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<br /> 9f-1�4�8
<br /> Ti:e Funds shall oe ttcld in an i�udtr�tiun whosc deposits arc•irsured by a fcderal agency, instrum:nt�lity, or cntit�
<br /> (iitcSucli���;l,c�ider, ii[n:n�ler is snch an enstitatlnn)or in m�y Fedcrt+l Hame Y.��n�ank. f.cncler shall anpiy the Funds tn pay�hr
<br /> �?�c��o���Itcii�s. I.e�ulc��may not a:harj�c[iorrawer far holdin;;nud ap�lyinE il�c F�mds,nunually na�ly-r.inF thc cscro�v ncco�mt,nr
<br /> vtrifyin�the Escrozw Itani9, unless Lendcr pays 4�arrower uuea�cst�n tDe funtla.u�d�ppHcable law pet�m'sts Lender to make such
<br /> u chargt. However, Lr.itder may rtquire florrower co pay a o�ie-tim�ch;:rQc�for nn indcpendent reai esiate tax rr,poriing scrvice
<br /> us�xi 6y l.ender in ��►m�r+:t►o3� with this luan, unless applira.blc� law prnvidcs othcrwi�.:. Unless an ugrcen�ent is made or
<br /> app9ira►�le!nw reqt�ires inttrest u�t�paid,I.e�xtr,r shalt not IH:rec�uired to pay F3urrower any interesi or earnings an the Funcls.
<br /> Borro��r.r and L.Gncier�nuy agra in wdting, however, tha�intera�t shall be paid un ths Funds. Lenrcler shall�;ive to&►rrower.
<br /> without charge, sn anr:ual uccamting of the Funds, sh�wing cretlitw t�►xl debits ta the�u�xls and tho[�ttr(x�sc for which cach
<br /> dehiR to th�Fn�xis�vnv n��e.Tltc Funds nrc,�plc�tlr,ai ns 4dditio��Al security for nll sums sece�red by�his��:ciir�t}�Instrument.
<br /> If thc f'unds held by L.ender axcoeci the aniaunts pem�lttod to be held by epplicable law. i.endzr shti�l!accnunt ta Battawer
<br /> for tl�e excess Funds i�accorcfanee with tho requirenxnts of applicablo law. tf the amount of the Fu�xts held by I..endet at any
<br /> timc is not sufficient ro pay the C�xrow Items wlben due,Lcnder may so noli[�Borrower in wPiting,nnd.in such case Ei�rruK�er
<br /> shall pay to l.ender�he a�nc�unt necessnr�to malce up the doficienay. Borrowar shal! mal�.�ap the deCcieixy in no more than
<br /> twelve monthly paynttnts,at L.�:ncier's so c dis�retinn.
<br /> Upnn payr►;�ts�t„in �ull af a1l sums secumci by this Security 1nsr.�me.nt, I.cmier shsill prampdy refund to Bomawer any
<br /> Funds held by Lxndcr. If,undr.r psuygraph 2t,Lc:naler shall uar,�uin:or scil ti�e Ptr�p:rty.L.cixier,�rior c�the ecquisition or salr:
<br /> of.t�Yt Pro�►erty, shall upply any Funds held by Lender at the time�f�c�uis�dan or salc ns a cred�t ugainst thc sums secunxl by .
<br /> tt�rl�:�.Y:uaity Instrunx�t.
<br /> 3:Applir.atbn oY Payments.Unlcss applicabl�tuw pmvid�otherwise,aq payments receival by Lencter urxler paragraphs
<br /> !und 2 shall be appliod:fiast. to uny prepayment ch�u�res duo under the Note; secund.to sinwunts paynble under paragraph 2;
<br /> third.to interest duc;faunh,to principal duF;nnd last,to any latc�ha�•ges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Chwr�es; I.(ms.Borrower shali pay all uixes.assessments, chruges.fines arul impositions attdbutabt�to the PropeRy
<br /> whict�rnay attain priorety over this Socurity In.ucuinent. arxl leaeeriold payn�ents or gmunc� rents, if any. Eorrower shall pay
<br /> EMr�.�a':;�gsiioas in the ma.�nes provicles�in paragcagh 2,or if ttot paid in th2t nianner, Lrnnv,��er sha!!pay the�n on tir►r_c!imtly
<br /> t� !�►npqrs�n o�vad payment.Borrower shall pmmptly fi�misb to I.ender all notices of s��nnu�ts to be paid under thjs paragraph.
<br /> If.Yn�ravmr:�i�.1a�tdes�:,�ayments diroctly.Rorrqwer shap prom�tly furniefi to Lender n,�ceiENs evidoncing the payments.
