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<br /> subst�ntiaily cquival�nt mortgage ins�rnnce cnvCragt is not ayuilublo.Ba�owor s�'q4��r euch month a sum equnl to
<br /> onc-twelfih of tha ye�rly monguge Imsu►�anco premiurn be�ng paid by l��rrowcr wt.en the i�sumnce covcrage laps.ed or ceased to
<br /> be in cfFect. I.cndce will i�cccpl, tisc�nd ret:+lu Ihesc paymcnts as n fass reserve in lie�r of n�ortgage insurnnce. I,ass rescrvc
<br /> paytu.^.ius r�iay no lairgir b�f.:c�ni�cd,et dc�upit��n<�f If:.!tdcr, if mn�t�n�c insurancc cnvcmFe(in thc ama�uit nnd fnr�hc{�cri�xl �
<br /> that L.cndcr veyuires)providcd by an insunr wpprav¢cl by Lende�again beco�rw.s mailablc arxl is��btainc�l. liar��u��es'siiall��ay
<br /> tha prEmiums re�uir�d to maintain rnortgegt Insurance in cffect,ar to pruvlde a lnss rescrve, unti!Qce raq��ircn�nt for murtgsge
<br /> ineurance er�fs in acr.ordance with un�written agrcetnent hetwecn Borroxver arul Lemder ar applicable law.
<br /> 9.I�npatl�n. Lender or its�gcnt ma make reasanabie cntries upon u»d inspectians of tht Propsrty. [.ender sh�ll glve
<br /> �s
<br /> Borrower�wtice at the dme of or prior to an nspxtion specifying rensonable caust far the inspection.
<br /> !0. Cm►dernna►ton. Tht proceais of any eward or cls�m for damage,. direct or consoquential, in onnncetian with �u►y
<br /> condemnatiAn or aher tai;ing ui'a�y par2 of'�i►::I'��ap�rty,or for convtyrnce in 13eu of conciemnatios�.ure hereby nsslgnod aixl
<br /> sh�ll be paid to Lender.
<br /> In the event ot'a total taking of the Fruperty,the proceods shaU be applied to the sums securod by this Sacurity Instrument,
<br /> wl�ether or nc►t then due, with:uiy cxcsss paid ta F3orrower. In the evcnt.of a partial wkins of che Property in which tha fnir
<br /> • market veluo of th�Property�mmalinte�y before the taking is equal to or grcatar than the amount of the sums securai by thie
<br /> S�curity Instrument immedi�►te{y br.fore the taking,ar.less Borrowor a�x11-cndcr otherwise agree in writing,the sums suured by
<br /> this Securiry Instiument shxll be reduoed by the r�maunt af ttie proceeds multipliod by the followin� fracttos�: (a) thE; tot�S
<br /> antount of tha 6ums sccuuxi iiiu�i�fii�tely bcfarr:thc takinB. divided by (b)the f�ir market value of the Pronerty immodiutely
<br /> befora the taking. Auy bulance shall bs puid to Burrowcr. In the cvcnt of a p:utial taking of thc Prap�rty in which the fair
<br /> muket vel��o of tha Pn�perty immedintcly bcf�rr,thu taking is lcss than�hc amouni of thc sums secur.eci�mmedintcly bcfore the
<br /> takin$.unlrss&�nawer and Lcnder odiervrise ugree in writing or unless applicable law othr.rwise provldes,ttx:proceeds shall
<br /> � be applicd to thn sums secua:rl by this Securiry Instrument whether or not thu sums nrc thcn due.
<br /> If the Property is abtuxlonrd by&�rrower,ar if,after notice by Lender to i3orrower wnt th�condemnor offers to maka a�
<br /> awud or sctde a claim for damuses, Rorrower fuils to respoad ta Lcnckr within 30 dnys after the date the nc�tice is given,
<br /> L�ader is authorized tu colluct und bpp1Y the Pruceeds,at its option,either to restnradon or repair of tbe Propercy or to the sums
<br /> stcuned by lhis Security Ir,�ctntment.whether or not tiieu�iue. ��,��tion of roceeds to rinci sFutll nat cxte►bd o:
<br /> . Ur�es.c I,cnder and Borrower otherwise agrx in wridng, any �T 'c P P P�
<br /> pvstpone the due data of the moathly payments referred to in paragraphs'`�'•mid 2 or chnnge the amount qf s��ch pwyments.
