. � �, _.-.� - ` - -- _
<br /> `" _ _,(T.i.< _ __.� '�S: � -_. _.s ._s.____ . _._. _.^—. '___ � __
<br /> � ' _ . ' ..1�`. — � - . . � _ . - . . ' - >.�:_
<br /> _- ' _..- -�:.. "^._.�z_ —_— ' — _— . :_ --� ""'___ ._ _ _-
<br /> . . 'TL..". �
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<br /> , . .. . � � � - _. � _ - . � _ - . .. . _ . _ ,
<br /> _ sp�plica6ie Nw maY spee3fjr ' . , . to wer uE s�k cawined in thif
<br /> fa rei�nkmrnt)'b�e[ace ssk of rhe t�iopat9 P�� mY Po -
<br /> 5�ty i�tnnaa�or lb)aMry o��1�f��entorc+nE t�is SacaritY Inunar�en� Z?�o��°n�tions a�e tbat Btxrower.��
<br /> _—-
<br /> ` -. �'�►7►'��R'�`�_�,�lt the°wcwW be d4�utder tlus Security �enC uid the�Noce a�s i�no�ekration� _
<br /> -- -� - -_ —— aIl ex iucumed in.enfc+�i�tg this 5eswnry -
<br /> occuuced:(b)cwes an�efauTt of afiy oqfEf raven�tsvr�gceemeat�i�)WYS F� _ -- --- -_- -
<br /> � 1ns�mneab 7nciudia j,6ut not�imited to►Ydsar�bte attaneYs'fe�aad td)takea such� aawer�l�Sation t�opy bt� .
<br /> � reqaire to assuse tint tbe lka of this Seedrity U�nk t�en�ierb rights U���Y teaunt.by Bonower. this.Secusiq►
<br /> ' suau secutM by �is SavtitY In�nloeiait aha11 caiuiaae unchan8ed,
<br /> [mtrumrnt�xl�I�e obliEatioas socu�ed 6e�eby s1�aU rert�ain fulig ef[ecti've a�if no avicelaatian had occu�red• Hawevu.this
<br /> ci�ht to tei�tate staill not apply in the eu+e of acctlecatioa ut�der¢uaB�aPh��,- � widt ihis Saurit
<br /> 1!�Saie a[Note;Clw��ot 1��'� T�N°te a a putial inte�sst in the Note(together Y
<br /> inat�umeet�may 6e sold one or more tim�s witlwut piia notice to Borsower. A sate may resutt in a change in the entjry
<br /> - — (taavm as the"Lwn Secvice�'3 that caltects monthiY P�Y�ts due under the Note an�this 5avriry Instrameat- '[here aiso
<br />-�"'_' - m`ry be ane os mae c[nn8es ot�he l.o�n Seevica unnlatod w a sale of the Note. If thue is a change of the I.oan Servica,
<br /> _^' 'Sotrnwes wn'U 6e givett written notice of the chanae in accondanca with paraSrrph 14 above aad appiicabk law. 'Itie notioe
<br /> <-�_ ts sl�outd be made. The notia will
<br /> ° vid11,state the naa�e aod ad�ess d the new Loan Servicer and t1�e address to which pay� . ._
<br />= also caatain any otha informatian toquitod by�licabfe iaw. �t tlu use.disPo�1•st°ra8�.oc r+elease of ar�y -
<br /> �f datxdaas S�bsfsNCes. Borrowu shaU not causc or pa_m' P�•
<br /> - ' H�zardoas Su�stances un a in the PtnpenY• Baraw�r ahall not dQ,not�11ow anyone else to do.anythinB affxtin�.t�x
<br /> - ' propaty that is in viotation of any EnvinanmaUal L.a►w. The P�o�it�g Iwo sentet�ces s6ai!not apply ta lhe p�esence. or
<br /> �s to be m atc to nocma{
<br /> ' � stor+ge on the PmQe�'tY of smaU quamides of Huudous Subsunces that ara generailY ooco8niud aPP P� —
<br /> residentiai utes aM to maintenanc�of ihe Pnoperty. -
<br /> I�ocmwer shsp piomptlY Bive Lende�written notice of any invesvgation,claim.dcmancl•lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemmmtal Qr re$ulatay aBencY W P�«PanY imoiving th�Prvpeny and any HarrrQous Subst�ce or EnviTpnmental _ -
<br /> Law of wli�ch Bortower h� actual I�aowiedge. if Barower leams,or is.notifed by any govemmental or �Q _
<br /> h
<br /> autharity.lhat any amova!or cNber amediatian of any Huardous Substu�ce affecting the Propectq is necessary. . --
<br /> shall pcomptty tate alE necessary nemediai actions in accwdan�e with Environmental iaw. ---
<br /> At ased�n this p�r+Br�Ph N►."H�aN�ws Substances"an those substances de�nod at toxic oc bazardqus substances by
<br /> Enviroamental l.aw and the foliov�nng substances: gasoline.kerosene.o�r tlamma6le or toaic petmleum.products.to�e _�
<br /> . � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.mataials cantaining asi�estos or toanaldehyde,and radioactive matetrs'�a� ' ;��-
<br /> .,. •� ., � _ � ussd in this p�B�Ph 20,'Fnvironment�f Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny� .. . . ' ` rt r_
<br /> a t relata to health.safe ty or environmentai proteciioa. �""�""�''
<br /> . +4�?:ii•.. : t� . � "
<br /> •L �.i.'-�-Y i,_r',' .•'.
