�: � ;y... .
<br /> --- . — - - ___--
<br /> - .:r-. .__�. . . _.- , �_ ._.�� - � - : -_---- -- — - —
<br /> _ :.� . �- ' - . -,- - ._.fi_z_�;'_ -- - - - ---,- --��:�=_=== -
<br /> - � �'=� ��� _ - - . . . . � _----_
<br /> _ '.;�.;3,',� � � . � .. . i . . . . _ � - <. .
<br /> -- . ,� - . c - - � . _ ,. ' . . � � �,?�:�3.�7d - . ,
<br /> � � ; ' _ . . , � `� � - . :. _
<br /> < . pa;ods dae t..enaer ioq�ri�es.:1�e�iasunooc c�rier p�o�v:aing tUe;�ce sh�tt ue,atiosen by 8ormwa suujec:w l.aiaer's�: � .
<br /> - -
<br /> --e�:oa.�i yvvitbadd�ff�fii(s���_��descn'hed above.Lenderma1+.su -
<br /> T — Le�er�optia�+.olxai�cavaagc to protat Leader�rigfits m --�n accoc�wi . � _ — -
<br /> _ • All ins�uance poHcits and teoowalssl�ap be a�cYptabk to Ltoder and shatl inct�e a stan�f�an1 mo�tg�ge ciwse. E.eAder
<br /> . sh�ii ts�ve the sight to hold tht puGcies and raewats. If L.ender teqbues.Borrowu st�aU P�P�Y�►ve to Leeder all seeeipts .
<br /> Of�pICbllIIIUS�ICOE�IWt10C5. Gl fTiG CYCIR 6f tOSS�B01NW�[S�Ij$IYG p[�Iilpl pOt1CC IQ t11G 111St1I811CC C�RIEf 8t1�
<br /> . . l.enile�.Lepdermay rt�1ce pvaf of loss if nat made P�PaY by Barrower. . .
<br /> _ -Uakss#.endes aad 8oaower ot�etwise agroe in writing,msur�nce pra�c sh�ll 6e applied to restoration a Rpair of
<br /> � ��Y�8�•if tbe restastion or repa'v is ecanomically feasibk and Lender�s�securiry is uot 2esw�ed. if ttu
<br /> �oa ur nepair is nat ecaeo�nicaily feasi6le or Lender's socuriry would be`tcsssied.the insurance proaedc shall 6e
<br /> �pplied tu the s�s sa�uod by this Sauricy Tnst�en4 wlktbet or aat then due.wid��y eacess paid to Bormwer. If
<br /> Bartowec abandoac the Ympeety.or does na aoswer within 30 days a iiotia fm�Lender tbai tfie insurance�anier has
<br /> of�ead tn seuk a ciwn.t1�ai I.ender miy collect thtinsurance p�ocads. Leader may use thi?P�oc�ds ta repair or cestae
<br /> thc Property or w pay sams secured by dris Suatity�Tnstrument.w}�cther or u�ot�hen dua. 'I4�e 34day period.�vill begm wAea.
<br /> the nodce is givat. ;
<br /> Unkss Leoder and Hoaower atheivrrise agrx in writing,any'applicadon of.p�oceeds to priocipal shall aot exuad or.
<br /> postpone thc du�date of the moat6ly payments iefemd ta.in paragrapt�s 1 aad 2 ot change the mnamt of ttte payments..If
<br /> uoder puagrapD 21 the Pt�ecty is acqaiced by Lender.Bartower's tight w any insurar�:e poticies apd pc�oceeds cesaitin8
<br /> . from d�roage to the Prope�grior w ti�e acquimion sha!�'�ass w Lendcr to the eaunt of tl�e sums secu�ed by this Security _
<br />-- •`s.° - tnsuumrnti�xdiaaeIypce�ct��ttcacquisition.. . ;',; •�. . . �-----
<br /> � - ---�- Ti►-_�e�f: �s#�ttui,-M�an�'�'.�'rote�tioerof-t6e'Fro�perE1.$anower's Luau API►licatjo�+ . __- _�.._
<br /> - '�?, . LesseHoid�. Bvm�es slia'.�acCupy.establislt,and as:n.2�_f':�p4rtr!�s 8cmawer s principal residcqr,e�ritlun sixty days after ---
<br /> --- ` tbe�avtiop o�r�5e'eu�=`�.:F�sA�w�eataad shalt ca�.�to oi�}.�2�e Praperty as Bormwcr�spc�iPa1 rr.s�denre fa at _--
<br /> -_- � kut one yeaur:a5�r.;�e�;3�'•':'csf occaPu�cY•,un[es.f�':ender otheiqvise agrees in writing. wb� coasent sball not 6e =°-
<br /> - unoeasm?bIy�.a�: ,�.-s e�t�anu�g t��es e�ist which a�s beyoad Bortuwers�oatroi. Aorrower shail not !-
<br /> = destmY,damaS���P�'��'rop�rt:.s�T�the i'roperty to deteriocate.or commri waste on ttie Pm�perty. Borrawer shall
<br /> ;Y . be in default:�a.y fo$eitune�ction aa�ing,whett�er civil or crtminal,is 6egun that in Lender's good f�ith�hidSmertt�: �.,� _�__
<br />''f could nsulr i��Sfeiture of the or otherwisc materially impair the lien cneated by this Security Iaxbument or
<br /> � ,. -
<br /> . l;�mkr�sne-,�i;p:i:itecrst. Borrower may cure such a defavlt ana ceinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causitig�the action �`� y.'�
<br /> �`oi prooeed'i"n �►tne dismissect with a tnlin titat.nn Lea��s faitA detnmirtaaon,P�xlades farfeit�ne of the Bonawes's :
<br /> � interest in tt�Property or other materialgmpairment o;'the lic�n created by this Securiry lnswment or L.ender:s security � � .,�:=_
<br />`�.;•, - interest ,Borrawer sltall also be in dcfauh if Horrower. during the toan applicatian process,gave materialty false or --
<br /> '`�. :.�•, inaccurate iafac,nation or statements to Lender(or fa�'ted to psovide Lender with any materia!infes�a�n)in connection with � � �___
<br /> t6e loan evideticed by tite 1Not�,including. but not limited to, representat�ons coneeming Basrowers occapatu:y of the �#�-.,_
<br /> Prnperty as a ptinc.-ipal residenee. If t6is Seeurity Insaument is on a teacehold.Borrc�crer shall eompty with a11 the provisions � ���
<br />� of the kase. If Borrower ar.�`�es fee tide to the Pmpea�:.the leasehold and the fee'=-�shail not merge unless Leade�r agmes ----_=:_
<br /> _ to the mergcr in writing. � � �i�-9,-�:-
<br /> ,� .:�.,
<br /> � �. `Protectioo of I,eRder's Rigbts 7n ttre Praperty. If Barrower faiis ta p�rfurm the cavenanu and agnements i���;
<br /> '.�.�;.,; contait�ed m t�his Security instrutnent,ar.there is a legal proceeding that may signifcandy a£:rsf�:ender's right4 ia the � °.
