_ � __- ' J _ " " . . --_
<br /> ' '- _n� _�r-"-� �'--r- - --__—' '_4�_ _ _ ...r- _
<br /> . .. `- .s-�4, a�.i.' £ � ti� _ '',.Jf ' ' ��-
<br /> .�• ' i-+. :t- - . . ._ _.
<br /> - ''- _ __ .ti y . . . _. __ _'f.. � - 'C _°_ _ _ —_
<br /> �-_ , .. _ ` . . ` _ _ - . . . _��,ia�z�a_ � _
<br /> .� . . . - . � _ _
<br /> � ;pptic,eb�iaw apry apecifr cor reinstatkme�)6er«+e sak���to�►r�power of s�1e con�inea in i�
<br /> — - ---—,- - f ' ' �qu- 't'�Se�ooditions ane ttiat�amwer: (a) :
<br /> _.-___—,,.�
<br /> --°�ru!a - --
<br /> Wys Lenda aU sums whicti tlien waWd 6e due i�nder this Sec�uity7nstivmen—t a�iheJNiore a�.'__ ' __�------_
<br /> ` acc�(bf caues anY defaait af a�r ather oaveaanci oc agcoaments:(c)PaYs all expenscs iacumed in enfo�nog this Security�. �
<br /> • b�uweent,ipcludin8.but aot i'msitod to.trasbt�abie a�eys�fees:and tdy taties such acttan as Lendec may rezsamblY
<br /> require to a.�e ih�c the lien ai this Security.insa�utnert.Lmder's rigdts in the Propary and Borrower§obligation w giy t1�e
<br /> c, sucns sa:u�M by this--'Security Iasnrnmmt sha11 caatinue uncf�nged EJpon reiastatement by Barower.this'Security
<br /> � y�strament atd�Ite oMiB�se�red f�a+ebY s6a11 e�eaiain fully effecti�re as if no accetaa6on had oecurred.,`Haw4wer.this 4
<br /> ` . reg6t w niasnte shall na apply in tUe case of acotleration under paragr�Ph l�. � .
<br /> � i�l. .Sa{e d Nde�;C��al La�SerrioeG Tde Note ar a pa�a�!in[crest in the Note tcogether witA this Security
<br /> I�stnm�ent)msy be sotd ooe cr moce hme.t vnthait pnor no��e��the Note and�ySecurity ainstrumem. Thece aTso .
<br /> (knowa u the"I.oatt Savioet")tl�t c�llects aiondtIY PaY�� .
<br /> �y�one a mo�e�hsng�s�f tbe Lo�n Servicet wmlated to a ssle of the Note. If thtte is a change of the I.oan Servicer.
<br /> Bo�rowtc wi116e given writun notice of the change in accoidanoe with ParaBraPh 14 ahave and appticab[n law. 'R�e notiFe �
<br />- wiA srat�the aune ain�add�ss of the new I.o�n Seivice�r and the addiess to which payments shoWd be made. The notice wil)
<br /> .� also cocUain any othcr inforrtiatiun te4ui�bY IIpPticabte law. • �
<br /> Z9 Aaardow S�bstarces. Barower shall not cause or pemdt ti�e pneseace.use.disposal,stora8e,or ttlease of any . ,
<br /> -- Hazudaus Substa��ces on a ia the Pmperty. Baro�rer slia!!n�t do,nor atlow anyoae else to da.anythin8 affecting tl�e .
<br />=-`z:;� gropetty that is in violadnn of any Envimnmental Law. The precc�ing twa sentences sdall not appty to the prESencc.use,ar �_
<br /> - storage on the Ptnptrty of smaU qoaatities uf Hazardous Substances that arc generalty recognized to be appmpriate to nonnaf --_ _
<br /> - - . - .tesirkntiatusesac�amaint�wn�:eo€tt:e�vpzc:y. - , _ _ -- . "4 - --_
<br /> - , • Bor�owes sT�alt p�ompttY g►ve Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand.tawsuit or other action by any . � -
<br /> � govemmemat or.regulatory agency oc private pury iavoiving the Pmperty aad any Hazatdous Substance�ar Environmental �-°-_-
<br /> � �.a._
<br />- • Law�of which Barower has actual lmawtedge. If Barcower feam.s.or�s notified by any_gavernmental or regulatary ��='-
<br /> authoriry.that any cemoval or ottxr tie�tian of any Hazar�ctous Substance affecting:the Ptopecty is necessary,Borrower �:;�;.-._-
<br /> - shaU P�P�Y take all necessatY�ial xtions in accordance with Environmental law. �`�=.—
<br /> �."�.--
<br /> As used in this paragra�h�20."HaT.azdous Substarices"are thase substances defu�ed as toxic ar hazardous substances 6y ' e�`�._
<br /> �. . Enviconmental Law and.the foltowing substances. gasoline.kerosene.other tlammabte or toxic petroleum products.tosic ( �` i
<br /> tis�;; pesticides anct heibicides.�olatile soivents.materials containing asbestos or fomnatdehyde.and radioactive materials. AS ;�;';'..', _ .
<br /> � ;:. y�rt � used in this pafagraph ZQ,"Fnvironmenta1 Law"means federat laws and tAws of ctee;�risdiction where the Propecty is tocated
<br /> �:. • —
<br /> �• that relate to health,safety or environmental pmtection.
