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<br /> ` TocET�iEtt wlfH an n�e impm�a�mM►ar har�cter e�ctea nrt tb�pcape�cy,�nd.0 essemencs: eoaness.=
<br /> 0
<br /> � � aad fut�es now or t�aeafte�a�rt of the pcaperty. Ail�ts aod a�tio�s shait�tso 6e cave�d b�Sa�ttity
<br /> � ' Instra�txnf. Ail of the fa[esoIng ts tefemed to in ttis Sscurity I�utn�ment as t6e'PtoperEy."•
<br />--— —`_---`- -BdRROIV�It C4V�iANfS that Bo�rowa is hwful[y seised of the estate tkcieby conveyeQ and has tbe rigl�t ta grant . ••
<br /> - — - — --- ----- — -
<br /> atld CCRYEy tbC y ts 1Y�1trR[i�Ats anA—�--:-_, .___.--- — .
<br /> — wifl defead geaaatiy tha 6tk co thc Prupeay agaia�t att ctaiau and de�ds.snbjoct w ar►y encumtir�aces of recocd � .
<br /> — � THIS SECURITY INSTRU11+iENT eam6ines unif�m wven�ts far ns�tional use and noa-unifcxm coveaants wiih
<br /> liraite�d variuions by jutisdictiort to consdate a uaifom�sccuria�iasttument wverin8�P�rtY•
<br /> - _--= t3NIPf3RMCOV�TANf5. 8armweraadl.eadereovaa,ntmsdagrec.asfdlows.._ . --
<br /> _ • l. Pa��t ot Psiacipwl ad Lta�esh Pup�7mept aid Late C�ar`es Borsower sT�all promP��Y P�Y when due the
<br /> _ , - priocipal of aod interast oa tt�e dcbt evidaiced by the Note aad anY P�PaYment and late cNarges due under the Note.
<br /> te
<br /> � � 2 I��ids[or 7�aices aad Ia�unnea Subject co applieable law or to a written waiver by Lender:Bocrowec shalt pay to`
<br />;:�,�, Lender on the daY��Y P�Y�ts uc due under the Note.uutil the Note is p�id in full.a sum l"Funds"?for.(a?Y�Y
<br /> -taxes u�d usessments w6ich may attain priariry or�tdis Securiry Lutiumau as a lien on tfie PinPectY:tb)�ulY kasetwid
<br />� � paymeats a g�m�d rrnts rn�dne Propeny, if any: (c1 Y�Y�nr pc+opetty insurarwe premiurn� td)YeazIy IIaod
<br /> rn
<br />< irisurance p�aniums,if any;(el Yeazi9 martSaSe insurance premiums.if�nyr.aed(�any sams PaYable by Bortawu to
<br /> ' � Lender,in accadance with the p�ovisions of pu�grap6 8,in tiar of the paya�ent of mortgage irtsurance premiums. 'fLese
<br /> . :�, items are plled"Escrow items." Lender may.at any time.collect and hotd Funds m an amount not to eaceed the muimura
<br /> ` amount a IaMer far a federaily:etatcd raattgage loan may.require for Borrower'�esctuw accaunt under the federal Re�t
<br /> :� � <. _ - Fstate Settkment Ptocediues Act of 19'74 as ameaded fmm�mme to tune.l2 LiS.C.§2601 et seq.("RFSPA").unless a�wther
<br /> - :::� law that appGes tu the Fun�s sets a Iesser amaun� 1f so.Lenda maY,at arg►tnne.coltect and hoW Funds in an amount noc to •
<br /> �;-. excced tbe lesscr amoun� La�der may e�timate the amount of Fimds due an the basis of current data an'd reasanable
<br /> = ; " ' . • estinsates of eapendituces of�Fscraw Items or atherwise in accordance with appli�tbte taw. _
<br /> �-- ' The E�nds shatl be heid i��institution whase deposits,ar+e insured by a fedtrrl agency�insuumentality,or entity = _
<br /> .�� (inctud'sng t.ender.if i.ender:��an instimtion)ar in any Fedaal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall appIy the Funds to pay --__
<br /> �tK ' the Escrow ltetas., l.ender mag ffat chargc Bormwe�for holding and appIying the Fuads.annu�lly analyzing�he escmw }:'
<br /> � � acoam�ar verifying the Fsccuv�r:Ttems,unless Lcnder pay�Bormwcr interest on t6e F�uKLc and applic3ble law permits �'=?-=.
<br /> aco m -
<br /> ' • � `��' �� I.eader.tamake such a charg� Hawever,I.ender may require Borrower to pay a oae-�e charge for an indepeadent real ___
<br />' ���'� ��'�`.'`-�:�, est�tr taa reporting service used by Lender in connection witb this loan,unless applicaFtfe L�.w provides othecwise. Uniess an _
<br />- - - '`-` . ,agte�ment Is made or applicabte!�w requisies interest to be paid,Lender shall not.6e requ'ired to pay Bucrower.any inteiest or � __ � i�.-_.;._.
