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<br /> - ' •M:b3t��p����w11M�qI/.fMk.�.-� .
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<br /> .'ti'��r..`�t�'�''�'�.:3:4�..�'�.. ' y _ .
<br /> i l... -
<br /> ��._.....�r_t
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<br /> - - -- _ _ _ �-,
<br /> the� ProperCy in vi.ola�ian o7� an�► �,x�w� Ar!linan�� or�r�eg��ont
<br /> and shall pay andl �aromp�].X diach�a�c�fe� a� Barrawer'e caeti and
<br /> expense Ali liens, ancumbrance� eend o&��g�h��e��e�r �mposed or
<br /> L`l9RAHHP,(� ag�,lnst the Pro�?ert�r or +any P
<br /> 6. Eminent Bomein. Lenaer ie hernby mesigned nll
<br /> aompenedti.on, ewarcTe�.�c�amaqea and o�lier paymente or relieE
<br /> (hereinA£ter "Proased�") in cannaation with condemnatian or o�hor
<br /> takinc� of the� Pro�erty or p�rt �herao�, ox for conveyance in lieu
<br /> o£ aondemnation. Lender sha.11 be entitled, At ite optiion, to
<br /> ca�tnance, agpear in and grosecut� �n its o�rn iia�ue any act�.on or
<br /> proa:ee�dings, and sh�1� also be e�n�:��l�d �o make auny� compramise ox
<br /> settlement in conn�ction with s��.Ch taking ax daum�ge• In the
<br /> event any por�ion of th.� Pxaperty �.s so ta�ken or dammqed, Lender
<br /> shAll hnvd the optian, in ite sole nn.d abaolul:s discretian, to
<br /> apply d11 euch ProcPede, a£tc+r deducting ther�from all aoste and
<br /> expan��s ina�xxre� !�1 it �n canngation Kith auah JProcesds, upon
<br /> any indeA�ednmas aee�r�c� hc��ab�v �:t� in �ur�h Arder as Lsr.c�er mny _
<br /> detex7aine, or to apply a�.�. such Proceeds, after such deduc�ions,
<br /> ta ths restorati.a� af' the Pmoperty upon guch c�ndit�.ons as Lender
<br /> irt+a� de�term�.ne. •Aa�� appl3.cation o� Procegd� to indebtednese shal�.
<br /> ncr�: extend or pv��:gones the due d�.tc� pf eny paym�:nta under the
<br /> Nots, or aure any c��fault thereund,e�x: or hereunder.
<br /> �. Performanre 1r� I,endgr. In the eveati o� Bor.rower's
<br /> � fa3.lure to perform. ar►y o t� e covenants herein or make any pmy�
<br /> ments requfred h�axr�by, or i.� any act is taken os legal proceeding
<br /> nn�nan��[l which imQ�:eria�.ly aftects L�nder's interest in the
<br /> �„--
<br /> Property. Lender mt�y in its orym cliscretl.on, ioui wiinwti vr�t�.ya-
<br /> tion to do so, anc� �+rithout no�i.ce� tv or demand upon Borro�er, and
<br /> withou� releas�.��•L�orrawer fro�a anY obligation', do any a+�t which
<br /> th+� 9orrrn+ex has �.��(t?�eed bu� Pai1.$ to da and may, ate�o do any ,oth��r:.:
<br /> a�:�: it deems neccs���ry tn grot�c�:�:+�h� security..h,t��.+�:�of. Horrawc��....�'`�
<br /> shal�., ime�diately upan d�mand �h��regor by Lendc��_�;,�7f ;t�� x.endez���. �.
<br /> all coats and expenaea , it�r.urr�sd nnd gwaa expende8 by ��;�x�',!`rac in
<br /> connection wi�h th� P.xercise ay Lender oE the Fnr��ainc�;��:�ghts.
<br /> toqether with inL�ez�at therean ati the default rate provided in
<br /> the Note, wh3ch� �ahr��I be added. to �he�nc'rGtc�dnens mecuxed
<br /> hereby. Lender �ha�li not i�cur mny lf.ability because of anything�
<br /> i� mmy do or wa�t �o c�o h�reunder. • �
<br /> �.
<br /> 8� H�z�arduus Mate��. Bnrrovrer ehall kedp th�x� :
<br /> P�,r�i,�erty in caapl�c��w�Cfc any ,�,.nd•. a11 federax.! .�tate and 1�au1�,�,,,..
<br /> lt�ws, oxdin�ncea anc��x'egµlation�•�>r�il.s�tinq t� indw+atx�.al t�yq3.�r��;�,.:.::'
<br /> � or �a envfronm4en�at,.c�c�ti-�:�.ona un, under or about the $r��erty: ., .;.r
<br /> ,�,.: includinq, but; nt�t� .Ixm3.���1.��to, sail and groundxater c:c3n�li��:ians. :.:;;;�.�
<br /> � Tru�tar �ht�la�na�t�,����, g+�ii�erate, manufa�ture, atrare ar d��:+�pose of .
<br /> an, under c��'�•tabs,t��.�::;�he Property or traneport ta or fxom t�ie
<br /> pxopexty� aa?y �1e�ma�le QXPlosi.vea, radioactive materials, hezardou�a
<br /> wsutes,, trni� substancoa �qr related matesiala, incluainc�. Without
<br /> ' 1;ian�t2�t�ari�,�.::any substanc.�� defi�ned as or incluc�ed ir� the defini- ;;1�:` ;:
<br /> ��nn of "hazaxdons subst�nc�e", "l�azardnus �astee". "hazardoue ,.«..
<br /> .,�rl�sdh.,erialo" oac "�ts��c subetancer�'" under any ap�licdble laws,
<br /> ' �'a���inances or r�,r,��.at3one �aoll��ti.vely referre8 to hereiiiaft�r
<br /> � as "q�szardou� M��eri.als") . I3orrow�er horeby warrants And repre-
<br /> sents to ��endor that thez�e are no H�szarduua Matera.alo o�x �rsr under
<br /> the Property. �mr�cower hereby agx�es to indemnify and hnld
<br /> h�rmlees Lender� �.ts directiors, a��3cers, empluy��ss and agents,
<br /> and any successors to Lender'a �nteres�, from and against any and
<br /> all claime�, damages �nd liabil9.tiee ar3.sing �n connection aieh
<br /> . the presence, use, stozage, dispomt�l ar trangport of any Hazar�ous .��
<br /> bt,�terinls on. under. fram ox abou� the Px•operty, 3.nclu@ing, wi.th-
<br /> ou� limita�3.�n, (�) all damag�:�s dir��t�y or inaa.ieciiy arisi��y
<br /> out af the use, generatian, eCcarage or di�pnsal af HazArdous
<br /> Mnterials by 8orrawr�r or any prior c�wner or operator of the
<br /> Pzogerty,. t�nd (b) alI a�asts ot any required or nec�s�ary regair,
<br /> cleanup or de�oxifiaatian and the preparAtion of any cloeuxe or
<br /> other xequired plane, whether such action ie required ar n�ces-
<br /> sary pxiar to or £ollowing transfex of tiitle �o the PropertX� to
<br /> the full extent tiha� such action is �ttributable, d�.rectly or
<br /> indirectly, to the preaence or uae, goneration, stor�ge, release,
<br /> threateneci releaee or diepa�sal of Hffizardaus M�terials by any
<br /> pergon on �he Property prior to transfer of titl� thereto �y
<br /> �3-
<br />