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<br /> i
<br /> The runcis �h��lo tso held in n�t In�,titudon wt►ose de{x�sits at� insurcd by a 6eder.tl`ngen�cy�is���uiry,� entity -
<br /> (1rr:luding l.�rkler,li'l.e�xlcr i:i such�n in�titutic►n)or in nMiy Ec.icr�l Hamc l.oan Bmtk. I.endcr shall apply tGc l�ands to puy the
<br /> ►���rru�v�Irm�. I.��klcr�nay i�ot clr.irg�:ik�rrowc►•fiir t�olding w�ii c��tplylu�thc Funds,:mnu::lly nnalyrin�tlta cr.r.�o�v ncc�i�nt.��r
<br /> �•.�l`yli�}�thc N�.cn�w It:i�i��,u�ilc;s I,c;;ulcr pay�i t4oj•�u�vc:r intcr�:�t un t{te t"iu�d��nnd npplicn�lc In�v f��r�i�it:;T,ciid:.�r to ivakc r.�ici� _..
<br /> �cltar�e. ilowevcr, I.e�Hler nuiy req�ire licrrfowee ta pay a c►ne•tinx charg�Sor an Indepe�xlent rcal estate tux rcp�minK e�crvice
<br /> u�od b l,erxler in c�mnecNon wlth thlg luan. unless appitc�►blo law provfdcs otherwis�. Unlesy an agrc�cnxnt is mACle ar
<br /> rpplic�fe I�w rxyuirr.s intoreat to b�e pwld,l.crnkr�lwll�xst tx rcyp(rcd ta pay Horrawer any intcr�st ar eamings on thn Fu�x1F.
<br /> Horrower wxl l.ender nu►y agree i��writi�ig, I►uwever, thut interest shull t►e puiQ on�he Furxls. I.e�xter shal!givc to&�rrawer,
<br /> wilixwt rh�rRo. �n antival acrnunting af the NunJx. showin,� crcdity And ckbita to tha Funds And the purpose for which r�c:h
<br /> deb(t to the F�utWs wYV m�ic,The F�undy urc plalAecl a�ruldi�ianul c;ccurlty for all sumc:secund by tMs SccuntY Instniment.
<br /> If the i^unda hietd by[�cn�ier exieal the utx�unts pern�iUa1 tu t�ikld l►y a�r IiC,JIv Ipw,l.c+::9cr si►ull.^.ccou�tt to�arro�:��r
<br /> far the excas Funda in acco�nre wlth Ihe requiremeMa of Applic�bte 1tiw. if the vnount of th;.Fur,ds held by L.ender at rny
<br /> time is�xK sufiicirnt to pxy ihe F..scrow Irema when due,Lender m�y so notify Borrow�er in wdting,und,in such c�se Borrowe�
<br /> shall pq to i.axier Ibe amcwnt tteces�ey t�rnxko up ihe detcier�;y. Harrower slwU makt up the defirieney in no r►xire thxn
<br /> twclve mortthly�yrrknt5,at I.cnder'�sole dl��cretl�m.
<br /> Upon pny�nent in full of all sunu securctl by Ihis Secu�ily Instrument, Lender shalf promptly rcfund ta &►truwer eny
<br /> Funds helJ by [.ender.if,ur�kr p�rAgnph 21.l.ender atwll�cquire or Fell tho PropeRy,I.cnder.prior to the acquiFiti�n or sul�
<br /> of the l'ropeny.shall sipE►ly any Funcis ht:id by[.�:�rcicr r1 the liiiu uf acyuisitian or sale ns a cr:,dii against tha sums:.ecurr.ci by
<br /> tAis Socurity Iaarament.
