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.__-c>— 'i,_':_ _ _ '�`_ " _ _' ''_.__'_.-_. '. _. � —�. " . .__— _ -_— <br /> — —— _ — �•x -:�+•'..4.i: � . __ <br /> � ' - � - 'c- . ,•" , - .. ' - - _ _ <br /> . . ., �... . _ _�— <br /> , � -• s: -r - ' � - - - <br /> r 7""' <br /> �� <br /> ' r - ...- . s._. . _ ' ` _ _ .. <br /> _.� <br /> . <br /> .• <br /> . <br /> � � , <br /> _�. ° ._ -. ._ .�. .a.r�ei .. .=_ ` ' _ " _. ' - ... <br /> 4t - .�. ..... -��' <br /> . . . <br /> . . . ."_..T " _ ' _" -.�. �� _ <br /> .�.5> `t' �_ . . - . . ' __�. _ ._..,.�..�.a . " <br /> _ -_. _ - . _I . . `' ' ' . . • ' <br /> � ' ' -. ' _ __ ' . , : ` j1.-/Q�3p� <br /> . - - . � - . _ , . _ . . . . . . _ < � .. _. _ <br /> � . : pe�iod*Une 1.Mder Rquiea. The i�uura�r�e c�rricr pmvidin��he insuranoe sDatl 6c chasen 6y Barmwer subloct co l.ende�S <br /> a(ipro�al which shali not be unrasanaWy withheW. If BoROwer fails to maicuain coverage descn'bed above.X ender maY.�t . . <br /> - Lender3 optiae.a6t�in covera�e w pruact l�a�der's rigirts in�he Propeny in accnnLv�oe with�cagrrph 7. � <br /> _-- — <br /> _���IIL IC1G!�tCtlGWil�S SZIiT�bC YCl'. �G[0 r:ClidCsand-`h�lt i�.r- nrl-�-�-�•s stan +r�1 py(x(�, ��?i�ce �itivlS[_.:_ _—' -- - <br /> —..---- - ��� ` '_._' .,.. <br /> uve n to reqw— o�rower sba11 P�P��Y S�Ye t4 t.ender-�1�eceipcs <br /> of iums and tetitwal aotices. In tfie evetu of toss.8armwu sh�lt give prompt n�ice to�he iasw�nce r•uTier and — <br /> l,ex�der. l�er�der pyy m�ics.prwf of toss if tiw made P�M�Y�Y Borrower., � � . <br /> Unkss[.enckr aed¢ontowtt otberrvise agree in writi�g,iasuninca pmceeds sh;�t be npptied to restaratio+�or rcpair of . - - <br /> - — -------.— the Pt�oQerty damaged.i8 the restor�tia� or npair is econc�mically feasi6le:u�d I.cnQer's security is na[esse�td. IP�he — <br /> �es(o�atian a not oarnamicaliy fe�bk ot I�ender's secunty would be tcs�ened.the i�sur�nce pmceedi sh�il 6e <br /> — ` apQlied to tht sum.s seaiKd by ibis Security Znstiument,wfinlKr o�ncu tfin►due.with any excess psid to Borrnwer. Tf <br />�� ' Borrower abu�dons!he Fropeny.or daes not answer within 3Q days a natice from E.ender that the insurar�re carriet t�as . <br /> = offued to settk a claim;then Lender map colkct tl�e insurance proceeds. i.ender may use the proceeds to repuir or zesCore — <br /> °_ _ the PcopeRy or w pay sums socuted by this Security Instrumeot,whether or not tiun due_ 7be 30-day periad witt begin vrhen <br /> the nwia u aiven. . . ` : _ ' _ . <br />- - Unkss Lender m�d Barmwer dhen�rise ag�ee in wrifmg,any applic�tion of pmceeds w prFacipal st�a11 nd extmd or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthlY P1Ymrnts cefemed to in p�giaphs 1 ttnd 2 ar change the�mouat of ti�e paymrnt�. If <br /> . under paragraph 2t the Property is acquired by Lcnder.BocrowuS�nght ta any insurance potieies and praceeds resulting <br /> � - fr+om damage tn tGe Prope�tY prinr co t1x xquisit��xt s[�all pass ta l.ender to the extent of tRe sums secured by this Security = <br /> - lnsuument immedi�tely priar ro the acs�uisition. : � <br /> . b Occupsucy, Pr�rr�tjans Maiatau�uce and Pratedtat of tbe Prarperty; Borrower's I.o�n Appfication, - <br /> 1.easeboWs. Borrowcr shall occupy.establuh.and use the Property as Borrower's grincipat residence within sixty days after <br /> � .