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<br /> s. e.�ei�e n.�ee�i�L�a.o�Eono�et ah�ii tap tbe.im�va�s now wn�g or ee�aiter aectea co t�e _
<br /> pmpe�ty iasu�at saai�t loss by fire,tiva�ds included within tLe t�ecm,'extended ooverage'and amy other haz�itds.inciudnog . . .
<br /> floodc ar tioadiag.fa whic6�.adec�qa�es�r�oe.T6is insutanoe sGall be�ned in the amoonts aad far the periods
<br /> - •• ------` --- . . . .�.;���n�.�l�bech�+.cenl�Bomntaretsu6.Iect to I.eudcr'�vat
<br /> --— - __ svh'sdi 56a11 not be unn�oRably withheld.IB BotmwEr�fail9[o�R+aintain oovtrdge described above;Leader may:�- —
<br /> aption,dxain.caverage tQpmtect i.eader's dglus in tha F�?oBF.�1��!��°�W'�'�7. .
<br /> Atl iasmana poticies a��eacwals sbaiL•be aoapt�T�f�t�R,�ttaF aad shalt inctude a standard mortgage clwse. Lender
<br /> _ shall havc ti�right tQ hold.�Palicies and reqewAls.If.Ie�d4�:�?�Es.Bortawer shall prnmptly give w Ixader al1 rxeipts af
<br /> Paid Q�emita�and renaw,tl aooices.Ic:t6e event ofs�oss..$�►'�r,shalT give prompt notice to tl+.e insman�e�a�t).e�der.
<br /> I,ender zaay maice proof of toss if mc made'p{�vnt�T�i�by��is�s=. ..•:�`:�=�.:
<br /> Un[ess.t��ai�d.B�ot�.�a?.er-�a$cea-+ni� .wa',ii��.�'"�i��rooadsshailbeapptied:�,�storationoriepairof�•.
<br /> ;-. .�
<br /> pnopertY daa�g�i;.-.�+t�o.tfesfoxatior�,a.feg�i�:��rtomii�;���a.snder's security is�T.�...,�set'�ed.If tl�e restoration o�
<br /> i�ir is not;�aiiiically:fea�a'Qle�on�[�nder's sec.�rity wov:��r��:the insu�gzope�<:s�iait!�e applied to the sums.
<br /> spaitied bX,t6ia,Socurity�,Iastr.untaitJ�whethe�or not tben�due. with aay exces paid-ta Borrower. If Bornnwu abandons ffie
<br /> Property.ar:ddes:nq�answ�i,vv�thtn 3U days a notice from Lsnder d�at the insarance carrier 6as offead to s�ark a ctaim,ttxn
<br />�- I.enJer ma�r>cplt'i�Ct,u1e insura�se Proaeds. Le�er may use the proaoods to repair or restorc t2�e Prupercy+ or to pa�r snd�s
<br /> sewrod by thie�S�writY lnurumrnt.wheth�x or not tt�en due.'ft�e 3Q-day Ixriod wiil begin wheqthe aotice is givea. ,
<br /> � Untess LtMer and Bomnwer otherwise agroc in wriang. any applicatio�nf proceeds to pn'ncipat"si�ail nat extend or
<br /> _- posipone.the due date of the monthty paYments refer�i to in pa�agraphs 1 and 2 or change Uie amoum of the payments.If �
<br />"ty w�de�Qaragr�ph 21 the Propetty is arquired by l.ender.Borrowet's right to any insnrance poticies and praceeds resutting from
<br /> = Mmsae to the Pt+apcn}pcior to�Ae�cquisitian shall pus to Lender to the eatent af the sumssecured 6y this Security tnsttutpet�t
<br />- - inunediatety priar tn the aaryisition. ---
<br />_ _ i.Occrpurcy.HYSecvatloa.11LfMea�ce�nd PriofecNon ot the Pe»pertq;Bareo�ve�s ta�tr Applia�tlon:La�sc�otds. __--
<br /> . Barowe�stu�it occupy.eswblish.and use the!'ropeRY�+Borrower's pri�.`ipal residence within sixty dsys after the eaxution of =_--
<br /> '- this Security Instrumera atd shatl cantinuc to oocupy the Ptopeny as Bo�wer's principal rcsidettce for at least one year after. -----
<br /> tht date of accupancy,unless Lender ahenvise agrees in writir►�,which co�uent shalt not be unre,asonably withhetd.ar unless
<br /> e�ou�iag circu�tances exist arhich are beyand Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not destro dataa e or i r the ���--
<br /> Y• S � ��_:.-�
<br /> � Property.altow the Property to deteriorate,ar commic waste on the Property. Borcower shall be in defaalt if airy forfeiture • ::s:���;�
<br /> a�xian or pmceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begua that in I.endcr s gaod faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the :.,<.�•�f,.
<br /> ` Piroperty or otherwise materially impair the lien ereaseA�y this Security lnstramenc or Lender's serurity►imerest.Borrower may r_.��,;�:?
