......., ..�.o..�..,m,...:;:,;,. .
<br /> . ., .-,�;,r���e.
<br /> . .,..
<br /> ,:,.r.....,*w�+�e�+atwx-�r . _ _ __ _.
<br /> .L::'DFT::'t�'��_"}'L:lC':.. '::t�� . � - -
<br /> - �.......:_,_. '----- --'--'----°---°--°_- ----
<br /> � �� ���� _--�
<br /> Ze) '�he aa�].e, Cxnn�lnr, `'ASaiga�mesnt, sanvey-
<br /> enc� ar furth�r oncumbrenoa nf A].3 �►r any paxt of Ar
<br /> �ny inter�+e� in tha� �xap�r�y, either vol�rn�arily or
<br /> � �.nvoluz,tari.l�. wi�hout khe expreae wxittan �oa�aex►t a� r
<br /> X�endar.
<br /> il. ReYaedie$ Accelerai:ion U on DefA�xl�. xn �he eventi
<br /> of any Event o . De au t, Lan Ar may. w t ou nnt Ge+� e�agpt ae
<br /> requ�.red by ].aM, dsalAre All indabtedn�sn A�scured hereby tc be
<br /> due nnd paymble and the atune ehal]. �here�po���be�cX m����Q �����y
<br /> pay�,ble �tithout mny preaent�nt, de�m+�dl. P
<br /> kind. Thexeafter, Lend�r mmy:
<br /> (aj De�and thmt Tru,�tae exeraiea the POi1SR
<br /> p�' SAL$ granted herein� anii �xustea �hatl thereaftes
<br /> cauee Borrower's in�erest in the Property to be eold
<br /> as�d t?:e Qr�ceeds �c� be dietributed� all in �he manner
<br /> ��pvi c�.r�A i�, ��� Nebra�ka Txu�t Deede Aatt
<br /> � (1�� Exerai�se any end a11 riqhts pxovided far
<br /> in any o� th�a Lonn Y�a�trum�nts or b�+ l�►w ugon� oocur-
<br /> . rena:� of aa7y Even� of De�ault� and
<br /> �;�� :� � (G8 �arnmence an mction to foxeclose this
<br /> Deed of Tr�x�,� as a mortgaqe. �appaint �n receiv�r, ar
<br /> • �; �" • � speci#icalZy enforce any of t.�te covenants he�eof.
<br /> �' � :� rp��, ��ere3n confaxx��!c��upan or rsaerved to Trustae or 7.e�nder
<br /> � ?��� ,
<br /> r -. ._..«�,.
<br /> . ��c�;".intex��ed to b� �exalug�[ve of any atheac xeareay �ereii� i;� z,a
<br /> �,;�!:;iti�ri Instru�aen��:.<"���, by law pravided ar per�aittecl, bnt eaah shall
<br /> :�a�g::,;4t�nut�,t��ive, �.�a�i�;l be i,n addi�ian �o every� ather re�edy q3ve�a
<br /> . , .' �.:, , .,}��,����r�'�x:.�.n the ;b,�tian 2b��rwnents or nan� or h�arenfter existirzg a� .
<br /> ��,�•. . .
<br /> `,,,,..::.:.:�.:';��,;`;�C�{td�.:,��."-�a� •�quity,-;ar. by. s�atute, and �ay be exercised conc�r- :
<br /> � ,:,{:,�" :::`t;:�.}Za;��:y, ��4rndepe+na.eaeitiy or. suvicess3vAly.
<br /> :�+''",
<br /> ,;,.., :�,� .;.,.
