiaR 6e aE wcit rtte as 8ene6cixg stiaA tequest '
<br /> 12�TIONtlPONDEFAUlT:1�:liA1.ETheiasucedllttKTn�or.tPmaksanYPaY��torbP��f►oltheiertsb�dca�ditlons. . _
<br /> --- at i�fsTrwt Wed.a ths tertns and ea+�tions of�he Nae.or anY re�rals.mo�i°^s or exteruions th�red.or the tailurs to maks paymsn[of a�►fl
<br /> ' o�r,.k�budnsrs,p�ia►a suhssituent to this Tn�st Qsed.artd secauvQ DY tt�is t��1!.a the deaUf af orie a more Tnuurs ahall hs a btefC�and —
<br /> ddfuih of tlds 7ruat Os�d and ths fleneficiarY ma9��.a def�!�and ebY��all aums�ewcced hsrebll imn�sd�Y��PaY�?�� � .
<br /> ` ta�nM ihaM tflstet�on hecoms due and PaYabie.N�P�7�"�-.Qemeed.P�ar tlotiCe of any kind.ptoVided.Trustor Sh8(I have ert7(a�drtorll
<br /> riphtit�cu�ths dslault bMore anY notice of,d�wR aridQemand tarsafi�.maY be dNirerad to the Tnutae.Thereattsr.BensRCixrfl�d��L�Trutle�
<br /> swnllb�:d�cWation ol Ge(ault and daa�and for sab:Tn{stor�grees�[�lpre4Y 9�ms that ths TrusMe shall have ths pc�wei o!sate ot tds PtopartY auid
<br />� H 8eneficl�rN�the Praper$►is aa D8 sald it shaft de0osil vrt�a T:�i�ee this Tnat Deed 8nd tht^.�iaos a notes and ari]I oqbr documerht evidencin9
<br /> apsnditures'saeured Nera01►•and sf��b deliver to Trnstee a wrilten�otice ot delault and elecdon t��rse tne propertq to bs soid.anct 3tiu6tef.In tum. —
<br /> - �haN prqtare a siRvT�natiCe in the torm requlred b�13w,vrhich shefr�e duly filed far rP.ca[Q 6y�^',�Stee. , _ —�
<br /> (a) After the t�of such time as may pe re�c��'ed by law follawing"the secor�u'�?��.:�"�t�uf Defa�R,and Naice ot Oefeuk and NotiCt of - - —
<br /> Sats ha�icr�rx�en 9iven as required by law.Trustee.wfthmii Q�-r�md aa T.�-=�J s:ai.�i!:itie Praperty.H na redesmedin one or mare �_Y
<br />- pprcels a�rJ m auch orQer as Trustee may detxmine as II�c�a,�rd fihetimaa:rd piaee des`r�sated io said Notice of Sale..a Aublic auction --_-----
<br /> , aC�tardiag'b.taw. . . . —--
<br /> (b) When Tr:i�e sells pursuant to the pawers harein.T►ustee shall applyr the proceeds oi tne saFe to paYfiaz:[of tt�casts an4 axpensss a� _ _
<br /> sxucisirrgn,he puwe►of sale and ot the sa;�:�Kudi�g,witAout timitaUon,att�mey's feas and Ne payment afT�teds Fees incurred,whict►
<br /> Tn,�tes's Fees sha0 nol in the agyegate exceeA the foltowl�g artaurtts baseC uDon tha aTROUm�sea'rad h����ning unpald at
<br /> tNS time scfietfuted fa sale:5 percentum on the balance thereot;and then to the items ia su6paragrapb(c)in the aMer tlTete steted• —
<br /> - (e) I►ttet payfng the i[ems specified in subparagrapn(b),if tne sale ls by Trustae,ai H�the sale is putssuant to judicial fasclasure,the procseds __
<br /> . :; of aeb shatl be apPlied In the foflowing oMer.
