- " . . : ;�: � _ . . • • :� ' <<r;:-=.__
<br /> - - - -— ' s�•- ^i�Y•ea-,�"
<br /> �;-�-- -- `. - ^ ,_t
<br /> ` ;�- ' - . � ` ' _ �- - '-;•tJ- _ . .
<br /> � =�"` - – �-.� s �t�.�Et�rtoED 92—•,_ �fJ.�3��� •$1"! 101��.8d °.
<br /> � �. NON-UNIFORI►f COVENANTS.Ha�er and Lrndet fiutTuc-covenant and agre�as follo�rs: � , `- , -
<br /> � ` � 17.FieetiMwel��e.U I:e�ier n��+es t�'1Wc Mywe�t�f�[�i�Mer/�ap�M�.��'��eice tre Mewes �
<br /> ---��:��:..,.T� -�..-- �..r IrMer sia/re eatille�ta ioiect sM exp�s i�rre�i i��_�.__ _ _.---._.
<br /> ---- - tiie re�enes�Mer iiis prtpa�17,i�elrii�.Mi iM to, T —f — eri�eE:--- �
<br /> � It tMe M�K et�le is inNcei.TnaRee sfe�f e�oei a�otice nt deta�is a�eouh!t�wiic!��P�ot�!Pro�ert9
<br /> � ft Mea{ei sM N�i�sil c��b ot�N�otke h 1ie�au�tt�t i7 N/�hw ta Sorrow�era�i!+o t!e otier/er�+ ,
<br /> ����lie�e hw.After We ti�e rqiM�7�M��Is�v.T�stee s1a�M=tve MWc�otke of s�ie te tk�eifois
<br /> _ s�i ittMe ra�rer Meseriie�hr�!!�h�r:Te�e�w�sN��M o�Ro�cowa,sl��dl ltielto�ertT�N��� .
<br /> � ts lie 6i�e�1 iHiee at We ti�e sM�ee aira�Nia t!�-ler�s�akptea i�tiet�o��i�o����!M ,
<br /> . is an aier T�d�e ieter�Mes.T�tee wisp lost'o�e sak oi�or ary psnY1 ��p�s tt sNy sak
<br /> tie ILe s�M����#���ad�k�stla Le�Nei ot its de�ee wY N
<br /> 1Tp�.�t N pyiwtN ot tbc�iee iN.Tr�tee si�sl!idiver to tUe�Tn�sfce's ded co�rerl�tre Pro�ty.�
<br /> Tie�Y iie T�steds ied sia�it�tacit ssNeioe of tie tiatl ot�ie st�te�is wsie Ueeel�.Tn�ke�Yall�
<br /> 1ie�ooecis el tbrs�ft L tie io�owiy orier:.Ci����s af t�e ssie.f�,i�E�ot IWtd to.TraN�e's tas
<br /> s�!e*wit�ei r!a�i�'�te hw aq�eea�ersiie.a�i�ire�s"-�.ti)to�sus aec�Ird bT tits Sec�dtY 1�tn�est;sM(c)as� �
<br /> eaees�t+p ttie!e�lwr+iei'�ai�rr�s�titlei teF i�:, ,,;,: ..:. ._;. = ;
<br /> � l�.�I�tMe9����PaY�t of atl su�s se+ciuei!fey�Seciia�Ersii�im�►t,.�ccter st�all cequest Tn�stee�+i:r�aonvey __
<br /> `•`.- the Pccapeity�ud sb:�t�.3vrnnder this Security l�sIIre�eb�r�aIi•s�ies e�c�eaciri$"dedic savred hy eLis SewraF:���*. -
<br /> - ,-,;t'taTiusteG Tnisteesb�Yt rc�omey ti[e Propaty vc�d�v�as�ntY aud withaut ciiarge w the person or persoas Ie�2c��'� ° .
<br />_ l;`-;;:;;;,ta it.St�h"Persoa.or persons shall i�Y any recardation ea�s. � . •:.::
<br /> - �!.S�M�Ie 7'ehtea Lender,at iu optian,may from time to time remove Tnutee and apPoint a successor tFUStee to
<br /> - '� any 7'nutee appointed haeunder by an iastrumant recorded in tbe county in whici�thts SecuritY Insuuinrnt is rccorded.Without
<br /> ' conveyance of the Property,the saccessor trusta shaU succoed to afl the titie.pawer and duties conferred upon Tn+stee he►cin -
<br /> - aad bY applicable law. � .
<br />- - ' 2!.Re��st tor Notlea.Bonawer requests that copies of the nodces of deiauit attd sale be aertt to Borrowcr's address.
<br /> _ , J which is the Property Addross.••Borrower further requests that copies of[he noticcs of dcfautt and sate bc sent to the person _ ___ -
<br /> _- see fonh hueln." , -. . . �_��.
<br /> �i-.----
<br /> Accekn�tio�ChYSe.Borro�e a�rces that shoufd this Secur�ty Instrunicnt artd thc notc securcd thareby not bc cli�ibte .��� :,�
<br /> for insuraace w�der the Nationai Housing Act within sixty days from thc datc hercof.Lender may,at �-�'=�R
<br /> �-b�----
<br /> '_Y.. iu option and notwithstanding anything in Paragraph 9.require immedlate paymen�in Pull oP all sums scrurcd by thls SeFurity �:-���.
