;�:1?�.' _�'� .�v:�nY�+V�nt-.�.rw�e t�r�. .r � .;:}r.ly��T?,13;�•.'•�F�
<br /> ,. ' . .,...`,a...ta'-� .��'�j S i'. . .
<br /> :� _ . .. ..___..__ _._ . .. _. ,..__,. ._'•___..._ . _.__ ______�
<br /> - -�����"'���� ._.._,.,..�_ .
<br /> _ __ _
<br /> g�� �,��� _
<br /> Nnrrawcr stiall pruniptly givc Lc:iidc�• wr(ttcn itntice of any investl�;ntion, cl:tim, dcmnnd. I1W&LIII OT 6ihPr actian l.�y a!'►y v
<br /> govci�u��:utul or�tgulatory u�;cn�y oi'privntc paity iuvnlvin�;tlic t'm��;riy nnd nny Hvlydous Si:bstance or 1?uvirmii�tc�n;�}t��;, .�..
<br /> of which Am7owcr Y�as uchial kn�wlc:dgc. iF Airrrower Ieurn.5, or is notifial by nny Kovcrn�i�citical or rcgulatory nuat�o�ir.;y,tttat
<br /> wny reinaval or ather rcmeciiation of a�y Ha�.erd�us 5ubstance offu:ting t8e I'raperey►s�iescssary,Borrawcr shall pro;npt3y takc
<br /> p�!nqxsury rtnxdia��ctEuris in occondancc with�nvira�mentul J..�w.
<br /> As ur�od in�bis paragraph 20, "Hau�rdous Substans.es" are those�ubstances det"ined a.g toxic nr hazardaus substences by
<br /> Environnxntal I.aw and che tol�4wing substwnces: gasoline. kerosene, other Annu��ebla or loxic {xtroleum proclucts, toxic _
<br /> pesti.cid�s and herbicides.�ofatile sol�w"�iir.,::sisifederal�l�tis�n�aEVS of�he jadsdYCion wt�ar�t�iF«perty•is�tocatuci t�ln;�k _
<br /> this ptragraph 20, `:�nvisonn�u'�l
<br /> relate ta hadth,sxfety or enviror►mental protaczion.
<br /> NO�N-UN(FORiM COVENAN'S5.Borrower and Le►tider further covenant and agra a.a foltows:
<br /> 21.Aocekr�tbn;Rcmedies.i.en�r shAll'gtve wtke to Burrawcr prior to accslcratl�on un�k�r�pn�raS,rn� �� �h
<br /> of auW toverwet ar s�reett►en1 in tf�a Sa�tciq• Iu�trunEtnt (but not pria'
<br /> rp�p�lkabk law pmvl�las ottKrwix). Tbe uatfa ah�lY specify. (a)t�C def�ult; (b)the�tion te9uired t�cwre tl�e d�ttAU�t:
<br /> (c) A tb�At,�xtt Itx9 cure tint�su�it antoc befors the date sp=ec{�t ia the t ceinaykt�esult In�it�ctlerRl9on dC 1b afi+e�s
<br /> (cn tb�t tal�wre t �'Aee notia�11 turthcr intortn Borrower oi ti�e r:g�+i iA
<br /> �xyred by this Security Iestrumtnt nnd sele 1�the Pt+npaty `
<br /> ceiaaate dter accekr+�tb+i snd the right�to bMn��caurt�ctbn to asscrt the roon-ax�itence ot:de!'ii.MN ar�ny otl�er
<br /> � defeire o!liorroMC�r w wxe�xxtian and sAle. If�t tn�hrli o�t tall sun+s secured�bY t6lg Sec�urity In�tn iiment witiwut
<br /> Gcoder,�t Its optba,may rcyulre i�.medl�te pv,y �rmitted by �pllcabie l*w.l�tnder Elall be
<br /> [�rtba'demand pnd nuiy invo0ce tb�e parr��r ot a�le�1 u�y other� c6tv caph Zl.[ac.lwli�.twt nol limitod
<br /> � entkled to cd{ect�11 ex�iucus'red�n paix+dni tlre remedj�s I�ru �� ,
<br /> !a,rdsa+uble�ttarne?'e'[ee+�ad cads ot title evldence. ot fLe '.- _
<br /> ' It tbr poaer o[�k fs invoked,Tru�er e�iwii i-�:�G r,ct:r�'!c�'�rtl�!;in e�ch muMV la wl�a:fH.�}•p�►rt
<br /> ` ''i�iroYerty fB locsted�d ahUll�neil oopies Af suc6 no11Ce n�iu�.u�ui�i�rr piteE��'fixd by�pp�icAbk iwvr bP�TtM+Ct'i�R�►t4 �;;.'.