<br /> (1)Cost of arty evidence of titte procurew"•.^connection with such sale and ot 8ny revenue transtet fee requited to be pald:
<br /> (2)Alf Obligations seturetl by this Ttust�A°d: . ��`�=-
<br />� (3)Junio�trust deeds,mortAages,or other Iienholders: _-�====_-
<br /> :� (4)The remainQer.i1 any,to the person legally entitted thereto. �:_��_
<br /> • 13�p�p��TYENT pp gUC�ESgpp TpU81EE.Beneficiary maY.lrom ume ro time.Dy a wrrtten mstrument axecuted and ack►wwleagb bY Be�fici+ry� _'_�a�'"'�_
<br /> malled to Trusta and recorded in the wunty or cou^nc�,�whicb the PropeRy is lacated and by ot�erwise complyirtg with the pravisions o}the applicabte =��_
<br /> laws of ths State ot Nebraska substituta a successr��a-:�:ccessors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. ���
<br /> .� �4,�N$PECTIpNS.Beneficiary.or its agents,re��+�a`��s or emptoyees,aze authorized to enter at any reasonaWe tfine upoe�a 1�aay part of the `.`.�';`:=:y
<br /> Properry fa the puryose oi inspecting the same and}ar tfe�����"C°�orming arryof the acts it is authorized to peAam under tne temts ol the Trust Deed.� ,� . ,
<br /> �'��...,'.
<br /> t5.OPTION TO FORECL08URE.Upon tha oceurrence c1 a��tf°acA and upan the dectaration ot detault hereunder,Beneficlary ahall have 1he optlor� ���.��;:
<br /> •• .t- to foraebsb this T�iust Oeed in the manner provided by 1aw tor the}oreclosure ot mortgage9 on reat property. ;.����.
<br /> � : 18.F O R E O E A R A H C B B Y B E N E F I C I A R Y O R T R USTEE NOT A WAIVEH.Any torebearance by Benehciary or Trustee in exercls�ng any�lght a remedy �:�•
<br /> �"=
<br /> hsreunder,or otherwise allordeA by app�icable law,shall not be a wa�ver of or prxtude the exercise ot any such nght or remedy.Ukewiss,th�walwr ;�P 7=_
<br />: � �;*' by Ben�ficiary or t�ustee of any Cetault of Trustor under this Trusi Oeed sha11 not be deemed to be a waive�ot any other or stmitar deiaults suhxquenUy g�qk,,,,Lr=
<br /> �`St;�{fysri-.
<br /> ,. y': OCCUfti11Q. 1�w i j:t.s.,°°
<br /> .i. ht 1���y���M� }S yj__
<br /> �.• 17.OEtiF.F1CIAHY'8 POWEAS.W�tnout aNectmg or reteasmg!he Iiability o}the Trustor or any other persan t�,e for the payrtrery ;.
<br /> � . hsrein mentloned.and without attectmg the hen ar charge of this Trust Oeed upon arry poAion ot tne Propert±,.P.+a:�ticiary may,nom tlms to time and , __ -
<br /> without notiee at thA request of one or more Trustors.p)retease any person Iiable,(u)extend or rertew the ma:�t�=f atter eny of ths tarms ot atge sich
<br /> . obligations,p��)9�afl�o��r i"dulgenees.pv)release or reCOnvey.or cause to be reteased or reconveyed at any trma al8eneticiary's opNCn any pa�+ t. .
<br /> ^+`.�•��; or all 0)the PropertY•(�take or release any other or add�uonat seW riry tor any obhgation herein me^t'oned,(vq make seStemes+a ar dther atrangemenc� *�`,`
<br /> - with Trustor in retation thereto All T�ustars shall be iointty and severaily obhgated and bound by the.�c:ians oi the B0n8Hclery or�y ane ot mote Trustor S�..:. .