<br /> 3.Appikatbn of P� �eMx.Unlc��appiiu�ble Isw provides otfeetwlse,ull��yments c+eceived by Lcnder u�xier parigruphs
<br /> I iu�d 2 sh�ll be appli�d: �ru,�o nn�r pn:�►nynxnt charges due onder�he Nota; seconcl.to anx�unts payable uncicr paxagr.►ph 2;
<br /> third,to intercst due;fourth,to prine.ip�l due;and last,to Yny I�te chargrs duc u�tider thC Note.
<br /> 4.CIu�rRes;I,kne.Borrow�rr shxll pay a0 uuces.Asscssments,ciw�B�s, fincs uKl impositions attributablc to thc Pro rty
<br /> which rrwy a�t�in priority over this Security In�i�ument. �nd leuehold�aymc�ts or graund rents, if any. Borrawcr shal�paY
<br /> t1KSe oblig�tions in the manner providal In�►rngnph 2,nr if nat p�W in th�t mu►ner. Hormwer stwll pxy them on dn�e dii�ectly
<br /> to the pe�son owaf p�ymrnt.Borrowu shxll promptly t�tmish to Lender ull txxias of amounts co 6e p�id u�xlcr ti►is j�u�ngi:y�,`�,
<br /> if Borrower makes these payaxnts dlroctly,Barrower sh�ll promptly fu�nish ta I.a�der recelpts evidu�cmg thc payments.
<br /> Borrov�ec sh�Jl promptly discharge any licn which has pnoriry over this Sxurity Instn+ment unlGCS Borrower:(a)ag�e:s in
<br /> writing Lo tt�pay°r�cnt af ths obtigation secu�af by the lien in�s m�nner aoaptablG to I.ender,(b)c�►ntests in gacxl feith th+:licn
<br /> by. or defaKis q�ainu enfnnceme�t of the Ileo in, iegxl proceo�fings �vhich in the I.rnd��'s opinion opar+itR tn pmvrnt tha
<br /> rnfo�+ccmeM of the licn;or(c)secures from the haider uf the IIen en ag�eement satisfactoq+to Lendor subondinatinB tho lien ta
<br /> this Seeurity Instniment. If l�aidtr d�tertnin�s ttwt uiy pt�ct of thc Pnoperty is subJxt ro a lien which may rttain pri�oriity ovrr
<br /> this Securiay Insttumtnt, L�cnder m�y givo Borrower a r�otia identifying the lien.ibrrower s1Wt s�isfy the lien or uke ono oc
<br /> mace of tht�ctions set f�tih�t►ove withfn l0 dmys of t!u giving of notia.
<br /> S. Has�rd qr �ro�e�r�r i�e�n�e. Bormwer siull kap the impro�emrnts now �xisting or heoeafter erected on the
<br /> propaty insuznd sigai►�t loss by fire,hazards includad within the term "eaterded coverage" ond u�y other h�zards. including
<br /> Aoads or floading,for.which L.ender roq�ires insurance.71�is inwreu�ee sh+ll be m�intainod in the unounts and fix thc perads
<br /> thac Ieadrr Kuui�s. Tlte inwret�ce c�urKr Ptoviding the inwrtncx slall be ctastn by liorrower subjoct ta I.exid�er's approvi!
<br /> which ahall not bs unre�ot�bty withheW. If Hutrower fails to maintein wveage deschboa�oov�. i.ender m�y.u i.ena�r s
<br /> opt5on,Obt�lp COYCi�$C IO�1[btOCt L.CdtICt's rights in the Property In aoeord�nce wi�par�Br+Ph T.
<br /> iill insurancx polici� enKi nnewals sh�ll be acceptable to l.e�xkr and stuJl include a stukiard mortgagc cl+�uce. Le�nctar
<br /> sI�11 Dwve the right to hold t�o�olicies s►nd rencw�is.If L.ender�aquires,Borrower shs!l�promjxlY 8ive to l.en�fe:r al!�aeoe+ptA nf
<br /> p�d pnemiums�nd m�cwat i�o�t'va�s.In thc cvrnt of loss.Bomower shs11 give pmmpt uotio�io the insuranae carrier and L.�nder.
