._...r.' y�/r.�t._ . ... � ' �� . ... ... . .. ...
<br /> ��r��."atx..• •_ •..o. .., rA.. . .. ' _ __..._"__"v.�'-'.—�...�_�.�...----
<br /> i � •'
<br /> . � . _ _ _
<br /> ....�..-�•
<br /> y,�,���y� " �x�
<br /> lS:7R7,'V:.i:�i'A�w:.._.._�...�._........_..—_. .. . _
<br /> s��bctamially�c�.i,�',��e�M mort�nge inauhna ccivuxge la not�vdlablc.�rrower shall pay to�.tnda wcl�ntionth A sum oqw►1 to
<br /> r " or►c-twelfth af t�r.,�+�ly�ort;aSe insurance premium heing peld by Bnrrower when the insurance wv�rege lapsat or cexa�ta
<br /> be in cff�►.I.e�u�er wiit.�r,cc�a, usc urd reta'sr�the:�e X�ay�r�ents uK a loss rc�crv�in liea of mortga�c insuas�xc. Loss rcv�cvr
<br /> p�yancncs m�v no langcx`�,:a��{��.�red,at the otNic►n of 1 e,9dc�r,if mortgage insurnncc covrrsga(�n the ae�wunt ai�d fnr tt�e peried
<br /> eh�,+.➢a:fi=.tcr rc��nires)���si•ri�,r:+l t►y nn insurer�pprovr.d by lt.c�x.tar age��i P�ccan�cs nvnilcti��lc aixl iy nbtuiiic�. �lcsri•a�+Gr�hntl S►r�Y�
<br /> ° lll�Ql'�111�UC115 CC'i�111Y01�1t11,(WJr�taf.�►uxatgage in�uranrr,i��efFecc,n7 tu prnvide n lu:s resc�vc.u�itit iha�c��uf��ci�ti:��t frr i�in=t�;�!�� ---
<br /> insurc+nce ends in acc�iu�ce with uny�wafv�en ag��oenxnt lxtwe�n Bon•o�ver a�x1 Lc��der nr appliG�blo law.
<br /> g, [nwp�ect4oa�. �.rndtr or its ageR1 may m�lct�+e�son�ble entries u�on atxl inspectlons of d�a Pmperty.Le�xkr sh�l� R�yc p
<br /> }�asr�►K�er nutica at Q►e tir��e af or�►dor tu an inspactinn spcxlfyf�g re.asonablo eceuu for the inspectinn,
<br /> �0� Cop�ppppwtlp�t, The �s��s of sny �watd or cluirn for daru�es. dircxt ar consequeauinl. in connecdon with any�
<br /> c�s�ct�r.�uiacr or t�ther takIng ai rny p�rt of the Property, or for convey+u�ca in liau of condemts�Wlon. �rc hec�by assignod�rai� _
<br /> s��z!]:�:�t2'�:i!:�1.E���!-r, .
<br /> In t�c��eM,.nl,�texa!taking of the Property.tha pr4aetds shall be a�pliGtl to the sums secur�d by this �ecuriiy I�tstuu�x�33, '�
<br /> whtttr.x ar,r►ra5,t1�:�,�1',+n�,with any excesspa�'d to Borrower. In the cvent of a partial taking of ific Propetty ia which►hb.fatr�
<br /> m�ri:�x vx�ur.�f,ti�;I'�ritw:rty i�mnediately betoro tha takina is equsl to or g�ter than the amount of the sums :ucural b�•thix
<br /> Se�urity insttunxnt,icSN����MiR1�'.before the taking,unl�:ss R�rrawer and L.encler othenr�fsr,agnx i�wdting, tho�ums�xxu►�.ri by
<br /> this�5e�:urity Instn►nrra.�:blxtlllit�:reduced by thc arraunt of the praceods mttltipli��l by the followirg frac�iun: (s) tix tot�i
<br /> arria�nt of th�sums�cu.ttd�l�^;',,.r.diauly befare the taking,dividact by (b}�.ho fn�r m�kct value of t!x Property immediuely
<br /> beioir the taking. Ar1y•t+�t,1►Yt����il,F�:psid to Burrower. In tha evcnt of a pi+xtAni takinE of the ProQerty�n which�he fair
<br /> in�rket v�lue of the Prc►gqct':it.le�ir:r}+ttt,�a�'befor�thc taking is less thxn thn nmount Af Iha sums secure,d�mmodi�ety t►efi,re the
<br /> tntc'ir.1�,unle,ss Horrawer acF�l�cct-k+rt'.c�tk►:trrf.4c ugrcc in wxitinQ or ualras npplic�ble IaW�othr.rwisr,pmvl�u�,thr:pmceeds stulE
<br /> W.i��qlied to the sunu�sec�ir�cQ'i R,;Y,:hls 5ecuriry Ins�t�vment whr.sha.r or not the sums am thGn due.
