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<br /> � �Pro�rt�l ia�o hk�n dr d�i�d.6��d�r stN111rve tl�cptiot►,in tts�ot�an�!ab�olur dt�Mta►.to appt�aq wdt PioeMd�. '
<br /> ' r�.e.irdn ati�aMs�nd�tMS 1�CUned by(t in con�ia�cUon wNA utch P�ocNd�►upo���My►���� �
<br /> - - — --- -alf�0�ducWw --- -- _ .... •
<br /> �w.e�r ana rn wcn ore�u �r may d�mT��rt��pfyali� ` - _-__--_-�!�----- - -
<br /> . `pirop�r�uponwet�conditlonsRLendsrmtyQMrrMille:Myt�pticaftanofProc6�s�inQ�blldnNSShallaot�xMnaapo�orN�
<br /> m.aw aw otanr�►r�,«�a und�r tM Not�.or cure arry dKiul!thereundsr or ttireu�:I�ny unappti�d fut►ds fI'�t a pd0 tia
<br /> ` T� ` � -
<br /> 6. lwta�ne�b�L«�SJpon th�occuReace ot an Evant of OMau(tt�arwad�r.or if any act is 4�k�n or t�tt ProeMdns
<br /> cortwne�ed wtlictl mat�l�lh/a1f�ls,Lwfder'sintsro�tirsflt�PtopKt�I.LendKmay inits owri dtuxetla►.b:dwilAoutpbli�tton bcb
<br /> e�a.u�d wfB!out noBcs�o ordsrt�mtf uP�Tiustor and withaut ru�7ruatcs iram aaY obliyation.da an�act wh1cR Tn�lor h�a. <
<br /> prNd but hils to do and msy a(sa do any Wher act it deems nece�ary Lo proLct the securitft hsreM.Truslor sh�11.1mm�di�IMy
<br /> upcnd�rt�x�d tMrNo►pll LendK PaY ta lender aU costs and expenaes incunad and sums expendsd by Lendsr in conn�cpan witA , ^
<br /> ' thaexercissbylsnda�oithetaepoinpdghfa.togetherwiihi�erestthereonatthede[auitreteprovidedintlwNate,whicf►ahalfbw ,
<br /> atldet!b ths irbebts�stess securetl hereby.Lender shal! not Incur any liability because ot anything it may do o►omit to do
<br /> tlKeundM ` "
<br /> 9. Narxdp�s�,Tn�star sha�l keep ihs Properiy in complience with al!apptiCabte laws,ordinances an0 resutadOns �
<br /> rotaqp�tp Industrial hyyiene or environmenti�l protection(coltectivety referred to herein as"Fmironmental Lawa"}.Trustor.ahall
<br /> kosp ths?ropsrty trs,e irom att substaA�es deemed to be hazerdous or mxic under any Environme�t lawa(cottecfive�y re(�red to
<br /> f�eln as"Hazardous Makriats'?•Trustor herehy warrants and represents to Lender tl�at there are�v Hazardous Materials on cr
<br /> under the Pra�erry.Trostor hereby a9ree�to�rrdemnityl and ho!0 hanntess lender.its directars,otficers.emptoyeesand agents.and
<br /> any auccessars ta Lender's interest,from and ayainst any and alt claims,damage9.losses and IiabiGtles arisinQ In cannectian with
<br /> tfie presence,use.dispc�sat or bansport ot any Hazardous Materiats on,under,hom or about the PrcpeRy.7HE FOREGOING
<br /> tp,AMlp�t o!R�nd.Trustor he�eby as�igns to tender the renis,issues and profiLS oi fie Property,provlded that Tiustar
<br /> ahall,uMi{the accurrert�e ot an Even!of defauft hereunder,havethe rightto coltectandre�ln sucb rents,issues and profitsasthey
<br /> , 6ecome due and payabte.Upon the accurrence ot an Eventa8#3etaul�Lertder may,eitt�er in person or by apent with or without
<br /> bdnpinp any s.tion or proceedinc�.or by a rece(ver appointed by a court artd without regard to tne adequacy af 1ts sec�rity.enter .
<br /> upon and take possessFon of the Properly,or any part thereot,in its awn name Or in the name ot the Trustee,and do any acts whicb it
<br /> �eems necosaary or desirabta W preserve the vatue,marketabflity or rentability of the F�operty.or any part thereot or interesttherein.
