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<br /> �`tatidem�ian orothertakinE ot any p�re of the Pro�ehy oR fa caivcyance in tieu oF condemnation.a�e.heceby assigned and _ .
<br /> shaU be paid to I� � ��licd tv the sumc secuml by this Securitp -
<br /> In the eveat of a taw}ukinE of�he Ptopeny.thc pvcceds. , . `
<br /> ---- T _ __ _ --.��.w.� �:;�u��ssy sxcess-{�scr�a�rowe��at6e.�vent of a p�rtia�l tak�ng,of tix_Pcv�ortY!1� -. _ - - -
<br /> - _ _ , _ _
<br /> which the fair market value of the PnipeKy nn�ediately befar the t�Icing is ajua o oi greatec thar!the attKwni o-fihe sam"s
<br /> - - secuted�y this Secarity tnstnrmrnt immediately lxfore the taking.unl�ss 8armwer and Lender otherva�se AS�ee in wr►ting. .
<br /> the sucns secuced hy this Sec�sity[nstrumert[sh�116e reduced 6y the amount af the pmceeds muUiplied by�he folldwing -
<br /> � fr�ctian: {�j tAe total amount of.tI�e sums securcd immediatety before 1he talcing.divided by(6)the fair m�rtce!value of the
<br /> �y�m���y�e(ote the t;JCing, pny balance shatl6e paid to Botrower. tn the event of a partiat taicing of the _
<br /> property in which the fair maricet value of the Praperty immedia�ely befnre the taking is tcss than the amount oF ti�e sums
<br /> se�ur�d immediately 6doce•the taking.unie�Bomower a�W Leitdes otherwise agre�en writing or vnte.cs applicabte Iaw
<br /> - otherrvise provides.the procads shatt be applied to the snms secured by this Security lnstrumeat.whether nr not ihe sums ar�e
<br />.!r then due.
<br /> If the Pcoperty is ab�ndaned by Barov+rer,or if,after notice by I.ender co Barowee that the caidemnor nffers to m�ke
<br /> - ae�awud or sutk a cl�im far dunages.Barcower fails to tespond co L.ender within 30 days after the date the nwice is given.
<br />� l.ertder is authoriud tu rnllect and apply tbe procecds,at its option.either to�estoratiat or repair of the Propeny or ta the
<br /> swns securod by this Security Inswmen�whether or not then due. - �
<br /> '� Unless Lender and Bortowec othen�vise agree in wciting,any applipdon of proceeds to principal shali trot extend or
<br /> - postpon�the duc date of ihc monthly payments refemed to in par.�phs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sach pay�»eats.
<br /> ll. Borrower Nd Rdeased; �or6ear�nce Br Le�du' Not a Waiv� �xteasion of thc time for paymcne or
<br /> � madificatiun of atnortization of�the su secu�ed by d i i s Secu r itY[asuumen t gmn t e d b y Lender to an y successor in atterest
<br />• - .`�:, of Barrower shalt rtd operate to retca.�the liability of the oaigi�l Borrower or Bortawer�successors�n intecrst.Leader -
<br /> - . ;•=s sha11 not be iryuined to commence pc�oceedings against any succe.�.cor in interest or nfuse to extrnd ti�ne for payment or ,
<br /> ' afierwise madify amorti7ation of the swns securcd by thiF Socurity Insuumenc by reason of au�y demand made by the oag�nal-
<br /> . ' , aorrower or Borrowsc"s successars in interest. Arty fo�tiearance.by.,�..cnder in extrcising any right or remedy shsill not be a
<br /> '�` waiver of or pcectude t�aee�cise of any right or oemedy. ` -;�"':;;::���� .rn�covenanu and agreement�of this
<br /> �-�' 12. Surcessars aad�os Bound.Jdnt a�d Seve�al i.iabili .,:... .
<br /> "=:- Serutiey Instrumenc sirall bind abd benefit the successor��:ass�is af t;e�er and Borcawer subjest to the provisions of
<br /> �,,,�."���' paragraph 1�.Bocmwer's covenants and agceemen4s shaii be joint an@'several.Any Borrawer who co-signs this Securiry - �
<br /> f'�� ��'.;'r�
<br /> . ':�..�,°„ -,. •�, Instcumei�t 6ut dces pot execute the Note: (a)is ro-signing�his Security iiistrument only to mortga�e,grnnt and convg}r that ___
<br /> ._ •`�'�'.,` Sorrower s intecest it�lhe Propetty tmder the tecros of ih9s Sec�rit tastrumcn� (i�)is not Persanat[y obli�ated to pay the sums r_--___
<br /> . .. ;�r ff :: ,,:. y
<br /> '�� : r�-���f�f�:::�,;,
<br /> , � ; r,�r�l�{r�. s e c v r�d b y t h i s S e c u ri t y I n s u u m e n t;a n d(c)a g r e e s that Lender and an y other Borrower rnay agree to eatend.modify,forbeas
<br /> •�3.'r•C��{,�T�".`�;,'.j�•' :&;i:�ay accommada�ians with crgard to d�e tem�s of this Security Instrument ar the Note without that Borrawer's ����
<br /> - r.r�.-;.-.a:�".'�r..e�`i:7i! �::,.•-Y ���. � , �
<br />�'r •. ��: • • ." � CO�w�.C-'. _
<br /> .i.-:F ' = ,'}" .�3•Loan Charges. If the loan secured 6y this Security lnstmment is subjrct to a law which sets maximum loan �__�-
<br /> � t��� °L` � ch�i,�s.and that law is Gaally interpreted so lhat ti�e'inter�t or o[her loan charges collected or m be collected in connection
<br /> ' �h. �•::�:.:;.�, , ...