<br /> ` i.'':.,:. , �•� eamings aa the Fund�. Boaower and Lendermay agree in wnting.howe�et,that interest shaT!he paid on the Funds. LenQer ' i--__
<br /> e
<br /> � •. _ '. � shal}gtve to Bocrower,without charge,an armual accounting of the Fua�`s�awing credits and debits to the Funds and the . � �:
<br />, � . : � pwpose for which each debit to the Funds was madc. The Funds ate p1e:i��.�as additional security ffcsr.�l�sums secured by � • '`'�"�=�
<br /> this Secudry Instrumen� � ,, � . G.. �
<br />� . , ..' • ` [f the Funds held by Lender eaceed the amounts permitted ta be held by applicabte law.L�+_der shalt �eznt to F �' � ?,
<br /> ,,' _ � $otmwer for the excess Funds in accordance svith the requirements of applicable law. :f the amoum��.tt�e Fui::�#�eld by �� 4 �� . _
<br /> . .:;.->�.,`. � Lender at any time is noi sufficient to pay rli�Escmw Items when due,b�.:zder may so notify Barr��..�iin writing,and,in
<br /> , ' .,,�r.�;Y,�::: such case Bomawer sball pay to Lender che amount necessary to make r��ahe defciency, Bono�rei shail m�ice ap the , '� ..�` __
<br /> - - ...' defciency in no��ethan twelve�ontbly paymenss,at t.ender�s sote dis�x�an. ' .�'4"., -:'
<br />� � � Upon pa ..LL un,f�:fl e��:snms secured hy this Security insuumeet.�.ender s�rall promptty refund to Barrower any t ��� :�;;:.':;;:�; :=x-
<br /> . . Funds held b I.e.3::de� Tf �:?zr h 2l Lender shall ac uire or sel�the Pro i.ender rior[o the ac u3sition ar i �,�°:�•,.: =-=
<br /> . • � ' .. � y I. , P�S�P � '�
<br /> sale of the Pro,perty,shal{apply any Funds held by Lender at�the time of a�quisiuon o�r sale a4 a credit against the sums ' `���`"'`
<br /> � secured by this Security InslrumenL .. �. rc.__ ,
<br /> " • ; ��_
<br /> �. . � 3. Application ot P�yments. Ur�applicable !aw pravides o�Ir,ecwise,all payments received by l.ender under � _ _. ___._. •-�:+�:
<br /> .. . • paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second.to amounts payab2e under ( _
<br /> . , p��graph Z:third,to interest dne;founh.to principai due;anc�last,to any late charges due under the Note. ; __,°
<br /> • . �. -• � 4. Charges; Lkna Bonowe�shall.pay ull taaes,�sessmcnts,charges.fines and impasitions amibutable to the � � � �.:�
<br /> :-�:.�� • - Ptoperty which may attaia priority ovec this 5ecurity Instrument.and teasehotd payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower � . • '_:_
<br /> , � •.,-:��; � sha�l pay these obligations in the mpnner�^L'ided in paragrapb 2.or if ttat puid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on � _ _ _
<br /> � timc directly ta sfi�e person owed payment. Borrower shall promptiy fumish!a l.cnder all notices of amounts to bc paid under -�-_
<br /> ' �� � ,�' �, � . �" � this paragraph. .�f$orrawer r.!akes these pAyments directiy.Horrower shall prompQy fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing � � ' �'`'�=
<br /> ;� � :. ,�,•,_
<br /> , '•r�,:;,,:y. . . the payments. ' , •
<br /> . ,. i�,,.,. . ' . �...' ,. • `�,,�
<br /> � •�- Borrower shaU rom tC•�di:s'ohar e an lien which has riorit over lhis Securi L�:rument unless 8arrower.fa; ees ; '����. �•"�-
<br /> . .� "�,',5; , P P Y . S Y P Y 1Y � `�'�;r..�'�`,'�;•;�'' :�,:�_.
<br /> �,; , ,� ' �. . in wriiing to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender,(by contests in goo6 faitb the � ':�:�••�_.
<br /> � �,:;-=%.
<br /> Ilen by.or defen�against enforcement af the lien in.tegAl pracecdings which in the l.ender�opiniarr operate to prevent ihe i. �ti;.-=�_
<br /> � • enforcement of�.e lien;or(c)secures from thc holder af thc lien An agreement sutisfactory to Lcndre��:.bordinating the lien ' � ;�•<'
<br /> � � _ ._ to lhis Securiry Instrument. lf l.cnder detctmines thal any part of the Praperty is subject to A lien a'tii:��^�ay at�:a pdority f . . �r��'
<br /> < ' uzer this Security lnstrumen��l.endcr ms�y give 8orrawer a notice identifying the liea Honowcr sha1J s4:isfy the�:�:or talce ; ��
<br /> • � � � . one or more of the actions set fonh above within f 0 days cE the giving oi notire.
<br /> . ` 5. Hatard os Property Insuranca Eorrower aha1l keep the improvements now existiag ar C�eseafter erected on the �
<br /> ' � � Property lnsured:a�ainst loss by fre,hazarSs�:.ctided wi�hin the term"extended caverage"and anp c�ier hazards,including ;
<br /> � • . floods or flooding.for which Lender requir�.:�sarance. This insurance shall tse maintAined in cl�.e amounts and for the _ ,
<br /> _ ' _--—--# - ------— — - Form3028 9l90 (Puge2njbpagta) ' .
<br /> tt�.
<br /> ' , � .
<br /> • ,. , �� -- . 't• -
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