<br /> lncrease the income therefrom er protect tQe securlry horeof and,with or�vithout taking possessiort of the Property,sue for ar�
<br /> - offierwise coltect the renm,issues and profits thereot,mctuding those past due and unpaid,aad appty the same,feas costs and
<br /> exper�sesofaperationandcollectioninGu�ngatforneys fees,uponamrfndebtednessseer�►edhereby.altirtaucborderasLand� _ --
<br /> may determirte.The entering upon and:aking possc�ssion ot the Property,the coltectiort of such rents,issues and prcfits and the --
<br /> appticaUan thereot as aforesald,st►atl not cure or waive any default or notice o}detault hereunder or invalidate any act done in
<br /> • :asponseto such defautt or pursuant to s��ch notica o}detaultand rtorivimstanding the co�tinuance in possession otthe Praperly or _
<br /> the collection,receipt and application of rents,issues or profits,and Trostee and Lander shall be entitled to exercise every right =__
<br /> provided for in any otthe Loan Instrurr.enta or by taw upaa occurrance of any Event of Defautt,irtcluding K�thout limitaticn the rigTrrt _ -__
<br /> toe�cise the power of sate.furtl�er,Lender's�ightsartd r�medies under thls paragraph shall be cumulati�e with,and irt no way a _
<br /> • limitation on,Lender's rights ar.d remedies under any ass:g.^.^�e�t oi feases and rents recarCed againstthe Property,t errder,Trustee
<br /> andttre reCeiver shall be liableto account anty tot those reats actualty received. _—_---
<br />� ` 11. Ewnb M OdauN.The toltowing shal!u�natitute an Event ot Oafault under th+s Oeed o1 Trust - _
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any instattment of princ�pal or interest of any other sum se:.ured hereby wh��dua �."= _---
<br /> (b) A b�each of or detautt under any provision contained in the Note,this Oeed ef frust,any of the Loan Inatrument�,or any �._.�_�_�_
<br /> . other lien or encumbranceupon the Properry: ':'4�;°--r�:--
<br /> � (c) A wrlt of execution or attachment or ar�y similar process shall be entered agairtst 7iustor which shall 6ecoma a lien on _ -.)_,. , _
<br /> . the i�roperty or any portion thereof ar interest therein:
<br /> � (d) There shall be tited by or against Trostor ur Borrower an action under any present or future federal,state or other �'����;�,_�
<br /> ., � -:.
<br /> ��`' statute.law or regulation relating to bankruptcy.insolvency or other reliet tor debtors:or there shall be appointed any trustee. - _
<br />,.,�.�,� . receive�or Itquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of alI or any part of the Property,o�tne rents,issues or protit3 thereof,or Trustcr ,�� ,:-_
<br /> . or Borrower shall make any general assignment for the benefit of creditors: ��Jy y,' ° -
<br /> -� � (8�T h e s a l e.V a n a f er,I ea s e,assi gnmenL conve yance or fuRher encumbrance ct a11 or any part ot or any interest in the .,_ .;�_.:;
<br /> Property,either voluntarily or involuntarity,without th.e express Nritten consent cf Lender,pravided that Trustor sha l t b e = :;:rr-�:__'
<br /> permitted to exec�te a tease ot the Property triai does r.at cantaln art option to purchasb and the term of which Coes not sxceed �.��y `;�i`.
<br /> - one year, - "'',�".i,"
<br /> • (� Abandonment of the Property;o� ��'`"
<br /> : (�).If Trustor is not an in¢:vidua�,the Essuance,sate.ttansfer,ass�gnmen�conv�;znce or encumbrance o1 more than atotal
<br /> r .e�
<br /> T. • r
<br /> r f ercent of if a oa� oration)its issued and outstanding stock or(rf a Qartnership)a tofal of percent ot �;,��.
<br /> ' � P ( p �
<br /> - paRnership interest9 durtng the period this Oeed of Trust remains a I?en on the Property. • ,,:�,_,_
<br /> • �.� f 2. NNn�dta;Ace�NraUon Upon ONau(b In the event otany Eaent ot Cefault Lender may,withaut noticeexcept as required by � �_s-��.
<br /> law,dectare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due aod payabte anb the same shall thereupon become due and payabte .
<br /> '' � without any pre98ntment,demand,protest or notice of any�c�d.Thereafter Lender may: ,
<br /> (a) Oemand that Trustee exercise the POWER OE�AIE granted herein,and Trustee ahalt thereafter cau�e Trustor's ; _:.