<br /> a. tbe otba'perso�s p�i�bY�PP��ble law.ARer the thne R+cquired by appliabie law,Tn�atee sMr1R S�re it+wA�i�,�►i,iis �•`, '.
<br /> �t�le to k'1,�::,�son�E+n�l ia the au+a�er�SCrlbed by ppplicable Isw.T�u�tee,withont demand oa Boxrowtr�.shn�R'sukf:
<br /> bidder at tbe t(au and pl�x aa+�l�tt�der tbe ttmis�ksiYmted i*i+�e m�tt�te�aF
<br /> ' Nie Pe�ope�'i�':W1puW�C,�uetloo to the hl�hent eak ot ali or a�y p�rce��.�i�t
<br /> swl�le ooe or�nore pq,.Y,�ra1s aad in nny order Trueta determfne�.Trurette mnay p��le. Lender an,iA� d��*y �;.`'::
<br /> � pr�o�erty by publk s�n�a�t tt tl�e tlme aad pluoe ot any W'evl�`��.� .
<br /> _ PareM�tbc ProPeriY :. •�'".
<br /> a!s�ny sale.
<br /> UpM�secdPR o[Pay�at ot ll� p�'� �, Trudcs s1a11 dd�ver tg�i?ie p�u�ch��er.T��uetxc's,d�rc3 c�►vc�.�t t� —
<br /> = Prupert�, '�ra�itals ia tbe 1'rueke's dee�shdl be priiru fick evide�ot the trutb�•o�•tfin st:�fNeMbents�e! tMiirtDn.
<br /> Trwtee iaN spplY tbe at tYe eak le the[dbwing order:(a)to�ll costs and ex¢�n�t�;xxercHi�t�he��'a'�
<br /> � .r'�'��de aed ths e�k.I��x�, tbe pry�o[tbe'I'ruste�e's ias actuwily incurred,not to txceec�� s5�}a 11'•;r 1 1 �
<br /> .
<br /> , ., , , ..�_.�..e.�...a..a.wrLu.of drl�Wt.�rd��owDk a�lo.mim -�r ���Pp'�� ,
<br /> . _ :.
<br /> ' :'�,� b[iLe= at�oi�i vi iie u�w..,.�.....o�..... ----- - - ��
<br /> � by lawrs��.��•�3.a�`��sacared by tb4 Seerrity Iwtn�onent►aad(�3�Y�to the peceon ae ll�l��y •-
<br /> ' �. � 21���.�ki�Wn'e�'aooe. Upon pwyment of xll suros secured �a.��ti�s Socur�ty Instiument. L�endnr al�ell req�st Tiust�w
<br /> ' recov,vey:>ili��Propeity�xnd sha11 anrrender this Savdtv Instr�r�����`k;u�d al! notes evidenc�n�};.+.lubt secured by this Sbiliurity ..
<br /> � without Vi' ,,nty i+rtA�•'�vxtl�out ch�uga��ti►e p:nns or perto�'�a Ie�1Y
<br /> = Yc�strurnent ta Trostde;;�l a�u.�tx shall roconvey the Pr'o�+eKY {�? .
