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<br /> � caode�nawtiae or atha takiag o€aog pm.of tbe Aope�ty*a for conveyaaoe in lieu af condenuvtim.a�t�etebY��E��
<br /> � �`aLall be wid ta Lcad�ec - - --�
<br /> - - r---,.=s-c�=- - - -- - _
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<br /> Ir�stra�na�k w6edmr or not t6at duG wuh�y exas.4 paid to Barowec In tha eveot of a pattial tak�g of the Pmge�tY i� ,
<br /> wfrich thc fair m�ricet value of the Ptopaty imme�te3y befos+e t6e takin$is eqoal to or greater than the atno�mt of the snms ' , ,
<br /> secu�by this Seca�ty lawwnent im�aediateiy befone the takiag,unkss Borrowa and L.ender aherwise ag�e in writing,
<br /> . �ttu sums secund by tius Soctuity lastrument shatD be�duced by the aanount of the pnceedc muitipiied lry the following
<br /> fiac� (a)the Wtal�wt��of the sums savn:d imtt�ediatelY before the talcing,dividod by tb3 the�ais nwrke�vatt+e ot'tl�e
<br /> - : propetty immediauty befar the taidng. Aay balaoca�stiall Ae paid ta Bc��wer. in tt�evem of a partist taFcfinB of titc . .
<br /> � pmpe�ty u►which tBe fair market�aine of the Propetty immediately beforc tl�e taking is_less than the artwunt of tfre sams .
<br /> secu�eQ i�mned'ratety 6efote the talting.unkss Borrower and Leeder odierwise agcrc in writing or unkss appticable law
<br /> , otlx�wise pnuvidas,the proceods shall be applied to tbe sumc socured 6y this Socurity Instrument whethar or aot tt�e sums are
<br /> .thea due.
<br /> If the PmQerty is alaampued bY Bonower,or i�after r►otice by Lernkr to Batawtr ttrrt tlie candem�c offcrs w make
<br /> aa award or seale a claim for damages.Borrower fails to�espand w Lender within 30 days after the dare the natioe is givrn,
<br /> L.eraer is authorizod to caUect and appty the proceeds,at its opaon.either ta icstoration a repair of thc P�opeity or m tbe
<br /> snms secuied by this Security InsUument,wl�ether or not thrn due. , .
<br /> Unkss l.ender and Bormwer�wise agm ii►wripng,aay appliration of groceeds m pancipat sball mt eat�ad ar
<br />_ � postpone the doe dau of the montt*.tti gayma�ta¢fe�rect to in paragaphs 1 and 2 or change the amoun[of such payments. : -
<br /> - il. Bo�owar Not Rdeas��;Foebwraaee B� Leodet.�t a WsivtG F.�a�sioi!of the iime for payrt�ax.,o'r.... .
<br /> -- --- — ----,-�wdificatian a��ut�zatic��f fh�.�seeeuEdby_thi�Sectmit�In�hument grantei�_Lender_to any successot ui.ait�esf"_ - -
<br /> =- ; of Bonawer shall'aa operate ta reIase the tiahllity of the original Borrower or Bncsower's suc�essac�i�intenesL l.endet : ,
<br /> �_ ! shall ttot 6e toquind to com��isviceedings against�Y.suc.cessor in �tn�s�st°r refa��t:s�.ci�teu��izae for.PaYmenc ar . .
<br />-_ -l atherwise modifY aa�ortiradon of d'ae sums secured by this Soca�g lnsdrvment by ieasori��.',�i�.=:aAe by the oia�aal
<br /> -` Boauwer or Barower's successois"irt interest. Aisy f���y 1.ender in eae�ising�=r-:�*f.mc-�t si�a}i sa��e a .
<br />- waiver of or p�ctude thc eze�ise of any right or.z�edY- '' `.=• • ::.;�::�.: • ' `
<br /> = 12. Suocessors a���s Swnd;Jq�a�at Sevasi Liab�tty;� 'I'he covenants��ements of this ?�.
<br /> Securiry[oswme�s�fimd and benefit the sJ��ssors at�assigns of L�ender and Bor�wer.subjecf�:�ie p[avtsions of ,
<br />_ � pa�agraph'17.Borrazy�`s;cover�*s and agee�:s shall be joint and several.My Bocrower who casTgns this Security ,
<br /> - �nsuume�f Iwt daes nat es�sei�e'�ote: (a}.is cp-signing ihisSECtuity Instnrment only to manguge,grant and convey that .