<br /> . �N,�,;.,. . .
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bofrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foflows: �'�����
<br /> . .:t -$:.:��f;:;. � Zl. Acakr�t�n: Remedies� E.ende�shall give notke to Borrower prioc to accetvatlat foilowing Borro9rer's �:..�:�.��::=;�
<br /> ;� !�' :'''�.,.�, brqch ot stny coveaaet or agramtnt in tbis Security Instroment tbu�not prior to accekratbn under pang�'apb 1� � - _
<br /> ' ' icabte Ir�w provides Mhuwise)•The nMke s6a(1 spedty: (a)lhe defaait;(b)ihe action reqaired to cure tLe �_
<br /> ft.. T.. . unlessapa - �
<br /> `'; �. �i T'��" d e fi�u l t;(c)a da te,n o t k s s t h a n 3 0 d a►y s f r a n t h e d ate the aMke is given to Bo�rOwer,by whkh the defaull rnust be �
<br /> �•-.;;�: .
<br /> � '�:�'�;:� . cured;and(d)that isilure to cure the dtfAak on or before the date specified in the nMke may�esn�t in acc d eri t l o n o� •�`�?,;:'1�.
<br /> .��;:' -. the spms secuced by this Security Itisaument and sale of the Prope�ty. The nMia shaQ farther intorm Barrower ot �.,-:'1;�=:�:f�
<br /> � ���;;. the�'iRl�t to relastate after accekratbn and the righ/to bring a courl action ta usert the non�istence ot a detsWt o� 6 .. .>*� :1;���•.
<br /> any dher detense d Barrower to accekratbn�nd sak. It the defauit is not cnred oA or betore tLe d�«aped�d i° :�.<=.-�-•;`'!'�,;�J
<br /> :.;:'�=:. . -. � "''-• ��`r4��
<br /> � �;: the uMic�Leode�At its option may require immediate pa'ment tn full of ail satns secared by thLs Secusity Instrume�t �''S.,; : , rr ..
<br /> withaut fnrthec demand aad may invoke the power at sale and any other remcdies permittM by applicable law , Z:;,.,,�_.,.
<br /> ��+�,�� , 'i'�'�`. ,.�rhL.�';.-
<br /> Lender st�all be miitled to colkct a i l eapenses iacurr e d i a p u r s u i n g t h e r e m edies provided in this par�graph Zl., • . ; ,,�,,, .
<br /> . L� . �, '•�F::-. • J�"'','�
<br /> �`�(�.4 �' ___
<br /> /�` � � ,. .. includin�.bnt not timited to,rea.soaabie attorncys'[ees and cost.a ot titie evidence, l a�_
<br /> � I�the powe�ot sWe is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in each caanty in which any part ot the i � 'r��,.�-�•�
<br /> °`"'�'" `- r '.;�>•' p Iicabte law to Borrowerand to � -
<br /> r;ti•,��
<br /> ,�± ,4���..'� ! pro�hy�S Iocated and sfiall mail copi�s of such aotice in the manner rescribed b9 app _
<br /> �.,,.
<br /> �� � the other persons pnscribed by applica6le taw After Ihe time required by applicabte 1aw,7lrusta shalt givs pabtk �' ... _
<br /> �1 �
<br /> �`! --$�--''�,r'ti�;.��ti: notiee ot sate to the pa'sons and in t6e manner prescrlbed by upplicable law lirustee,without demand o�Borrowe�, �: . ,, .�u
<br /> '. .� ._:i. .f�t�i'44��5 ` ..�..i�.� -_
<br /> :�•. =-�, �-...;. �., , sfiall sell the 1'coperty stt publlc auct�an to the highest bidder at the time and place aaa uader the terms designated in � , - .. _
<br /> ��+� ' " •� � the nMke of r�ale in one or more parcels and in aay order 7Yustee determin�. 't�rvstet ma�PastPone sate ot ail or any _ `�,�'�
<br /> rl,, _ �...r_
<br /> �,���� � parcel otthe Propeny by public announcement at the time and ptace of�ny pre=ioasig sc'hedufed sale. l.ender or its �.. :, .
<br /> '�..�:�:_:.� � designee may purchase the Property At'any rai�. � ;=:�'
<br /> . ;r,.:;t'r: . . . �.;_
<br /> ::+��:s- - Upon receipt at payment of the price bid,'Ilrustee shall deliver ro the purchaser Tru�tee's detd conveying the � . '�aw�,.
<br /> ' ' '+'_'� ' `''•�� � � Property. The recitals in the'Ilrustee s deed shall be prima facie evidence of tt�e truth ot the sstafements made therein. �,
<br /> �•''_4-.-.*d'.rn ' �;��:�:;- ,
<br /> 7lrustee shall appiy the praceeds of the sale in the fullowing oeder: (a)to all cas�a and expeases of eaercising Ihe power � .,; �,,�_
<br /> •��=�°<<r�'°-.. � :'y'�=;-
<br /> - �'r:-.`'�i#'�y. � � . . ` i�: • _ , .. .
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