<br /> , �uxn►il�,r Rtr,at.�rTOmptiy dischurge any lfcn which hxs prionty aver chir;•Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrces in
<br /> wriCing to tiv�:F�w'rxra:Y of d►e obligatiot�securc�d fiay the lien in a manner ncc�.�ptable to Lcnder;(b)contests ia goad faith the lien
<br /> b�jn,�+s d�fcnds a.�uimt cnforcement of the licse.in, legal �roc�edings which in the l..�ndrr's apinion operate tu prevent the
<br /> er..flta�rtitmut of the Ileu; or(c)�ecures from the holder of t�e;Ya�an agnxment satisfauory to Lendtr suhordinatin�d�r l�cn to
<br /> tyia:rti;curity Insirument.If LenAer determines that any pgrl caf the Property is subject ta a]ien which muy attain gr�itity over
<br /> t�his�Sxurity Instrument,[.e�der may givc Sprrower a notice identifying the licn.Borrower shall satisfy thc lien or take orte ur
<br /> more of the actions set farih uMve within!0 days af the giving af r,otice.
<br /> 3. Naz�rd or Pmperty Ina��r��ce. Borrowec shall k.cxp the improvemrnts rww existing or hw'eafter erocted on the
<br /> P'rope►ty insurcd against loss by.•�se,hazards incWd�d M�ithin tf►�term 'extendod ooverage" and any qthsr haTards, inctuding
<br /> fla„tids or flooding, for which 4:xrsaer mquires insurancc.Thls insursmce shall be maintalnat9 in the amounts end for the pertods
<br /> :;t��::;:�'...�r;.�ui.�.'!'t��i:�,;r^.s.w�rz's�:;sra:irl3ng t!x issoursr,;;�s!�!�ct�°..�!s;L�S'rr�uor�j�t tr�:.�-r'_r,.^�m"s!
<br /> whtrl��hall rat be unreasonxbly witht►dd. If Bonov�er fails t�r�nainwin caverage described above,.i,endrr may.su I.ender's
<br /> option,oMaip um�cs.~��Se to protect Lende�'s rightu in the Property in ac�nlance with paragraph 7. '
<br /> AI! it�surxtr,x.�rolicies and renewals sba11 ha racceptable to Lender qac�ah�l1 include a standard�itortgag�clause. Iarui�r .`
<br /> shal!l�aya thc righi�to hold the policies and renewals.If Leader roquiitis.�ifrrrower s��all pramptly give fo I.ender a11 Kocplpss ufi�;,,,.,`•
<br /> pxi�l.pr�iums and reixwal notioGS. [n the event of loss.8orrawar shali give prompt noti�to the insurana carrier ct�id;�.cr�der. •'
<br /> l.et�ci�er t�nry m�1ce proaf of Ipas if tx►t nu�de promptly by Bomsi�'�r. '' '
<br /> Unless Lendcr and Burnowcr olhorwise agnee in writing.insuranoe proaods shal[•.bp:ippliod to�toration or repair af dx
<br /> Pnnpe�ty damagod. if thc restoration or xepalr is exonomicalty fcatible and L.ender's sa.tirity is rat lessenod.If the rawration or
<br /> repair is not 000nomicaqy feasible or[.endet's:,,curity would be lessened, the insurnrice pracads shaJl b�appli�d ta the sums
<br /> secund by this Securiry Instrument,whethet or txx thtn due, with �ny c;xass paid to�orrovvtr. If Fbrrowet abuidcros the
<br /> P�n}�e�ty,or dnac not answer within 30 dxys a notf�;e from Lender that the insurance cxter�er lias offered to settle a claim, thu►
<br /> Lcncicr mry colloct the iitsurarwe procee�s. Lender�nay use thc pro�eods to repair;or�testurr. the Prqxtty or tu pay sums
<br /> sonucd by ihis Secvdty Irtswment.whetFkr or not then due.The 30-d�y period will br$fi�wben the notia is given.
<br /> Unl�ss Lencicr urd Bomower othenvise agra in wridng, any applic�fion of procads to principal shall �wt exteud or
<br /> posspor�tht duo d�xa of the m�onthty paymcnts refern.d to in pareg[aahs rl:0.»tl 2 or chu►ge the arr�nt of the payments. If.
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is aoquirod by Lender.Borruwor's right!`�i�ny insuracece poticles and proc�ds resuiting fcom •�
<br /> d�crragC to the Prn�ty prior to I}�e.acquisition shal!pass to I.etxier to the extdnt qf t}1e�st�s secuted by this Socurit�t_tnatrotnent
<br /> imnnedlately prior to thc acquis3Sio�,. . .
<br /> ;f.[)ccup�acyr P['!8ltY��Ot►��D�d1�1�C YIIII Pr'018C�I11I1 O�lFl!�Ojltlfy;Bnra;piver's Lwn A�lieatio►�;�i.,�eiii�e�o�da.
