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<br /> _ . ' Z+oc��R wm��u m�im�n�i�v a t�a�r a�eaea«�:tLe p�opa�ty ana au a�mm�.�pa�amo�,•od :
<br /> fi�nun�a m�v or•irrafter a �t of the propat}►. Ail tepl�oann�.s wd additiaas s6a11 also 6e oaveved 6y this Sau�itj►
<br /> imtinaQeat.AU of the fore�in�i�refei�d w ia d�is Securiry Instn�Yc the"Pc�npaty-' .. `
<br /> _ -- _-__----==BS]nRAL�31�'.!'� � ' - �Y�a�6��:tt�eriabt w graat 9!!a =-- -----
<br />- _- - _ _
<br /> wmrey ti�e P�nperty a�I ttiat tbe P�npecty ic um�ata�tiaed:acapt for enaim6rana5 of neooN: Bo�wcr warraags ud will :
<br /> -- &fa�d generaity the dtle w�e�P-topb-rty a��f1 ci�ims and dem�ds.-svb}`a-F'�u�nY e�cumbr.u�af rt�r�:-- - -
<br /> THIS SECURTfY INS7'ALiMENT oom6ines aniform cavepants for natioa�t uso and aaqratifvcm�mvrnants with limited
<br /> variations by jurisdicGon to coastimte a uniform seiarity inctma�ent mvering n�l pmpertY• . 4�. ..° : .
<br /> UMFORM OOYENANTS.Borrowet aad I�ender wva�nt aad agree as foUows: -:°.�"`;.=,'��:-
<br /> 1. Plnynrst d Prtaipt asd Inta'est;Prepaymmt aad Late�C6ar�CS. Ba�mwez'-<�.�PP�P�Y PsY whm doe the
<br /> Wi�i�il of and intetat on the debt eviQenaedbl►thc Nnte and an}t,P��ent and late�?a?��:��?inder dx Notc.
<br /> 2.�Fu�ds tor Taus sad�-Subject ta.�pP{its�bl�if�c►},on:tv;a.wxitt�,wa�e���er,Borrower shall pay w .
<br /> -- Ir.ndri on tT�day�r Payusctits�dae umlet thpNutes•imtiTthe;TVnte,is�cin�fir�a���:`•"�t?�s"}for.+{a?Y�Y tues
<br /> wd�v�fiicb ariy aitain pi�o�f�r,ov�iiuc,S�cu�ri+�i;�tc'amatit,:�,�.�t"w�Dn���'3Pe-�'::k�'���lease�wtd pa}mamts
<br /> ait�nd t�nts cm the��,t£ai►F-��ckjiR�t�<1�rar+d onQr�iF:�jt'��i��`��?�e?�t��"iris�uance premiuu�s•
<br /> , ;i�a��:;f,�'e 94ar1}�,a�oit�a,g.e�ra?c�[a��p�emiums,if any:and.f#1�'sums payabte•b}r-.�ii�'rer ta tendcr,in.acaardance with
<br />-� ' " tbEg��-of�ti 8.=in:�ie'ii of-tGe payment of mortgago.insaranoe preminms.T6cse itean are caUad"Escnow Iums.'
<br />:°z�:
<br />;c�. I,eoder may.at anl��t�me,coAoct and hotd Funds ia an amount nat to excoed the ma�imum�amount.a tender for.a fedemily ,
<br /> -. `. nlatod martgage toan.may requirt far Botrawer's escmw aocow�t w�der thlrfedetal Rea!FsYate Setttement Pracedares Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601�t scq. t"RE4PA'!.u��anott�er lawr that applies to the FuMs
<br />- sets a ksser amoant. If so. Lender may.at any time.caltece and hold Funds in an amaunt nESt to ezcevd the tesser nmoum. _ _-
<br /> - Le�dcr may estimue the amount of Funds due on the b�5ig.�f curnent dat�Qnd�icpna6le Gscimatey of expcnditurcs af futwc _ ___
<br /> Fscrow Items ar pthenvise in 3ccardance with appticabk I�w. , __=
<br /> � " 7'he fiundc r�ll be heid in an in�tiatii►n whene deposits are insurod by n federal agency. in�trumenlatity. or entity =-_
<br /> - �- (inctuding Lendcr.if l.cr�ler i�such an institution►ar in oay Fcdrral Nome i,n�n Bank.I.CIidCt SA:1II:I�Iy IIK F'Ulldi tA p1y fIM --� �--
<br /> t•-: �srruw Itemw. Lendcr may�t cTuuge B�rroKCr fc�r hulding and appiying the Funds.annualty anatyzi�g tha eccrcr�v acciwnt,ar -`�'����_
<br /> :_ . ve�ifyin�thC��w Items.unless lx�xter papti Rnnuwer interect con tht Funds and appticabte law perrniG.lxnder m make auch �'��,.+'..�:':
<br /> ' T � a charge. However,[.eader may reyuire 6oirc►wer to pay a ane-time charge fur an independent real e�tat�tax rcparting service � -
<br /> � r � uscd by Lender in connectian with this loan, untess applicablc law pmvidcs e�therwise. Unless an agceemcnt is made or .. -
<br /> -- �° . applicable taw cequires interest ta bc paid.l.ender tihall nat be tequircd to pay Bacmwer any interest or carnings on the Funds. . - .-.-
<br /> �' Barcower and I.endet may agree in writing,hawever.that intore.st shall be paid an the Funds. I.ender shall give t�:Bormwer. � . _
<br /> � . . :' without charge.an annua!accounting af the Funds.showin��credits and debits to the Fuads and ehe purpose far••which each ':,�:•,:r_:� _ -
<br /> �`, debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are ptedged as additianal r,erurity for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. �»:��=r°:: _
<br /> �`�,�. �, . . .