<br /> 11.Bom►wer Not Relt�sed;Forl�earnnce�Y Len�9►.�Pd°t a WAiver.Extension of the cime for payment or modificatEOn
<br /> �.�'c�nortixatton of the sums sxured by/his SecuPity Instrument granted by L.ender to any suc:cessor 9n interat cf Bomawer shall _
<br /> not operate to reiease the liability of the original Bonowes or Borrower's successa�rs in interest. L�e►zder shaU not be roquirui to
<br /> comrt�noe pronyfldi�Es agu�nst any successor,n interest or refusc to extend time for payment or cwlterwise modify a�rx�rti�adon
<br /> of the sums sa:ured by this Securiry Instrument by teason af any dem�►nd made by the oriAina! Bormwer or Aamower's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercising aay nght or rcmra'y��shal! not be a wsdver of or prcclude the
<br /> exercise�f any righc or aemody.
<br /> 12. Suoaa�or�wd Ass3�re Bouad;Joint and Severa! LiabiUtyi C��ri• The covenants at� agratine��ts of thia
<br /> Security Inxtniment stull bind u�d bencfit the sucassors and asslgns of I..ender and Borrower, subject to the provisioas of
<br /> o�raaru�6 l7. Bor►uwePs covenants ar�d agramcnts shall be joint Ac�d several. Any iBonawer who co-s fg�i�VSecun�ty�
<br /> Instcumrnt but dots not execute qte Note:(aj is co-signing inis ov�.wa� Is:stts:r.�!un., i�r.'^tt,s�,t. o--.s!- -- -
<br /> Borrower's intercst in the Pmpe�¢y under the terms of[his Security intittument(b)is not persnnally obliga¢ed to pay thi sums
<br /> �ocured by tfiis Security Instrs�ment;and(c)agzas that[,er�er and any other Borr.ti►vcz•msy agc�to extend,modify,forb�ar or
<br /> mw{ce�ny acoommodations with regar�to the tern�s of thi c SYCUrit�Instrument or d�s':rl�its without that Aorrar�ar's oonsent.
<br /> 13.I.o�a�Cbaiy�e.+.If tho loan sxun:�by this Securlty Ins4rument is subjxt i'ti.���faw which�sess mnnrmum loan clwges,
<br /> and 1{u�t law Rs:�nrdly interpretod so thm�thc inte►xst or other loan ch�rges colicctcd or to be oo'.ia:ted In.conneceion with the
<br /> . �loan ea�oeai th4 pt:�snittod J�imik;,the�r.(a)any such lonn chuge shall ha�eduad by the amount�^ocssar�r to reducx the char�e .
<br /> tn the pe�euttod iimit:and•(b)nny sumt aicwdy collaKod from Borrower which excFedod permittcd limit�wil! be rrfunded to
<br /> Borrower. l�axber may•ctxwsr,to m�lce this rofuad by ralucing the principal ow.t.���under tha Idbte or by makinE a �lirocc
<br /> paym,pK w Burrower. If a rrfund roducss pri►xcipal. the redu��tion will be trd�tc� as a paRlal pt+epoyment without any
<br /> - pr�aymaK chta'go under the Note.
<br /> Y4.Nidtkts.Any notia tv Borrower providad for�n this Securi�,y Iastrument shall be give�n by delivering it or by msiie:�g;
<br /> it by�irst clss�.idnrl uniess�pplicable law roquires use of anotlur�riuY1:'1'k�e noHce shall be dirxtod to tf►e 1'roperty Adde�.q ''�
<br /> . or any otha addrasa Borrowee designates by notice to Lender. Any notir,e to I.Cx1er shall be given by first clasc m�il to� -��.� '
<br /> ,I,crxbr�s adde+eaa ststecl f►e�+cin or sury�r address I.e�xjer dcsignxtes by notice to Aarrower. My notioe provided for in this
<br /> ���,p�p���I�be doemed to havd been giveq�3�'.Borrower or L.�nder when giv�n as providod in this Esnragraph.
<br /> 15.Gove�tn` I.�w; �e�'aab�ifty. This Secur�ry instnrment shell 6c goveraod by fedenol law aid the Ixw of the
<br /> - juri�diction in.which the P��ope�ty is�oc�seel•-•iQ tt►a'evenf that anK provision or clouse of this Socurity Inqtnunent or the Notq.
<br /> conflicta�uith applicable taw,such conflict shcu��'not afkct uther prov�sions of this Socurity instnima�t oc the Note whlch can t��;''.
<br /> given eE�'ect w•�ifia�t the onaQlicting Provisiun. 7'o th(��nd the provisions of this 5ecurity Insnument ar,u iiu'riae a�s�ieciari:It.''
<br /> ta.be severable. .
<br /> li.Bax+nwa's Copy.Borrower steall be given oa�ccrhfomx�d copy of the Note�nd of thi�Security T►�stniment.