<br /> cure sucb a default and reinstate.as provided in Qaragraph I S.by causing the acti�.�nr praceeding to be dismisse�with a raI'c�g `�-.���t..;�
<br /> � �:�� ,�_'.'�: �
<br /> ' that. in Lender's ga�d faith detertnination, precludes forfeiture of the Bocrawer's interest in the Property or ather�._: �•� .,j�,..
<br /> ;` impairment of tlie lien cmated by this Security Instrument or Leader's secariry interest. Borrower shalt also be in defaaTt if�
<br /> � '''� - Borrower�dar"s�g the Ioan application process,gave materially false oc inatc�rate informatian or statements ta Lender(or faz�ec� '
<br /> -:z ' �
<br /> to pro�ride I�ender with any materia!infom�atian)in connection wi+tt�Fic toan evidenced by the Note.inctuding,bat not limited .
<br />.. � �"��. :. to ' ns concemin Bomower's occupancy of the Praperty as a principa4 residence.If this Securiry Instcument is on a �;��;�
<br />� � ,��' leaseholr��owec shall campty with all the pravisions of the [�se. Tf Borrower acqnires fee title to the Property, dze �..�.;.,.-,��
<br /> .. - ��� '�� : leasehald andthe fee title sball nat merge unless l.endcr agcees to t6e merger in writing. �.�� �:; � ��°
<br /> �-'�.?= 7.P�oteclioa ot I.entkr's Wghts in the Pmperty.I6 Sonower fails to perform the covenants and agrecmenGa contained in +
<br /> ,:.;.._ . � ' ``" ` ':�':
<br /> ' this Security:instrument,or there is a 1ega1 proceeding that may significantly affr.et I.ender's rights in the Propetiy (such as a r. �`-���
<br /> ;��-'s,,�t:. : ,sx-
<br /> . � proceeding in baakruptcy.prabate,for candemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws,or regulations).then I.ender may do and �";; . �
<br /> ' ' pay far wf�atever is necessary to prutect tBe value af the Prope�ty and•Lender's rights in the Property. l.ender's actions may - -�_
<br /> ' include payin� aay sums secured by a lien which has priority over thu Security Iastniment. appearing in court. pa}zag �" '_
<br />�`� reasonable ar:or_s�,�s'fees and entering on the Propeny to make repai�s:Althou�Lender may tntce actian n�ter this paragraph - ��`'�"
<br /> , ,``t�r>��`<-��r= 7.l.ender does nat have to cto so. �� �
<br /> ; � � } N �-��_.
<br /> ��'"'' '���` �`��'� Any amounts disbucsed by L.ender under this paragraph 7 �'hal� f�eco:ne add�ional debt af Botrower secured by this ^ ' •-°°�'
<br />� . y�5 `_-.:�'. `:. � --_—
<br /> ��_��,:_:
<br /> Security Ins�rument.Untess Bonower and Lender agree to other ter�ns of payment.the�e amounts tihall hear interest fram the � r ` ��`�`
<br /> �^� .� �` ,d sf date of disbnrsement at the Note rate and shall be payablc. with interest. upon notice From Lender to Borrower reyuesting '.. , �'=-
<br /> . . , �; ,.• ;
<br /> paymcnt. , : -�-°�`�r
<br /> 8.Mortgs�ge lnsurance.lf Lender required mortgage in.curance us a canditiun of making the laan secured by this Security � . . � 'y�,�,�,,_
<br />� � - fistrumeat. S�rrower shall pay the premiums requircd tv maintaia she mortgage insurance in effect. Jf, for any reason. the s�, • . ' ;—�
<br /> . � .�,�� :• mortgage nr�su�ance coverage repuiral by Lender tapses or ceases ta be in effect. Borrawcr shall pay the premiums requir�ci to a.- • ' �`�:: -
<br /> '` +��, obtain covee�substantially equivatent t�the martgage insurance prwiausly in Mfec�.at a cost substantially equivalent to ihe f� .�''-
<br /> ,�:<,..r.:#,.
<br /> � ":.,-„.., ._. , L, cost to Borroever oP the mortgage insamnce previously in effect,from an altemate martg�ge insurcr approved by Lender. If �'
<br /> '"'""°"' "' ' substantialfy cquivalent mortgage insurance cnverage is nne availabte.Borrower shall pay to l.cnder e:�rh manth a sum equa}to `� . .
<br /> � �:��;+°,•°, •��'�=� ` ane-twelftdt af tho ycarly mongage insurance premiam being paicf by Bonowcr whcn thc inyurance caverage Is�psed or ccased to � ,
<br /> '� `,,;,���;�.°.� be in effect.Gender wil)accept.use and retein thc�e paymertts ac s tnvs rescrvc in lieu ��f mon�age insurance. Loss reserve ; • ,
<br /> _ `.� Fam 3028 9,90 • „ •
<br /> ;�._.�: `, . . ..
<br /> • .�;.. . vago�of 8 � .
<br /> ::.�s_ i� . . .
<br /> - • _�;Qr✓ i.:. i .
<br /> ' � '3'+�.n ' I � ' .
<br /> . �'�,i!-:-j:�.�. _. a•
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