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<br /> �ii.�7 L�"�.ij vi�`�a i=�u+'G�.u�i1j;Lsiawi2�w�"j to�..""'�w�Q:1 JT� j� ���v ... . � .?tlt�I{iik►�IS _.
<br /> ("B�orrowa').The truuoe is NOBWES� 19AN1C NBBRASIU. NA'�IOt�FAL ASSO(:IATION
<br /> ("Trustoe").7Labeoeficiary is NJOR1iF«'S� $JINK NF•BRAS�CA, NATIOHAL A5SUCx1l'[IUN
<br /> wbi�cit a a+�pni�ed a�od txis¢a�urder tM:laws of �gg UpITF.D STATES OF Al[�RICA ��'"�°°
<br /> - - �aa�wii •rn s..a •rn a san�►• LCnA9 . ' . . . - -. ..
<br /> JRtw i►raa i.�L�� �iT�.£z"T vneui� ia3.nnus a7Law.+s.�.. .,.,......
<br /> (•La�de�')•�c�rtowa oM+es L�ttdex tl�e princ�p�)sum of
<br /> THIItTY SI7C T�3QUSIWLY.��`��.'t�.V.�1'i .BUNDRBD TBISTY NINE AIiA 75/lOf�9atsN.S.S �36.739,75*+� ?^
<br /> 'tYius debt i� evlde�xd by A3arqwer's nqte darted thc same dMe as thia Se�curit�!I�wno�t("Nate').whi�provides kx
<br /> ��Y Ph'I•�a�r.with tbe full deM;C�:tv�e.�,+�id carli�x.dva and 1�Y� � JUIiE 15, 20QJ .� .
<br /> �,• '�u Securitp In�rummt xcuns ta•E�Ciu�ir;�v�)thc iep�ymc�at nf tbo debt evida�crd by the Na�e•,avadt'int�t.�nd aU�ai�.
<br /> ,� > .;,;��iciResiorr� �od modifiationa of t�:,N6te�`N) �MY�ot all otha'wmt. witt► intere�t. a�!»anc�od rndat pr�rarpiii 7 b
<br /> � '';y��nt�6ect tt�s s�e�;.��:�+ af i� �:;':r;:;�•,�� �± r�; rti,.,wfi�e of Horrower':eavmaals aed�tea�a�. Fot d�
<br /> jlYrpo�e. Ham�rer icnvocrbly�rx�:Nnd oonvtys ta T�ustx.in tnut, with pa�r.of sale. tbe follo�vins desc�fied p�operty
<br /> loca�ood ia �y Cwnty.NeMa�kr
<br /> 18E Ii081fl 5U FEET OF Tf�Ft��Ol1T�i 249 FEEr OF LOT 25�,I.CO[JNZi SUEAIVISIOTi 0! �L' il� �iA� •" ,
<br /> OP SBCTIOIt 10, TOWbTSgIP 11 NORTB, RAt1G8 9 FiEST OF T�E 6t�ii�,,�'P;lt.. HALL COUtTi�l,;.;l,�BB�1lASiA
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<br /> wNin�ch�the srW:esa of 940 N C3LERxY G�tANf)tI�y�i�s,,,): . [s�.M'1, . —
<br /> 6880i ::: ,
<br /> " [�n;f?n.'a�l ' .. .,�.
<br /> ,
<br /> �,• ,•, • '1'AGEI'I�L�R VNITH,uA"c;S'}�e improvrmtxus now or l�ereaRer eiroctod an tf�e p►c�pCrty�u�d all�tiaWs. an�
<br /> fixdua c�o�,�;��k�a��er � pnrt�of the pmQecty. Ali ►zQlAOatxa+Rs,u�d addiqa+►i shal l afso be ouva�od�So�urity
<br /> Ifntrurn�at.��I9.'::�al,:tbe foregr�iag�s;e�eferrod to iw thir Searnry I�ribOt�s the"Pn�p�xcy." �� , : ..