<br /> l,encler tnry mraL�e�e+�of�€Gcxcs if not tn�1e promptly by Bon+nwet.
<br /> Ueless L.r�ac0er a►nd 9�xrowtr oth�wise agne m writing,inwrance pr�000ds sh�ll be applkd ta�ratoration or repair of th�
<br /> pru�pty da+�ed,,Ai4he restcv�tion ar rcp�ir is e�conomically fe�iblo�nd l.isnd�x's security is not kssa�ed.If tho mu�retian or.
<br /> rcp�ir is not oconoal'ically feuibla or Lendcr's security would Ix;lesscnod.she i�uuranoe proaeds shall be appli��d to tlia sumF
<br /> sxurod'oy inis���y ::�'a.:M�. +�:tHtsw �:r�t its�.dac. with any exass p�id to Borrower. If Borrowcr abnndons the:
<br /> Propecty.or does not answer within 30 days a notia from L.i:nder that the inwnu�ce carcier tws of�erod to�ettt�a�laim, then
<br /> i.erder enay cdkce t6e inwrancc Pna'eals. [r,.7ader m�y use tho p�ds to ropair or n�store the Pro�aty or to pay sum5
<br /> socurod by thab S��urity Iastruma+�t,w�heth�'ri�r iuot then due.'[fx 30-d:y peri�od will begin wf�tha notioe is given.
<br /> Unkss Lxai+�ar and Harawer dherwise 4gros in wridng, inY application of prooe�ds to �r►incipRl sh�ll not extend or
<br /> �e the dr��Oe of the nw�M1i1Y paYm�ts r�fe�d W in puagnp�s l iu�d 2 or ct�ango tho wnount of tha peymcnts. If
<br /> wtt�at��gr�;21 the 1'evpaty i�aoquirod by I.a�der.�cn�wwu's right w�y i�uraqce Qulicies and pn0000ds era�►Iting fmm
<br /> ��to t+�:�!'�prlor W the acqu�sition shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the xn�x sowra!by this Scxvra�}instcument
<br /> i+�jr �;�r��� �cquisition.
<br /> ;•"' f.Q�'�:a:���s�I�OCt�Of��0�0C��00 0��IL"�10�1!'[l�'i ROl�N''��.OYf�/1..����911i l.�fl�•
<br /> . g�nwe�r�IQ,4x;��py,estal�lish,and use the Propetty as Borrower's p��;qwpal ircsid�ce within six:�f:=liays�ftcr tho exoauion of
<br /> ' this Securiry Iiia�ilmrnt and sh�l!continua to occupy the PrcKxrty as Botrower's princip�l residemx fur at lenst one yar af�:r
<br /> thr..�i�e of oocupa�cy,udess Lcrder ott�crvvise agroes in writing,which oonsent shsll not be uneea.sombly witht�cld.or unless
<br /> eu�nt�King cfrsymsta�.�es exist which arc beyond �orcower's oontrol. BQrcowor stwfl not destroy, dama�e or impair thc
<br /> Prbperty. allmt'tQhe Property co deterioratC.or commit waste on the Property. Bomower sludl ba�i�►default if any forfeitur�
<br /> sctia►or p�ooee�iY:ag. whether civif or criminni.is begun that in Lencl�r's good fiith judgment o�t:�Ef result i�farfieitut+e af tha
<br /> Fit�e,rty or otherwise mtiuerially imp�ir tho lien cratcd by this 5ecur;��7l�uiwnent or Lender's su�>:riry intorest.Hurrower may
<br /> csarc�h�defsult and ninatate,xc providod irt par�gr+qpF�1'�;�y r�esirtif��lhe action or proaoding to be dismis4od with n ruling
<br /> tiwY;;Fu► I,ender's good fait���tenrriutton, �►rocludes�ciF�'stuse.of th�•&►rmwer's nrsc�t�st In the Froperty or othtsr m�►toriat