<br /> lnsttumrnt.A written statament of any authoriza�agent of thc Secretary dated subsequcat to sixty days . ,�=�-__-_
<br /> � from the ditte hereof,deciiniag to insurc this Security Instrument and thc note secured thereoy,shall be deemcd conclusive -� --
<br /> prooP of such ineUgibjlity.Notwithstanding the foregoing,this option may not be exercised by Lender when the unavaiWbil[ry -
<br /> .�.__
<br /> of insarance ts solety due to Lender's failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the sarotary. _ � �__
<br /> �� Ride�s to tris Seendty iastrament. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recocded together with this ��.�-
<br /> �f Security Instrument,the covenanu of each such dder shali 6e incorporated into and shap amead and supplemsnt the coveaants �-:
<br /> and agtaments of this S�curiry lnstrument as ii the rider(s�were in a part of this Secudty lnstn�ment.[Check applicabte boa(es)1 �,1:°-:,f..-;
<br /> ` '�#',�!''" ' -
<br /> [�Adjustabte Rate Rider ❑Growing Equity Rider .•��•"`" `
<br /> CJ Condominium Rider �y ..�_�:��
<br /> �,� 0 Ptanned Unit Devetopment Rider 0 Graduated Payment Rider �Othec Mortgage Addeadum
<br /> � ;�. .. __
<br /> :,���Y`t;:
<br /> �' -
<br /> '�;•�:,r�::.'=
<br />' { - _ ,� ' ;:1,}r?;;;at. .
<br /> ''. ' , t i. y:.
<br /> • i �� ;''`�;�; � BY SI(iNING��LOW.Borrower acce�sas�d agrees to the terms co^.a�":�ed in thu Security Instrament and in any rider(s) ! `'•=,``,,`�'���
<br />. .�' ;��. execnted by Bonower and record�t with it, , ` �, :':::?'•F`' `.
<br /> . E�� �'����.��Y. .
<br /> . t�. '` Wltn��: � � . �� �Y��r, IJGY�/ ' . . ,,:,..'�.••' _
<br /> '`�..: :' � i!.•� '1
<br /> ��.:; < , R Swaason �.4::���`
<br /> �` - �w . -Borcowcc
<br />, �„ , �� .�:'_�'
<br /> " - • '. � ' ��1�f/1�+�7 l.�� • (Seal� . �. ;:i� *�°.�.•- _
<br /> �,,;;t
<br />_ , ,,_,.. ..?
<br /> �. � � Chel J. wsneoh .Borcower � 3;'-'•'� � ,
<br /> , � �`' (Sca1> ' . � (Seal3 � •.~
<br /> . a�:;:'°± - .Borrower . -Borcawer !
<br /> :+�` -:- • ' PuxeauJ4 ;:�� `��
<br /> _ '��.�� � -•,`.,;�:�•��:�
<br /> �.. � ACKNOWLEDGMER�T , : .•�+:
<br /> �f�� ���� .(••Trustor"),under that cenaimlleed of Trust datcd '
<br /> i� '��•'��' John R. Swanaon and Rachel�: Swanson '
<br /> � - '�`�� February 28, 1991 .t"Deed of Trust")to be eatc�red into among Trustoi�,Commercial Federa2 ` - .
<br /> Y .-'�--: �"Trustee")and
<br /> , _.�•r' Bank, a Federal Savinge Bank • t
<br /> • ' _��� The�Overlamd National Bank of Grund Island ("8ruc f iciary"1 covcr ins t he fo l fowing des c r i b e d p r o p e rt y: � - •
<br /> �°'�. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Two (2), Block Five (5), Gilberr's 5econd Addition to the city of '
<br /> ' �:����:}•, �
<br /> . �;r��f-'-.•:•._ - Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. •
<br /> . .:s�..�r., �.. . • .
<br /> .;;-;�''�•:�, � hereby acknowledge ihat it is undcrstoad that(a)thc Dced oF'1'rust ta be exrcuted by Trustor is�trust dced And noi a mortgagr ,,
<br /> �'-"-';=�•'"T� and(b)the power of sale provided for in thc Dced aF Trust providcw substaniialty dif tcrent rights and obligatians tu the Trustor � ,
<br /> �a.;_ �,,.:� :. . ;
<br /> ,a;;,; .�:,,:�,;,�;:�, than a mortgage in the event of a default oi brc3ch of obligat�on. . . .
<br /> `+�:� , Trustor Ackttowledges that this Acknowledgment was made prior to the executlon of the Ueed af Trust. .
<br /> _. . ._ .._•�;.��, . ' -- i9 91
<br /> .,,•� � . � � �xecuted a��l delivered this 28th Qay af Febrvary . • .
<br /> ,�-.;_ Q. �ir,y� � ' , ,
<br /> • " � Trusc John R. Swanaon � `�or Itac 1 J. Swanaon � ..
<br /> �';' � `:,.: ,
<br /> ' � ' ' � " � 5tate ot Nebnsf�, ' a13. • ss: '' �
<br /> . . �1 ('ouA1y
<br /> .,:_ • �.� �.:.�:.. . _: •
<br /> –.,. . ,. , , . ' �C96tV�2s�'a2e�' �ffFCRiC��it4 ��L�`. _..._ �_�0�..: g�2�Q�L�fi .. . _��Q9� . `–' —.-
<br /> '�'fie forega�insttumet�t was ac ' ,
<br /> ° � • by John 8. Swaason aad 8achel J. Swanson, husband a�d wife • ' � . ,
<br /> ;, �� . . � � Witness,+�►y hand and aotarial seal at Grand Island, Neb in satd Co .the date aforesaid. ;
<br /> . �.. _ - -. . yi • My�omm#ss'di►�x9ires: � �OM r � . . F .. .
<br /> . . / as���� N taty Public � _ ._
<br /> • �:- - • .. � _ _�_�- �_.�.._.�___. __,_ _ ._ -. . . ,._ • , __ -_��1-.�--�rrrrc - -- ___ '_
<br />