<br /> er�t�tled ta it.5urh p��rt�=vr P��ns shall pay Any recordatien coats,,�.•'�:. � int a sqc�ces.yor trueta to
<br /> x3.':�?d�O4W�T+�'a. Lenda'.at its o{xuon. rnxy fcom iiyrie r�o lime renwve Truatec and appo
<br /> �y T�yqa�;�ppc�Inted haeunder by An instrument rxorded in th�;+cn�:niy in which tlus Secut�i�y Inattunea►t fs recorded. W�t
<br /> - ��v�,�oo�'o(the Yrqxrty,the sucoessor trusta s1�a11 suovacl t�ti�ll the tide,power and d�riQS��`onferrat upon Triutee hurin
<br /> snd by�ppl�lRw. .. •
<br /> 7A.A Lar.Notk.'es. Borrower requarts thsi'•'tq►ies of the natices of defxult and sale be sent ut+;�'4rro'�'a dci"as
<br /> which is E1�t,Property Add�c�es.e• . . ,,
<br /> . xS.�R!{�to tLh Sec�rit�I�tr�.If one oe cix�re s3,�crs ure executod 6y�lormwcr aid crco►dod ta�ettia with�s
<br /> Secur+ity#ri�kr�ament.the covena�x�►ancl ognxments of r,aGh sueFi;r.�J�;.stu�ll be iricoc}wceted imo�td sludl�mad and�ond�eM
<br /> �o�vpj� v.:ppd�,groen�of d�is Sxurity Instcument as if tk}��icl�er(s)wero a pnrt of th�s Sa.�urity I�ument. ..,
<br /> i (C�x�c3S�pp��e'.b�X{�)] . ,. ;,;.,,.,,,:�. , ;
<br /> � ,.., ;.. ;,:�.},:" ':;ti��,..•.
<br /> i � . . ;;r,,,..
<br /> $ AA�iabto RAtb Rid�r [�Condominium Rider 1�.Fmily Ridsr ,:.��s•:� •..�,,;,.,i
<br /> :..,,. ,
<br /> - (i��ced Paynxnt Rider ,,` �Plarmod Ur�iR;�ev�lupment Rider L�dweekty Payment Rida '.;, ;�r
<br /> ; ::�'� aa�+d Huttx:Rider .. .;�.,
<br /> ° � Hdloon Rider . [t�te improv�m��it Rider
<br /> V�.A.Ridu �(�tK�(+)[St���St)
<br /> � .
<br /> i �
<br /> � BY SIGNING BELOW, Horrowtr acapts a►x9 aPlrces tu tht'ttn�u end covcunts contained in this Security Instrement a�d
<br /> � . `in any rida(s)txa.�utad�;y�crower tuid rocorded with it. , � W A LEE S'TELIC
<br /> Witnes,xs: ," MAItK ,�, . -`�'�
<br /> � . .�y� •`�' ;.: _ .
<br /> �" !l�tSE'� D. Stelic- -11sc�nvwer
<br /> ` .r, - . ���. . �' . .
<br /> �r � � .� i:� $ �E:�s�,�„�-�-�5eA1) �
<br /> � , � . Wande Lee S�e tit �ao.mower
<br /> F .
<br /> t . , . ..
<br /> ,., (Seal) � ' .._��� -
<br /> •BomOwer •Psor�u�;r�i
<br /> i. .
<br /> ST�TE OF 1V�.BJJftASKA, HALL County s6:
<br /> The furcgoing instrument was acknowledga!beforc mc this 25 day of aune , 1996 .
<br /> by lierk D. Stelk and Wanda I.ee Stelk. Hueband and Wife �n nai�County,thedatc afor�said.
<br /> Witness my han:1 and notarial seal nt
<br /> My CAmmission Expires: �io-�V��`� � �� �
<br /> , Noury PuDlic
<br /> �c�t�or�r-�*�� �
<br /> pAARY A.BltEOTMAUER w,�.a u+4 �Form�028 ef4d
<br /> �IOe�w.f�p.Ott 13ll4l1
<br />