<br /> ��.�.���,�t}�pro�y a.A Bdo�etk(p��nte�est ip Bot�rower,If alt or any part of the F'rop�ity or any interest in it
<br /> is wld or trm�:sfi:cral(or if a beneficial intrrrst in Borrower is sold or transfecred and Borrower is not a neturai personi without
<br /> Lax9er's �,written consent, i.endcr rrwy, at its option. require.immediate paymmnt in f4tll og al! sums socund by this
<br /> Sacurity Instnrment.However.this option shall�wt be er.cmised by Lencier if exercise is prohibited f�y faternl law as of thc date
<br /> �of tHis Security Inst�vment. • �
<br /> ��� If L,ende�Cxorcise3 this option,I.ender s6a11 gir•a'�c�Irower notice of ac�elention.The notice shull providC a period of not
<br /> less than �att�s fmm the date the noiti�is dclivercd or matled within�vhich B�crower muss,Aay all suma socured by this
<br /> 5ec�urity Is�is�ient.If HoROwer fails t�}�.�J.chese sums prior to the en�iration of this period.'Lender rnay invoke any remodies
<br /> - permitted by#�+is�Socurtty Instrument wi2�atiE furthcr uotice or demuttd��on Bc�rrower. ,
<br /> . 18. Iiorrower's ItighB to Reingtate. If Borrowar meets ceii:i+n �.vnditlons> Borrower shull huve thc right to h�vc
<br /> ���crrcemcnt of this Secu�ity lnstcument discontinual at any time prior to the eart•iev of: (�) 5 doys (or such other period aa
<br /> _ rpplicaUle law ma;� spccify xor reinstatemeat) befoee sale of the Properry pursnant to any power uf sale containod in this
<br /> Su:urity Inst��sct►cnt;or(b)entty of a judgment cnforcing this Socurli3r'Dnsttument.Those conditiuns:tre tivat 8o►cuwer.(a)pays
<br /> � 1.ender all suThs whlch then would be�m�m�d�r this Security Inst��msnt and tha Note as if no acccleration had oc�.�urned; �,l
<br /> , �ures any default of any oth�r covena�4s oc agreements;(c)pays ali�a:cpenscs incurred in enforcin�this 5xurity Inst�umcn�,
<br /> ;�;aludinre. but not limited to, reasonab�la�nttornevs' fees:and(d)ta3ces such ection as l.ender may reasonably re�uie�tm s�s,tiii�tp .
<br /> y 1;'.:a�t tho lien uf this Securlt;+r,�xistn�ment, Lender s ri�Ur,s nxi the Property und Bo�rov'ver's obli}*�ation to pay the sums sccureci��SV�• ;1 _
<br /> _ oa...e �...,...e.. inermmonr ahn13 rnntlti[l�c. 1lmeen?*!gCII_ u�l]uII icLiStUiv�iiGiit ZS}' �3'3'GWCi• tR.o C."..^.Lr:;j :�'.:.'-w-'l!»C!lI ��,nrl rhA
<br /> ' 9�� ..........� ...T --�- -----°•-- - - ...__
<br /> obligations secured hareby sh�ll remairi�/adty'mffeetive as lf no acceleration had atiurxeci. Hawever, tttis rigitt to reins�tr snan
<br /> . not appir ia iiie Sase a:acceSC.'"�i ti0ii ii:,d�:n�nragra�h !7.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Clwnge of'F,�z►n�erv[cer. The Note or u parsial intcrest in thc Note (togeche- with this Setvr3ty
<br /> instrument)may bz said onc dr more times without prior notice to 9onower.A ssl4 may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"I.nsu►Sen�icer")that ooliccts munthly puymcrtts due under tlie Note r��d t�i,�ECUrity Instniment.Ttiere also may 6c one
<br />� or more chunges of the Loan�ervicer unrelated to a ssile of the Note.lf theic is a�caa•�ge of the Loan Secvieer,I3orrower will be
<br /> ' Qiven written notice of the change in accordartce with paragraph 14 above and upplicable law.The notice witl state the name and
<br /> adJress of the new Loan Scrvicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will a(so contain any ntlier
<br /> infomiation c�cquircd by applicable law.
<br /> ' 20. Hnz�►rdous Substances. Borrower shall �tat cause or permit the preserce. use. disposul, st�rag�, or re(case of any
<br /> Hazardous Substunces on or in the Property. Borrowcr shall not do. nor allow miyonv else to do, anything aiffec;ting th�
<br /> . Aroperty tlwt is i�►violation of any Bnvirotu�nental iaw. 1'hs Prtcoding two scntences sh:ill not apply to the presenoe. use, or
<br /> s�rege on ehe Property of smell quantitics nf Hazardous Substances that are gc�eraUy recogni�,ed to bo appropriate to normal
<br /> r..sidential uscs and to m�intenance.of thc Frdpcny.
<br /> P�ge 3 of 4 _ � , .�* Fwm 3028 9180
<br />