< q�e esuution of this Security tnstrument and shall coneirtue to accupy the Ptoperty as Borrawei�priacipal residence for at <br /> + least one ysat afur the date of axupancy. unless Lctafer otherwise agrees in writing. which cansent st�ll nat be <br /> : . i- unn�sonab(y vrithhetd.or unless estenuat+ng cinumstances exist which are beyo�d 8amuwerk conmol. Borrower sf�►11 not <br /> , ` . �desnay damage or impais ttx Ptnperty,allow the Property to deteriarate.or canmit waste on ti�e Fhopertjr. Borrower sh�it - <br /> be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding.whether civil or eriminal,is begun that in l.endet's gaod faith judp,ment <br /> .,:., could cesult in forfeitune of the Property or othcrwise materialiy impair ti�c lien creatuf by tdis Secudry In.stnmxnt or . __ <br /> ` � I.e�dcr's security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragrapl� causing the actian' . -T- <br /> � �..'�Y��•':..�. • or praceeding to be dismissed with�ruling tfiat,id Ixnder's good faith determmation.precludes forfeiture af the Borrower�s ti.�T =_ <br /> �';��:,� ;,._, <br /> °_ interest in ti�e"Propertp ar oiher materiaf impaitment�af the hen cneata!by this SFenrity Instrament or Lei�ders security c "'=_-`-- <br /> ,...�{ `�it;:••.:;1 r �•_. <br /> `- ';��''�_; ,� intercs� �Barrower shail also 6e in defaWt if Barmwer. during the loan application pracess.gave materiolly false ur • �,•..,:'� <br /> �;�r.s �;�;��;��;.. <br /> • - ,�;.-.,:.-.�- .�-;.: inaccuiate infoimauon or statements to Lender(or fuiled to prov7de l.ender witb any materia!infom�auon)in connection with _��.--- <br /> .�,�,.�;;; r,_ <br /> � . �-��'��;`.i the toan evidenced by the Nate. including.but not limited to,representations conceming Barrawer's• occupancy of the - -. <br /> ` 1<<� :`� ��.�`•�i- Pro erty as a principat residence. If this Security Instrument is on a teasehold,Borrower shall comply witb all the provisions '�'=�=-- <br /> . ��-�;:� p �..��=-_ <br />�.' � ��4'` = � •'?;:�.�;`' of the lease. If Borrower acyuires fee tiUe to the Property.the tcasehatd artd the fee title shall nat mer;e untess l.eoder agrees �_ <br /> � � ,*�- ':�' � to the merger in writing. • — - <br /> '�`'`� , ` 7. Protection ot I.ender's Rights in the Property. If aorrower fails to perfortn the covenants and ugeements <br />� ��...r.�;.=�:, ���_— <br /> _,_,,.,,�.�.,,`�,,, containeA in this Security Ins�rument�or there is a legal proceeding that may signifcaatly affect l.ender3 aghts in the �!�--�—_ <br /> � Property isuch as�proceedins in banknrptcy,probate.for cortdemnation nr forfeiture or to enfor+ce laws ar regulations),thea "r� �, __ <br /> � . ���� Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect th•:value of the Praperty and Lender?�righGS ia thc Property. ;>,;�;-'_ <br /> � `' �,�°�"'���� Lender's actions ma include in an sums secured b a ti:n-which has riorit aver this S rit [nstNment.a arin = - <br /> • • Y PaY S Y Y P , Y �4 Y PP� S ��'�: '- - <br /> � , ," in couri,paying reasonablc attomeys'fees ar�d entering on the Praperty to make repairs.Atthough Lender may takc action : <br /> ' __ ' ���I under this parngrrpb 7.Lender daes not luzve to do so. _ . _ -__ <br /> , ; ~. Any amaunts disbursed by Lectder undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Botrower secured by ibis ; . , _ <br /> , ( ,�_ , :�:.�� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree ta othes terms of paymen�these amounts shalt bear interest fram the ,, ._ ___ <br /> _ _- • "•%:`.;:�' 's t ut the Note�e and shall be a a b l e,u i�3 a i n t c r e s�u n no tice from l.ender ta Borrower requestin g �• _ -- <br /> r,- � .� . date of d� 6ursemen p y P� . <br /> . ••'k;� :: . payment. ' __— <br /> : : ;= <br /> ::' -` S. Mortgage losurance. If i.ender required mortgage insur.+nce as a conditian of making the taan secured by this . _ _ <br /> � '':':r^'.��+:':• • . Security instrument.Horrowet shal}pay Ihe prert:%ums reyuired to maintain ahe mortgage insurance in effect. tf, Por�ny � - <br /> ,_�- <br /> �����-- •.� reason.the martgage insurunce caver�ge required by i.endec lapses or ceases ta be in effect. Horrawer shaU pay the ' :.... _ <br /> `"� � � ' premiums required to obtuin covemge substantiul(y eyuiva`.w-.s zo the martgage insur.�nc� �reviously in effec�t, At A eost . ' �'a�.:- <br /> ;�::;.;;, ;�, ., saf�s�:_liaily eyuivalent to�hc cost tn Barrower of the mor:_��:�insurancc previously in eCt��:.e,frpm an 1ltemate martgagc . 4,� _='3�� <br /> . '� '' ` � '' insurer approved by I.ender. If subslantiaUy eyaivaieni morigs�e insurance coverugt is not xsxita6Fe.�arrawcr shall pay to � • -:�_ <br /> "'��?,�;��-��:-,�_' '' l.ender each montb a sum equal ta ane•twelfth of ttir;yearly mortgase in!:urance premium Ixing paid by Borrower when Ihe � • ; _�_-__ <br /> 3, •�T�`:�.; � '� iasurancc coverage lapsed or ccased ta hc in e Ftc�v.q< L.en der wi l l uccep�,use an d re�ain�hesc payments as�toss resecv�in lieu i ���A�- <br /> .',,.'�1�=".'�.r.. 4 � «.. <br /> ,,;:ri:;.- of mortg�ge insuran�. Loss reserve payments moy no longcr bc reyuired,at ihe optinn of l.cndcr.if mortg�ge 9nsumnco ; <br /> - �.:�.:r,,,F;,., coverage(in 1he usnnttnt and for the period that Lendcr requires)provi�icd hy:�n insurrr upproved by Lender a�in becames �.• : � <br /> . uvailable und is obtaiaeJ.Barrower stutll pay the premiums rcyuiraJ to maintain mongagc intiurance in to provide a � • . , <br /> , • � � lass reserve,untit ctae reyuirement fnr monguge in+urance rnJw ia uccurdance �vriz.�a o�;reemeM betwcen 8arcower � , <br /> � �` und Lcndcr or appticuble law. � � . <br /> . ' . 9 lnspectwn. l.cnder or i1s agem mny m.'�icc reasanabtc entricy upan and inspcctiuns ui'�he Property. lxrtdcr shall ; <br /> • . � give Sorrower notice.0�he tim..of��r prior tu.�n in4pec�ion specifying rens��nabte u►use far�he inspcction. ; . � <br /> .._� � tt' 64 Cuademnntion. '1'tte prex:eeds af any award��v ctaim for dum�;es.dirNCt or conseyuentiat,in cannectian with any � � _ _ <br /> � � � i Si�iglorrmi�y•-iunnie111YrlF(eAdkM1t:�cllNlb'U1tS11N9TBl'!,!F.Ni7'..UnikumC�wcnanh 9/90 Ipu.tefeFbra�gr.N ! : <br /> . i. , , � ,. CrtA IaYrd Rns'r.rty Vutni.Itic r i . <br /> . . � � . . , Tolinktl:;Jk��001►a;fWJS�XitiYA%W&7!It•Il:fl , . . <br /> ,� ' ' . ..• , � . � <br /> �+' . .� . _ � , � . . <br /> . . . . . ' . •.s- . . , .. . . � . , . .. � <br /> . . . � . - ' ��-'1 • <br /> . � � t . . . � ' . - • . <br /> , : i .�' . ' ' • : , , � � e � , . . <br /> - .. . . . . - , - - - . . , . . . . . . - _ � . <br /> , <br /> .. <br /> . , . ; <br /> ; , . — � ; <br />