<br /> irr�+s�innent a�f;�trr,lirn cceaite�l hy this Secur�ty Insnvm�ni•;�r;9xnsicr'a security i�'�ca.v;3. Bomower stuill als��e in default if
<br /> Borrower,�,t:c'ifi�:i�?.�e lopn applic;ation pmoess.gave materialiy f�ise a�:��.aaeeivate infc�Emation or sWtc�►tn te l.�nder(ar failod
<br /> to p�uvido l.�w"i�fi.vvith any matorial infornution)in oo�uioctian with•ch�%can evidcncod by tt►e Nnte,includi�ig.but not liniit:�d
<br /> to,repnsentatiuns conceming Be�noWer's oocupancy of the Propecty�s,a prine9pal nesidence.If Nis Securicy Insaument is on�::
<br /> lcar�ho�d, Hutrowcr shall rnmply with all the provlsi�r.,s of the leasc. Tf Sorrovirer acquires fx titlo to the Pxnperty, th� '
<br /> ktise1wtd tuxl ttie fee tide shall not merge unlcss I.cndcr���ecs so tl:c�uerger in writing. ,
<br /> '�:ptwtection ot l,en�er's Eti6Mts in tl�Pt+operty.3k'IB��a4ow^er fai!s to perfom►tho coxenants and ag��xnts�ontrinod in
<br /> this Security Inscrumcnt.or theve is a tegal pt+oceaiing ttwt may sigAi�eantly af�'oct [.ender's rig��s an tho Ptu{�erty (such as a
<br /> pmceod'u�in benkrupccy,probate. for condexnnueon ur forfcitune+or Ra enforcc laws or ngulatioas).thca Lenclsr may da and
<br /> ��S for wb�tever is�suy to pmtoct tt►o value of the Prcperty a�I.endcr's rights in the Pmperty. L.crdcr's�ctinns m�y
<br /> �n�hrde�payi�ng a��y surtw isecun�d by a lien which lw3 priocisy ov�r this Security Instrument, eppearrn� in oouit, puying
<br /> �,..�s�.. • --e•�mA.�..io.:nn.v.�hw Prnnwtiv�n m�Dcw rrn�ira. Althnunh Ir�de�mav tslte�Ction UII[IC!WLS D�mvrnnh
<br /> ...�ana..v.v..�.a..,..jo . �-�a�.�' _c�-� � � -,--'- . „ . ' — ' �
<br /> 7.Lender dws not huve to do so.
<br /> Any anlounts disbursed by L.cmckr umter this puragtapt� 7 shall baome additiona! debt of Bo�ruw�r soeuted by this
<br /> Secudty Instrument. Unl�s�orrower and Lcnder agree to other tcmis of payment. these amotmts stuill bcar interest from thcs
<br /> drte of disbursemcnt at the Note rate and shall be payable, with intcrost. upon notice from i.cndcr to Hc�rcou,tr rcquc�stinB
<br /> WYmait.
<br /> 8.Mort�e lneurarrce.If I�nder mquired mongage insurance as a condition af m.�lcing che loan secu�d by this Secu►ity
<br /> Irutn►ment, Eormwer shall pay thcpremiums rcquired to mainwin the nwrtgage ia�urancc im effxt. If, far any rc�son, tho
<br /> mbttgagc ins�urencc covEnge rcquemd by l.ender lrps�oe ceascs to bc in effect.Borrowcr shall pay the premiu�ns requined ta
<br /> obtAin covcrage substantially equivalent to tfie mortgage insuranoe proviously in eifc�i,�t a cost substantiully equivalcnt to thct
<br /> cASt to BomoKtr of thc nwngage insurnnce previously in effixt, from an ultemate mongugc insucer appmvc�i by Lcndcr. If
<br /> ' Pp�]ul♦ FCff11 802$ 01�
<br />