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<br /> — - ,---_ � .D�idotTru�tan�M�dhlt!!w�banlfluecwo�(ninwcirtd8orrowK�MltnotopKwbrM�irtanynwxwr,dwWbiMY
<br /> . ofltroripinNBbr►aMrKaedBarow�r's�ucaMO�sinin�t�ntlirshittrrotbirquindtocort�nceprccMdinpss�r�t. � .
<br /> suctlwCC�MOrar�+nnd��!►IM�aiyk�l8ortowerand�8orror ea'swcCM�oittn�i��curedb�►ihiaO�NlotTruM
<br /> @1 LMd�'s�MS Wilhout affrcti!g th�tiaDflit�of arry oBNr Pxson IiabN 1ar th�p�yrtNnt ot anY cbliprtion��in
<br /> m«Mior�l.ana withoutaftic�r�pfis,iie�or ch�aoF��s Os�OatTru�tc�portanYPo�O+�oEtlfs Prop�tyno!lMnorlhersloton
<br /> rNMf�dass�cyritYtat the full atrrouMotal{urrpaidOblipationa.L�nder may.fra�n tlm�b�meand witl�outnaHce(�ro1MS�an1t
<br /> p��ot►solltOis.t;�)txt�rtdtl�tmaturilYatalleruty of thsisrmsofanysud►oWiqations.O�I Dranto�er indut�enees.(iv1 riMw�
<br /> o►ncorne!►.a cau�m bs rel�a�d or reconvsyed at any Bms at Landers optlon ar1Y P��.P��or all ot Ehs Frop�rh.
<br /> - (y Wce a nl�M anf►�qNr a additiortai s�curit�t Wr any obiigpuon herein me:t�on�d.a tv�rt�canpo�tons or al� .
<br /> �IS wiM�de6�brs irt aiatlat thereb � .
<br /> (c)�Fa�b�Ma�w 6f Lw�INt Mot s watwr.Any forbaoanc�bY L�ler in exe[elsinp any ripM ar�enNCly herM+nd�►.a _.
<br /> ol�wise 1�ftordsd by appiicabis(aw.shaft not be a waiver of or prectuds the axerctse of arry wch ripM or ran�dY•The
<br /> � pracunmsnt of inwranc�or th�p�Ym�r►t o}tpc�s or atl�a tiens oocharqa pf►�d��ell nat bs e w�vK W Ler�r's ripMla
<br /> eccM�sl�INe maWr'►yt ot 1Re indadiedtNSS�slcurod�Y thia Oed Ot Trust
<br /> fsined aNail���rl��hri haaw r ahali�i ur��e►aspw�vs wccesso�ns o�nder and Tru�lor-AY ,
<br /> ' cowriants and a�reKrbnts of Tiu�or shat!bs joint attd ssveral.Ths�s and hsading�of the para�rephs oNbis t�ad d
<br /> Truu ars tos aonv�niencf onty and ue not to bs wad 10 interpret or defirw the provisions Aersof.
<br /> (a)M�ttx MoYer.The P�h�!►���thata copy of any notice oi defauR hereur�and a copy ot any ratk�
<br /> pt�I�SUnQsr b�rtai�sd to sich p�rty w this Ueed at Tnwt at the addross set forih a0ovs in tAe+nannet pre�cribed Oy
<br /> appllcaW�law.Excopt tor anY ot�r noUcs required ander applicatls Iaw to 0�piven irt anather mannet.arty notice Provid�d
<br /> for in this Oead oi7rust shait bs��ven by maitin�suctt notics bf►cerfrRed maii addre�sedto the other pardes.atthe�ddre�s.�at
<br /> iorlh abora My notics Provided tor in this Oeed of Trwt snail bs etbcWe upon maflin�i�the menner d�nafsd herein.It
<br /> Tnnlor b mon than one prnon,natice aan to ths address set toAh abovs shall be notice to sil wch Persan�.
<br /> i}) MMP�eren.Lender may mske or caues to 6e mads reasonabte entrks upon and irtspscNons d the PropMry.Prarid�d
<br /> that LenOer ahall,give Tnutor nodce prtor to any auch inspactlon specityln�reaaonable cause therefor rolsted W Lender's
<br /> tnterat in tha Prcperh-
<br /> — - (�)p�om��.Uponpaymentofallsumssqauredbyfhis0ee4otTrus�l.ehdershatireqaestTnrsteetofecawayths
<br /> Property and ahali wrtender thia Deed of Trustand a1i notes evidencing indebtedneas aecured 6y this Deed otTtust toTrustes.