<br /> '.' � i2. rustea.. The Trusxee may resign at nnX tine with- . ..,
<br /> aut ca�naa, and n er ma�r.� a� eny tiine nnd Nithnut cau�e appoint s
<br /> a�iccasaor or subetitute ��*N�rustee. Trustee sha12 nat be linble to
<br /> ��:�r party, includinq, Kithout limita�tion, Lendez, Borro�r or sm1►
<br /> `.in�cchasez o� the Property, Eor any loas or dawnqe unless due to �
<br /> � �.� �klees or.MilYt�n�'� mis�onduat, a�nd shall noC be rerquire�d to take
<br /> �:�� ;•
<br /> � any aa�iQn 3�n �oifx�ectia�i ;wi�h the en�orce�ue+nt of thia Deed og �,,:;,,.
<br /> Tr.ust urnl�ss indmnni.�`�eii�tt'�:�n. �rri.ting. for a11. costs, carpensation .',�;:':;;1,
<br /> ar expeni�es whi.c.�i��;it1m�''��+'�'�' associated thoreWith. 2n addition� `_,,,`,�r,
<br /> � �ruat�w n�y be+�i�i��';.�,::;�araria►aer �tt afly eal�, of the Praperty �,.,:
<br /> . , ;.3u�diaial or ur,k��4�.:;�:'�;�i;,'�?arer of sale graatec�� hrrein) t 1��tPoae �,..
<br /> �f�,'` the sa�� ��of al�.� ��!o'�"';.�i�� ;'�!�Prtion o� the Propmr.ty�� a�� �x�a�!v#.ded b� .,:;..;;,,,
<br /> �:';,.. ,
<br /> �.,.�,r��f.
<br /> laa� or �sell the. �i1`d�l�Y.'��di" A�t a r►hole. or in �aepara�t� �a�aels ar ... .,,;...�-.:,.
<br /> ��'4:�ta. ;:ti`�, . ' `/ . � . ';';1','•
<br /> .;,:,. . �� � • .
<br /> .,:r.,:�.•,, i. �, ,. •• , ,.
<br /> .�;;•;;�, 13. ��`` �a ar►d Bx ense:�.,� � Yn the event Trnstes selle t�ie�'• ' '��.
<br /> � �rogs�cty by exere se o po�+er o�' sale, Txustee �hall ba ent�tled c.'�;;��,
<br /> to npply ar�y ,�e�le p.roceeds fixs� to payiaen� of atl. coesta and �,:,,;�t•
<br /> .'���•,�:�,- � ,;;rexpe�neea o� �ee�-oiaing pawer of eAle, inaZudinq a�13. Trust+ee'a , .
<br /> �' " ���;l��aes a��eaally ��,i�.,�urred. In the event Horrow�x exeraidee any
<br /> " .����righti pxovid�3' :����� law to cure an �:veut of Defau�t, E,ender sha11.
<br /> � be enti.t3.ed t4 recovex fxom Borr.ower all coste and expensea
<br /> � � aatualr.�` incurred as a. x�sult of Borrower's default, inaluding,
<br /> � withou��.;�:imitation, alA� '�r�ustee's and attorney's fees, 3n tho
<br /> :;.�iaxi�►u�e �ou�nt allowecl by �a��r. . I�n addition, in the evant of each
<br /> ����ench cuxe. Lender shn�l bm entis�3.ec1 ta a reina�ateana�nt �ee ot Ones
<br /> _ :t�nndrad_and �iQ114Q Uo�1�1rs �#IOU.OQ) .
<br /> 19. Ihiture Adv�ncee, Upon requesx of HorxoK�r, �,ande�
<br /> mxy, at i�Cs opt on, raa � ad�itional and future advances and
<br /> re�-advances to BorraWer. S�.ch advancea sncl readvances, wtth
<br /> in�ereat therean, sha1l be seaured b� thia O�eed of Truet. at no
<br /> time ehall thp principal amount ot ��e ind�sbt�dnee�s secured by
<br /> �h�s beed of Trust, �a� incl.Ud�.ng swn� ac]vanae�l to �rotect �he
<br /> eocur�tiy af thie� 13eeci �f Trust, excaed the ozigfn�l prinaipal
<br /> �ount ��.ated h�refr►.
<br /> -5-
<br />