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<br /> (h�rMn�f�wca�``l:�� IIni°t� `Eank � TSisat Co.�o€ �rai�d' Island `
<br /> wAor���9 aedass is Z008 A Ne�b Road •.��Gsa�[d �,�and !te fi8803 -
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<br /> (lNirtrr^trustN'1:�nd . . "
<br /> ������� 2 N Webb Boad G+��� Ta1 and NF e��� —(�sraln"8sn�flciary"�.
<br /> FOiiVALUABLECONSI0EMT10N,Trustorircsvocabtyyrants,tr�nsiers.wnvsysandassi9nstaTru�t��.INTRUST.WITHPOWEiiOFSAIE.
<br /> fortlwb�n�fdanas�culryot8ensricis�r,�yiundsrsnaaubjecttothatsrmsaadcondiHonsofthisTrustO�sd.thetollowln�d�scri���Neb i�ka�
<br /> Iocat�0,in
<br /> Uniyeraity Place, Block 23, Lot i�.3t'�,of T:s�t _l3, ia t�se City of Grand .
<br /> Island, � ��t9. Nebraslca `:, ;.�� . � �
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<br /> ` the rNl prop�Hy;all lus�s or suWsasea covering the reat property or�nY portlorttheraoi:ail inter�at�,�stat�orath�rcl�irn�bolA in taw and in G�_,
<br /> � tqwfy in ths r�al prop�ay;a�t Mmeatsad exemptions whtch are hereby�eteased and ws�ve0;a��e�a�m�nts, rlphb-ot�ay,t�n�m�MS, �`
<br /> �.� �` h�C�Citam�nls:alloilandpi�ri�rtsandprolits,watsrrlghtsacfny,°it,litls�ndlnlerestolTruator,inandloanyl�ndtyinpwitMinih�ti9ht•ot-wayof � ,
<br />- any�hNf or highrr�y adjoinlnq the rea�propefty.any and aA buitdinga.fixtures.�+npravements,and appurtsn�nas now or hereafter aneted �
<br /> 1Mreon or b�lon�cgfhereto�(hereln referred to as"Improvement"or"imqroveme:+ts"�:and any and all award!made tor tfistaking by eminent
<br /> - 4oenain;or by�ey procaedinq or purchass�n lieu Ihereof,ot the whote or any G�rt c11he real property.Ail of Ihe torego�ng estate,propeMy and
<br /> � InNrat Conv�y�A to 7rustN hlr�ee collactivety refer�ed to as the"P�operty". • -
<br /> ' FOR TNE PUFiPOSE�F SECUF.'."r3:
<br /> . (ay The paymen�4�ind�htadness eviEenced by 7�ustor'a note or guarantee I"NOte")dated _—Ap*a 1 2A� tg_92.__, " �
<br /> ' � �1.,� •+�• *ean ssx HLndred The�y One Dollare.� 6�1�.Q2�"'��'�-'*�'*''*�' Oouars
<br /> ' � in the principal sum of �- H 1
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<br /> futurs a0vancas�videnee�by promissory notes or guarantees aWting they are secured heteby.and aoy and alt renewata,moditications and �
<br />• • �xt�nsian�lherwf,bolhprincipalandinterestbeingpayabteinaccordmeewlththetermsaelforththerein,whichbythl�reterenceismadeapa�l
<br /> �. � h.not. E
<br /> . (b)The p�rform�ne�ot�aeh agraameM and eovenaM of Trustor herein eontained:and • f
<br /> - _ (c�thepaymentotanyavn+oeauensofmoaeywhiebmaybsheroaftsepaidoiadvancedbythe8ertet�qiaryundertheterm�otthisTrusfOaed. �
<br /> . • topMher wilh intersst thereon at the rate provlded in tAe"Note". �
<br /> � ,
<br /> ' � --- .......� _ _ . , �x,rar.�"=°'�.""`..---'.
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