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<br /> T.���I��i��w.����wA M�f M�ww�rY
<br /> _ ._-- �l 'fi.a�ii[�Q�ii'.R�'iII�iiiQ�PSaie'iei�c--__---�- ..
<br /> _. a#•�•a�eidrar��n.o..da�ruWao+�a..«,arw+r.ih►a�.M��+a,o�.�ons�Tn,ao►aw�amorb.o.�,u�.w.m .
<br /> a�awac a�a.a�a oa+o•ron u�a.►n�.D«d a Tn,ss in��nQ:an na um�.a m.n��ena�r.s�ram a e�w aN Proo«y.Aa
<br /> b�/�i Tn�wilNoiit an�►l�w P��.Tcu,�to'r r�pr�nit and warnnts that fhts acknowt�d�n�nt waa ex�cutrd b1l
<br /> � Trurbt b�lor�f»�x�cwion al ttN ONd af Trwt '
<br /> �,1�..�.��.✓
<br /> - � � Ei on Glea 4balia T `
<br /> _ ,,. �Q y � . =
<br /> :�(af1r,�Gl�.fl..�_. ! ,t� �
<br /> � Corituu 4 TdW.ia T►uator '
<br /> � TtMS DEEO OF THUST,i3 nfsde es of the-2tU4-daY or-.---�-�r� 19=�b5l and arta�D
<br /> theTruaor. ` ��� B1.R �eh,uli..�� Cori�•+� 6 Thalis< < husb�nd �nd �tif� .� .
<br /> iSib IIfnQ�or_ Road tirand Islaad 1M 688�1-7�62 .
<br /> - who�rtwitinp addrsis is , (t�rein"Trtu�r;whether ons or rtwraZ
<br /> • �T�� Fi.. Pa�t� B�nlr a�IMbrad�a CoraonLioa ,
<br /> - wlwa mriliog addra�ia P.0. Bos 15�'1 6rand�I�Iand. .118 688�2 (hscein"Trustee"}.and
<br /> -- �g��y.�Fiw Paints B�ak . . . . .
<br /> -= wfw�s maNirtg addroas is � p 'o BoY 13�7 6ru�d I�l�nd. 11E. G88i2-15i7 therein"Lender'f. .
<br /> FOR VAlUABLf CON3IDEMTION including�ande�'s exwr�sian of credit identifed herein wEldOn tilen TAulin -_ ---
<br /> , . ;�-.�.�_
<br /> t ['er�n+r L 4h�in � (hefeln"6oROwer",whether one or more)and the trust herein created, ---
<br /> tha�eCAip!of whicb is hereby acknowfedged.Tnrstor hereby irrevocably grants,tranafers,conveys and aaai�as to Trustee tN �
<br /> TRUST.WITH POWER OF SAtE.forthebenefitand securiry oi Lender.under and subjectto theterms and cortditlons hereinafter ae1 ,- -
<br /> foM.the real properry.described es follows: ----__-
<br />_ ��. t���IG11Tt�f.�PA�tilII1IW. SECAIID Sl1HDIYISION Td TIiE CI?Y tlF L3R�1fD • _
<br /> ' '` To�ether witb a8 buildiny=,improvemen�►,fi�Rures,streets,al[Eys passageways,easements,righq,prlviteges and appurte- �_��
<br /> � nencas tocated thereon or In anywiss pertalning thereto,and the rents,issues and profits,reversions and remainders thereof,and ��,4,�._ _
<br /> • auch peraonal properly that is attaChed to the improvements so as to Constitute a tixtrare,inctudin�,but not limited to,heatfng and ���-
<br /> coqli ui menfi and t ether wlth the homestead or marital interests,it any,whicfi interests are herepy retease0 and waived;ell ������ -. _
<br /> . �84 P oD .�..�-,�—, —
<br /> - ot whlcb,inctudlny repfacements and additions thereto.is hereby declared to be a part ol the real estate secured by the lien af thia �,+�-�=_,=___
<br /> • Deed ot Tro�t and a!1 of the farepoing being referred to herein as the"Property". �::..r- ^•s*�.
<br /> �'' -
<br /> ` This Ce�d of Truat shatl secure(a)the paymem of the principal sum and interest evidanced by a promissory nota or credit �,;��'_
<br /> Ce d �.�
<br /> . �..=,U.i:.�=-
<br /> . a�r�anent datad ���#; Z�tK,rig9� ` ,having a maturity date at [1ctoD�r 17th 199Z , ��-—�
<br /> ��
<br /> in the orlgindl prinClpal amount of S?3-Ss6-� ,a�d ahy and alI modiftcations,extensions and renewa(s � �;���Y'`��
<br /> there0f or thereto aad any and all tuture advances artd readvartces to 8orrower(or any ot them if more than oney hereurtder �,
<br /> - pursuaM to ane or more promiesory notea or credit agreements(herein called"Note"};(b)the payment of other sums advanced by i ����`
<br /> Lender to protect the securlty ot the Nofe:(c)the pertormance ot aIl covenants and agreemenis of Trustor set toRh herein:and(d)all 'J'�''-'"-"_
<br /><. , r present and tuture indtbtedness and ohligatlans of Bonower(ot any of them ii more than one)to Lender whether dlrect�indirect �'��-
<br /> a6aoluts or contln�enf artd whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwlse.The Note,tAis Oeed o1 Trust and any and ali
<br /> - � olherdxuentsthateecuretheNoteorottserwiseexecutedincanneCtiontherewlth,includingwithoutlimitationguarantees.�ecurity �• � �=�.�er�-
<br /> ' a�nements and assiynments of teaaes and renta,sha11 De reterred to hereln as the"Loan tnstrumenb".
