•pt _ �^.. :,,,,:•r�.�. . . ;:�� _ '� ..
<br /> :iS�ei�•:::.`�i�MM'et�r. ._ . . .
<br /> � •7�;�� � •�St':c . .__-- .. .. . . . -. _ _
<br /> ,Z. ��3.:.. ____._._.:-..—.____"__. _
<br /> Thi� Aead of Tru�t shell �eaures �� ��4��
<br /> �a) The payment o# th� prfncipax sum nnd interee�
<br /> eE�ic��•nz�e� lh,► ��r,��HPr,�rs �a��eLxaci.�.czn Line of Credi.t
<br /> Uraw NA��a dated .tun• 11 , 19 96 , hav�ng d
<br /> mAeurity dnti� af � 1 ,�n the oriq�.nal
<br /> p�'irt��.pal amounti o Ei ht Thouo,�n an No/100---�---Dollarg
<br /> (�80.OU0.00 ) , �nd any dn r� . moa��at one, ex�tensione�
<br /> an xenRwa o thexeot �nx th�retn n�d any dnd all fut:ar.e
<br /> adva�r�c�s and readvdncee herec�ndar pureannt to ane or.
<br /> more praaai�sary notea or credit agreer�snts (haretn
<br /> aalled "Note") l�
<br /> (Ia) ThQ paymAnt of othor Bum�a advanaed by Lender
<br /> �a p���sact the secnrity o� the Hatel �
<br /> (e� Th� gerfo�:tanecs of all oa�ven�nt�s �r�d �gree--
<br /> ments of Sorro�er eet for�n :iereir.r �:.�.
<br /> (d) �ill. �.ndebt�dr�ase and ablf.qat3ons o£ Borrawez.
<br /> to Lender whe.the�c dir�nct, indizect, abaoluta c�r cr�n�
<br /> tfz�q�nt and �v;�ether ar?�sl.n�3• �ny note, quarar��y�. over-
<br /> draft or a�va��Be advanced for the pu.rpos� n� mak3ng
<br /> f�aprcavementa� �o the real estate hes�3�nabave deserihed.
<br /> �� .i�-��s, and any and all �ther doc�i�ents that secure
<br /> the��i�L�ta or other�►i8e executed in ac�nhection thex'dr►i�h,
<br /> � inaluding, Without limitatfon, guarantees, sacurity ���`��:
<br /> �`' ; �vo..o�,�..� �.,a ,.�ri�ns,w�►tiR o:� lensr�e and renta, eha11
<br /> . �_�.�_�_� �----
<br /> � be ref�err�d ta herein t�s the ,'"�f.�aan, 3;x�stru�aents."
<br /> . .
<br /> �:�'.' Borroxer, tq.,�rotecL tlxa a�+,,'�1tir�.���',?'�'�a�;:�his Ac�ed af Trua�. , ,
<br /> , �
<br /> �p��ternsnts and ag�±�f2�e �a3th Lender;�,�s"�����:�7k�ok�#: ,,. .,��, ..
<br /> , ,.. ..
<br /> ,, _ . . : : ��::.:;`�... . .,
<br /> � :`.,.. � .,-�.� Pa�`ytaent o� Princi����1"��l�i���'s'x;�iterest. � Hc�rrover sha1���;:<.
<br /> Fr�+P�lY^3�Y �►hen n� pr�nc pi a�-�� ��i�nterest on, ernd nny •
<br /> fets Qr ��t�rgas provided in, the l�iotce c►r�zn thia Deed at T�uet.
<br /> �. Title. Borcc�wer ia the o�rn�r of the Proper.ty nr,d; ,
<br /> has the right a nuthqri�y to CQnvey the Property.
<br /> ,,;:��,;���:. 3. Ta�xeet Ass�aemente. Exeept ahen they ���:•:��on- � ,.
<br /> ,�,���' t�ate� in qc�od a� t , to pn"�`�en du�e al]. taxes, speci��;:;,a�`,�srsss?,�,..
<br /> mmnts and n1I crt.�er charqes againat tihe Proper�y and, upon ,:�. �.,,-
<br /> � Mritten de�nd �r..�:�,ender,. to pay to x.e.rnder such tr�aan�: as .�y t�s►-�'��
<br /> erufificfer�l�.,�a.R:��ib�e the S,ender to pay ��h taxee, a�,ase�,�ent�a ar
<br /> s.,,,r.
<br /> othar cK+���s as theg become due. `� •'��� ��,.,�
<br /> ,,.,
<br /> ., �,,;�,:�ti ��;,'�:
<br /> 4. Inautranc�. A� th� beqinn3.nq of con.stnYCtion ar
<br /> renovation �f h�.�� to keep the Pro�exty ia�aurecl nqainest
<br /> da4aiage hy fir+e, h�aza�d�;'�:'ixialuc�e� vrithf�., the term "��z�:�;:xisk •
<br /> , ''', �.' covarage", an�d such o�n��� haznxds �s L�under may req����:;� in
<br /> .r .,.
<br /> a�mca�unt� a�d rr3.th ca�ana��s acasptnble to i,�nder, inc�.�i��.�nq a
<br /> s�andard mcr�gagee clau�ae witt� lo�s pay�ble to the Len3ero In
<br /> ca�ce .of loss unde�r o�tch pc�liciee, the I,ender ia auth�rized tv :;.�,,
<br /> t�8 juat, .!��allect and aonrpromaiae alt ala3.tas thereunder �d ahal]C �'��,
<br /> � ha�ve th��:ct�tiion o� npplying all or par� Q�'. th� ine�xrance�. proceede 't�� �'
<br /> (i) to Any ind�bicedness seaured h�reby ��nd 3n such cx�i'e.r as
<br /> ° Lender may de�ernaine. (ii) to tho Horrower to be used for the
<br /> repair or xcata�c�i:ion of the Property or (fii) for any nthQr
<br /> � purpose or object sratisfaatory t� I�ender Withmnt aff�ating the
<br /> I ,::��:'. Iien nf thie rieed of Trust for ths full �aant secured hareby
<br /> . � . . . . _ t���o. �� navment aver.tnak nlace. Pln�t A1�II��3�CA��4ri af pracc►adu .
<br /> to indcbtedness t�hall not extend ox• pnstpane the due c�ate af any �
<br /> pe�yntien'Gs under �he Note, or aure anY clef�ialt ther�under ur hexe-
<br /> under.
<br /> S, Maintenanas Re airs a�nc� Com lianc� �ith �.aWS.
<br /> �3orrnwer ah��.l ee� t e Property n g�� con t on an repa rt
<br /> shall pramptly repd3.r or rep].aae any fmprov�ment wh3.ctn me�y be
<br /> damaged or der►troyed= shall not comaa�t or psrmit any waste ox
<br /> d�terior�ti�n of the Propextyt eh+��l not reir.ove, demolish or
<br /> gubstantially al�er any of �e improveraPnts on the P�roper�y�
<br /> ahall �nat cwroaait, auffer or permit any nat to be clnne i.n or upon
<br /> �2-
<br /> _ _ _ _
<br /> __ _
<br />