<br /> ; � � intetest in the Prapertyr te be sold and the proceeds to be'distributed,all in the rrar.r,�r provided in thp Nebra9ka 7rust Oeeds .
<br /> '`•.' ACk
<br /> � � i f r in an of the Loan Instruments or by lav�upon occurrence o!any Event of � ,
<br /> • . - - - (b) Exerclse any and a.t nghta prov Qed o y , . .
<br /> Oelau�x and
<br /> � ,.; (c) Commence an action to toreclosethls�eed ai Trust as a mo�tgage.appomt a receiver,or speaficalty entorce any o!the s � , .. ,
<br /> Covenanta hereot ! �
<br /> , -ti. , i. �;,.,;,.•
<br /> � No remedy herein contened upon or reserved to Trustee ar Lender is intendc�d to be exctus�ve of any other remedy herein,in the ; ,
<br /> .. `�•. Loan In�truments or by taw pravided or perm�tted,but each shall be cumulat�ve.Shali bo in addition tc every other remedy glven , .
<br /> • r� . hereunder,tn the Loan lnstruments ar now er hereafie�existing at law or in equity or by statute.and may be exercised concurrently, i��
<br />� . independentfy or successlvely. ;
<br /> • _:.��.' 13. TiuNM.The Truatee may resign at eny Ume without cause,and lander may at any tlme artd witho�l cauae eppolnt a
<br /> ,;.�=�_r :.':'�;:= suCCessor ot substltute Trustee.T�ustee shaU not be Iiable toany parry,inctud�ng withaut timitatlon Lender,0orrowar.Trustor or eny ; '
<br /> ' `�"``��' purChaser o1 the Propetry,for any loss or damage unless dueta recktess ar wi8tul miscanduCt.and shaU naf be�equiredtotakeany !
<br /> . . ,-. � ...,, ...,
<br /> . t•.,:,_`,�: t
<br /> ;=r action in connectiofi wlth the entorcement of th�s Daed ol T�ust unless indemnllied.in writing,tor all costs,compensaUOn or .
<br /> „` �" expense�which may b9 assoGated therew�th.(n add�tron.Trustee may Cecome a purchaser ai any sate o}the Property Qudicial o� , .
<br /> . under the power ot 9ale granted herein};postpone the sate of aU or any port�on of the Prnperty.as prnvided by law:or sell th9
<br /> - • Property as a whole,n►in separate parcets or lots at 7restee's discretlon. �
<br /> . _ � � .'y,i, 14. FNS and Exp�nsb.,�n tnb evenl Trustee selts the Property by euerCtse o1 powe�a!sale.Trustee shalt be enhUed fo eppiy .
<br /> • • any safe proceeds tirst to payment of alt costs and oxpense9 ot exeic�sing power df sa1e,Including a!�Trustea's tees,and Lender's
<br /> � .�� .�;•.;:,; and Truatea's attotney'9 fees,actuatty incwred to extent perm�tted by appticabte taw.tn the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any ,
<br /> •• - _ Nght provlded by 18w to cure an EverA ot D8tau1L Lender shall be enlitlod to recovei trom 7rustor a0 costs and expenses aCtuatty
<br /> ' . . .� . - incurred as a resutt of Trustor's detautt,including withaut limitatlon all Trustees and attomey's�tees.ta the extent permitted by .
<br /> � •-•,.�,��. - apPticable law. .
<br /> • _;�,_�_ , 15. Fufun AdvaneM.Upon cequest ot Borrower.Lender may,at its optioA.make add�tianal end tuture aQvances aed re-
<br /> �- ��t�Bcrr4wer_Such adv2qGesand readvartces.w,th�rtteresf therean:sh�tl be secured by lhis OeBd of Trust At no Ume shall +
<br /> � � -• • the princlpal emount o1 the Indebtgdne39 secured by thls peed ot trust,not�ncluding sums adv�nced fo protecf the 5epufii"y 6itTf►S �'"
<br /> • �=t,�';"�:�•- Os�d of Trust,enceed the brlglnal princiyal amount stated herein.or S � wh,chaver�s greater.
<br /> � t '
<br /> � a: . :�.� _ _ _ _ _ . �
<br /> .
<br /> : ., . •
<br /> „ ,
<br /> , . ,
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> . . - _�
<br /> . •�.=�v� _ _—
<br />