<br /> <<• " ��r'; • HON-iJNIFORM COVENAN['S. Borrower and Leader fatther cavenant and agee as follows: __
<br /> , :,��;';; � ,. El. Accelention:Remedks. Leader shalf gne oW�ce ta Ba�ower pcirrr to acoekrAtion tdbwing BnRa�ec's --
<br /> ` breach ot any rnveaaat or agreement in ttds Secaci�Iasd�aa�ent fbat not pc9ar to acceleration under paragrapb 17 ___
<br />:;,�i,tj. ,Y'' uniess Applka6le b►w provides otbes�rlge). The notioe s�tal�specif9= (a/tbe tfefauIt;(b)tMe actian requireA to cnre tbc . , ` ,_
<br />.:;�;; .. j ,,� default;(c)A dnte.not kss tbsm 30 days trom the d�te tht nMic�e�gtven to Borrower,by which ihe defauit mast 6e :-,,��:�•,;-:o
<br /> �•�r :�-t� cured;aad(d)that tailure to cure tbe dpfault on or betae the date spccUeed in t6e aotke msy result ia acceleration af ___
<br /> � '�.:- � ' the sau�s secured by this Secaetty Inskumeat and sa(e ot the Property. Tbe ootice shall furiher intorm Borrow�of .�-•'- ��;�;.°-
<br /> �'r 'i;3 �: the rig6t to reiastate att�'acceleration and the rig�tt to brio�a coart actioA to assert the non-extstence at a defauk ar .;-'.�::�'�`�=:
<br /> . A ,. _ ,
<br /> ; '.''`=-
<br /> ' ; �r '.�.�,� ' aay ot6er detense ot Basrowee to acceleration�n�t snl� It the default is not�vrred on rn'belore the date specificd in °
<br /> .�.;�.
<br /> {'jl �
<br />;.:;: > " ..�,, !he notice,l.ender at�'s opfion may reqnlre imntediate paymeat in tull of all sums secured by this Secarit�tastrument ���;:��'•Y,'.�'`��;:;;,�.
<br /> i.l..`i`�.'::-:..-
<br /> y� . without furlher dem�n�and may invoke the power of�le and aay other cemedies permitted by applicabte faR • �;>'��;;,_,
<br /> '`��.�,,. ,_�-:- .
<br /> � •n�;,---:,=_-�:� Lender shall 6e en¢��:�3 to coltect all expeas�s incurred in pursuing the remedi�.w provtded in this {wrag�aph 21.
<br /> ' :;- ;�.•••:..�..,, inctading.6ut aot i"mailed to,reasonable attorneys fees and casts oP titfe evidence. {, ' ; ,
<br /> • . ��-.��y,.�h.� , lf the powev of safe Is invoked.Trustee shall recoed a notice oi detault in each caunty in which any part of the ;___
<br /> •��s�' �-�' Properly islocated an¢shall mail copies aisuch notice in the manner prescribed by applieahle taw ta Borrower and to � ,�`
<br /> � '`��` t 6 e ot her persuas prescr�b e d 6y a pp l i c a 6 l e l a w A t t e r i h e t i m e r e q u i r e A b y a p p l l c a b l e l u w.T r u s t e e s h a Q give publk .. , � .-
<br /> ,��' .. .� �• '��i„•,. `
<br /> . :�,:r•;;,:_.. notice of sale to the person.q and in t�e manner presc�lbed by ap�slicabfe law Trustee,without demand on Borravc�. • _+��
<br /> • �..�,__ _�,.,j;r�t}. shall sell tUe Praperty at public Auctq9n to the highesf bidder at s3�e tJme and pface artd nnder the tertns�ignate�in - ;.;h„=_
<br />, �` -�_�•��-`-�--� , Ihe notice of sate in oae or more parcefs and in anv arder Trustee determines. Tru�tee may postpone sx�e r,�€a7!u�any . +,' '
<br /> � .°,r.t. -, . .,: ..,..' ,
<br /> r�e-,.:.. :.:. �•..� parcel ot the Propert}by public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduted sa�e. 6a�r or it4 ' �
<br /> . � - j;::fy;=`•, , ' '-
<br /> ,rn„��,.�,;.�;.,_ _.� • designce may purchase t6e Pruperty at any sale. if;, . s;,�
<br /> ;..�„'�= '�`"` Upon recei t ot �ment ot the rlce bid.Tru�tee shall detnee to the¢�urcfiaser TrustPe's dee�i rma4�esimg the , ' _�
<br /> s......, c- P p ,p :.�:.,_
<br /> s..•� � pcoperty. 7'he recitals 1n the Teustee s deeel shall be prlma faca����idence ot the trutb of the statemen�v made thereia� �___:
<br /> .. �;��� +, ��;e`��' Trustee shaU apply the proceeds of the�te in the followlnfi ar��s (a►to all casts and expenses oi exerci.�ing the pov�r� • '�W_
<br /> ' •{��7;�,ri ' , �`'-�_
<br /> .ri �• �_.i.�.."' " . _ _' -
<br /> � ' .`i..�..:Yr �"'.t ' , .
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