<br /> t " � ; If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amaunts permitted to 6e held by appiicable law.Lender sfuudl account to Bomower ° �`::':�,""'_,-_ _
<br /> 5
<br /> `: for the excess Funds in accoidance with the reqairements of upplicabla law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by Lendec at any "'�"'°�'`;;=_-
<br /> . � _ :,��.:Lk...'=,��:;-..
<br /> _�� " time is not svtficient to pay the Escrow Items cvhen due,l.ender may so notify Barrower in writing.and.in sueh ease Bortower y�; - ,. .,`'-
<br />� . ' :: l�� . shall pay to lxnded the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bnrrawer chall make up the deficiency in no more than :. �
<br /> .;�. ;�v:
<br /> ��:.����.=-;,� tweive monthly payments,at l.ender's sote di.ccretion. :�y:r;?,�� • yP;
<br /> ,� •�:
<br /> ' �%�;�;,-;��::�;,a, . '. Upon payment in full of all sums secaned isy this Serurity ]nsccumrnt4,l,ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any ;_- ::
<br /> � � � ` � Funds held by Lender.lf,under parugraph 2}.Lender shAlLttcquira or seil the Pcoperty.Lender,prioc i�Ihn acquisition or sale <<,:��± . , �r��
<br /> �,�. . .
<br />' �-J`'.=,�,.� �,� af the Praperty.shall apply any�unds hetd by ixnder at�he time of•acquisition or sale as a credit agaun�the sums secured by ;���;:;,�r..,�,; �_;
<br /> . • :, �,,��,,.
<br /> {;.:"�''."��� this Security Instrument. `�' �� -
<br /> , ,,?:.x. �;.'• ; 4:;u%fi's '" .�;
<br /> , ;�;v;
<br /> , • �� 3.Applkption ot Payments.Unless applirable law pravides otherwise.all paymcnis reeeivecf by I,ender under paragraphs ��•��s'::�:�. __
<br /> � y ��¢�"`� f and Z shall be apptied: �rst,ta any prepayment charges dua undcr the'.4�te;second.to amounts�ayahFe under paragraph 2; " ,t�� � .'.'• �;�.,_
<br /> •___=--, � �' . -
<br /> `�.r :`- third.to interest dua:fourth,to principal dua:and last.to any late charg�e�ue under the Note. � � : ;,. ',. ��-
<br /> "�� 4.Charges;l.lens.Borrower shall pay aU taxes.assessments.charges. Gnes and impositions attributable to the Property , " '-
<br /> , ,,_,.;.. .. , ,
<br /> �.�,,..
<br />� � •il�;��,;.�'.r.,:.x,; � which may attain priority over this Secudry Insirument. and leasehald payments or gmund rents, if any. Barrawcr shall pay e' -`.`��• �:.• • t_
<br /> ;�..��::°�',::; �
<br /> � .; . ';- ..�•y: these obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy E, �._;, ; -�
<br /> T �' to the person�we�payment.9onawcr tihall promptiy fumish to Lender alt natices of amounts to be paid u t i der t his paragrap h. �. �� `-`_
<br /> . �.,, ,�::' �'
<br /> If Bonawer makes these paymen�4 directly.Bosrawer shall promptty fumish ta l.ender receipts evidencins tt�e payments. Y. : ' . '��:_
<br /> � j �'�-�'4''� � Borrawer shall pramptly discharge any 9ie�j c�9ich has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borcawet:(a)agrees i4 ;.;;:. . -�-
<br /> . _�; Y-�t.'... .�._y_..
<br /> �.i.��l�'�.5�1� ..
<br /> t _,.��a ,. writiag to the payment oi ihe obligation secured 3y the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender.(b1 contests in goad faith the lien ".`.;:';�:,.'.
<br /> ,r,L<.. ;��;:;t:,
<br /> � ��;�`�:�•,���'� by. or defends against enforcement af the �ien�in, tegal praceedings which in the i.ender'v opinion operate to prevent the , .
<br /> , - � enforcement of the tien:or(c)secures from tha hulder of the lien�n agreement�atisfactory to Lendev subordinating the lien to ...
<br /> � � this Securiry Insarument. If Lender determines that any part af the Pruperty is subject to a lien which r.�ay attain pdority over ' ;.:•.,.,:• "
<br /> ' : this Security lnstrument.Lendor may give Bnnowcr�nrnice identiPying the tien. Bonowcr shall satisfy the lien ar tnke one ot '
<br /> rt,,,.;,,,,;_.. ..= moro of tho actions set fottb abave within 10 duy�oi the giving of notice. ' .:
<br /> � , - � ' oo�+3oza s�so
<br />� "_��� `.. Vapo 2 ot 8 .
<br /> ~ .. . R .
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