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<br /> - . � 17M �o136w#.t�g aa�s add��ds to tlia Moslqa�..�:•::F1��1tN�CM�ek the spp��cab2� add�ndu�. �ht; . i
<br /> • - a�d�ndw,�ch�cl�d� �hill b� incorporat�d inta,. �3�x�carded vftb, tM 1lortqag�: th� t�r�
<br /> • .. �:. .
<br /> ' �ltortoaa�• �all.� d��d �o.lnclud� •��l o� ?s'�st��1����a�plicabl�.------: .
<br /> � _-- .. � --..__ ��.
<br /> . ... -- - c------ - .- --
<br /> ' _�.^ _ wwlt_nDDS�mI� --- -- _ _ .
<br /> ' l!�.IoAq as tt�s llortqag� is wt�rtanaiag, eh� Ltnder.�ag dealue ail suos s�cured b7� tIu
<br /> - . lWz�tgsq�_ta.b�_ia�diat,�lg du��ad P�Yabl� ifs - - - _
<br /> �a�, at],.as part o! th� praparty is soid or otberwiee�tr�►sferr�d (oth�r thsn by devise,.
<br /> descent or operatioa ot law) by Borro+�er ta 'a p�uahaser br othtr_Lsansferee:
<br /> , . 4 ':.
<br /> ' f .
<br /> - (L1 . *�'�`z�asonsb2y be espected to �.� Fs�p�Y�as s p�ittcipa3 �.
<br /> .` �� ��+gtaci le tLw after t8e si3.,t"�`�'�e�:: a�l��ab� pmv�ded fss Sac�ita�
<br /> !f`. � - ``t ` ;�•,198 as asendeds �r`'` .;t,
<br /> - �,��e?` and�i43(i��2�..or thw IaternaL ����- -_���•
<br /> , : .r-:�: �.:�:':., ..
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<br /> ':�;-,-r•..�.'.•-;c
<br /> . - `;•.�i�i.1 '°tiho has�had a pr�seat ownership inteaei� ir�.�.griiiC��i-.`',i�sfdence during atsy��:part
<br /> o! th� tt�r�e�-year pQriod endinq oa the clats of.�he sale"�#�z transfer, all aa pravided
<br /> �` iu S�ctian l�{3�d) aitd 143(i)(2� of ttis Interasi�Re'v�nua;Code {excegt that the
<br />��` lanquaq� "100 peraent• �hali h� substituted tor "99�.pQ�cc�nt Ar �or�" wh�rs !h� `
<br />'.. latt�s app�ar� in S�tati.on 343{d)(1)s or - , _ -
<br /> � ti�i� at an scqui�itlon co�!which ls gr�at�r than.90� oE ths av�rage ares puschass price
<br /> ., �qr�al�r than 110� tor t�sq�e�d ar�a r�sid�nc�s), aii as psovl.QM ia s�ctio» 143(�)
<br />. - ana 1�3tilt�! d! tM Int�rnal Mv�au�Cod�: or � . - __
<br /> . ,�._�
<br /> v reho has a ross tawil inao� in �xaess ot thupplicabls p�rc�ntage ot appiicable �`':-"-
<br /> ��. � q Y �`:�:�:__
<br /> aMdian ta�ily Lnarna� a� provided i.0 Section'143�t) attd I43(£)(Z) ot the iatetnai __ �;_•;�Y;�
<br /> rna
<br /> Rw�nu� Ced�s or r��_�
<br /> _ ��'.:` -
<br />• '�; (b) Horrow�t fails to oaaupy tha psoperty desariDed•in the Mor•tgaqe without prior written .,����%-
<br />< cotu�at o! Lsnder or fta svaceseora os assigr�s: or �_�-w=� �
<br /> �; --
<br />• r. `,l ' _. — -=
<br /> - (c) Soirower ea�its or misrepseeents a fact that is nraterial with respect to the pravisznns �v �
<br /> ;�,�. �'� =
<br /> _ �� . ot Sectian i43 of the Intsrnal Revenue Code in an apglfcatfon for the Hortgaqe.�• :�. �a------:_
<br /> :�' � ;�� :�.::_;
<br /> _� Reiereaeee are tv the 199fi In�erna! Revenue Code fn etfect on the date of execu:i�n =. :;�:_:
<br /> . �,!� .
<br /> .;� j ' oE the lsostqage aud are deemed to iuclude the imple�rsentiag regulations. _=�. . - _
<br /> ;.�---,
<br /> �� .r,-��.��� . -n ' � . .. . . - .
<br /> �a s:.,�:.,
<br /> . .,,r�.. � . • �� :
<br /> . �r•. . , .
<br /> �; ''�s; . � �8 saa+e.� oha It. Swanson E: . .
<br /> ;;=' � Februarv 28. 1991 � � E �. -
<br /> . •"�. Date �— nower Ra�el 3. Swanson • sf , �.;.
<br /> , �, ;;::•
<br /> -..•*.�;�,:,�i.,`.:;
<br /> �;rry-r�::��:'.�: •s*ss*,r*ww�+tw**wsw�*ss*s�wwsstsssrss*��*isw�w*w*+►*sss�r*nsss�*�s*s�,►s,r,►ss�,►,rsrs*s*+rs*t:ws i�;',; . '
<br /> �' ¢#�;.,�hr:.,• • �(; , _
<br /> i: ' i• S.°� 4�� • ,
<br /> : �"��"•i, itA HORT(i710E 7lDDENAUH '
<br /> .:t:;x., �''- � 5 —
<br /> � R l.... .;,.. . r� ... . .��
<br /> ;-�: I!, so long as Lhe Hortqaqa i9 aut�eanding, all oz aay part of the prcBertp is eoid oz
<br />� � " �,°;�. ~y:., transfez��d by sorzcwer withaut I.ender'a prior written consent, other thaa �► tsanages �by �•:
<br /> " devise, descent or by operation ot law, the Lender may, at Leader•s option, dee2are a2� the � • �
<br /> � ��'�' aucos secured by the Mortgage to be immediately due and payabie. . ''
<br /> ��'.�ra� ,
<br /> "•�{�: . -•- , .
<br /> ,.;�-- „ „ , , �
<br /> ' �• -..` .-�'/: t - . - -
<br /> `=:��;",��^x.s�, 8orrower .
<br /> . !
<br />" . . . .4;V� .. . i
<br /> •�.;,,;;�,':' 8arrowar '
<br /> .;�: r Date
<br /> '.;;'.. ,.
<br /> i
<br /> .i� ,
<br /> . - :_, U1-91,MTG-l1DDENDUH-C . .
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