<br /> �;aJ:
<br />. s� as Kated tn this pa�agraph_ ,
<br /> 18.ATT011HEY FEES,COSTS AN�EllpEHSES.The 9enefiCiaty ot this 7rost peed i9 enfdled t0 the payment Ct 2,:,orney's tees,costs end expense�
<br /> ,�,y: a�provlded m this Trust Oeed,except a9 otherwise prohibded by law. � •
<br /> �` 1g,qECONVEYANCE SY 7RUSTEE.Upen�vrrtten iequost af 9enef�Ci�ry and upo�PaYmant Cy Tn�stot ol Trustee s fee9,Trustee ahall t8convey t0
<br /> trustar.o�the petsa�ot De�yQ�s legally onld�eA Iheroto.r�rthout wa���d�ty.any pon�on o�the Propeny then hetd hereunder.Recitals m such reconveyanCe
<br /> . � w�� :; of ar+y matters or tacts sba��bo cunc�uswo prool o!the truthtu�ness Ihereot 7he granteo ln any reconvayanCe may bB tloscnbod a9 th�parson o�person9
<br /> _' bgNly entitfAd thA�eto"
<br /> 's:_ _ . ;:r.��i.�_
<br /> ������J'"°s 20.NOTiCE9.6xcept for nohces.demanAS.reauests or other commurncaUOns r0qu�red under eppUCabte law tp be glven in anottte�manner,whenever ,
<br /> }'''�"'t`1"' �eneficia�y,TruStol ot T�usteo yiv�rs o�se�ves�ny noUce l�nCludmg.vnthouS 6mdabon,no6ce of dofduN and nottCe ot Sale).derltBndS.requests or other
<br /> ���� . • -
<br /> c�� ComrrtuniCatiOn wllh�espect ta th�s Tu�st OepA.eaCh SuCh noticv,demand.�eQucst ar otfier com�ur,�oat+on shatl be m wrrtmg and sh�U be eftectwe onty
<br /> • • it th�same�s dehvered by pa�sonai sew�co or�s ma��ed by certd�od ma�t.postacie prepa�d.add�es:�d to tnp adQross as set toith at the beginnmg ot th�s .
<br /> ' �' � t�ust Oeed.Any paity may at any Amn chanqo its atld�ess for such not�ces 6y de6veeing or mai,.^�to the other partp heroto.as ataresaid.a noUCA ot
<br /> l�, �,.„�,_ �. SuCh Change.Any nOtiCe nereundar shat�bv deamctl to nave been gwen to Trustot or 8eneticiatY,vrhen given m the mannOt dOSiqnat@0 herem '
<br /> . .. _.'sf� •�'�:. � 2�_qEppES,T Fpq NOTtCE.Trusta/and B�nehci�ry ho�aby requost a cnpy o!any notica ot C5`��It.and a copy of any not�Ce ot salA thereunde�.6e �
<br /> ' . ' `�= �`° :`� mvted to each person wha�s a party hereto�t the utldress fo�sucn porson set tonh m the lrtst Raragrap h 0}t hi s T r u s t O e e d �
<br />- � � - 22.GOVEANIN�LAW.This t�ust Oe�d shall be qovorned by thv law9 of the St�tO o1 Nebraska. .
<br /> .. . ,5�. .'��^�: .•
<br /> . , °� 23;gUCCESSORS AN�ASS1aNS•Th�s 1rus10eed.and al1 te�m9.condd+ons 8nd oOhgations here�n,appty to and�nure to tne 6enefit of and binds ;
<br /> .c.-�' '-:. � .
<br /> ?t�.�"'�` •�' ati parNes hereto.theu haus.tegazeas.dev�sees,personat representatrves.suecessas and ass�gn9.The tetm 8ertef�cwry"shall mean the ow�er artd
<br /> -_.__�-. - - -, hp►dE�Gi trt9 NGtB.vfiether ar rrot rtame.ht m Bi��tccrar�heFa+ss -- - _ _ . . . - t_=__-:_-_-
<br /> ' � f •
<br /> _-_ , i• .
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