<br /> l3or�ower shalt�c�upy,estabiish,arid use the'�'r��rty as Borrower's princfpal residence wlthin siaty dtiya after the executlu►�c�f
<br /> this Savaty Inatrumtm and shsll continue fo�'oc�apy the Property as Bc�rrower'a principal n�lde�xti for at tea�t one year after
<br /> the due of ucxupancy, unless l�ca�der othcrwise�r�groes in wiiting. which consent shall not bc unrp.�bly withheld,or unless
<br /> exteesu�ting circun�stuxes ezist w�tich are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shali not destroy, dxnnage or impair the
<br /> Pro�e.rty�allow the Pro�eny to deteriorate. or commit waste on thc Properry. liorrower shail be in default if a�iy forf�ituro
<br /> action or prooeeding,wlxther civil or criminsl, is begun that in Lender's good Txith judgment could result in forfeituxe of the
<br /> Pr�cty or otheyv�yt,�materlally impair the lien creat�d by this Se,curet�inst:ument or Lender's security intetest.Borrower may �
<br /> cure sucit e dztault and•reinstate,as providod in paragraph 18,by caus�ng the action or pmcoeding to be dismissed with a ruling .."
<br /> ttwt. in Lender's goo8 faith determination, procludes forftitwn of the $orrower's intercst in the Property or other materiat '
<br /> impairn�ent of the lien crestad i?y� this Securisy Ynstniweut�a l.c:nder's eecurity interest. Bonowtr shall ulso bc ind�fault if
<br /> Aornower,during the loan applir.�t•imn process.gavc materiufiJr false ur inaccnrate information or statements ta Lenc�or+(�x fuiled
<br /> to pcovide Lender with�uiy mateNri!information)in connxtiun with the loan evidanced by the Note,in�luding.but:�no�.��imitod .
<br /> , to, reprcsentatiaiu concemmg Bortnwer's nccu�a�icy of thc Property ag a principal residonce. If this Security Instrumtr�t is on a
<br /> . I�aschold, Borrower shall comply with aU tli���rav�sions of the lease. If Borrower acquins fce tit�e•?o the Property, thc • '''
<br /> te�schold and the foe title shall not merge utiless b:.ender ogrocs ro the merger in wridng.
<br /> T.Frutcetiun otl.eeder's Rig�tts in the�lElroperty.If Barmwer fails tv perform d�e cov�nants and agreernents rnntalnod in
<br /> this Secux{ty Instrumcnt,or the�e i��a lega!proceeding that inay signitic�antly affect LcyxteY's rights in tht Propeny(such as a
<br /> proc�teding in banlauptcy,probn2o. for condemnation or farf�ituru or to enforoe law�s or regu(ations), then I.e�nder may do and
<br /> pay for wh�tever is nocessary co�ro�xc cno vaiue or the i�roperty ana t.er�aer's ri�nts in tne i�ropeyty, i.endcr`s actions may •
<br /> . Ii11;�pUC paying any sums secureri �Uy a littit wciiGi iiB.S a:io7ry ��r; u'AS rL'CL'^:3 :SL;M:2!'.�.':1�. 9�r$YlRp^ I�! Lv:::t� y^.^y'wp
<br /> reasortaoie attomeys'tees and en[crins on ci�c t�a�pesy to m�ce repairs, nt¢nougrt unaer may wke accion unaer tliis psragraph
<br /> ; 7,L,enckr dnrc nnt hav�to do so.
<br /> My amounts disburscd by Lcixlcr undcr this pamgraph 7 shall beconk adciitional dcvt of Borrowcr sa;urud by this
<br /> SocuMty Snstrument.Unlcss Borrowcr and[,ender agrcx to othcr terms of payment. thtsc amounts shail bea�-intcrc�t from tl�e
<br /> da:e of dislxcraetnent at the Nate rate and shsll be payable, with intcrest, upon noticc from Lender to [i�rmwcr requesting ,
<br /> payrnent.
<br /> 8.Mortg,fg�Ywsuroncs.If I.cndcr rcquired mortgage insurancc as a conciition of making the loan secured by tbis Security
<br /> In3tniment, Borrowcr shall pay the prcm►ums cequirod to maintain thc mortga�e insurnnce m cffect. If, for any reason, thc
<br /> martgage insurance coverage requirecl by i,ender tupses or a;ases to be in effcct.Borrower shali p:iy the premiuins requirai to
<br /> obtain cAVerage substantially equivalcnt to the mongage insurancc:previously in effoCt,at a rnst sub�tsiuially equivalent tn ehc
<br /> cast to&irrower vf the�ortgage insurance previously in effect, from an ulternate mortgage insurer approv�i by Leixler. If
<br /> � v.n.a ot s Form 3028 9/90
<br />