<br /> Yf 1ha Pcoparry is aba�i�f��tiw�by[3a�rrow�er,or!f.afta:r nati�e by Le�xler ta&�rrawcr thet the:eoncitmnor AffcrE tu malca ui
<br /> nwacci.or set4�t�n cla�ra far d7�svges, B+mnwer fail:s to respand to Lt:ntk.r,within 34�days nft�r�hr. dt�o thc notEce is givtn,
<br /> Lender is autl��:�ri�ed to collect and apply ttnc proccais.at itti option,citht:,r to restorntion or rcpair of�he Pmpeit�r�r to the:sums,
<br /> socured by ahis'�:3�cusit��L�stn�ment.w}xxher or nc�t thea�duo.
<br /> � • Uuless Ler.�.r����lmsc�xr�r�olhr.re;�i�,ag,r� in �vriting, �nl� aprliratinn of proceods to pdrtcipd sl�ali not oxtend ar
<br /> �xutpona the due d�u�c c�t1Pp•r r�n:�ihlY paYmenu nfcrrtd t�in parngra s 1 nnd 2 or r.iiainEn the amcwnt af such paymu�ts.
<br /> 11.Ao+�tr�r PIM�1�1:�'�;Furb�r�nce By I�tler IVot a��urer. Extansion af the ti�YSO for pyma�or modificatiurt
<br /> � oSi�rtizatio�a�f�he aums serurr��by this Stcuriry Insuument grantod by Lenckr to any successc+r in interrst oS'Horrower s1u�J1
<br /> no+t operate to rr,i�se tht liability of We or�,�inal Bonuwer or Borrovier's suoccssars in intcre:t. l.,cr�t:r shali not be mlu��ca .
<br /> c�mmetux pruceedings against any sas�cr�.�.r in interest or rcfusc to extend time for pt�ymenc or alhrrwise modify matiir�tior�
<br /> • � . nifi yhe swns scxumd by this Socurit,y L�tma�a�ent by reason of any demand ma,3c by the o�igiml Bomow�er ur Borraw�r's
<br /> � • ''aurv�nrs in iM�rest. Any forbaarance b;�:�.;rnder in ex�rcising any nght or romcdy �sriall aot tx i wvver of or preclude the
<br /> r�v�.�cise of any right or remedy.
<br /> l2. �et�ois md Asai�s �ou�8y�dnt and �everal Li�6il�t,yt C��• The coven�nts urd�greemrnts of th'sn
<br /> Security Iitxt,nw•t�nt stull blad and bt�wfu2,;tLe successon and assi�ns•cf Lender a�M Harrawer.w5jact to the provisiorlr a-�i..
<br /> p4»�graph 13: rrowu's covenmts xod agraments stwll be joint ;arn� sevoral. Any Borrower who oc►-signa this Socuai�v
<br /> I�ut�umd►t but�ilOt CT;etst4 tha NotS: (s} is oo-signing this Securit3�inst�u::�nt onJy to�rtg�ge,�rant and ca►vey I�t�1
<br /> AIAiOwCf s icm�iFSi iu iiic i::nc��2j tiii�i.:a�i:.iCfXGS�f 2���""` .:�TSL..�'''� �;l➢zn nc fu►t neCSO!]9I�V Ob�iWttd LO DRY thC SUItlS ...
<br /> r,xurcd by this Sxurit�In�nn�m�t;mxl(c)agrxs th�•L�eoder and eny ather Boeiv�'nv�r.m�y agrec to extc�nd,madifjr.forbeax or
<br /> m�lca any au�unod�otions�i+ifFi c+egaxr!t�l�testns of t}�ia Sxurity Insa��mont c�r g�ie 1Vu�o withaut ihu Barx+owar'c consent.