<br /> . s �
<br /> <;;.;. , 'Property(such�a procading in banlcruptsy,probate.for condemnadon or forfeiture or to enfom�ta'�s or regulatians),then �t.�-
<br /> . � _ ..,: Lender may do and pay fos whatever is necessary to pYoiect the value of the Ptoperty and L.endePs rights in the Properry. ���y;=�,-:
<br /> �. �.ender's actions may inciude paying any sums secure�by a lien which has priority over this Securiry InstnimenG appeanng ,.,�;',� ,.
<br /> e
<br /> +�r •m court,paying reasd�able�ctomeys'fees and entering on the Property ta make repaiis.Although Lender may take action , , �
<br /> � t under this pafa�r°raph 7.Lender does not have to do so. -,.
<br /> .,. a , . . _ .
<br /> 1:�'."��' My amo�nts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shalt become additional debt of Borrower secured by this . •
<br /> 'k�r'7 Securiry Instrument. Unless Bosmwer and�Lender agree to other termti of payment,these amounts sha�l bear inteiest from the . - "�'���-;
<br /> . .. date of disMusement at the Note rate and shall be payabte,with interest.upon notice from I.ender to Borrower requesting �:s;�;'r.,,�'=�•:°
<br /> PaYmcn� . ��' i.;>��'. � _..-
<br /> � ,, $. Mort�tge Insurac+�. If Lender requimd mar�age insurance as a con�"�^i�of mrilcing the loan secured hy this , �:�:;> . :.�,,.
<br /> ` Securiry tnstrument,Borrawes shail pay�premiums required ta maintain the mortgage in�u:�ance in effecn. If.for any. ��` ,� `
<br /> '''•'� reason,the moit a e insurance cove �u..�red h Lender la ses or ceases to be in effec�, �orrower shall ay the � � � '
<br /> S 8 rag: .°:�: Y P• P
<br /> � �� � premiums reyuired ta obtain coverage sa'ss-*.w ua'.!v ;kuivalent to the mortgage insurance pre�ia:sly in effect.at a cost `�,
<br />. , � substantIally.equivalent to the rost ta Borrower of t:��nartgage insurance previou�ty in effect.from an aitemate mortgage °�'"
<br /> " s m e is nat availabte.Borrower shall a to � � ;�
<br /> - ° iasumr apptoved by Lender. If substanqally equivalecc mortgage m urance c erag p Y .,.
<br /> ,;,.;,. ' .. [.ender each month a sum equal to one•twelf'th of ihe yearty moctgage insurance premium being paid by Barrower when the ���
<br />:,:,�`;,`:�';:-• ;.�� insurance caverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these poyments as a tass reserve in lieu . �-•_y�•:_
<br /> •"��_'�`'` of martgage insurance. �oss rescrve payment�:may no longer be required,at the option of Lendcr. if mortguge insurance � -. -
<br /> :,�.,.;;. : ` �
<br />- . . {• coverage tin the umount and for the pedod that Lcndcr rec{uires)pravided by en insuter approved by Lcnder again becomes �. . ,
<br /> available and is obtained.Borrawer shall pay thc premiums rcquired to maintain morr�a�e'tnsurance in effec�or to provide a
<br /> �.r• ' toss reserve.untii the requoreraent for moRgagc imurAnce end�in accordnnce with a:r��w�ritten agmemcnt betwcen Brnrower ; "
<br /> • L;;.:.. � and Lender or applicabte law. �•
<br /> :'�",':•. . ' "; 9 l n s p�e c t i o n. L t n d e r o r i t s a g e n t m a y m a k c r c atio nab l e entries u p an and ins pections of Ihe Pra p ert y. Lender sha11 � •
<br /> . '�,���,, give Boaowcr notice at the time of ar priar to an inspection�pccifying rcasonabic cauce for�he in�p�ction. � .
<br /> . ' '� • 10 4ondemnation. The ptoceeds af any awxrd or cl:�im for dnmages,direct or consequentiat.jn cannection with any
<br /> �� ' r '.�=•,.3�:. [•' . ,
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<br /> a .�..ct�s,- 4 �
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