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<br /> - . � , . � . �92--�0,�l�� ` �:.- 1�11$�
<br /> �-- , ;...
<br /> , � ..��._--�
<br /> Any of tlx propads to ti�.prinapat sAaif not extend or postpooe the due due ol the�anthfy psymenis.�rhich
<br /> . areJ e�red`Co�in.Para�taph 2,oc ct�an�e the amouat of such p�yments.Ar.y'excessp�ucoedt�over aa amotmt requircd`ta .
<br /> • pay a�i outstand�n�indebtadness under the Note�this Security lastrument s6aU be paid to the entity Ie�alty catitled tLereto.
<br /> �_.
<br /> - — - - �-
<br /> _
<br /> !.'Fees,L may co ect «s an��iaCgcsauil�ar�n��Y'�r-Se��rctar3�-- . --- — ---�-
<br /> . .!C.esuis`ior Aoaeleratio�af Delf. - - -- �— . '
<br /> = tU Dr[sdt.Lender may,ox�xPt as[imiicd by regulations issuet!by the SecretatY in the case of payment defaults,require �
<br /> �—_r_ • immodixte paymmt ia full of ali sums secured by t�is Security Itutnur�ent if:
<br /> (�Borrower defanIts 6y faiGmg to pay�n futi any mont�ty payment requircd by this Securityr Instrumeni prior to
<br /> — , or on We due date of the aext mant6ly payment,ar ' �� -
<br />-:;;;� (iij Borrower defaWts try futirt8,for a paiod of thiny days,to�edomi any otixr obligations coatained in this '
<br /> =_ - Savrity Inmument. � � —
<br />��'4;= � (r)Sde Wjtrwt Credit Appno�l..Leader shall,if permitted by applica6le law and with the prior apDroval of i6e
<br />'=''� SecretarY.ro9wre immediate paytntat�n fult of all the sums secnred isy this SecuritY Instrumeni•i�: - � .
<br /> '<<;; ,.�- (i)AII.or parc e�.�c�e;PrapercSr is otherwist traasFdred(ather than b�d�e or dRSeent)by�the 1$cirtower, and��
<br /> �'{ �:>'- {u�:�se�apec���af.�cu�tec���+ttie pt�aser or gragt�as his cr:fi�Y.:��'��''�='v�sid�ta,or[h�.. _---
<br /> � � • gu�r�''3aser or��c��s sa o�c�c�$the.�'+tape�'t9 but his et�er cred,.�t h��?5t�s�rsci��anas�aace w��t --
<br /> } �` �` ' C�(�'S�CiE��: . �. _—
<br /> �j �_ �L'��(��€�'.���CGS�0.e."'"S•�E�C3x���dL�e.�C i41'�919.Tf��12�4.",.p2�L•LT n*�` Ii'U:�:r��l'rg'�i�� �,� —
<br /> r �'`«! does noE�quire S�ucii P�Yme�u,E:�:�e�"�ies�rat wa�4e"vs�'viii�'�Seet tb'sml��,.�.�rii evems:`' :+` —�- _
<br /> °�% •' oI HUD SecKtu9.�a Tnany circumstances regu7ations issued hy tbe Sarcr�rY will iitnit Leader's rights � -
<br /> , � _ (d)� �
<br /> In the case of payment defaults to roquire immediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid.This Security Instn�ment :� __
<br /> , • ' does not authorize acalerat�on or foreclosure if not perm�tted by regulat�ons of the Secretary. H-� -
<br /> "-' ��,��s,.� �, � 1 0.R e i i�s t a t e a e�t.B a r r o w e r h a s a ri ght ta be reinstated if Leader f�as rtqaireQ immediace payment in full because of � ` f� �
<br /> t:,� ` Borrower s failure to pay an amount duc under the Note orthis Security Instrument.This right applies even after foreclasure �� ;�
<br /> _ �;�-, ,�� proceediags are iastituted.To ceinstate[he Security Instrument,Borrower s h a A.ten der in a l u mp su r a ali amounts r e yuired ��°�.=�:r "
<br />� 1 �;�;:�'' ' to bnng Borcower's account current inctuding;to the extent they are obligadons oi Borrower under this Secudty lnstrument. -.-�. -� .;�-
<br /> foreelosure costs and reasonabk and customary attomeys fees and expenses property associated with the forecTosure proceeding. -�� ���-
<br /> . _.�.. �- . --
<br /> • ° " • -=='T � Upoa ainstatement by Hotrowcr,this Security Instrument an�thc a6ligations ti�ai it secures shap remaln in eFfect as ii Lender Y� .