<br /> 13.La�n R,"tuiry�as.If thc loAn sa�rn:�,�uy th{s S�urity Inst�ume�s es su�,p:c't.te a law which sets maxlmu�n loan cl�uges,
<br /> anc!tht►t law�s•finally intecpretod so chae.jl�b;hterest or,other lona��anr�ea ooll�:ted or tn be collated in oo�nnxtion wuh thc
<br /> lom oxcad the pemuttbd limits.then: (a)aviy'sssch io�ie shargo shali„bu•taluatt3 tnp tho tunount �q► w rqlooe tha chv$e
<br /> ta tho pamitWd iimi't;and(b)any sums aJrcadY ool�iefi.from&�tmyver whicl�exaoe,dod peratibod ltmits will!x rofuncbi to
<br /> Bcarrmwar. Iaa�der rnay cha�se to nwlco diis refunc! �y reducing iho princip�F owal under th.e Noto or by making.a dirxt
<br /> i�uiymdnt�ta Iknrower. If a refund roduas princip�l,�tl�o reducuon will be tn�tod �s a P��.P�WYmc�nt withau� any
<br /> prtiy�yment c�rurgo unctar tho Noto. �
<br /> 14.No�st�s:•My aotia m Tiomou�er pcnvidai for in U�is Sa.�w�ily�wuunxt�t s�hs:i bc givtn by ddivesing it or by rr�3ng;
<br /> it by first c1as��rMi1 unlcss ap�pliu�blo Ia�v requires use of anothsr trcetMd.The notiec slu�l be direded tu ttie Prope�ty AdJ►�i��..�
<br /> uc wy atbSr sddres,v Nurrrow.�r dGSign�tes by notitx t� L,rnder. A,nyy notice ta i.,e�xkr s1u11 bc given by firbt rlasc►mil'�t#
<br /> L�enda's�statod lrtitcii�.or any.othar acfdras ia:rr.l�a design�tea by nntio�ta 1�4txower. !�►y erdire Pcovidod fioc in this
<br /> Saxirit�r L�stnia�a�t st�Il t�rlti�.-med m have been givtn to Borrower or l..r.nder wtx.bh fi±:i�Rn ss ponvidai in t�tls p�n'�gr+pb.
<br /> . 1�.1',o�e�ni� Lsw; 5cverabclUl�, '['t�is Security Instrum�t shall be govbrned by faslenil Itw and the law of i'�1t
<br /> urisdiction�n which[t�e es loca¢i.d.In the event that sny provlslon or clau�t of this�S;c�un�r Instnutsrnt or the I'io7tt�
<br /> j �rtY
<br /> pcmflfas with applicable law.sud►oonftii�'xt�all not affoct other provisio:a of this Sa�urity InstiGfinenn ot.ttie Ntatt which c��ti2
<br /> ' .:��•�:i,ven affect without th�4tiYSa�'ssting provfsion.7i'o this txxt.tha provisioru of thia Security Inst��'su��he;h�.citc ue declaiod
<br /> :.7�s�be�cv�rabla � , � .��:
<br /> .. �i.Boc�+�'s C�.Borrowcr stwll be given one�onfomxd cogy of the Note and of this Sauriry Instrurrr.�c.
<br /> 17.'['rauriri:�4er ot tLe Property or a BeneNcLl InRa�eat in Barrste��r.If�ll or nny ptK of ttk Propaty or any intencst in it
<br /> is�nld or tro�i.5fr.�ed(or if�bt.nefici�l interest in Borcower is sold oo'ftxansfemd and iiun+�wer i9 not �natural prxaon)wltlwut
<br /> 1,ea�ier's prior written c�tsent, Lecder may. at its qxian, r�r�uic�.:��cnniediue payment in tuil of all sums aecuted by s�lpis
<br /> 5ecu�ity Instrument.Hvutirer. Wis option shall not be exercised by Z;=iieer if exercise�s protubited by faleal iaw ss of ttk ttltt�
<br /> of this Security[nsttummt. .