<br /> - Trustsa shal�roconvey the PrppeRY without wananty and without chacge to the person or peraons Iepalty entitled thereb
<br /> -= Truator shali pay eil COSts of recordation,if any. ' �
<br />' :�J-� ,th� pynonsl prop�tp gKUrity A�r��f.As add�iona!security tor the payment ct the Nate.Tn�stpr hereby yraMs
<br /> � Lsirder undsr the Nebtaaks Unifarm Cammeroial Code s security ir►terest in all Tixtures,equfpment and other personal P�ope�h►
<br /> ua�izi conn�ction with the raat esmte o�tmprovementa located thereon.and not otherw�sedeclare0 or deemed to bs a paR of
<br />-_-- t�e re�}�,�g�ure0 hereBy_Th;s iastrument shall be construed as a Securiry Agree!nent csnder said Ced0.and ths La�d�r
<br /> — — shall t�avs all the rfg4�ts and r�nedies oi a secured pariy unaer said CoOe in addition t0 tAe ri�hts and remedies craated undK
<br /> - a�d acCOrded ffie i.en�er pursuaMto this Deed ot Trus�provtded that LenAer'a dghtsand remedies under thi�para�aPb shal�
<br />_ — be cumulative with.and in no way a limitation on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other securiry a�reement�ned by
<br /> �� Bortuwer or TrusWr.
<br />,.�','�, �� LMns anp Eneumbnnea.Trustor�ereby warrants and represents that there ts no defau!!under Uoe provlsions of any
<br /> mortyaye,deed ot trust,lease or purchase conUact describing ail or any pan of the PropeRy.or other contracf.instrument or
<br /> agreement constituting a:ien or enCUmbraace against ail or any paR of tha P►operty(co��ectively."Uens'�,existinp as oi the
<br />_.�;z. date of this Deed of Trust and that any and all existing Uens remain unmodified except as disGosed to Lender m Trostors
<br /> writtan disclosure of tFens and encumbrances provided for herein.Trustor shall timely pe�farm etl 01 Trustor'a obli�atlon�,
<br /> � co+reaants.repreaentatlons andwarranties under any and all exisiting and future Liena shali promptly forwardto Lender copiss
<br /> ot all notices of deiault sent in ca:snection wfth any a�d alt existing or future liens,and shall not without Lenders prlor written
<br /> • con�ant in any manne�maCity�e pravisiona of or altow any future advances under any exisUnp or future Lien9.
<br /> +�..� Q) AppNcaUonol PaYrtNnfs.Unless otherwise required by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,i�ctuding withoN Iimitation _
<br /> paymenb oi principa!and interesb insurance praceeds,condemnation proceeds and rents and proiFts,aha116e ap�Ned by
<br /> LenMef tothe amounts due and owlag from Trustor ar�d Borrower ln sucb ord�ras LenOer�n itssole discre!�cn deemsdesirabte. _
<br /> - (Ic��rabpity.H any pravision ot this�eed ot Trusf confticts w�tR a;.�:rcabte law csv is declared invatid or otherwlae _
<br />_" une:storceable,such contUct car�crvalidity shaU not aHect the a:her prov�sons o}thls Deed of Trust or the Note which can be
<br />'-~�� ,givenetleCtwithoutlhaconfliceRgprovision,andtothfsendtheprovrsionso'itfis0eedofTrustandlheNotearedeCiaredtobe =
<br /> severabb. •
<br /> (I)Ti�.The terms"Tiustor"and"Borrower"shalt inctude both singu'as and pturai,and when the Trustor and Borrowe►
<br /> are the aams peraon(s),those terma as used in this Oeed of Trust shal!be•-^:erchaageabie.
<br /> _; �; (m)ppwrnin�Lsw.Tbis Oeed o1 Truat ahall be goverr,ed by the laws of tho State ot Nebraska.
<br />- Trustor has executed this Deed of Tn,st as of the date wrltten a�av��eG,7���',
<br /> 7
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