<br /> BO�litC�I+irr.�t Ct1'�'�,�1ANT:t rh�t Horrower is lawfully uisod c�t�:fhe�ate 6ereby oom�c�und.lu�.t t?nA rigfit W gcaat�nd
<br /> coarry the pica�ty.�a�t�a9raR:.tlrts�P'ropeaty is w�ax.wnbmad:r.x+�e{�t for encu�of r000�d. Ikxcvara'warr�nts and will
<br /> defad��3i�I�bC�ry��.�li�;��Y�mt ail clav►�and danw�ds,subjai ia i�r,,St cuaimbranocs of recval. ..
<br /> TM5 516C17�ti'I'Y'T1W��t'itlfM6N'I'wmbidea unifam oo�ts�or neition�„r�e and non�uniform coveaants with iimital .
<br /> vuia�ions by'y��ri�dictinn to cauWiaik a unifortn 5ecurity i�n�rva�e�t�^�vtring tral pcopaty. � ,•
<br /> UIdIF()RiN CUVENANI'S::�orrower and I.ender cov.eotrot aar�t�i�€:�'x as folluws: • •
<br /> l. Pa�mwe a�nd.c�paE�rra t,Kerac• �c aaa I.�te e6a,r�es. axm.ver st,.�.� pn,,,�ptlr pay whan aue z�
<br /> Qrinci�ot and int�st on tlw:da61:evicbr�cod�y the Nate arxl�n9 PrcWYtnent ard lato ch�rges dne under tl�e Nnto.
<br /> 1J�__�
<br /> 7,.P�1l�f0l'T�[if�Mi�'ill[11b!!. SUD�EC!M i'�jliiqDlB I8W OT LO Il WrrtR�1 w7liv�'oy'icnu'cF. oiirivwci woui pwJ w
<br /> I.erider on the day mor�t!►ly pi►Yn�nrns are due utid�x tbe Note.until the No�e is p�id ia fuU.a sum("Fur►ds')for:ta)yexrly txxes
<br /> snd aszessnx,�nta�hich may�twlit:Qriority ovrr this 5ecu�ity Icut�uma�t as a lien on tlx�Prope�ty.;(b)Ycarly lea5clx►Id p�ymatts
<br /> or gc�o�ud raks on the�nperty;if any;(c)YduiY twz�ud or pmpcaty insu�nce prcmiun,:(d)YeaT1Y flcwd insur�ncep iuea,
<br /> if any:(c)Yu�rly murtgaaga imwrar�ce�Snemiwm, if any; a�d(f�anY�WYable by Sortower tc►I.rnder, in acoadm�cc with�
<br /> tbe provisia►s of par�i�ph 8,in iieu of thC pNyment af mortg�gc insurancx prcutiur►�v.'!'hcse it�riu are udted"Escruw[tcn►t."
<br /> I,ar�fier r�y. �t any ume,onli�ct and hold Furds in xn wncwnt not to excxod the mucimum amuunt a ler�er for� feder�Jly
<br /> rc,lated matgage loan nwy rcqui� far Borrower's rscrow aocount under che foderal Re�l Bst�te Settlement Proccd�trs Act of
<br /> 15�7�as a�+�ended from tirna tn�ime, 12 U.S.C.Soction 2601 et seq. ("RESPA")�UIIItSS W101IICf IAlM1 l��?[�IICS[O lI1C FUIld9
<br /> sets�lessa�xTraunt.if sn.•Lendcr may. at any time:. collect and twld Fun�ls in an�utxwnt not to excoed the lesser u�nt.
<br /> Ldukr itwy r�timate tlx�am�s:nt af�unds due on thc l»xcs oi cumrnt dat�and reasonahlc cstimatts of expenditurts of futurc
<br /> F�cruw iten�or atturwis�in�ccordmix weth��plica6le law.
<br /> N�ItASKA•SinSIM FamifY-��mM AAMJit�dtM M�a IJNIfOlIM MtfTRIlMENT fam 3020 lf�0
<br /> �pN y2Ty7�Ml�a VM�IHOl1TWGE i�11M5•1913l281-0Y00•16001621.72Yt Y�p 1 of 4 � �a/��
<br />