<br /> • � •r��;�{ty;,:;3., wisT�di�toan exceed the permitted limits,thea: (a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary ta reduce
<br /> '�'• � ihe e;:arge to the permitted limit;and(b)any xums already catlected from Borrower which exceeded permitted Eimas wiU be _-
<br /> • �,���' refunded ro aorrawer. l.ender may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principal owcd under the Nate or by making a _
<br /> , _ °=��.._�_�;�:. . -
<br /> � direct paymcnt to Borrowec. If�retand reduces prindpat,the reductinn wit!6e treated ac a pattia!pmpayment without any
<br /> � "�:�;:`-_� �' prepnyment ch�rgL rtsr�er the Note• • �__----
<br /> 14. Notices�. -��y natice to Borrowcr pravided for in this Ss�uricy-Instrument sitall be givcn by delivering it or by `�
<br /> � ' ;� ��•° • . � mailing it by first cta,ss mait untes.c applicable taw requires use o£anotNer method.The notice shall 6e directed to the Pira rty , _—
<br /> Pe
<br /> . . ;:_�-._'-_,_�-_,_-: -.. Addcess or Any ather address 8orrawer designates by notice to Le�der. Any notice to Lender shati be given by first ciass __ _ _
<br /> mai!to Lendert asidre.ss statcd hcrein or any othcr addmss[.endei dcsignt�tes by naticc to I3oROwet. Any natice pr+avided for �� ^�
<br /> � ; �� in this Seci:ciev�c:�uumenl shall be deemed to have 6een given ta Borrower or Lender when given as Qrovided in this � ,�-.Y;-=
<br /> ,... � .;,
<br /> �,�,;�,�'�. '�;� ' p��Govera�g 4aw;5everabllity. This Securiry lnstn�ment shall be govcmed by fedcral law and the law of thc �_
<br />. .. „x_._;_:..,,• jurisCicuon in wfEieh the Property is lacated. In the event that any provisian or clause of this Securiry instrument ar the Note :.,,��^
<br /> ���-"' ' conflicis with applicable law.such cnnQict shall not affoct"othcr provisiuns of this Security lnstrument or the Note which can , - -
<br /> . ,,,5;`;;:.,'_..
<br /> '�.:.;. ' • , be given effect withaut the cnnflicting pravi.cton. To this end Il►e pravisians o!ihis Security Insicument und the Nate are .,; -
<br /> - • � dcclared to bc severabtc. ---
<br /> - ' 16. Barrower's Copy. Borrower s ha l l b e given ane con iorme d copy o f t he N��te aad of thic Securit y Inct�ument. � �•.�'`�,.~.,� __
<br /> ' � 1 7. Trans fer o f t h e P ro p e r t y o r a B e n c t i c i u l l n t e r e s t i n B o r r a x•e r. I f a ll o r�n g p a n o f t h e P r o p c rt y a r 7 n y i n t c r est in � 'i'�`'"
<br /> ;••- . :. •�;,,;:,..
<br /> ' •'��:;E�_�..:.-: it is sold or trAncferred(or if a bcncficlnl interest in Barrawcr is snW or tran.sfcrred anci Borrawer is n��a naturnl person) � ;�•;,.--._ _" _
<br /> .,�.,:.... .
<br /> '�,��-"�.:. • withoui Lender's pdor written cansenl,Lendcr may,at itw uption,require im�nediatc payment in full��f all sums scctmed by _
<br />.� . ' „ this Security Mstrument. 1lowever.this uption shall not be exercised by I.ender ii exerc�se is prohibited hy federuE law�.c of : � • �'��:�
<br /> • • - thc datc of Ihis Security Insttumen�. �.. '
<br /> ` If Lende�exrrcises this aption.Lender shall give Bnnc�wer nntice of aceeleratian. The»otice shalt provide a perivd of • • .
<br /> :. . . nat 9ess ih�n 30 days fram the datc Ihe nutice is delivered ur mailcd within which Nurrnwer must pay all sutns sccurcd h}this
<br /> • � , • . •.� Sccurity Instrumcnt. li 8orrawc'r faits tn pay Ilicse sum�prior to thc cxpirntion of lhis periud. I.endcr inny invok•,aoy �
<br /> remediea permitted by this Sectitrity Instrument withaw further notice nr dcmand�n 13g;!�►u•cr.
<br /> ' ' 18. Burrawer;c Ri�hf to Rcinstpte. If Horrmvcr mccts ccrtain canditionc, i�c+runver .rh�ll havc Utc right to h.rvc , '?'
<br /> � : � enfurcement�ei�.�a Security Instcumenl discuutinucd at any fime prior tu rtte e.uiier of: 1�?5 days(ar such othcr periaf ar � �
<br /> Singk Fa:nily••fannk M�ellceddie Muc UNI4URA11N5'1'RUM1tEN"1'••Uni(vrm f uvcnam� 9/911 ��i,�o J nJh pngr.q
<br /> . � ti��.� � � : �.
<br /> ��.:. �
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<br /> .' "�, . . — . � . � • .
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