<br /> _..c�_., �;., �.::�--
<br /> � � ,. had not required immediate payment in fuq.However.Lender is not required ta permit reinstatement ii:ti)Lender has accepted _, ,..,
<br /> ':s�. ,_,;,�"`� ' r e l n s t a t e m e n t a f c e r t h e c o m m e n c e m e n t o f f o r e cl os ure proceedin g s within two years immediately preceding the commencement ,��;� �,<.;
<br /> �-�-x�.�.��:.-=•�: -_ of a current foreclosure proceeding, (iiy reinstatement wiii preslude foreclosure on different groun d s in t he future,or(i i i) _
<br /> :_:s�.�'_,?��; � reinstatcmcnt wJtl advc�sely atfect the pnority of the ticn created by th is 5 ecuri[y Instrument. � _ _ _ , _
<br /> ;: .:�r�`:'�. :. . . .. ,
<br /> . •�� �L=�`• ll.Borrower Not Itele�sed; Forbaaace By I.euder Not a Wa[vee.Extensian of th'e time of payment ar modifscation ;
<br />� � • ,,,�;;_, . .;: .. of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in intcrest of Bonower � •�,�,
<br /> • shall not operate to refease the tiability of the ariginat Barrower or Borrower's successor in interest.Lender shall noi be required ' `=��
<br />' � � � to Commence proccedings against any�uccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payi�nent or otherwise modify amortization
<br /> • of the sums secured by this Sce�irity 1 pstrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's suceessors .:��� �*�-
<br /> � �=.:r•:=-�:.,,,'�,� i n i nt e r est.An y far6earance b y�:�(der in exercising any right or remedy shall not 6e a waiver oi ur pre�clude the exercise of ;' �
<br /> .. .4i�..�.
<br /> ..`Y�° -.` :.,. . any right or retRedy. . '� • ". _�-=
<br /> �. =;J ;, '� .
<br /> . ` ��u. .. °{.. = .: ,.',Y41'._.
<br /> 1�,, :�s.� < �.: I2.Successors�nd Assi�ns Buund;Joi�t aad Severnl LiAbility;Co-Signerx.The covenants and agreemenu of this Securit3+ ,__
<br />' ��� , ";�. lnstrument shaII�sind and benefit the successnrs and assigns oi Lender and Borrower,subject to che provisions of pazagra��s , � �,�:,�
<br /> � � �• 9.b. Borrower's covenants and agreemenrs shall be joiat and several. Any Borrower who co-sigrts this Security lnstru�:er:f :�. .: •
<br /> �`- �� but u�oes nut execute the Note:(a)is casigning this 5ecuri[y Instrument only ta mortgage.grant and convey that Borrower's i , °
<br /> '•' '�,:,. �.•;,,; intesest in tHe Propeny under the terms of lhis Secur+ty 4nstsument;(b)is not personally obl�gated to pay the sums secured -f
<br /> �'%�:'���� �` bq this Security[nstroment:and(c)agrees that Leader and any other 8arrower may agrec to extend,modify.t'orbear or make ��, �
<br /> ,Y'��>:•".'c.i��,7:��;� ' �t�,x�:
<br /> a f , any accommod2iions with regard to the term a1'thiti Securiry Instrument or thc Note witho�ec that Borrower s consent. :, f•;�� ,
<br /> ., .i�"��:�:;: " `' • '`'
<br /> ���'F • 13.Notiees.Any notice eo Borrower provided Por in this Securi[y lnstrument shaU be given by delivedng it or by mae:fng [ � � • , � ��;
<br /> � �� �`'-�� it by�irst class mail unless applicable law requires usc of another method.Thc natice shall 6e directed to ihc Property Address !•, • .; �•'`''�"�`'
<br /> . � � " � or any othcr address Borron•er designates by not�cc to l.ender.Any notice to Lcader shalI be given by�rst class mail ta l.ender's , '`,-:� .�<<y:,.
<br /> ;�;�._,. ..•''� address stated hcrein or any address i,ender designatcs by nntice ta Borro�ver.Any riotice pro�rded for ln this Security lnstrument ��' • � •.