<br /> TruaWr covenants and ayreas with Lender as fo�tows: . ��_•. '��
<br /> 1. Ps�n�M a11ndN�Mdr�.All indebtednesa secured hereby shall be paid when due. "�'�.�.
<br /> P i ,j;t .
<br /> 2.TIW.Trustor is the owner of the Property.has the rlght and euthority to convey the Propeny,anC wanants that the Iten �^ �� - �
<br /> - Created hereby ls a fUat and prlor 11en on the Property.excepl for Iiena and encumbrances set foRh by Truato►in wriUng and � ' �
<br /> ,A,, -��,�.`.'.� �° delivered to Lender betore exeCUtton otthis De�d of Trust,and the execuUon and deHvery ai this Oeed o!Trust does not vlotate any � . � . •
<br /> conhact ar other obUgetion to whiCh Trustor is subject I •
<br /> • � 3.Ta=M„A�NUnuny.To pay betore delinquertay all taxes,sp��ial assessments artd all other charges against ths PropeAy f . . . .
<br /> a now or hereaher tevied. i • . .
<br /> ,' 4. (�Mwane�.To keep the P�operty insured against damage by t.re.haza►ds irc�uded+n�ithin the term"extended coverage",a�d �
<br /> auch other hazards a�LenCe��may require,in amounts aad with Co:npanie9 aCCEpt�ble M lender,naming Lender as an addlUOnal ;•' . . -
<br /> . named insured,with lo�payable to the Lender.In case ot loss urCer sucA policies,the Lender is authorized to adlust,colfect and ' � . .
<br /> compromise,all clalma thereunder and shall have the opUOn ot applying aIl or part olthe insurance p►oCeeds�i)to any indebtedn�ss �. � �
<br /> � � a0cured hareby and in auch order as Lender may determine,�ii)to thg Trugtor to be used to�the repair or restora'.�n atthe Prope►ry � 4. ,
<br /> or(iii)for arty other purpose or object satistactory to Lender wlthout aftecUng the lien ot this Oeed of Trust for tRe tu�l amount secured � �
<br /> � ` .'�• hereby before aucb payment ever tcak place.Any application of proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or po9tpone the due � .
<br /> °x .'.+`.` date of any payment�under the Note,or cure any Cetault thereunder or hereunder, � �
<br /> ' �'�- 5. 6eto�r.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,in such mann�r as Lender may designate,suHicient � • . .
<br /> • r. �umsto enabte Lender to pay as they become due one or more ot the following:(i)au taxes,assessments and other charges againat f • . .
<br /> •��. . the Property.(i1)the premiuma on the property Insurence required hereunder,and p11)the premtums on any mortgage insu►ance ;. �.
<br /> ...�. . ,
<br /> - - _- • . _-- �equlred by 4ender. - - _
<br /> , t=��.��>���••;� • 8. �IaMYn�ne�,R�pak�and CampNaac�wlth Laws.Trustor shau keep the Propeny tn good candition and repair,shall . „
<br /> �'= •:-=' �� � promp8y repsi�,or repface any ImpruvemeM whlch may be damaged or destroyed;sha�I rtot commil or permit eny wa9te or •
<br /> ' -=,�`�''"��=:-'f� deterioration of the Properfy:sha0 rtot remove,demoUSh or substaMiatly alter any o1 the improvemenis on the PropeAy:shell not ' •
<br /> - '��"�� �` comml�sutler or permlteny actto be done in cr uponthe Property in violaUon o1 any Iaw,ordlnartce.or regutaUOn:and shall pay and
<br /> : . , ,.„�, _.A;7 .;�, prampUy disCharya et 7ruStoPs cost and expense ati liens,encumb�ances and charges tevied,tmpasec4 or assessed againat Me . . '
<br /> • .=t : ' � Property or any pan theraof. ' � •
<br /> .__��' _�'�_�"' ' Z E�in�M QanaN.Lender ia hereb assi ed all campeneaUan.awards.dam e�and•other payments or reliet(herelnatter `
<br /> -.�_-ss--•.�=_. . Y 9� a9 - 1---'=_--__'__=,
<br /> • ' "R�IOC6ed!"'J ifi C6ntieCtibA Wiiff�Ol1QArtIdAII6A Of 6tNAttaKiAg 61t11A P�OpAfry df p3tf tftetB6t,Of tOl CmtVeySnCB fn fteu OfCOrtdemrt8= - �
<br /> _ Non.l�nder shatl he endtled at its oplion to commence,appear ln and prosecute in its cwn name any action or proceedings.and �. �� ' .
<br /> -� •�� � ahall also he entiUed to make any compromise or settlement in cortnection wlth such taktrog or damage.tn the event any portion of ; � .
<br /> . • . N�G71�7lMr�y�rrBrMMrtO��! - - -- - --
<br /> • � �� . .:s CtlYNMiwrl��nYdCenrnwaElnotaM8lmtqAfrauMwR�neNe.klbtHt�
<br /> - � --
<br />