<br /> Barrower's interest in the.Pcv�r�=�s�er•the terms of this Security lnstrumen� (b)is not peisonally abligatect to pay the swns '
<br />_' _ secuied by this Secumy i:tsnl..^*���,�d(c)agre�s,that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.modify.forbear
<br /> or make any�acco�a�ations�ith t�egard to the'tecros of this Secvrity Insquateni or the Note without that Borrower�
<br /> consen�,
<br />�. ',;,-.,� 1� Lo�n Chargrs. lf:r�''�an secured by this Securiry lnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> char�es,and that law is finaI�y°�n"�-'imeted so tha�the�nterest ar other loan charges collected or to be coliected in connection
<br /> `,'!r,, witb the Ioan esceed the pesmY`.e�tirtuts.then: la)any such loan charge shall be reduced by ttie amount rxcessacy to reduce
<br /> the charge to the pert�sia�i limit;and(b>any sums already caftected from Borrower which eaceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> -- " � refunded w BorruMrar_�.ender may choose ta rr�aK�this refund by mducing the principal owed under the I�tote os by malcing a
<br /> ��J�' ' d'I[eC[{13yrt1e0t Io Bc>z±�^$t`i. lf a refund reduc���ncipab the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayruznt without arry
<br />� . � prepayment charge,under the Note. ' • �
<br /> � 14. Notices. Any notice to Bomower pmvided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by deliverin�it ar by ��,--_
<br /> i mailing it by first class mail unless applicabte law requirec use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property �'��-
<br /> � Addresc ar any other address Borrower designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by frst class =���;_
<br /> � mail to Lender's address s[ated herein or any other address Lcnder desisnates by natice to Borrower. Any notice provided for _���
<br /> in this Security [nsirument shall be decmed to have been given ta Borrower or Lender when given as provided in ihis "'":��-".
<br />';t:t.�;::�.,' ParaSraPh' :•��..
<br /> �,�»r.:.
<br /> 15. Governing Law: SeverabQity. 7't�is Security In.mument shall be govemed by federal law and ths law of the '��''°
<br />�'"`�`: � jorisdictian in which the Property is tacated. In the cvent that any pravision or clause ot'this Security Insuument or 1he Note .
<br /> • conflicts with npplicable Ittw.tiuch canilict shall not affect other provisionc of thic Security Instrument ar the hnte which can
<br /> I be given effect withaut the conflicting prnvision. To thic end[he pravitiians of thi�Security ln.rtrument and the Nate are
<br /> declared ta he severable. •� '
<br /> � , 16. Harrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformcd copy of the Nate and ai'this Security Instrument. � .:..
<br /> ' 19. 7lransfer o�the Property or a Benefkial l�terest in$arrower, ii all ar Any part af thc Property or any interest in
<br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficia)interert in Bocrower is sold or iransferred and Barrower is not a natnral penon) � ;r�',.:;
<br /> . . � withont Lender ti priar writtcn cansen�.Lendcr may.at its aption,rcyuire immediute payment in full of All sums secared by � �,
<br /> this Security Instrument. However,thi�i�ptian�hal1 nat be exercitied by Lender if exercitie iti pmhib;ted�y federal law as of � �r'����'
<br /> ' the date at this�,um�lnstrument. ;�"�:::% '°'-
<br /> s r:,•.:
<br /> If Lender exerc::;et this nption.Lender shall give Barcawer nntice of aecelerasian. The natice shalt.provide a period of ` �7;r;;��
<br /> ' .Y: ' na[ess ahan 30days from thc date the notice ix dctivcred ar maiteJ within�vhich Burrowcr mutit pay all�ums secured by ihia �. ` .;'
<br /> Secucitr�'lnstrument. li Hatrowcr fAilc in pay thcsc tiums pri�ir to ihc rxpiratinn ��f thiy perial.Lender may invake any
<br /> ' `•;'��`'�� � reme�es permittea by ihis Security Intitrumcnt withnut further noticc ur dcmand��n flarrawer.
<br /> -• • 's Ri t to Reirtstate. It'Bonower mcetti cert:�ia cundition�, I�aaowcr tihall have thc righ� Iv havc �. ' •
<br /> :"� ,. .�. i 18. Norrm+eo y,h
<br /> .•; �' "� � enforqement of thi�Security Instrument di�cnntinued at:my�ime pri��r t�+thc c.ulicr af: lal S day�(or sur h ot h�v peri o d a+
<br /> .�'�,:: , ' " 5ingic Fam�ly•-Fannk Nxlireddie S1ac l�iFI1Nti11�tiTNCt1F:NP••I'ndormf'ovrnanh 4190 �pue�•��,jb p,iieu.
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