<br /> �� - shaii be deemed to havc beerr givcn to Bono�ver or Lendcr�vhen giorn as provideQ in thi�paragraph. � . .
<br /> • � • 14.Uoverniag Law;5everability.This Security Instrument shall bc govcmed by Fedcral law and the law of the jurisdiction � ' " �
<br /> ��`� in whlch the ProDerty is locaied. ln the tw�eat Ihat any pra�•ision or clause of'thic Secutity Instrument or t£^e Note conflicts ; .
<br /> . . .,,.... with applicablr law,such canilict shail nat affecf other pro�•isinns aP this Security tnstrument or the Note}ti ti�h ean be given �
<br /> � eiPect without the conflicting pravision.To this end the provirions af this Securily lnstrument and the Note are deciared to i
<br /> . � be severable. ` •
<br /> " 4
<br /> . � " 15.Botrower'g Gupy. Borrower shati be Sivcn onc ronformed cupy of'this Sccurity Instrument. !
<br /> � ' � . " 16.As.�nment oT Renly.Horrowcr unconditinnaliy ati�i�:ns.uid u:�mfer�ta I cnder:ill the renic and revenuc�uP Iho Ptnpeny. ; �
<br /> � • . � Borrowcr autharitcs Lendcr or Lcndcr's t��tents t��cnllcct thc rrntti and rearnuc+a�nl l�crrhy.lirrcl�cach tcnant at'tltc I'rc�pert}� �
<br /> � to pay thc rcnts io l.rndcr or I,cndcr's aycnty. Ho��c�•rr. M�ric�r tcti Lcndcr'�iu�ticc tu H��rr��acr of fiarun�er'�bmach oi tiny :
<br /> ' • covenant o�agreement in the Srcurity Ins�rumrut, 13c�rrn��•rr �hall coftret and rrrriee alt rems and re�•enury ot ihr t'rupeny
<br /> • as trustce for thr bcnrfit��f l.ender:�nd l3orrc�tivcr. 7'his assignmem of'rent�romtil�Hrti�m abyulutc�a�slgnment and nvt an
<br /> �� ' assignmcnt for additional sccurity anly.
<br /> , If Len@cr givcs noticc oi'brcach to t3orrowcr.(u)ali rrnts rccri�•cd by liarrntivcr shail bc hcld by Hnrro�vcr s�s trustcc for
<br /> -- - �-- benefit of Lendrr oniy.to be applicd to thr sttms ucured by ihe Security In.r•trument:lb)Lender sh�ll ba etttitied to collect
<br /> � and rercivc all of lhc rcros of the Property:and�c)rurh tcnant vf'thc Pruprrty sh:il!pay all rcnts duc and�mpaid to l.ci�dar
<br /> .� ` . � or Lcnder's agen�on Lencier's writtcn drmanci cv e1m�cnam. � • ,
<br /> .� ' � � Borrower has not executed�ny pri�r assignmene of`the rents and has'nut anw�c ilt not prrfarm any aet chat t.o��:d;•r�ent � �
<br /> " . ,:,:t;;. . t�sdcr from cxeteising lts rights under this par��raph 16. ' �
<br /> � •,� Lender sha11 not bc required to enter upvn,takc�n�n�l ot'or maintain the Proper��hcf�rc or aftcr gi�ii�g n��tirc of�:cach �
<br /> �,���� ;��orsg++�ef_�?Qwcwet.Lettc�eLC�t:s.jud:c:3liy appo�ntetl rctiei4er may do sn at_:�a�y t.su�th4re i.a breach. An}• ap�:i`=�'i='n :__ ___
<br /> � `� ���, � ' ` � of rents shall not cure ar waive any defauJt or invalidai.any othec ri�ht or rcmedj of t,cricf:r.- I'his as�ig»ment of ren:�e:i - ; - - .- ��- -
<br /> , 'jT • • ' ,.. '�" , d�e Property shall terminatr«hrn thc dent-seciired b}ihe S.curisy tnstruntent is patd iit fuli. � . . � ,
<br />' '1 • , , � � . ,
<br /> ....�, ,_ ;''"'�' � , .
<br /> . . _ .
<br /> _ ._. . ... . .. . . : '! .
<br /> , ' . ' ". � " _ . _ _ _ ��U�(i?!)f Z _ _ ' � . ,
<br /> .
<br /> � . " . . � � .. ._.
<br /> . . •
<br />