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<br /> T���I� �F TYt�JST � � -
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<br /> �i�H�s u�r.0 oc��rK�s��c"aecur��y jnun,ma►c°�is m��,on �uae 25. 1936 .Tiic trusior is ` _
<br /> MARL D. STEI3 AIiD iIANC1A LBB STSLR, Huabund and Wtfe
<br /> ("Bormwu").The trusta is NbRi1EST B�AHIC NEBRASIU, NATIONAL ASSOCLAT►ION
<br /> ("Tniatoe').Thc ba�ficiuy is NOitWEST BANK NBHitl�SRA, IiATIONAL ASSOCIATIQN
<br /> which is organizod and exiuing under the laws of the [raa.l.tefl Statea af Meriea .and whose
<br /> auomRS is ZUZ M. '1'Qita S'c.� iiiana Zsi6uu, � `vo°vv2
<br /> � .. ("Lcnder").Aonawer owas i.ende�thr primc.ipul ewm of
<br /> :S_.
<br /> sizrr-�wo �ousexn �v� �rr�rx.�s hi� t�o/ioa --- noa�cu.s.S 6�,5�r.ao� �.
<br /> '[7ais debt is evidmcett by Bamower's notc'tlrtted the.wm� date as this Sauri.ty Instruma�t("Nota"�,whlch provWes far
<br /> u�azreAl�ly p�Yments.vritlt thn full►iebt,if not p�id earlier,�.'��ae•auid psyable on July L0, 2001 .
<br /> '1']iis 5acurityr Inatrumnnt r�n�s tu Lrnder_ (�)tha repaYmetit of the debt evidenood by tht Nc�te,with intan�st:�f ult ixncw,�ts,
<br /> cxtex�ions and modifx:�tions of the Notc: l�) the pymtnt of all wite;r sums, with interest. sdvanooc! andar ppraEraph 7 ia�.
<br /> pmtecx the sccurity of thlc Sxur+ry Ioctrui,ua�t: �[Id (C� tI1C E1t[C9T111i�GQ Of BOCfOWt1''S OOVCf1ilYE 90A 3�1�11Q. Fur tl�s.'�,
<br /> p�po�, ��crr,rwer frnvocably grants an!conveys to Tnuta, in trust, with power of sAle. the folbwing de�crihod property �
<br /> I�it's�tqd in Hall County.[�iebteskx:
<br /> The lTorth Siuty�Three Fsat (N63') of Lot Tan (LO), Block Oxie (i), in Lelcevi.ea Additioa
<br /> to the CitT of Grand islaud, S.al�1 Cuu�ty, H�braaka.
<br /> ';�,�:
<br /> - . ' '', .
<br /> _ ;��i�.'' ''"• • ., . ,
<br /> �`� ' .
<br /> � �hi�h has tho xddress of 2(I�J�Zb9} East Chaxl.ex:;`S�reet. Grand Ze1au�' lsrra�.ciq).
<br />-.� lYebr�k� ("Pt'Apc�ty Addt+ess"):
<br />`i 68801 • tz�p coael
<br /> �
<br /> t '. TOGE'f'HER VYCtH�ll the improvemerns now or htreafter emtat on the property,end all easement�,ap�►tuter�es.and
<br /> 6.�wc� now or henraRer y part af dx property. Al@ x.r:placemerus a�d adciUions s1Wl also be covered by thia Socurity
<br /> tu�Ytuma�t.All of the faregoing is roferrod to m this Socurity Insttunxstt as tho"Property "
<br /> ;: BO�t�t011Y�it C'OVENANTS thxt Aorrawar is lawfully scised of.i�1'ie esiato hcrcby con��eycd and t�tho right to grant suid
<br /> � convey the��?ty �ncl that tha Proprny sd 9mencumbtred, exce�t ��r.�:n►:umbr�rnxs of recoret. Ak�mv«w warrai�ts nnd wilt
<br /> �• d�f�nd geoornlly the tid�to tbe An�peCty agait�s�al!clai�ms and demrnds,yabJect to any encumbrancrN of rcm�.
<br /> . � T}iiS SECUWI'Y INS�SFR�IMENT cam6itxs un3fc�nrnr covenants f'ar national usc.and non-unifom�covtnuunts with limitctil
<br /> vuQi��tinns by Jurisdiction to ccuis7ituto a unifurrn securiry�r+�trument covcring t�eal pn�crty.
<br /> �" 1INiFJIAM(`(1VFiNAN'1'R Rnrmwer at+d il�tticr c.ovcnanr ar�d evrnr.as f�llns'vo•
<br /> l. Hrrmeat o[ PriNCiql and Intac�es2;PreWryment snd I.ste �lurges. Bnrrowc_ shall px�m,pilY Puy•whcn due the
<br /> elI1C1I211 Ot"'110Q intnrr�i pII[I76 U��[EYl[iM!M'!I OY[IY IY04C SOf12IIY QIEY18YII1GI1[8Of11HI6 CI1SI$CS(�11l3.QI!(�C�IC��0�.'.
<br /> 2.Funds far Taxts snd Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written wsiiver by Lender. l3orrawer sflall pay to
<br /> ° i�nucr on ti�c d�y montniy pa)mrnts we due under li�c NuiC,unui the�ioi�is paid in fuii.a sum("d�unds"j for:.(��yt-ariy taxes
<br /> • anc!assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrumenr,as a lie�on the Pn�Ferty;(b)yearly le�e:hold payments
<br /> ` or ground rents on 1hc Property,if any: (c)�+carly hazard or property insurenoe prcmiums;(d)yc,arly ilood lnsurunc�p�miums,
<br /> if any;(e)yesrly mortgagc insurance premaums. if�ny;and(�any swiu payablc by Borrower to I�r.in nccord:mcc with
<br /> rhe provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mongage iaturencc premiums.These iteu�aro callud"E,crow[tems."
<br /> Laxk.r rray. at�ny time,colloct and•hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed the maximum an�nunt a lcndtr for a fodecally
<br /> relatod mongage loan may require ior Bomower's escrow account u�x4er the faieral Real Estate Si:tdcnx:nt Procedun:s Act of
<br /> 197�t as anxndcd from tin�e[o timc, 12 U.S.C. Sa�tion 2bD1 et seq. ('RFSPA"), unless arwther law thAt uppli�to thc Funds
<br /> scts a Icsser arraunt. If so, L,ender may, at xny time, coltucc und hold Funds in on amou�►t na� ao caoccd d�o Icsser amonnc.
<br /> Lei�er n�ay csNnu�te the amount of Fu�xls due on thc basis oF curccnt data aixi reasunablc estimatcs of expenditun;s of tutui�c
<br /> k'acrow Itcros or otherwise in accordauce with applicablc law.
<br /> NErlIARKA-Sinple fnmily�Fannh MMlFnddh M�c UNiFORM IiiISTRUMiENT �m 3028 9l80
<br /> �Mt 92T97 MTG VMPM4Ri0A6E FORM.S•131312£l3�8100•IC00I571•7291 P�a t o14 ` A�����1
<br />