<br /> If I.�der oxercises this nption.Lernfer shall give Borrower notix of acala���.The notice shal!prorjKif�a Pe�od�f►�ot
<br /> t�ess thaa 30 d�ys fmm the date the ndtiae is deliverod or m�ilai witl�in which Bnmawer muct�xy �I{ sums ucui'od by tteis
<br /> . Sexuriry Inshument.If Flo�rrower fails tu pap these sumti p+ior w the o�pirxtion of diis period,L.en�'kr. rr�y lnvoke any��rts
<br /> partni�tod by this Socuriry Inurumrnt without Cu�nati�e or deu►erxl un Borrower. .. .
<br /> ` lE. Burro+rer'a fR�kt to Reimt�te. If Bocmu�r meets artuin oonditions. Barrower sl�l! have the right to have
<br /> eniuc�cenKnt of this Socuriry Instn�ment discontinund at any time Priur to the enrlie,�r of: (e) 5 days (or such other periocl as
<br /> apQlic�ble !aw may spocify for rein5tat�t) befura sale of the Propeny pursuar.e to any power uf sale ero�x�aned in chis
<br /> Security Instrume�st;or(b)attry of a judgment enforcing lhis Secute�rt Instnimont.Those c�nditiaa nre thui Ba�cnw'�:G�?+4'�J�.
<br /> I,i,�dCr all suu�s.whkh then wauld be due under this Sccurity Instmw��x�nt and tho Note as if no aroelerntion h,�!�xxur�3;�if t,
<br /> cuTr,s aay ckf�u]t of any ot}�er mve�wnu or agreernents: (c) paYs�14{eapcnses incumad in enfonieg this Sa:ut[ty Irtsttr,ie:!��ii�,.
<br /> � including,but rwt limitod to, rcason�b2e attorneys' fers; :ud(d)takes such action as I..ender nsay trxsona6ly �}ure to a3suru
<br /> thrt thc lic�of this SCcvrixy b�ascrument,Lc�lcr's ri E�is in tt�e I'roperty vxl ilom;:urzr's obligation to�Z►y thp s�xns secural by
<br /> this Socurily Intlrutnart sttall continue unchang�. Upon reinsxtemsnt by $dmoWtr, tlus Sa:unry insnument and the
<br /> obligaeions sa�urat t�}•shal!rr.m�in Cu1Iy effoctive as if no acceleradon had occurral.Hmvaver, d�is r�glut to rcir►state shall
<br /> ; nd apply in ihc casc of�cceterntian uncter paragra�n t�. _
<br /> lg. SMi�t of Note; Clur�ge ot I.wn Sarvkxr. The Note cF a partial int�st in thc Notc(tAgethcr with this Sun:rity
<br /> Inst�ument)cnay t+e sold one or mun Hnxs without prior nolice*o Banower.A sal�may resule 's n a changc in the cntity(knuwn
<br /> ; as the"L,oan Serviar")that collects montt►ly paymei�ts due und�r the Note and this Secunty Instruarent.T(he�ulso may be one'
<br /> or more chac►ges of ths Lnan Scirvioer unrclated to a salc uf th�Note.If the�+e is a change of the E.,oan Scrvicer. Bonnwcr vs�ill be
<br /> g�ven written nutice of tte�:changt in accordan�x wAth paragraph 14�uvo arod appticable law.TF�Q notico will state the namc and
<br /> addrcss of the new I.oan Servicer aixl the address to which paymenta shauld be made.'fhe��tia will a�lso contai�any othe�` •
<br /> infomuttion trquirod by epplicahie law. '
<br /> xp,}�y��►���, gQ�wer shall not cause or pennit the pms�:ncti, use. disposal, storage, or relr,asc ot any
<br /> Harardcws Sub�tances on or in the Nroperiy. Aorrower sh;�ll �t du. nor alln�v anyone clse ro do, anything affecting thc
<br /> pro�cfly that is in violation of any Envimnmtntal Law. The pr+e�.^s�ling two scntemcs shall�st apply to the nresence. usc,ur
<br /> stonge on the Propcny of amall quantitics of liaurdous Substances that are ger+erally ra,eogniy.edtv be upproprixte to nonnaf
<br /> ne.sidrntial uus utd to maintenanca of�t�Froperty.
<br /> PeQ�3 014 �OfM.�2� 8�
<br />