......�,�,_.�.,,,�:.;;;.,..,., - .
<br /> ..:•.M�!4tt':.:,}1.t�1�..
<br /> ..- ftHr�f.M"+r..... � /
<br /> .al.h�. . _`' •�ai';YY7.:'. . : ,- . ._. .._ . .._.._.-
<br /> '-- -�t Tt+-sr.�r �::.r� •i , _ ' .
<br /> •�:r. 'J......A,.«rili3.t � � ��.�ar.
<br /> � �ll�� '.._,.
<br /> Y��nc�er. The foregoir�g warrartitie�s end repre��nt�t�.�r�s, ane3
<br /> �orrowar's u�ligatie�ne pure�uant �n i:he �Qreqoing ind�n►n�i.tiy, ahall
<br /> �uxvtve repsyment o! the No�� and tihe reaonvey�nce� of thi.� Deed
<br /> �f� 7!'�r►wtate ._-_-
<br /> 4. l�i���ig fi,»nt�snt at� Managemen� o____. f Praperty. Aa
<br /> ar�di�ianal sacur ty ��eun er. AarroWer�r�by ea�gn� tA LendAr
<br /> �he rents, iaa�u�ae and pra�t��s a+f tha Praperty o provide�d that
<br /> 8arrower shu].1, prior to acoelora�ion under parag�aph it h�reaf
<br /> oar �bmndonmant of the Prrrpe+xty• have �h�a righ�: tr� collRa� and
<br /> r�e��i.n suc:h renbe, i��ue� an�d prof3.ts a�a they becom� due and pay-
<br /> abJ.��. U��c+n aacelar�ti.�n or Abandonm�nt af the Prpperty. L�nder
<br /> rp+�y, eikh�r in geirnroa or by Ac��nt. with ar w3.�hou� br3ng3.ng any
<br /> a�at3on nr proc��►cling, or by a r�acQiver Appo9.nt�e8� bp a court and
<br /> withou� reqard to the edequa�y n� it,s aRaurity. antar upan a�n3
<br /> t�ke poeetese3.on a� the PxapertX, or any per.t tihereof� i.n ��s oKn
<br /> nam� ;..� i.rs the nr..�e a?' �he �x�u�steee and da Any acts wh3.ch it _
<br /> deexas necesear� or des�xr�ble t� �r�r���ve the value. mmrketabili�y
<br /> c�r ren�ahility of �he Property, or any par� tlisreaf ar i.ntereat
<br /> therein, incroase the inaome therefrom or p�c�tea� �tt�� seaurity
<br /> heren£ ar�d, irith ar vrithout tt�lcinq posse�asian of tri�e Pr�pezty�
<br /> aue :��ar or otherwfsP co�.lect the re�t�, i�sues ar�cl profita
<br /> thereof, i:na�ucling �haae paet due and unpai�, and sppA.y the same,
<br /> less cosie ��r.rj expenses of opera�ion and coll.eation, inLluding
<br /> atCorneye' f�r��� upon any indeb�gdnese secured hereby, �13. ��x
<br /> �u�h order e�n bendex may deteriaine. The anterinq upon and taking
<br /> pos�sasion of the Property, the coll���i�n of auch r�n�s, iesuee
<br /> ,..,�t inrnfi tR an� the anpl�cation �hex�f as r►£oreeaic'�� sha13. not
<br /> --- �-------
<br /> curce or Ma�iv�e a►ny defaulti or no�ice af defau3.t here�under or
<br /> � �.nval.idAtQ any act done in respnnas to suoh r���a�xlt or purssant
<br /> to au�h notice of �efault and. notMi+tlista�nding '�he aont3.nuance in ,
<br /> posaeas#,on a� the Progarty nr th� co].x�ction, receip� :and mPP��G+�"`
<br /> � tion 4�' r�nts, iR�uee �r profits, an� Treist�e and T.�»���r ahA].l be►
<br /> ent�.tled ta ,�.x�xciee everY ri.ght prcvidacl far .�n any �af ths I,vain
<br /> ' 2r�streieente o�r by la+� upon accarrance o� �ny ]Bvent af Defau].t,
<br /> includiag, Wi�hout If.mi���ion, the r3.c�ht ta axercise thn paa+�r o!�
<br /> aale. Furt.�►.ez, Lender'� riqh�s auid r�..fie+dSe� u�ndex this paragraph
<br /> � sha�l. be..au�ulativ� with, and in na WAy� a liaoitatian an,
<br /> I�ender's rights and �+emedies und�z any Rssigrrment of Leases and
<br /> Aente recordcd aqainsx the Property. L�ndex,�. Truetee� nnd the
<br /> ' rect3v�r ahail. be liable i:o account only far �hoae rsnte actually
<br /> � rett:ei�sretd.
<br /> `�� � 10.. .:,, �veata .�of riefault. Th�'foll.oving ahaj�;�::�ohstitute .
<br /> a�n Ev�e�t of"��x �u t un �r t .�:��eed of Trust�;,�. '
<br /> �: , . .�.
<br /> . ..'��" (d) �'ailv�re to pay� ,:a�sy inetatllment of ;•�.,�',
<br /> :.�;;,., . ,;r,: �,.
<br /> y����s�ipal ox interest or any ah:�a��ic aum scctxred l��reby ' ''.,:;r;:,
<br /> � when�c�j;�, Ax taf.lurA to pay whe��•ktue any other ��t3ebted- :.;1,-�.
<br /> , nese oi��:;l�arraMer to L��ed�r� +�?��
<br /> ;;,
<br /> (b} A breach of or default under a►ny �arovi-
<br /> � '`;�k.qn canta3ned �;�n the tdcste, this Deed of. Trust, any of
<br /> ���.t�iQ �.oan.,]fnstru�eenta, or any ather en�umbsanc� upan _the
<br /> � Prc�pez�:�rA. .after givinq affeat �o any nrn�li�aable cure
<br /> � geri.nd :�a�itained thereinf . � .
<br /> (c) A wr3.i� of execu�.�.�.n or atitachment or any �
<br /> ��similar process ehall be ent�re�rA againat Horrower which
<br /> shall b�cawe a lien on �hes Pmperty or any portion
<br /> th�reo�' +a.r intere�et tharei�n� �
<br /> - (d) There ehall be f�l].ed by d�c aqainst
<br /> Ds�rrawex an acti�n unde� any pr8�ent or future Eederal,
<br /> state �►r othex statute. lg�r �r xegulatiion relating to
<br /> bnnkr�up@cy, ins�lvenay or othex re�.ief fdr debtors= or
<br /> there �shall be appointec� any trust��, receiver ar
<br /> liquida.tor of 8orxoWer ox nf all or any part oE tl�e
<br /> property, or th�e ren�e, isenea or profito khereof, or
<br /> 8orroWer ehall make any genertt�. aesignment for the
<br /> beneE�.t of vreditors�
<br /> -4�
<br /> _ _ - _
<br />